Although Mother Nature’s grand witchery seems to indicate otherwise, it is officially Spring which means that trees are (theoretically) in full bloom, the grass is (supposed to be) turning green and baseball—that grand, old tradition that perfectly embodies the spirit of the season—is less than a week away from kicking off.
In Kansas City, where we’ve been battered about the chest and head with perennially terrible ball clubs for decades, this is the best time of year to be a fan. The Royals have looked amazing in spring training and have officially won the Cactus League thanks to an influx of new faces. The pitching has been great, the offense has been stellar and, well… okay, it’s still just Spring Training.
But still, the excitement is palatably infectious.
All of this chicanery is moot on Monday, however, when the team heads to Chicago to take on the hated White Sox in a very real, very consequential game. (Bo Jackson will be throwing out the first pitch. Real cool, Vincent.) So what can we expect from this squad when things actually matter? I’ve made seven predictions that will assuredly come true. Let’s have a look-see. Continue reading →