Hearne: Scribe Charts Walt Bodine’s KCUR Years

walt-bodineJust how relevant was the Walt Bodine of the past 30 years?

Outside of a handful of aging Boomers and NPR listeners from the arts and academia worlds – not very, says Stanford & Sons main man Craig Glazer.

“I was never a fan of his,” Glazer says. “I never thought he was cool or sharp or anything – he just existed. I only cared about him because I got to be on his show.” Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 40 Comments

Starbeams: Drunk Driving in Westport, Elephant Herpes & ‘Ungoogleable’

dm_130225_nfl_manti_addresses_media_help_hurtA bunch of guys wearing skirts spent the day at the Supreme Court hearing on whether or not states can ban same-sex marriage?


The Irish town of Kilgarvin has legalized drunk driving….or as we call it in Westport – DRIVING.

******* Continue reading

Posted in Starbeams | 1 Comment

Hearne: KC’s LaCrosse a Wanker by Any Other Name

harry-treadaway-and-luke-treadaway-in-over-there-by-mark-ravenhill-2-1What’s in a word?

Plenty if you happen to speak French. Which is why when Buick debuted its 2005 LaCrosse all heck broke out among our French speaking neighbors to the north.

Because in French, “LaCrosse”  translates into – to use polite terms – “self love.”

Which brings us to GM’s announcement yesterday that the improved 2014 LaCrosse will be assembled at its Fairfax plant in KCK.

A little history. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 6 Comments

Hearne: The Truth, Whole Truth & Nothing But About Hot Springs

IMG_2267Ever heard of something called The Bathhouse Era?

Me neither. Until I rambled down to Hot Springs, Arkansas this past weekend in search of something that resembled a Spring Break kiddie getaway.

Was I in for surprise. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher, Uncategorized | 12 Comments

Hearne: Sandstone Knocks One Out with Mumford & Sons ‘Invitation’

mumford-and-sons1-1Face it, things haven’t been the same at the outdoor amphitheater known as Sandstone since Live Nation pulled the plug several years back and the title sponsor went from powerhouse Verizon to relatively puny Cricket.

Must see alt rock shows: Remember The Killers in May 2009?

That’s the last one I recall knocking my socks off.

Until now… Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 2 Comments

Donnelly: Sporting Battle New England, Weather, to 0-0 Draw

Sporting Kansas City
battled its way to a second straight 0-0 draw over the weekend, this time at the New England Revolution, extending the team’s shutout streak to 249 minutes.

It wasn’t pretty.  But it was especially ugly for the home squad who didn’t even register a shot until the second half, and ended the game without a single shot on target.  That doesn’t happen very often. Continue reading

Posted in Matthew_Donnelly, Sporting_Kansas_City, Sports | 3 Comments

Hearne: The Sad, Awful Truth About Broadcaster Walt Bodine

WaltBodineFriends, radio listeners, fellow party types…

I come here to bury Walt Bodine, not to praise him. The evil that men do – especially media types – lives on long after them, while the good is often obfuscated.

So I won’t bore you with yet another rehash of the deceased broadcaster’s life story or try and make it sound as if Bodine spent the last 30 years on public radio station KCUR FM kicking butt and taking names.

Clearly he did not. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 54 Comments

Hearne: ‘Hogified’ in Hot Springs

Sad-Arkansas-Fan1-400x282“I got a buddy who says, you can’t come to Arkansas without getting ‘hogified.'”

Overheard at the most disorganized Starbucks I’ve ever seen  in Hot Springs, Arkansas.

Yep, it’s Spring Break and I’m living large in the land of the broke.

I’ll lay down more specifics when the smoke clears, but for now I want to share some first impressions lest any of you stumble down here with gross misconceptions about the land of Mountain Valley Water.

You know, like I did. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 10 Comments

Starbeams: Top 5 Ways to Know You’ve Had Too Much Coffee Ale

images-1Boulevard Brewing has teamed with The Roasterie to present Coffee Ale, for a limited release...

To Wit: The Top 5 Ways to Know You’ve Had Too Much Coffee Ale:

#5.  The best part of waking up is having no idea where you are.

#4.  You’re ready to close down a Starbucks.

#3.  You have a buzz, yet, you’re alert enough to avoid ugly chicks. Continue reading

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Carousel_203_1363101537Take a big, classic musical like Rodgers and Hammerstein’s CAROUSEL (now thru April 6  at KC Rep). Get rid of the pretty period clothes, the handsome scenery, and most of the musicians…

Add some grit, compliments of local theater trailblazers Rusty Sneary and Kyle Hatley, the artists behind Crossroads
area theater company The Living Room. Play the whole thing in the round, so the actors are literally in your face, and you’ve
got KC Rep’s hip “new” musical hit.

This ain’t your grandma’s CAROUSEL. Continue reading

Posted in Mark Edelman | Leave a comment


hunt_ira_205x235“We fundamentally try to collect everything and hang onto it forever.”

Ira “Gus” Hunt
Chief Technology Officer- Central Intelligence Agency

In a stunning episode of candor, Mr. Hunt, while speaking at GigaOM’s
Structure Data Conference in New York City this week admitted that the CIA is collecting EVERYONE’S videos, text messages, tweets, voice males,
phone calls and more. And that they’re doing this data collection intentionally!

Here are a couple more chilling quotes from Mr. Hunt’s speech: Continue reading

Posted in David Scott Whinery | 7 Comments

Jack Goes Confidential: Gerard Butler Kicks North Korean Asses in ‘Olympus Has Fallen’

olympus-has-fallen02It’s got to be somewhat nerve wrecking for the Obama‘s these days…

Their home-sweet-home is being invaded and kicked around at least three times during the first half of 2013. Like on June 28 in WHITE HOUSE DOWN with Channing Tatum and Jamie Foxx. And in next week’s Dwayne (The Rock) Johnson‘s latest offering G.I. JOE: RETALIATION.

And now, this weekend, when a band of North Korean commandos storm 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN. Continue reading

Posted in Jack_Poessiger | 4 Comments

Hearne: Power & Light District Powerplay on KC Strip Reeks

bound-and-gaggedI’m not gonna spell it out for you guys right here, right now, but…

Trust me on this, the alleged reason behind the Power & Light District’s bailing on the KC Strip trolly line, effectively hanging it out to dry and leading directly to its death, is one nasty, embarrassing, sordid tale. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 18 Comments

Leftridge: Let’s Talk About Your Bracket

marchmadnessTo be a sports fan in mid-March is a pretty great thing. Now one might argue that early September is the best—college football is finding its footing, the NFL season is finally, mercifully underway, and desperate MLB teams are vying for a playoff berth—but it’s hard to argue with the wonderment of March.

In March, your favorite NFL team is signing an offensive lineman you’ve never heard of and heading into the draft with “some really great ideas!” Baseball is so close that you can almost feel the soft, gelatinous belly of the man behind you pressing into your lower back as you wait in line for Buck Night hotdogs. And college basketball? Well, duh. It’s almost as if some sort of “madness” descends upon the whole sport, turning everyone around you—for a few weeks, anyway—into a rabid college hoops fan.

But here’s one thing I could do without in March: hearing about your fucking bracket. Continue reading

Posted in Brandon Leftridge, Sports | Tagged , , , | 19 Comments

Randy Miller: Banished from Topeka & Better For It!

Laura-Drain_Banished-677x1024My last encounter with the wrong Reverend Fred Phelps of Topeka was a radio interview I did with him several years ago… 

Amid all his anti-gay, “God Hates Fags” diatribe, I managed to offer a few choice comments and a pair of free tickets to the upcoming Melissa Etheridge concert at the Sprint Center.  The interview then ended abruptly with Fred loudly calling me a sodomite, and slamming the phone down.

Fast forward to this week, when I’m co-hosting a nationally syndicated military and veteran’s show with the  VFW headquarters. Continue reading

Posted in Entertainment | 3 Comments

Hearne: KC Strip Could Come Back Despite Power & Light District

606869-2498f3b85c1cafdb524f51aab2a804b5Don’t look now but the KC Strip may be poised for a comeback…

The three year-old entertainment trolly just blew taps a few days back, but point man Bill Nigro already has formulated a plan to dig it back up and breath new life into it.

“Here’s my prediction,” Nigro says. “The KC Strip will come back. The KC Strip was the best thing Kansas City has for (entertainment) tourism. We helped people experience Kansas City nightlife and that’s really important for tourism in our town.”

Nigro’s plan? Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 6 Comments

Hearne: St. Patrick’s ‘Green’ Gives Way to Banker’s ‘Red’

The_Dancing_Midget_1One of Kansas City’s biggest entertainment days was a bust…

Ugly as it usually gets, this year’s St. Patrick’s Day in Kansas City was a huge letdown for the bars and restaurants that normally cash in big time on the sea of wasted-beyond-belief revelers that causes cooler heads to stay home.

When I ran the Pitch in Westport for example, it was practically standard operational procedure for many Westport merchants to close that day and for employees to call in sick.

Face it, St. Patrick’s Day in Wesport for all but the most hedonistic is almost without fail the ugliest day of the year. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 4 Comments

Sounds Good: Alejandro Escovedo@Knuckleheads, Olassa@Bottleneck

I promised myself I wouldn’t do this…

12’s beating 5’s!  Mid-majors!  RPI!  Dick Vitale pooping his pants out of sheer excitement!  (As he does every March.)

But there’s also other stuff happening in the World.  I know, weird, right?

Most of the KC and Lawrence bands are slowly trickling their way back home after what I am sure was a long week at SXSW in Austin.

But one Austin icon has already beaten them to the punch…  Continue reading

Posted in Matthew_Donnelly | 1 Comment

Hearne: Former Star Books Editor John Mark Eberhart Checks Out

4619_105532307027_2867371_nHe was a gentleman, a wildman, a journalist and a scholar,  now he’s gone…

Former Kansas City Star books editor John Mark Eberhart has lost his battle to cancer and passed away. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 10 Comments

Hearne: Top KC Star Ad VP Takes a Spill, Splits ‘To Spend Time With Family’

gtr3q1o99cyusc58857nIn a shocker, top Kansas City Star ad gun Tim Doty is leaving the newspaper…

Here’s Star publisher Mi-Ai Parrish‘s missive to the flock:

“It is a bittersweet day for Our Star as I announce that Tim Doty, Advertising VP and all around great guy, has decided to leave and spend more time with his family. Tim’s two children are in Columbus, Ohio, where he and his wife plan to relocate.

“That’s never a good sign,” says one local media observer. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 4 Comments