Hearne: The ‘Real Reason’ Kevin Keitzman is No More

The handwriting was on the wall…

Ostensibly, newly axed WHB sports talker Kevin Kietzman took a bullet for likening Chiefs coach Andy Reid‘s failures to keep wayward football stars like Tyreek Hill and Kareem Hunt out of trouble, to the personal tragedies of Reid’s sons.

But according to local promoter Brett Mosiman, that was just the straw that broke the camel’s back.

“People didn’t like Kietzman the last year or two,” Mosiman says. “And the minute he went after Reid, it was over. I think he got what he deserved; he’s a tool.

“He kind of went off the rails and became more and more of a dickhead,” Mosiman adds. “He got kind of nasty; but it’s one thing to stir the pot, but another to do character assassination and he paid the price. Continue reading

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Hearne: The Fall of Kevin Kietzman; What Are Friends For?

Everybody loves a winner…

Up to a point – or maybe in the case of controversial media types – love to hate.

But where fallen WHB sports radio personality Kevin Kietzman is concerned, it would appear that next to nobody has anything approaching even like, let alone love at this point.

It’s a fairly safe bet that Kietzman is still shaking what’s left of his now fully-exploded head and wondering whatever happened to the friends and admirers he once took for granted. Friends who now seem more likely to speak publicly about how much they like Donald Trump or walk around in “Make America Great” caps, than admit Kietzman maybe got a rough deal.

One false move, a single slip – and a stellar career and superstar broadcasting status – was wiped away for all time. Every positive thing Kietzman ever said or did, is now a moot point, forever obscured by this single, unforced error.

Gotta be a tough way to go.

Cause like the song says, “Nobody loves you when you’re down and out.”

Not even Kietzman’s longtime friend and partner Chad Boeger, who apparently had little choice other than to fire his founding partner and broadcast superstar, then buy out his interest in WHB after untold numbers of advertisers and listeners threatened to boycott the station. Continue reading

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Hearne: The Kevin Kietzman Saga; Take One

Kevin Kietzman

The bigger they are…

Into a world where people start GoFundMe pages for waitresses who spit on the president’s son and applaud the heckling of politicians they disagree with in public places, crash landed legendary WHB sports talker Kevin Kietzman.

Much to his complete and utter chagrin.

Face it, taking shots at wildly popular local sports heroes like Chiefs head coach Andy Reid is risky business…especially in a town like KC with a bad case of over-the-top Super Bowl fever.

No Chiefs fan in what passes for their right mind wanted to hear or read anything truly awful about the team, Reid – not even sleaze bag star Tyreek Hill for that matter.

I was listening to 610 Sports last year after the team axed Kareem Hunt and most of the caller reactions were essentially, “So what if Hunt kicked the you-know-what out of some floozy outside his hotel room?”

Given the Chiefs’ subsequent failure to make the Super Bowl in the wake of Hunt’s loss – and the Cleveland Brown’s picking him up – it appeared from the get-go that the team wasn’t about  to make the same mistake twice. And sure enough, barring yet another incident, it looks like Hill will be back on the field at Arrowhead in time for a playoff run.

So while Kietzman majorly messed up by seemingly tying the death, drug use and other unfortunate things about Reid’s sons to the handling of scumbag Chiefs players, he was pretty much right on with his point that Reid doesn’t have a very good record of keeping highly skilled football thugs out of trouble.

Then again, who does?

It’s nothing new that any number of professional athletes hale from circumstances where violence is part and parcel of their everyday lives.

And while writers at dying newspapers like the Kansas City Star are happy to muse in equally bogus unsigned editorials about things like former Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach getting “kneecapped” and left by the side of a road nobody travels, they’re more than happy to award the death penalty to Kietzman for alluding to the struggles of Reid’s sons.

Poor word choice aside, Kietzman’s point was lost in the wake of his political correctness beat down. Continue reading

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Lefsetz: Second Dem Debate Winners, Bernie & Kamala

What a difference a day makes…

It was like Wednesday night was the kiddie table, and last night it was the adults, playing for real.

Marianne Williamson had it right. It’s not about specifics, policies, it’s about playing Donald Trump‘s game and beating him. The news says it’s about the weeds, when clearly it’s about the forest.

Now it’s a conundrum.

Where a couple of candidates are ahead of the public, most specifically Bernie Sanders. People attacked him for his radical ideas, but his message, that the hoi polloi have gotten screwed for 40 years and radical change is necessary resonated.

Incremental change is a thing of the past. That’s one thing Trump realized and Bernie has too. You’re playing the long game. It’s not about individual debates, you stick to your message and pray that it resonates.

That’s what screwed up Joe Biden.

He’s playing old style politics. Look at what I’ve done in the past and give me the reins.

Isn’t this exactly what snuffed-out Hillary Clinton‘s campaign?

Turns out people don’t want safe, they want change. Trump couldn’t fulfill all of his promises and Sanders or Elizabeth Warren won’t be able to either. D.C. doesn’t work that way. But the little things do count, like the appointment of Supreme Court Justices. Of course that’s a big thing – maybe the biggest thing – but it doesn’t resonate with voters. They’re interested in the veneer, not what’s inside.

Blame it on the educational system, blame it on a lack of time or interest – but just like people don’t want to know what goes into a hot dog, they just eat ’em – npeople want to turn over their problems to one person. They don’t want to dedicate their lives to politics.

But politics has become the story of the day Continue reading

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Lefsetz: 1st Dem Debate Foretells Trump Victory

Answer the damn question…

I support Elizabeth Warren, but when asked about guns, she veered into gibberish and never tacked back. Why couldn’t she just speak English? Guns are a big problem in society but they’re here forever. We’re never gonna take guns away from licensed owners, but our goal is to increase public safety.


I’ve got a friend who agrees with a lot Warren has to say, but is literally afraid she’s gonna take his gun away – therefore he won’t vote for her. I tried to convince him his gun is going nowhere, but he doesn’t believe it.

Living in the mountain west he believes firearms are necessary for protection out in the wild and he’s been convinced by right wing rhetoric that Warren is gonna round up the guns. That would be fine with me, but that ain’t America. In the land of little pink houses guns are part of the fabric, seen as freedom.

As for the Second Amendment and rising militias, that’s just hogwash, people just love their guns, end of story.


I know it’s a long road to the nomination – never mind the election – but when you waffle, when you won’t own an idea, people lose faith in you. And what we need now more than ever is faith, belief.

“Sitting on a sofa on a Sunday afternoon

Going to the candidates’ debate

Laugh about it, shout about it

When you’ve got to choose

Every way you look at this you lose”

That’s the song that’s been going through my head this week, “Mrs. Robinson,” by Simon & Garfunkel. Continue reading

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Jack Goes Confidential: ‘YESTERDAY’ does John, Paul, George and Ringo Proud!

How to describe “YESTERDAY” – not an easy task…

In one sense it’s a musical fantasy comedy. In other, a rockin’ rom-com.

Whatever it is, it works and could become one of the sleeper hits of this year’s summer season.

“YESTERDAY” finds former teacher and now struggling singer-songwriter Jack Malik’s (Himesh Patel) dreams of fame rapidly fading.

All the while his longtime (girl) friend Ellie Appleton (Lily James) lends endless support at his side.

Then it happens. Jack finds himself involved in a freak accident which occurs during a mysterious global blackout.

What he wakes up to is a completely Beatles-free world.

Nobody’s seems to have ever heard of the group. And now trying to google the Beatles only brings up “Beetles,” as in bugs.

The same holds true for cigarettes (what’s that?) and Coca-Cola. (All everyone knows is Pepsi.)

Now what? Continue reading

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Jack Goes Confidential: ‘Toy Story 4’ Delivers—And Then Some!

It’s seldom these days I find a sequel or spin-off that’s better than its predecessor…

But that is exactly what’s happening at the movies THIS weekend.

TOY STORY 4 is just about everything one could wish and look forward to in Pixar’s legendary series, which first took the silver screen by storm some 24 years ago.

Before getting into the meat and potatoes of this terrific computer-animated comedy I must relate the disclosure advisory that came with Disney’s screening notice of the film:

“In order to give audiences around the world the opportunity to enjoy our movies to the fullest and allow them to discover any surprises and plot twists, we respectfully ask that you as press refrain from revealing spoilers and detailed points in your coverage.”

Fair enough.

So with that in mind, back to the beloved continuation which shows absolutely no creative slippage from 2010’s “TOY STORY 3″.

Come to think of it, this new installment comes complete with a fresh—and dare I suggest —even MORE creative approach.

And the look and feel of this vivid, animated presentation here is simply stunning.

As for the story line? Continue reading

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Lefsetz: The Reincarnation of Elizabeth Warren

The mainstream media is always last…

No, wait a minute…even if you hate Elizabeth Warren you’ve got to hear what I say because it applies to you. The issue is how do you get famous and have your ideas heard in America today.

You’ve got to do the work and you must be selling substance.

Elizabeth Warren is on the road.

Most of the audiences are relatively small. There’s not a ton of press coverage of each event.

She’s just like a crack band bubbling under, that is not understood by the mainstream, is seen as an also-ran and then…THEY BLOW UP!

Can you say Bruce Springsteen? His first LP was an anomaly, not representative of his sound, the band was there, but deep in the background, “Greetings From Asbury Park” was more New Dylan than the Springsteen we all now know.

But the sound was there for everybody to hear on “The Wild, the Innocent & the E Street Shuffle.” Now Springsteen was no longer the new thing. And the mix on the LP was a bit muted, it lacked edge. So the album didn’t sell and Bruce went on the road convincing consumers one by one.

If you saw him, you talked about him.

Until that famous moment when music critic Jon Landau said he’d seen the future of rock and roll and the tide turned. The Landau article was in Boston’s Real Paper, the paper of record amongst the youth, devoured by everybody. Landau’s review wasn’t first, but it was the most important.

Same deal with Elizabeth Warren.

She’s been around for years. Mostly in the background until the right started attacking her. And before you get your knickers in a twist you righties, know that she wanted to protect the populace, the rank and file, from the corporations. You can’t be against that unless you’re sucking at the tit of the corporation yourself, making seven figures, and that’s a very small number of people. You’re getting screwed and don’t even realize it. Those insane interest rates on your credit cards? Warren wanted to stop them.

But Warren was depicted as a schoolmarm and no one on the left ran to her side, to defend her, because they don’t want to get caught up in any war that doesn’t benefit them directly – they don’t want the potential stink upon them.

So Warren went her own way and ran for Senate and won.

This is the act that refuses to do what the A&R person says to. Who won’t cowrite, who won’t work with the producer du jour, who has a sound he or she wants to get down and doesn’t want any interference. But can you go on your own, do it your way, prove it yourself?

We hear about the winners, but not the losers.

The truth is most people are scared to do it by themselves, they’re convinced they won’t succeed. They tell themselves they need money, that it’s undoable. But even today, if you’ve got the goods and you play live, or release an undeniable hit like Lorde, you can make it.

Then Warren got into the Senate and spoke English.

Nobody speaks English in D.C., it doesn’t behoove you.

You obfuscate, keep the lobbyists close, it’s all about raising money for your reelection campaign. Screw the people you’re representing, you give them lip service, but your true constituency is the corporations. And when someone comes along and blows the whistle on that, says she’s for the people, you blanch.

So the shadow news is where movements start, where stories break. And if you don’t think they have power, look at Steve Bannon and Breitbart.

But when the noise becomes big enough, when it’s loud enough, the mainstream media dives in, it wants to own the story. And this is a good thing if you’re the act/purveyor, it signals to everybody paying attention that you’ve made it. Whereas if you get the publicity first, it’s wasted, today you have to have something to back it up. Continue reading

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Hearne: Quinton Lucas Romantic / DUI Question Ignite Facebook Firestorm

Uh, this would be “me”

Make no mistake, Kansas City loves its barbecue…

As evidenced in no small part by the barbecuing I just took on my Facebook page over yesterday’s Quinton Lucas piece. Check it out.

On second thought, allow me to shall share a couple of the more incendiary ones.

“Just what the hell are you doing, Hearne Christopher?” Phillip begins. “How dare you. Even hinting of outing someone who doesn’t say one way or the other is pretty evil.”

“This is ugly, awful gossip,” adds Jaime. “It is only his business, and other than how he advocates for all Kansas citians, it has no bearing on his qualifications or ability to lead. I expected better from you.”

“You ought to be fucking horsewhipped,” adds Chris. “How dare you?”

You get the picture…

Not that there wasn’t a comment or two – out of dozens – that actually got it.

“I don’t understand the uproar—the article doesn’t even remotely hint that being homosexual is bad or anything that would approach hate of a minority group,” writes Martha. “It’s just asking is Lucas authentic, is (he) really showing who he is to the public?
Isn’t journalism supposed to make us think outside our comfort zone, or should it just be a monotone repetition of popular in-vogue adherences?
I think the commenters do protest too much.”

Does it matter if Lucas is gay? Not to me, but probably to some…like the big shots and special interests backing him (of which there are many).

One point former KC First Lady Gloria Squitiro made in her new book that Dwight Sutherland reviewed recently; that Kansas City is controlled by big business and special interest groups.

In all likelihood – if Lucas is gay – those kinda people would probably prefer to keep that on the down low until after the election. Kinda like South Bend mayor Pete Buttigieg did for three years after he was elected as a straight dude.

And just as the prominent Democrat political operative quoted in my story noted, the “black community” prefers to believe Lucas is straight and has a white girlfriend “tucked away” somewhere.

So why would Lucas want to hide the fact that he had a white girlfriend – or that he was gay – were either true? To avoid turning off voters who might find either one distasteful is the obvious answer. Continue reading

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Hearne: Will the Next Mayor of Kansas City Please Come Out of the Closet?

There’s a good chance the next mayor of Kansas City will be gay…

And I’m not talking about Kansas City councilman Jolie Justus.

Because according to several sources, the openly gay Justus’s opponent, Quinton Lucas, is also gay…just not out of the proverbial closet yet.

“I heard that Quinton Lucas is closeted gay,” says one prominent gay woman professional.  “And that there may have been a man in the car with him.”

That in reference to Lucas’s high profile DUI bust in Lawrence late last year.

After months of legal maneuvering Lucas made a deal with the court to write a check and dodged a bullet by getting the charges dropped. And thanks to the hush hush way Lawrence Police and prosecutors handled his case, the full  police report and dash cam video of his arrest have been kept hidden from the public.

More on that, in a minute…

Back to the the reason Kansas City, Missouri  is likely to field its first gay mayor:

“Because both candidates are gay,” says one politically active Westport businessman, Lucas supporter and donor. “That story’s been out there for a long time.”

Ditto, adds another Lucas supporter and midtown businessman: “Quinton will be Kansas City’s first closeted mayor.”

There’s more…

“You hear lots of different rumblings about that,” says one politically active woman marketing exec who asked not to be named. “And I’m not sure that he is, but I hear from the gay community that he is. But the black community thinks he’s got some white girlfriend tucked away and that he’s straight. But gay guys are adamant that he goes to gay bars.”

Knowing Lucas as well as she does, the exec’s best guess as to which way he swings:

“I think I would go with gay, because he’s lied about so many things (to me) that he’s adept at it,” she says.

Adds an openly gay woman mental health professional,  “I heard that he was (gay) from two separate people at two different functions. Obviously, no one is upset about him being gay, but they call him a douchebag because he hides it while Jolie is totally out.”

Back to Lucas’s DUI bust… Continue reading

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Lefsetz: How Trump Killed Hillary & Other Life Lessons

Politics is show business for ugly people…

But this year, the politicians are playing the game better than the entertainers.

You’ve got to be able to say no. That’s one thing a musician no longer is capable of. If you’re willing to pay, they’ll show up. They’ll even sing for dictators. There’s no endorsement they won’t sign on to. The whole enterprise is built on cash, and everybody wants some, in fact they want more.

But Elizabeth Warren won’t take corporate donations.

Leaving her potentially with less cash, but a stronger bond to the rank and file.

The North Vietnamese won the war because of hearts and minds. South Vietnam and the U.S. didn’t have them. America felt its firepower could conquer anybody, but this proved to be untrue, it couldn’t overcome the guerilla tactics of its opponent.

You play to everybody, not just those with the cash or the supposed power.

A cache of individuals can always exceed the power of the so-called “man.”

Especially today, when the tide is turning. Continue reading

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Jack Goes Confidential: ‘Late Night’—TV Diversity Angst

critical consensus proclaims Late Night to be: “Smart, timely, and brought to life by a terrific cast, LATE NIGHT is a workplace comedy with a lot of heart—and just as many laughs.”

The low budget independent movie made quite an impact at this year’s Sundance Film Festival where Amazon Studios acquired its U.S. distribution rights for a record $13 million.

So what’s up here?

“LATE NIGHT” is a diversity-hire, media dramedy.

It stars Emma Thompson as British-born veteran TV talk show hostess Katherine Newbury whose New York City based ‘Tonight with Katherine Newbury’ program is frankly getting a bit long in the tooth.

Her writer’s pool? All male.

Now the network wants to replace her with a fresher, hipper host.

Time to take diversity action! Continue reading

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Hearne: A ‘Fresh’ Look @ KC’s ‘Print’ News Media

Long time, no see…

After a couple weeks off, returning to the task at hand brings to mind the state of local print journalism. What’s left of it, anyway. Because it’s impossible to escape the fact that pretty much across the board the Kansas City Star, Pitch and Lawrence Journal World are hanging on by mere threads.

Let’s start with the Pitch… 

By all rights the Pitch is the journalistic equivalent of a dead man walking.

The local news weekly has never really been profitable according to sources over the years. Not even in its hey day in the late ’90s / early 2000s when it did 60, 70, 80, 100 page issues or more…as a weekly.

These days, as a weakly – as in a monthly it’s lucky to choke out 32 or 36 pages with gosh knows how many (or few) paid ads. Both of its former parent publishing company owners are now pushing up daisies.

Unfortunately for the current local owners – who continue to choke it out despite impossible market conditions – not only is there no money to be made, the future looks even bleaker.

Today’s Pitch is basically a one-man-operation with a smattering of freelancers keeping it afloat by writing entertainment reviews, more than likely for the joie de vivre (free meals and tickets to the events they review).

Other than being able to look backwards to stories from its glory days when the alt weekly laid the pipe to me and whomever else, there’s precious little in the way of new news to be found.

Too bad.

Then again, unlike legacy alt weeklies like The Village Voice and Boston Phoenix – wildly successful pubs that are dead and gone – almost by dumb luck, the Pitch is alive and kicking, churning out red ink.

Which brings us to the Lawrence Journal World... Continue reading

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Jack Goes Confidential: “BOOKSMART” – a Fresh Approach to Graduation Night

I’ve been chided in the past for overlooking small, independent films in favor of major big budget studio releases…

This week I rectify those (unjust) accusations by focusing on a fresh, funny new coming-of-age comedy.

It’s a ‘small’ film called “BOOKSMART” that delivers on its title and promise—and THEN SOME!

The premise for “BOOKSMART” begins as the two smartest girls in their high school senior class come to realize that they haven’t had any social life. That they should have worked less and played more.

But it’s not too late as these two best friends are determined not to fall short of the rest of their class and now attempt to cram four years of lost fun into just one night. And DO THEY EVER!

“SUPERBAD” memories anyone? Continue reading

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Hearne: What’s in a Name?

Mark Zeiman & Wife

Remember that childhood limerick about sticks and stones?

Given my high profile and penchant for flirting with controversy, I’ve fielded my fair share of verbal abuse.

Big surprise, right?

That said, this is no business for the faint of heart.

Not that they’re aren’t a lot of thin-skins in the game though, like former Star editor and publisher Mark Zeiman.

The Z Man could dish it out with the best, but when it came to criticism – especially that of a public nature – he was weak as a kitten.

I remember him telling me no way would he return former Pitch editor C.J. Janovy’s call because he knew she was gonna stick it to him.

I, on the other hand figured that since Zeiman made his living forcing other people to walk the plank, why should he duck public scrutiny?

But that’s just me.

I remember in 2008 when Zeiman told Star editor Mike Fannin to have me quit my weekly paid appearances on the 710 KCMO host Chris Stigall’s radio show.

The reason being, Stigall had KC Mayor Mark Funkhouser on every week who routinely went after Zeiman and his controversial/goofy wife as payback for the Star’s abusive coverage of Funk’s controversial wife Gloria.

Guess what?

I didn’t and shortly thereafter found himself on the chopping block of a massive layoff.

Go figure.

The bottom line: the writers and editors at the Star live in one of KC’s biggest glass houses (literally) and love to dish it out – yet with rare exception – they’re the least capable of taking it.

The other day I basically outed Star librarian-turned reader’s rep-turned editorial board member Derek Donovan. Continue reading

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Sutherland: KC Mayor Funk’s Wife Gloria Unleashes


Hearne asked me to review Gloria Squitiro‘s new book “May Cause Drowsiness and Blurred Vision.

It’s the first volume of the memoirs by the wife of Mark Funkhauser (hereinafter  “Funk”), the Mayor of Kansas City, Missouri from 2007 to 2011.

Gloria-like Cher, Beyoncé, Madonna and other superstars-needs no last name.

She is, after all, famous for two things: 1) a flamboyant, outsize personality and 2) being barred from going to her husband’s office in City Hall because she freely expressed said personality while serving as a unpaid adviser and chief-of-staff to said husband.

The first volume of a projected series, however, is almost entirely taken up with her account of a nine week European vacation Gloria took with her family in 2006, before her husband’s election.

The trip was complicated by two factors going in.

It was paid for by a teaching fellowship from the Institute of Internal Auditors. (Funk was the long time city Auditor.)

This meant Gloria’s husband had to leave Gloria and their teenage children to periodically go teach auditing techniques in Europe, away from where his family was staying.

The other complication was that Gloria’s elderly father was suffering from Alzheimer’s and his health was declining rapidly at the time plans for the trip were being finalized.

Gloria and her mother and siblings had agreed among themselves that if anything happened to her father while she was on her trip she was not expected to ruin the vacation of a lifetime by rushing home.

Gloria and Funk had an understanding that they would have to be apart at times during their European sojourn so he could pay for the extended stay by his teaching gigs. (The trip ended up costing $90,000.00)

Guess what?

Her father did die and her family withheld it from her until several weeks after the funeral. She learned of his death while she and her children were staying in France and Funk was teaching in Sweden.

This precipitated an outburst of coruscating rage, at her family for withholding the word of her father’s death and at her husband for not being there to comfort her at the time she learned of it. Never mind that she’d agreed that both these eventualities might well happen and decided to go on the trip anyhow.

Fully half of the book is devoted to this paradoxical angsting.

The rest of the book is largely taken up with Ms. Squitiro’s quarrels with other people during her trip. These include landlords, neighbors, trades people, cab drivers, waiters, restaurant owners, fellow passengers on a cruise ship, and the parents of her children’s’ friends -in  short, with every species of humanity she encountered on the trip in addition to every member of her own extended family.

I realize many people find the spectacle of bitter discord wacky/amusing.

Color me WASP but I find it exhausting. 

I won’t even comment on some of the more shocking disclosures in the book. Continue reading

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Hearne: Star Gets ‘Catty” Over LGBT Hit Job on Conservative Speaker @ UMKC

Michael Knowles

Imagine being in a relationship with someone on the Kansas City Star editorial board…

No matter what the topic, they’re always right. For each and every issue that makes the news, they and they alone know the answers.

And who doesn’t like being treated to daily doses of finger wagging?

Case in point, the recent unsigned “editorial” trashing highly regarded conservative columnist and honors Yale grad Michael Knowles speech at UMKC.

“At UMKC, a D-List conservative was sad to be squirted with the makings of a bubble bath,” reads the headline.

Talk about “catty,” it reads more like a high school hit job than a newspaper editorial.

“OK, so that wasn’t bleach that one of a handful of protesters squirted on a D-list conservative speaker at a poorly attended event at UMKC…” it begins. “Video of it shows rows and rows of empty seats at (Knowles) talk ‘Men Are Not Women.'”

Hey, nice put down!

That said, the editorial ran unsigned – which all things considered was kin of gutless – but I can tell you from experience, they’re generally written by a single writer.

For example in the not too distant past, it wasn’t hard to tell the editorials written by longtime former Star firebrand Yael Abouhalkah.

Now I’m going to inch out on a limb and tell you that the betting money on who authored this snidely snipe was Star librarian-turned editorial also ran Derek Donovan.

That’s right, because Donovan – who is gay and a huge David Bowie devotee – has the thinnest skin of anybody I ever worked with at the newspaper. Continue reading

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New Jack City: Remember the Good Old Days of Film?

What goes around comes around…

Seems like only yesterday theaters proclaimed in newspaper directory ads that certain movies showing in their multiplexes would be presented in the “revolutionary new” digital format.

(We still HAD newspaper movie ads back then.)

It was definitely an expensive transformation process for the industry.

Then before we knew it just about every major theater complex—with the assistance of the Hollywood studios—had converted to digital to the estimated tune of $100,000.- per auditorium.

A benefit for the distributors?

Which eliminated the lab costs of striking 35mm film prints, n expense which could run between $1,200.- and $1,600.- PER.

Savings to exhibitors included the cost of shipping these film prints as well as building them up and eventually tearing down the movies again in their projection booths.

The big plus for moviegoers, of course, was–and continues to be—a pristine screen presentation. No scratches, dirt,  bad splices or out of frames scenes to suffer through.

In other words the superb visual quality of “AVENGERS: ENDGAME” you saw on opening night will look and play exactly alike for weeks to come on that same screen. Continue reading

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Jack Goes Confidential: ‘Long Shot’—A Fractured Fairytale

“LONG SHOT” is a rom-com, political fantasy/satire…

She is a presidential hopeful. He is her speech writer.

So far, so good.

But you just know with Seth Rogen in the mix there’s probably more to it—and there is!

Rogen is really a loudmouth, left-wing (and now unemployed) journalist.

Charleze Theron is the current Secretary of State running for President.

You guessed it, the two run into each other only to find they have something really weird in common.

Seems that many moons ago, Theron was briefly Rogen’s babysitter. And he had a big crush on her back then.

One problem: In Madam Secretary’ s run for the Oval Office her speeches lack spice and are just too lame.

So before you know it, she hires Rogen to punch-up her campaign speeches and materials. Continue reading

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Hearne: Lawrence Journal World Death March Picks Up Speed


The painfully long slide of Lawrence Journal World took a giant leap last weekend…

From appearances, the 108 year -old newspaper of record for Lawrence – proud home of the University of Kansas and its Jayhawk sports teams – is hanging by a thread.

Over the past weekend its remaining die hard survivors suffered the indignity of an embarrassing move from the Journal World‘s proud, high profile home in downtown Lawrence to a cheesy, nondescript strip center just off Interstate 70.

No longer will its reporters and interns freely roam the heart of the city by foot as it has for decades. Instead they’ll have to drive for miles from an industrial area near the city’s outskirts and play parking meter poker with shoppers and KU students.

It’s been a downhill trajectory for the Journal World since hiring me briefly to write a weekly column in 2012 until it was unloaded three years ago by publisher Dolph Simons, Jr.

Most halfway high profile writers and editors have quietly gone for dirt naps or fled to faraway cities like Boston. Continue reading

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