Sounds Good: Fourth of July @ Jackpot, Demetri Martin @ Improv, Joshua James @ Bottleneck

 Hey, I fell for it too, guys, so don’t feel bad…

I mean, I’m no “local celeb” or anything, but when I found out that The Scribe was my new boss I was excited.  I figured, at the least, it would mean more strippers and fistfights at the annual KCC Christmas Wilding.  At the least.

So you can understand my disappointment when I read Hearne’s column laying out the ins and outs of the elaborate hoax.  To be honest, I still don’t fully understand it. Continue reading

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Starbeams: Outlaw Texans and Google Fiber & BBQ

gates_logo-1Harrison Ford will be in KC tomorrow for premiere of the Jackie Robinson movie “42.” Rumor has it Mark Hamill will be there…serving popcorn.


Google Fiber is expanding to Austin in 2014.  Google wants to focus on cities that already have fiberoptic backbones…and lots of good BBQ. Continue reading

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Jack Goes Confidential: ’42’ Faces Down ‘Boys Of Summer’ Racism

jackie-robinson-42Brian Helgeland understand the art of masterful writing having scripted such compelling films as L.A. CONFIDENTIAL, MYSTIC RIVER and MAN ON FIRE...

Now with ’42’ Helgeland takes on racism in America by basing his latest screenplay on true events—specifically those of one Jack Robinson who broke the color barrier in Major league Baseball.

Helgeland also directed the biopic.

The year is 1947 when Brooklyn Dodgers legendary president and general manager Branch Rickey makes baseball history. Continue reading

Posted in Jack Poessiger | 8 Comments

Hearne: ’42’ Star Harrison Ford’s Wild Night in Shock Town

strip8n-1-webWhich Harrison Ford will show up here Thursday for the “red carpet” roll out of the new Jackie Robinson movie 42?

Will it be the one who played Han Solo in Star Wars? The one who played Rick Deckard in Blade Runner? Or perhaps the party boy who played himself in the pages of the National Enquirer and other tabloid media while in Wichita?

The town, not the movie. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 7 Comments

Hearne: Mancow Snags Reality TV Show Gig This Summer

Mancow-MullerHe’s playing his cards close to the vest for now but…

Kansas City export Erich “Mancow” Muller says he’s agreed to do a reality television show that will air this summer. One that will include his Italian in-laws in the Chicago area, wife Sandy, twin 7 year-old daughters and his relatives here in the KC area.

“Kansas City will play a huge part,” Mancow says. “We will try to get The Rainmakers on too. They’re one of my brothers and my favorite bands. I pitched one of their songs as the show’s theme but it got nixed.”

If everything falls into place, look for Mancow’s new home-away-from-home, Knuckleheads Saloon, to make it into the show.

At this point Mancow’s not saying which network will host the show. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher, Uncategorized | 7 Comments

Hearne: KC Confidential ‘Joke’ Fools Local Celebs

374e_6036757.tFor the record, Craig Glazer is not buying KC Confidential

For many of you, last week’s April Fools prank – announcing that the local comedy club main man was taking over KCC starting today – was exactly what it appeared to be, a joke.

However, in order to make it seem more believable, we opted not to set the record straight.

Until now.

So for those of you who figured it out, congrats. For the rest of you, don’t feel bad, you’re far from alone and in excellent company.

“It’s funny, Tony was worried,” Glazer says. “He emailed me because I hadn’t written anything all week and said, “It’s not true, is it?’ So I went ahead and sent him a story and he was all relieved.” Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 25 Comments

Hearne: Sporting Kansas City to Add 7,000 Seats

Sporting-Kansas-City-Pictures-at-NightThink of it as a moral dilemma…

With sellouts mounting by the week, the sky’s the limit it would appear for Sporting Kansas City. The soccer club has become the model of what a successful professional sports franchise in Kansas City should look like.

Oh sure, recently dethroned AEG honcho Tim Leiweke‘s Comets indoor soccer club attained the veneer of success in the 1980s. But it was smoke and mirrors, accomplished by “papering” Kemper Arena with free promotional tickets then declaring the team a success. Local media played along and Leiweke pyramided the mirage into a seven-figure income and a powerful position in the entertainment industry.

Sporting’s ticket sales however are real. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 8 Comments

Starbeams: The Top 5 Similarities Between the Royals & North Korea

10korea2-span-articleInlineThe home opener in Kansas City is the day when we can all be optimistic that our team will make it all the way to June before falling apart…
 The Top 5 similarities between the Royals and North Korea:

#5. Both woud be better places if Herk Robinson were running them.

#4. They start with a bang, but blow up before reaching their goal.

#3. Both have a mascot into hot college chicks. Continue reading

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Donnelly: Sporting Steal Victory With Last Second Goal

Another home game, another sold out crowd of over 18,000 at Sporting Park Saturday night against visiting DC United.  That’s 19 in a row now, and it’s become the expectation rather than the exception.

But despite the raucous crowd, Sporting Kansas City struggled to find much of a rhythm early.   Continue reading

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Hearne: Krispy Kreme Relents, Free Doughnuts Are Back

4928320394_caf99809e5Once upon a time they were free…

Krispy Kreme was a kindly company that treated your kids to a hot-off-the-assembly-line fresh, hot, free doughnut. You didn’t even have to ask or buy anything, just happen by when doughnuts were being made and let the good times roll.

Then somewhere along the line – the economy hit the skids and Krispy Kremes were dropping like flies all around the country – and corporate went Grinch.

No more free doughnuts. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 7 Comments

Hearne: Rock n Roll Auction by Any Other Name Back @ Midland

image001There’s only one small problem with the upcoming AEG Live Auction for Autism Speaks and it’s really not a problem at all…

Midland by AMC lead organizer Candy Chorice – a veteran of many Sandstone Auctions past –  is bringing the event back after a several year absence. Sans the Sandstone name. And it will go down at the Midland as opposed to the now defunct Beaumont Club in Westport. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 6 Comments

Hearne: Colorful Ex Mayor Charlie Wheeler in Deep Doo-Doo

190px-Portrait_of_Dr._Charles_B._WheelerRemember that wive’s tale about bad things coming in threes?

Let’s do an audit…there’s Walt Bodine dying, the KC Strip trolley going bye-bye, (don’t think I’ve forgotten about the letting you guys in on the racist situation that lead to the Strip’s getting its ticket punched by the Power & Light District) and today’s news about former KC mayor Charles Wheeler and his wife getting bounced from their $600,000-plus mansion for being two years behind on their (reverse) mortgage payments. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 23 Comments

Leftridge: Can Wichita State Shock the World? (No)

SI-coverThey’ve been here before.

It was 1965. The landscape of the country was rapidly changing. Men were just beginning to grow their hair out to look a little more like women and the women were beginning to grow their hair out even longer. Some group named The Beatles made a notable appearance on some show hosted by a guy named Ed Sullivan. Everyone everywhere was walking around whistling Roger Miller’s smash hit “Do-Wacka-Do.”

And deep in the middle of the corn cluttered prairie, the Wichita State University basketball program was playing in their first—and until this Saturday—last Final Four game. Led by coach Gary Thompson, that year’s team—who saw their first number one ranking in December of ’64—beat Southern Methodist and Oklahoma State before losing convincingly to UCLA, 108-89. Continue reading

Posted in Brandon Leftridge, Sports | Tagged , , , | 19 Comments

New Jack City: Two Thumbs Up One Final Time For Roger Ebert

roger-ebert-thumbs-up-2The passing of Roger Ebert – America’s most famous movie critic – brings back memories of face-to-face encounters with the great one…

I had seen him at ShoWest and other industry functions over the years but never got to see the Real Roger until I had him on-air on Jack Goes To The Movies during KY-102‘s glory days. Continue reading

Posted in Jack Poessiger | 8 Comments

Starbeams: Star Trek Love, Ahchoo, DJs Without Teeth Alert

large_child-sneezingGeorge Takei – Sulu from Star Trek – will make an appearance at the Kansas City Comicon.  This is your chance to boldly go where every man has gone before.


The Asthma Allergy Foundation has ranked the worst cities in America for pollen and Kansas City is #54 on the list.  St. Louis is #31 and Wichita 6th. Personally, I’m allergic to meaningless “city ranking lists.”

******* Continue reading

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Sounds Good: Middle of the Map@Multiple KC Venues, Amy LaVere@Knuckleheads

KC is undoubtedly the place to be this weekend – starting today actually – as the ever-expanding Middle of the Map Fest invades a handful of live music venues.  The fest always seem to get bands right before they break out – remember last year’s Fun. show? So if you’re looking for something “new” to listen to, this is your jam.

The Uptown Theater, Record Bar, Riot Room, Westport Coffeehouse, Gusto Lounge, and more will host over 100 diverse acts.  For a complete lineup list go here.

The beauty of it is that the cost is low, low, low – $45 for the whole shebang – so you can wander from venue to venue, piecing together your own truly unique fest experience. Continue reading

Posted in Matthew_Donnelly | 2 Comments

Jack Goes Confidential: ‘Jurassic Park 3D’ – Living Dino DNA Attraction

110912_jurassic3dvidfeat-600x450My plan was to stop by at the JURASSIC PARK 3D screening only briefly…

You know, get a feel for the film’s conversion to 3D and cut out. After all, I’d seen the movie a couple of times before.

But guess what? I got sucked into it again and stayed for the entire two hour-plus running time. Continue reading

Posted in Jack Poessiger | 2 Comments

Hearne: Sorry Lads, No ‘Halter Top Day’ This Year

Old Royals Halter TopRoyals baseball, dollar hotdogs, Halter Top Day…

So goes the natural order of things in the wide world of summer sporting events Kansas City Style. Except that the latter of the three – Halter Top Day – won’t be returning to The K this year, according to Royals spokesman Toby Cook.

“No halter tops,” Cook emailed this past week. “Rats.” Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 6 Comments

Starbeams: AMC Urination, Prostitution KCK Style & Roids Bucks

public_urination_2-300x236Several people left the AMC Town Center 20 after a grown man stood up and began urinating in the middle of the Tyler Perry movie.  And to think, AMC thought they were getting away from public urination when they left downtown.

******* Continue reading

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Hearne: ‘Negro Leagues’ Fashion Lineup to Debut Saturday

negro leagues shortsI know, I know, it’s early…

Still there’s something eerily familiar about the Kansas City Royals being in last place again already.

Don’t get me wrong; I know that the conventional wisdom is this is the team’s year. Finally. It’s just that it’s too good of an excuse as a segue into some non-baseball baseball talk.

Baseball fashion, to be exact. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 7 Comments