Whinery: Think You Still Live in a Free Country?

050613_powerplay_full_640On May 5th President Obama gave the commencement address
at Ohio State University in which he issued a warning, as follows…

“Unfortunately, you’ve grown up hearing voices that incessantly warn
of Government as nothing more than some separate, sinister entity
that’s at the root of all our problems… They’ll warn that tyranny’s
always lurking around the corner. You should reject these voices.”

Which voices should we reject? Continue reading

Posted in David Scott Whinery | 21 Comments

New Jack City: Travel Tips for the Faint of Heart & Delicate of Wallet

06b871eb55eb5e2ba3862614472b4736A few weeks back I tried to answer some oft asked travel questions…

Topics included weekly best bets to book airline tickets, best times to purchase vacation packages, days of the week for best availability of lowest ticket prices and hottest new cruise vacation products.

Well, today I’ve got even more answers to the travel questions you were about to ask.

Q: Like what foreign country offers the most bang for the buck?

A: For my money it’s the great all-inclusive resorts of Mexico including those in Cancun, Riviera Maya, Puerto Vallarta, Los Cabos and Cozumel. Continue reading

Posted in Jack Poessiger | 10 Comments

Donnelly: Undefeated at Home for Almost Two Years, Houston’s Streak Snapped by SKC

Was it pretty?  Mostly no.  But that doesn’t matter in a situation like this – only the final score matters.  

Here’s the deal: the Houston Dynamo had not lost a home game in their new stadium since its opening a year ago, and they hadn’t lost in their previous stadium in quite some time as well.  All told, a 36 game home unbeaten streak.  That’s almost two full MLS seasons’ worth.   Continue reading

Posted in Sporting_Kansas_City | 2 Comments

Hearne: Raising Hell with the Tea Party

IRSagentFrankly, I’m not appalled…

Everybody hates the Internal Revenue Service and everyone who files a tax return lives with the fear of being audited or penalized for a mistake or tax transgression. Even taxpayers with no reason to be fearful.

Kinda like when you’re driving down the road, doing the speed limit and absolutely nothing wrong, but you still get a little nervous when a cop pulls up behind you.

Why is that? Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 8 Comments

Paul Wilson: IRS Attack on Tea Party a Matter of Concern

irs-we-targeted-conservative-tea-party-groups-with-extra-scrutiny--mistakes-were-madeIRS, it must mean, I’ll Return SHORTLY….

Just as soon as the agency figures out how to explain its latest government boondoggle. And as for the flaming liberals who read KCC with no cognitive thought process involved outside of old, tired, bob and weave tactics, rapid fire insults and topic changes thrown against the wall of reason until something sticks, just stop.

I’m tired of the “Doppler Effect,” defined as the tendency of stupid comments to seem smarter when they come rapidly. They’re still stupid.

So, the news is the IRS has been applying extra scrutiny to nonprofit applications that contain within their mission statements, a desire to “criticize how the country is run” or seek to educate the public on how to “make America a better place to live.” In essence designations that would indicate conservative political groups or leanings. Continue reading

Posted in Paul Wilson | 33 Comments

Starbeams: Gov Targets Tea Party on Amtrak, Styx & REO Snoozefest

0225-styx-2-1Amtrak service to St. Louis could end if more subsidies are cut. The government is cutting funds because several Missouri passengers are members of the Tea Party.


4,000 people ran in the Mother’s Day 5K at Corporate Woods, many of whom, were mothers.  One mother used it as an excuse to be too tired to cook my brunch on Mother’s Day.


Styx and REO Speedwagon rocked Starlight Friday night.  At least, I think they did.  After I put in my earplugs, I took a nap. Continue reading

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Hearne: Pitch Editor Scott Wilson Charts Successful Course

etc_stack22__01__630x420Let there be plaudits…

Media criticism is a hard way to go. Not because it’s difficult finding fault – real or imagined – that’s the easy part. Anybody can play that game.

No, the trouble is, everyone hates you once you’ve done it. Which is why otherwise edgy bloggers like Tony mostly kiss up to local media hacks. That’s how you get Pitch cover stories and radio appearances. Trust me, Mr. T knows where his bread is buttered.

Show no mercy and you’ll get none.

And while most everybody in the media can dish it out, few can take it. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 5 Comments

Katie: 98.9 The Rock’s 2013 Rockfest

Screen shot 2013-05-13 at 10.35.14 AM

In This Moment

Check out the sights at 98.9 The Rock‘s 2013 Rockfest. As seen through the eyes and lens of KC Confidential‘s Katie Grogan.

Continue reading

Posted in Katie | 21 Comments

Leftridge: TV Time: Is Hannibal Doing Anything for Anybody?

cast-hannibal-nbc-550Are you all watching NBC’s Hannibal? I’m not. Well, I suppose I am—technically—but only in arrears thorough Time Warner’s “On Demand!” and only at the continual insistence of someone from Facebook. (You know—the person who loves and trumpets something loudly, and you listen because you trust this person’s opinion on things related to entertainment? Yeah, that.)

The things is, I’m four episodes in and it’s just not grabbing me by my (eye)balls and compelling me to watch more. It’s not bad, really, it’s just… okay. Continue reading

Posted in Brandon Leftridge | Tagged , , , | 15 Comments

Hearne: Music Critic Claims Foodies Killing Rock N Roll

tumblr_m7vm2oeqKq1r03hrho1_1280There’s a difference between well written and well reasoned…

Good writers love to play with words and concepts, that’s a given.They didn’t get into the journalism racket for the fat paychecks. Not 40 years ago at the height of Watergate, and certainly not in today’s low pay, high mortality news and alt weekly writing game.

Which brings us to Washington Post pop critic Chris Richards’ story today, “Are foodies quietly killing rock-and-roll?

While Richards makes clever inroads in mounting that argument, one could easily pit the rise in popularity of cooking shows, restaurants and food trucks against any number of beleaguered industries and argue the same. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 5 Comments

Hearne: Joe Miller Addresses Plaza Kid Curfew

531595_GThings may be better down south but they’re far from perfect…

“While I said that mixed races seem to be more comfortable down here, there are some things that are worse,” says Joe Miller, a Kansas City and Pitch refugee who now teaches college English in Columbus, Georgia. “While the black population here is a majority, there are only three black City Council members out of 10. I don’t know how you can have a majority of the population but only three on the City Council. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 22 Comments

Hearne: Joe Miller Talks About Racism ‘Kansas City Style’

alg_dispersing_crowdTurnabout is fair play…

And seeing as how we’re from “up north,” we all know about racism “down south.” At least we thought we did.

Enter these observations by former Pitch heavweight Joe Miller.

Miller is currently an English professor in Columbus, Georgia. And reading of Kansas City’s ongoing trials and tribulations with black youth on the Plaza and in other entertainment districts about town got him thinking.

“One of the things that really struck me when I got down here is it’s not like Kansas City,” Miller begins. “You know, all the nicest restaurants and bars are on this three block stretch and there are several black nightclubs there. And on weekends and other nights there are big crowds of blacks out on the town. Regularly. And that’s something I seldom saw in Kansas City.”

That is, without a gaggle of nervous business owners, security personnel and rent-a-cops. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 16 Comments

Sounds Good: RockFest, Cowboy Indian Bear @ LAC, Talib Kweli @ Granada

So much to do, so little time…

Everyone’s favorite team (to hate), the Yankees, are at The K for a few games.

There’s something called RockFest going on at Liberty Memorial.  Not sure exactly what the deal is, but I’m told there will be boobs.  So if you’re into those you might want to take a looksee.

And of course, there’s some good music happening always around here… Continue reading

Posted in Matthew_Donnelly | Leave a comment

Sutherland: Everything’s Up to Date in Kansas City

whitney_terrell2_t440Whitney Terrell teaches creative writing at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, his home town and my own.

His second novel; “The King of Kings County” has as its backdrop the same social terrain as his first, the well received “The Huntsman.”  The setting is once again the tight little world of the WASP ruling class of Kansas City and the theme is the disastrous effect its mores have on its own members, as well as on the larger community.

This is a vein that has been well worked over the years, i.e. the Midwestern businessman as repressed yet boorishly uninhibited, both puritan and libertine.  It is a tradition that goes back to Dickens’s “Martin Chuzzlewit” and continues in an unbroken line of descent through Sinclair Lewis’s “Babbit” and then on down to Evan Connell’s “Mr. Bridge” and “Mrs. Bridge,” and Kurt Vonnegut’s “Breakfast of Champions” in the ‘60’s and ‘70’s.

Terrell adds racial bigotry to the usual litany of less than desirable qualities that make up the fictional Midwestern persona – i.e. greed, conformity, and philistinism. Continue reading

Posted in Dwight D. Sutherland, Jr. | 8 Comments

New Jack City: Jack Says, ‘Go For It!’ on New KCI

,,,THUMBS-UP-boratOK, I get it…

There was no real closure to my KCI story the other day. I did say that I didn’t have all the answers and that the present three terminal setup was outdated for current and most likely future times.

So how do I REALLY feel?

We need a new ONE terminal airport to serve this market. Continue reading

Posted in Jack_Poessiger | 4 Comments

Paul Wilson: Uh, This Just In…

weekend04042009 Breaking news…

“Something just happened…

Yesterday at noon!”

As a result of the businesses I’m involved in -competitive intelligence being among them – I subscribe to a number of key word search news services. Services that constantly scan using words and phrases of interest to you and comparing against anything that’s published on the Internet. They, in turn, email any findings that match my search queries. It’s about the only way to have an early view into corporate changes, filings, etc., before the window of opportunity slams shut and something becomes public knowledge.

Among the more mainstream sites I subscribe to is the Kansas City Star and its kansascity.com news service. Continue reading

Posted in Paul Wilson | 4 Comments

Donnelly: Sporting Regress in Ugly Last Second Loss to Seattle

It was a lovely night for a game at Sporting Park, and for the first 30 minutes it looked like Sporting Kansas City was clicking.

Within the first 15 seconds KC got a shot on goal as Jacob Peterson sprinted into a challenge, won the ball from a Seattle Sounders defender, and fired from 18.  Unfortunately it was right at the keeper.

Graham Zusi looked ultra-confident, bringing down a ball with a flick of the toe, and beating defenders at will.  And Peterson Joseph looked more and more comfortable, feinting well and keeping the ball moving in the middle with crafty little touches. Continue reading

Posted in Sporting_Kansas_City | 7 Comments

Jack Goes Confidential: Latest ‘Gatsby’ Impresses—Recaptures F. Scott Fitzgerald Classic

THE GREAT GATSBYI’ll be upfront with you, I was skeptical about the latest remake of THE GREAT GATSBY

After all, this is yet another film version based on F. Scott Fitzgerald‘s classic American jazz novel. And 1974’s rendition with Robert Redford and Mia Farrow had perfectly hit the spot for me.

Other personal concerns centered on its director Baz Luhrmann. Would he take Gatsby over the top in similar fashion to his MOULIN ROUGE?

And did the fact that Warner Brothers pulled the picture from its original Christmas 2012 release date foretell of trouble? Continue reading

Posted in Jack Poessiger | 4 Comments

Hearne: Stanford’s / Beaumont Deal Appears Dead

photo-(29)_20130101202630_640_480A moment of silence please for the party zone known as the Beaumont Club

Although it closed late last year, the entertainment elves in Westport have been working quietly to revive the failed former country, dance and concert venue.

As recently as last week, hopes were high that a team of “investors” would be assembled to divide the space in two and conquer with the southern third a Stanford & Sons comedy club and the northern two thirds country with the odd live concert and a re-imagined  outdoor, beach party scene.

While that still could happen, those hopes have dimmed. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 9 Comments

New Jack City: KCI—Love it or Leave it

airplane-560When it comes to the future of the Kansas City International Airport (KCI), I’ve mostly kept my opinions to myself…
But with all of the ridiculous claims being made by both sides of the controversial airport issue, it’s time for me jump into the fray and straighten some of you guys out.

Past time, actually. Continue reading

Posted in Jack_Poessiger | 27 Comments