Last year, I wrote a monthly recap piece about the Royals. They usually went like this: “ROYALS DO REAL BAD IN MONTH. Billy Butler hit homeruns and Country Breakfast! Pitching stupid and awful except for bullpen, where Tim Collins look like a leprechaun and blah blah blah, ROYALS IN 4TH PLACE.”
I mean, there really wasn’t much going on. It was an acknowledged “building for the future!” kind of year, just like the year before, and the year before that, all the way back to a time when Hearne had a real job wheeling and dealing stocks, bonds and commodities, cocaine flowed like Rubik’s Cubes and a certain comedy club impresario had at least a few remaining strands of real hair.
Point being, the Royals have been bad for a long, long time.
But out at the beautiful little park in the middle of nowhere, just a shade south of the major interstate, the tides are turning. The Kings of Comeback are a goddamned blast to watch, and, due to timely offense and an improved starting pitching staff, they’ve ended April in first place, a foreign territory usually reserved for the Detroit Tigers, or in years past, anyone other than the Royals. Continue reading →