Hearne: No Joke, ‘The Buzz’ May Need Saving

mumford-sons-5This just in…

The March ratings are and as of yesterday local alternative station 96.5 The Buzz is fading fast. Really fast.

The Buzz sank to 14th place with a 2.9 share of listeners 12 and older, Monday through Sunday, 6 a.m. to midnight.

That’s down more than 20 percent from the holidays. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 9 Comments

Leftridge: So Long, Summerall

Pat-Summerall-300There are very few universally beloved sports commentators. Some are an acquired taste, some have hung on long after their expiration date, and some, well, they were just never very good to begin with. None of this holds true for former NFL play-by-play man Pat Summerall, who died Tuesday at the age of 82.

Summerall, who spent 10 years in the league as a kicker, began his play-by-play career in 1974. Though he’d eventually be responsible for manning the mic on 16 Super Bowls, his most notable work, perhaps, was the time spent partnering  with human cartoon John Madden, first on CBS, and then on Fox. A consummate master of restraint—prone to measured mood elevation only when appropriate—he also lent his cool professionalism to both PGA Tour events and U.S. Open tennis. (His versatility was apparent early; in addition to being an NFL kicker in his younger days, he was also an NFL defensive back. According to Frank Gifford, he was “underrated” as a defensive player, mostly due to a lack of playing time, and only because he was too valuable as a kicker. [The coaches were reluctant to risk his health.])

Accolades and praise aside—and sparing you the line-by-line history of a storied career that you can read about any number of other places—I’ll tell you what Pat Summerall meant to me: to me—and a thousand other people my age—Summerall was the voice of a thousand Christmas mornings. Continue reading

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Donnelly: Sporting Scrap Their Way to a 1-0 Win in NYC

It’s no secret that a couple games in Sporting Kansas City’s young season have been less than entertaining affairs – especially several 0-0 draws.

Wednesday night’s match up against the New York Red Bulls, however, was packed with entertainment value.  Aurelien Collin was crushing dudes, Thierry Henry was causing problems over the top of KC’s defense, Jimmy Nielsen showed why he’s the best keeper in MLS, Graham Zusi was skipping through defenders and swerving crosses into the box, and New York unluckily came just inches shy of equalizing several times.

This was a fun game to watch.   Continue reading

Posted in Matthew_Donnelly | 4 Comments

Hearne: Kanrocksas Ready to Trip Light Fandango, Announce More Acts

IMG_2152There’s more to Kanrocksas than meets the skeptical eye…

After dropping some serious coin two years back with its inaugural festival at the Kansas Speedway, organizers vowed not to make the same mistakes this time out. Starting with not tying up nearly $3 million on a single act like Eminem.

Eminem was cool, but he obviously wasn’t that big a draw.

Lesson learned.

This year’s lineup isn’t punctuated by any huge dollar sign magnets, but what it does have is a healthy mix of bankable acts like MGMT, Fun., Yeah Yeah Yeahs, DJ Tiesto and 60 some odd others.

It may look good on paper, but kick ass fests are not about over-the-hill headliners like Paul McCartneyContinue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 9 Comments

Sounds Good: Radkey @ Replay, Quiet Corral @ RecordBar, Farmer’s Ball @ Bottleneck, DJ Lonewolf @ Barnyard Beer, Lucero @ Granada

This week’s picks are all about local Lawrence and KC acts.

A few of them are on the verge of “making it” (whatever that means these days).  The others are just getting started, building a fan base, and trying to score gigs.

Sometimes, these unknowns pump out some of the most entertaining shows – in part because expectations are low for a band you’ve never heard of.  But remember when you stumbled upon that random band in a dive bar that was just killing it?  You became their biggest fan from then on, didn’t you?

That’s a big part of what seeing live music is all about… Continue reading

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Hearne: Santa Comes Knocking for Country Station KFKF FM

taylor-swift-santa-hatIf you subscribe to the opinion that there’s eight more months until Christmas, cancel your subscription

Because the sainted holiday arrived today for the gang at KFKF FM in the form of a No. 1 Arbitron ratings ranking for persons 12 and older, Monday through Sunday, 6 a.m. to midnight.

The country station pulled down an 8.1 share of listeners to soar past KPRS FM in the No. 2 slot with a 7.1 share. KCFX “The Fox” came in third with a 6.4, followed by Magic 107.3 at 5.8 and 98.9 The Rock in 5th with a 5.5 share.

The secret of KFKF’s success: would you believe Christmas music? Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 18 Comments

Hearne: Alt Weeklies Drop Like Flies as Pitch Struggles to Survive

her_party__parkville_days_013It’s not easy having to pay for something and then give it away for free…

From the earliest days of the Pitch as we now know it, it’s been an uphill slog. I began transiting the Pitch from record store rag to alternative newspaper in the mid to late 1980s. Back then the sky was the limit, although most players in the industry – starting with St. Louis Riverfront Times – had passed on Kansas City, thinking the town wasn’t urban and hip enough to support an alt weekly.

One need look no further than the Pitch‘s 2004 “Best of” issue with 144 ad-packed pages to see they were wrong. But that was then.

Before print pubs morphed into money pits. Continue reading

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Hearne: Smithereens to Play Leawood Town Center

Meet-the-SmithereensExcuse me while I finish rubbing my eyes…

There’s no shortage of boring press releases to be poured over when you’re in the entertainment media racket. Sundry barbecues, historical events, even shopping center fests that dot the area, usually featuring local bands few people have heard of.

To be blunt, they’re pretty easy to ignore. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 3 Comments

Starbeams: Royals to Red Sox Rescue, Dish on Sprint & Gay NHL

happy_new_yearThe first Boston Red Sox home game since the marathon bombing will be Friday night vs. the Royals.  Nothing lifts the spirits of Bostonians quite like having the Royals come to town.


Dish Network is making a bid to purchase Sprint.  They company will be called Sprint, Together with Dish Nextel.


Gold has fallen to a 2-year low.  It has gotten so bad that Nelly is embarrassed to smile.

******* Continue reading

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Hearne: Does ‘Save the Buzz’ Mean 610 Sports is FM Bound?

kevinIt’s Kevin Kietzman‘s biggest nightmare…

Forget about Nick Wright or the current on air lineup at 610 Sports, the prevailing wisdom is that if the Entercom signal wants to take down WHB, it needs to move to FM. Period.

“Because that’s where the younger listeners are tuning into,” says one local radio insider. “Younger listeners don’t even think about tuning into AM. I would guess that 610 Sports is trying to appeal to 25 to 34 year-old men, but that is going to be very hard to do on AM.” Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 19 Comments

Whinery: The Boston Marathon Bombing ‘Reporting’

Boston-Marathon-bombing-runners-jpgIn another senseless act of violence, two bombs went off at the
finish line of the Boston Marathon leaving several people dead and

And once again, as with any act of Domestic Terrorism, the mainstream
“Liberal” media pontificates that the bombings were perpetrated by “Right-Wing Extremists.” Continue reading

Posted in David Scott Whinery | 19 Comments

Hearne: Uptown Spearheads New JFK Book, Confab for 50th ‘Deathaversary’

JFK BOOKNovember 22, 1963, Dallas…

That was the day President John F. Kennedy was assassinated and to paraphrase former president Franklin D. Roosevelt, a date that will live in infamy forever.

It’s also a date that turns 50 this year.

A fact that hasn’t escaped one of Kansas City’s most esteemed conspiracy theorists, Larry Sells of the Uptown Theater. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 7 Comments

Hearne: 610 Sports Reloads Young Guns but Can They Catch WHB?

nick-wright-headshotIs there life after Nick Wright for 610 Sports?

One has to wonder in the wake of the past week’s shakeup at the Entercom sports-talk station. Because with the exception of a couple of bright spots – Nick Wright and D.A. – it’s been an uphill slog for the boys at 610 since the station signed on 10 years ago.

At this point, there’s a generational divide between 610 and it’s older, more successful rival, WHB.

As evidenced by all the trash talking Wright’s endured in the comments section here and elsewhere from older listeners. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 27 Comments

Starbeams: Jackie Robinson Movie Channels David Glass, Billy Butler, Col. Sanders

Billy ButlerHarrison Ford was in town for the premiere of the Jackie Robinson movie “42.”  He plays Branch Rickey, a baseball owner obsessed with making money, regardless of what everyone else thought.  His role was especially enjoyed by Royals owner David Glass.


If Jackie Robinson were alive today, his main concerns would be racial prejudice….and being eaten by Billy Butler.

******* Continue reading

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Hearne: Sudeikis – Wilde Wedding in New York Could Be a Ruse

olivia-wilde-600In the wide world of rumors, what passes for “news” travels fast…

Take the New York Post‘s report that Kansas City refugee Jason Sudeikis will marry Olivia Wilde in upstate New York. Prior to that the couple’s pending nuptials were either a) unreported and unknown or b) rumored by Lawrence, Kansas insiders to be penciled in for Jayhawkville.

But this just in… Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 3 Comments

Hearne: Jason Sudeikis Bails on Lawrence, Headed to Midland, Taking Over for Jimmy Fallon?

jason301Ah rumors…

Sometimes they’re true, more often they’re not. For months Lawrence has been buzzing about Kansas City comic Jason Sudeikis tying the knot with actress Olivia Wilde there. And not just because Sudeikis and Wilde have been spotted in town shopping and buying jeans at Hobbs while attending KU basketball games.

One reliable source says she met and spoke with Wilde’s assistant who flew in to case the town for a possible wedding.

Well, scratch that possibility. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 2 Comments

Hearne: AEG Live Charity Auction Rocks Midland

IMG_2132Many moons ago, I recall driving to Sandstone in the off season…

The mission: to cover the first annual Sandstone Auction. They didn’t have a ton of stuff back then, but there was more than enough rock n roll memorabilia to wet the whistles of music zealots with disposable incomes and a nose for news.

Noses for news were needed back then because in its early years, the auction was a best kept secret. Continue reading

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Leftridge: Ladies and Gentlemen, Your First Place Kansas City Royals

win“Nothing gold can stay.”Robert Frost

It’s too early to get excited. I get it.

I get that the Royals are in first place at 6-3, but it’s NINE GAMES. A lot can happen in nine games, and even the most embarrassing squad of malcontent goons can appear to be something they most decidedly are not.

And I know that on more than one occasion, they’ve looked abysmal and flat against good pitchers, only to make their hay against washed out rejects like Chad Durbin. So far, they’ve only played teams who are mediocre to bad, and the true test will come against the likes of the Toronto Blue Jays and the Detroit Tigers of the world, serious contenders who won’t trot out a hive of scrubs. I understand that the starting pitching won’t be this dominant for the remainder of the year, nor will the offense continue to rally each night after it looks like it’s curtains, and yes, there will be many costly defensive missteps down the road.

But as it stands, on this gilded April perch, the Royals are in first place and I’ll be damned if they don’t look like they belong. Continue reading

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Hearne: American Heartland Doomed from Get Go

39043a0ca87f97353a59395dc4c15b5dTwenty-six and out…

Word that the American Heartland Theatre at Crown Center is on death row begs the question, WTF?

For the 26 years the Heartland banged out mostly middle-of-the-road fare using largely local actors for a crowd composed predominantly of blue hairs.

And for the past 26 years the theater failed to make a profit.

Which likely explains the decision for American Heartland’s upcoming dirt nap in August. However, in the theater’s exit interview with the Star, neither the company’s executive director nor the spokesman for landlord Crown Center identified whose decision it was to shut it down. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 11 Comments

Hearne: Music Scribe Bags on Newspapers, Sports, Cable TV & CDs

derek-jeter1This just in…

With odd exception, old people don’t like change. Big surprise. Then again, young people aren’t particularly fond of it either unless there’s something in it for them.

But in the case of music and entertainment biz attorney turned scribe Bob Lefsetz, when it comes to change, just bring it.

Some excerpts from a recent Lefsetz missive:

******* I don’t want to pay for sports. Continue reading

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