Hearne: Prosecutors, Cops Continue to Harass Coffee Wonk Owner After Court Win

IMG_2027It’s like a bad dream that won’t go away…

It’s been months since Micah Riggs locked the doors for the last time at his business Coffee Wonk at  3535 Broadway in Midtown Kansas City. And it’s been years since he sold a now controlled substance known as K2 or synthetic marijuana.

Riggs stopped selling it the minute it became illegal in August of 2010.

Unfortunately however, he’s been up to his eyelashes in prosecutors and police ever since Coffee Wonk was robbed at gunpoint in September of 2010 and police were called to investigate. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 38 Comments

Starbeams: CB Radio Internet for Raytown & Clitoris Awareness Week

CAW EGoogle Fiber is coming to Raytown and residents are scrambling to find a way to connect the Internet to CB radio.


FC Kansas City remains undefeated in Women’s Professional Soccer with a win over Seattle.  I think I speak for everyone when I say, “We have a professional women’s soccer team?” Continue reading

Posted in Starbeams | 7 Comments

Donnelly: Sporting KC Trounce Chivas USA on Cinco de Mayo, 4-0

The perfect setup for Cinco de Mayo was at Sporting Park Sunday afternoon, as the boys in blue welcomed Chivas USA for a festive match-up.

Tequila?  Check.  Sombrero?  Check.  Street tacos in the parking lot?  Check.  Massive beat down?  Uh, double check.

Remember, Chivas USA is under the same umbrella as Chivas Guadalajara, the Mexican first division team.  And the organization has made no bones about their preference for Mexican and Latino players over all others, so this game on May 5th in KCK was nothing short of a fiesta – for Sporting KC, that is.   Continue reading

Posted in Sporting_Kansas_City | 3 Comments

New Jack City: Letterman Pays Homage to Trailers from Hell

Anthony_Weiners_Chest_25One of my not-so secret vices in life is movie trailers…

Not the good ones, mind you, the hard sell, schlock approach ones used to market B-movies. And it’s not necessarily the pictures on the screen that give me those warm and fuzzy feelings. It’s the voice overs on the soundtracks.

You know the kind, deep, hoarse and sleazy sounding. Continue reading

Posted in Jack Poessiger | 5 Comments

Whinery: And the Survey Says…

Women at WarEvery now and then a public opinion poll comes out that shocks even the political junkies…

A mind boggling 29 percent of Americans believe that “In the next few years an armed revolution might be necessary in order to protect our

An armed revolution, people. Continue reading

Posted in David Scott Whinery | 26 Comments

Hearne: Scary Stones Disappoint in ‘ 50 & Counting’ Tour Kickoff

Gwen+Stefani+Rolling+Stones+50+Counting+Tour+sD6Xw8hTVdjxAt least porn stars know when to hang it up…

Check out these video snippets from the Rolling Stones opening night concert at the Staples Center in LA.

If you dare.

But be forewarned, it isn’t pretty. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 33 Comments

Hearne: The Very Odd End of Former Sandstone Promoter Barry Fey

Screen shot 2013-05-04 at 8.33.49 PM

Promoters Chris Fritz and Barry Fey mugging for the camera in 1984

Not only are the circumstances surrounding the death of iconic concert promoter Barry Fey a little weird, his final resting place is even up for grabs.

For starters Fey, who left his mark on Kansas City, first at Starlight and more importantly as the dude who helped launch Sandstone, is trapped in a controversial, post death limbo involving the concert venue he helped to immortalize, Colorado’s vaunted Red Rocks.

“Famed Colorado concert promoter Barry Fey long believed he’d be buried in the Morrison Cemetery, near his beloved Red Rocks Amphitheatre,” reads a story in the Denver Post. “But lost paperwork and a ruling by the historic cemetery’s management group makes it unlikely that his final wishes will be fulfilled. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 3 Comments

Hearne: American Century Dodges Messy Lance Armstrong Divorce Bullet


In with a bang, out with a whimper…

I’m not sure how they pulled it off, but congratulations are in order to American Century.

Because for months the Kansas City-based mutual fund company navigated the stormy PR seas of having billions of dollars of its funds named after disgraced cyclist Lance Armstrong‘s charity without anybody here laying so much as a glove on them. A charity that Sporting Kansas City finally found too hot to handle and that ended in a messy, high profile divorce with LIVESTRONG in January. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 2 Comments

Hearne: Three Strikes We’re Out @ the Oil Ball Game

 Glazer tried to pick this chick up but wasn't Green enough

Glazer tried to pick this chick up but wasn’t Green enough

Forgive me for preaching a little but…

It’s too easy for us to forget that what we drive as well as how we drive has a lot to do with wars being fought and Americans dying, but it really does. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 18 Comments

Hearne: Woodside Ready to Kick Jones Pool’s Butt in Summer Speedo Stakes

woodside-hottiesThe new kid on the block is about to get pool schooled…

The formerly sleepy Woodside Health & Tennis has bankrolled a seven-figure remodel of its pool facilities and plans on reclaiming the hotties magnet crown it ceded to The Jones rooftop pool in the Power & Light District downtown four years ago.

“The pool is clearly built for one reason,” Woodside habitue Craig Glazer said of The Jones in 2009. “To meet hotties.”

That from a dude who a year or so earlier compared Woodside to the Playboy Mansion.

But Woodside’s been getting a little long in the tooth.

Until last fall when  the club embarked on a megabucks upgrade.

The latest? Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 19 Comments

Hearne: Sandstone Concert Godfather Commits Suicide

barry fey and steven tyler 205x205In the world of rock promoters Barry Fey stood tall, ruthlessly tall…

The iconic Denver-based music man was one of a handful of legendary rock promoters that ranged from San Francisco’s Bill Graham to Kansas City’s Chris Fritz. Promoters who ushered in an era of live music concerts and entertainment that came out of nowhere in the mid to late 1960s and lives on to this day.

“He was the reason Denver became such an important music market,” Fritz says. “I mean, he launched music in Denver in a big way. He will be missed, that’s for sure.” Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 10 Comments

Hearne: Racial Strife Continues to Haunt Power & Light Operator

942565_10152789137090037_1803346966_nHere they go again…

Don’t look now but Power & Light District operator Cordish is back in the soup with the African American community. Not Kansas City’s mind you – at this exact moment anyway – but Louisville, Kentucky’s.

“Black leaders concerned over Osborne arrest at Fourth Street Live,” reads yesterday’s headline in Louisville’s Business First publication. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 16 Comments

Sutherland: Hit Piece

KochsIn Robert Penn Warren‘s classic novel about American politics, “All The King’s Men”, the author created the character ‘Willie Stark’. a brilliant but ruthless demagogue inspired by Louisiana’s Huey Long.

Stark orders a journalist supporter to dig up dirt on Stark’s political enemy. a highly respected judge.  The journalist, the book’s fictional narrator, Jack Burden,” is told by Stark: “There is always something- if it takes 10 years. you find it.”  Stark then adds, in what is perhaps the most quoted line from the book; “Man is conceived in sin and born in corruption and he passeth from the stink of the didie to the stench of the shroud.” Continue reading

Posted in Dwight D. Sutherland, Jr. | 10 Comments

Leftridge: Royals’ April Recap

Kansas_City_Royals_Wallpaper-Last year, I wrote a monthly recap piece about the Royals. They usually went like this: “ROYALS DO REAL BAD IN MONTH. Billy Butler hit homeruns and Country Breakfast! Pitching stupid and awful except for bullpen, where Tim Collins look like a leprechaun and blah blah blah, ROYALS IN 4TH PLACE.

I mean, there really wasn’t much going on. It was an acknowledged “building for the future!” kind of year, just like the year before, and the year before that, all the way back to a time when Hearne had a real job wheeling and dealing stocks, bonds and commodities, cocaine flowed like Rubik’s Cubes and a certain comedy club impresario had at least a few remaining strands of real hair.

Point being, the Royals have been bad for a long, long time.

But out at the beautiful little park in the middle of nowhere, just a shade south of the major interstate, the tides are turning. The Kings of Comeback are a goddamned blast to watch, and, due to timely offense and an improved starting pitching staff, they’ve ended April in first place, a foreign territory usually reserved for the Detroit Tigers, or in years past, anyone other than the Royals. Continue reading

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Jack Goes Confidential: ‘AVENGERS’ Tough Act to Follow—‘Iron Man’ Robert Downey, Jr. Gives it His Best

ironman3pepper3As Hollywood has continued to move up the all-important summer movie season, it’s pretty well stuck with the first weekend in May as the traditional kick-off date…

Topping last year’s summer launch though isn’t going to be easy.

Disney sprung into the summer with a little ditty called MARVEL’S THE AVENGERS. It produced not only a $200.3 million domestic opening weekend at the box office but topped out with a whopping North American take of $623,358 million!

Can The Mouse House repeat itself this year? Continue reading

Posted in Jack_Poessiger | 3 Comments

Sounds Good: Soft Reeds @ Replay, MAW & Arthur Dodge @ Frank’s North Star, Big Boi @ Granada

Cold enough for ya?  Eh?  Eh?  Eh?…  

Some dude:  Can you believe this weather?  Whoooeeeee!  You’d think it was still winter out there!  I had to pull my winter coat back out of the closet and get my ice scraper out of the trunk!  What the heck, man?!

Me:  Did you know that prisoners crush up ping pong balls and smoke them to get high?


Continue reading

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Hearne: Dinosaur Rockers Going Way of the Dinosaurs

130420-bob-dylan-600-1366561064Close but no Blowing in the Wind

About that triple bill of Bob Dylan, Wilco & My Morning Jacket at Sandstone – ain’t gonna happen, sources say.

The so-called Americanarama Festival of Music had been looking for a shed date here but the fest was pricey and there were concerns about the drawing power of 71 year-old Dylan as headliner. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 15 Comments

Hearne: Mizzou Thrashes Kansas in Small Cities Showdown

kufans_20130213075617_320_240Let’s get real…

Most people in life couldn’t care less about whether Bill Self’s basketball Jayhawks best Mizzou in basketball or vice versa.  It’s a game people and games are meant to be played then forgotten.

There are far bigger fish to fry in the game of life than hinging one’s hopes and aspirations on how a handful of out-of-towner athletes perform against other groups of out-of-towner athletes from competing colleges. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 16 Comments

Paul Wilson: Son Comes Out Swinging Against DISH

Screen shot 2013-05-01 at 11.38.02 AMYou read it here first people…

On Monday I told you why SoftBank‘s deal was a better fit for Sprint than DISH’s proposal. Then yesterday the man himself, SoftBank’s Masayoshi Son came out swinging at DISH chairman Charlie Ergen and taking the same position I had the day before. Continue reading

Posted in Paul Wilson | 11 Comments

Starbeams: A Tebow in Wolf’s Clothing, Sprint Wars, Obama Surgery & Getting Away with Murder

kcwolfTim Tebow has received an offer from the Omaha Beef indoor football league to play for $75 a game.  For that kind of money he can come to Arrowhead and play KC Wolf.


SoftBank will not up its offer for Sprint, even after DISH came with a better offer.  And I was hoping the Japanese company would come to town and help raise our children’s math scores.

Continue reading

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