Leftridge: The Royals Playing Limbo: How Low Can They Go?

RsfansWell, it was bound to happen, right?

The magic that kept the Royals in first place throughout most of April and a chunk of May has worn off, and we’re left with the sad truth: the unicorn we’d all admired is nothing more than a malnourished horse with a traffic cone taped to its head.

Gone are the comeback walk-offs, the tight-rope successes of an oft-shaky bullpen and the jaw dropping tenacity of a reassembled starting rotation. The offense—which had previously been SO DAMN GOOD at hitting with runners in scoring position—strands men like irresponsible Floridians ditch unwanted pet pythons.

People everywhere are shocked and appalled, because this is just what they expected. (Not that this makes a lick of sense; the thought processes of hardcore sports fans rarely do.)

It’s classic “Royaling.” Continue reading

Posted in Brandon Leftridge, Sports | Tagged , , , | 14 Comments

Hearne: Who Killed the American Heartland Theatre?


Menopause the Musical

Let’s get real for a minute…

Understandably, theater critic Robert Trussell has been doing a bit of handwringing over the impending demise of the 26 year-old American Heartland Theatre in Crown Center. After all, losing a high profile, 400-plus capacity theater venue is news and I’m sure there will be more stories to come.

However, dollar signs aside, does American Heartland closing really matter on the city’s pop culture landscape? And why, after 26 years in which the for-profit company supposedly never made a dime, kill it off now? Twenty years ago would seem to have made more sense.

Let’s take a look… Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 2 Comments

Starbeams: Keep KCI Crowd Stuck in the 1950s, Rockfest Therapy & Climate Change for Cavemen

fred_wilma_baby_carA movement is afoot to keep KCI the way it is, instead of updating the airport to be post 911 friendly.  The group also wants the world to know that “THEY LIKE IKE.”


The Royals are back below .500 and have lost 11 of their last 14 games.  The players say when they were in first place, they became distracted by all of the people in the stands.

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Hearne: Star Features Head Laurie Mansfield Bailing for LA

04d1371750459ffc047215d0bea6776fLast one out, turn out the…

Once upon a time, something called “stability” existed within the ranks of the newsroom at the Kansas City Star.

No mas.

These days it’s every man, woman and child for him or herself, as a six year gallows march continues with news staffers locked in a quarterly ranks thinning vice, resulting in those who can find work outside the newspaper sending out resumes and job feelers lickety-split.

The latest local casualty of the uncertain times in print journalism:

Features head Laurie Mansfield. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 8 Comments

Hearne: ‘The People Have Spoken,” Kanrocksas

Pennywise @ KROQ Red Bull Soundstage (4/5/2012)

Imagine Dragons

Turnabout is fair play…

After months of insisting otherwise, the powers that be at the music fest known as Kanrocksas have done an about face and  made single day tickets available to the two day fest on June 28th and 29th at the Kansas Speedway.

The $64 million question being why? Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 7 Comments

New Jack City: Jack Lays Into ‘Twin Peaks,’ Swears Off Hooters

britsspearesesMy buddies called the other day and said, we’re taking you to lunch…
“Where to?” I asked.  “You’ll find out,” they hedged.

Would it going to be some new frufru eatery, I wondered.

“Don’t worry, ride with us, you’ll like it,” they promised.

So far—so good—or was it? Continue reading

Posted in Jack Poessiger | 12 Comments

Donnelly: Terrible Offside Call Steals Goal & Win From Sporting

Opara is at the top of the screen, on the 6 yard line when Peterson plays the ball through.

Sporting Kansas City should’ve walked out of abysmal RFK stadium with the full three points instead of splitting two with DC United.

KC created far better, and far more chances than the home squad, but got screwed by one of the worst offside calls I’ve ever seen.  And that’s not hyperbole.

As Sporting’s attack built down the left flank, center back Matt Besler made an overlapping run, almost to the end line.  He cut a ball back to somewhere around the penalty spot finding Jacob Peterson, who one-timed a low ball toward the far post.  Ike Opara reacted first and stepped to the ball, tapping a side-footer into the back of the net.   Continue reading

Posted in Sporting_Kansas_City | 4 Comments

Mermaid: Whatever You Do, Don’t Let Your Boyfriend Loose @ Twin Peaks!

I had no intention of making this my comeback story but…

This Hooter’s upgrade was soo hot I just had to do it. Everyone in town is talking about it – the place is on fire! The first time I drove by and saw the sign, “EATS-DRINKS-SCENIC VIEWS,” I thought, “What is that all about?”

Then I saw the sign, TWIN PEAKS.  Yep, this is the place all my male friends have been raving about for weeks. I pictured it as an out of the way place like in old Paola, but it’s right on 119th street right off Blackbob in Olathe.

As a woman I wasn’t sure what to expect or how I would react. Continue reading

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Katie: Rock 98.9 Rockmaster & Rockettes

IMG_8413What’s that expression?

Oh and one more thing…a photo of Rock 98.9 FM Godfather Johnny Dare lording over RockFest 2013.

(With a bonus late added shot that most of you probably missed last time.)

Enjoy. Continue reading

Posted in Katie | 5 Comments

Hearne: Stanford’s Looking @ Second Location in Uptown ‘Conspiracy Room’

king-tutDon’t look now but comedy could be returning to Midtown…

Stanford’s is looking at opening a second comedy club in the Uptown Theater‘s Conspiracy Room.

“I’ve always thought that it was a cool room and I still do,” says Stanford’s Craig Glazer. “I think it can work.”

For two years Stanford’s has been checking out locations in KCMO, the most recent being the Beaumont Club in Westport. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 17 Comments

Paul Wilson: Why We’ll Never Be Visited by Intelligent Life

American values with a side of humor…

You can’t make this crap up, who would believe it?

A Manhattan Mom hires a handicapped person to be their “tour guide”, as people in wheel chairs can take up to six guests with them, skip the lines and “fast pass” to the head of the pack. You can hire your own “cripple” for $130 an hour, $1,040 for the day from Dream Tours Florida.

“My daughter waited one minute to get on ‘It’s a Small World’ — the other kids had to wait 2 1/2 hours. You can’t go to Disney without a tour concierge. This is how the one percent does Disney.”

I can imagine another quote from this Mother of the Year candidate; “Kids, don’t touch the cripple. Don’t talk to him and don’t look him in the eye. He’s not our friend, he’s just like your nanny except he can get us to the front of the line!”


A nude painting of Golden Girls Bea Arthur sold for $1.9 MILLION dollars at Christie’s this week. It sold to a phone bidder. Clearly the buyer didn’t want anyone to know who he was; how could you ever live that down? Arthur never sat for the painting; the artist worked off of a picture of her fully clothed and his imagination of what her 44 longs looked like.

*** Continue reading

Posted in Paul Wilson | 13 Comments

Sounds Good: Ghosty @ Bottleneck, Spring into Summer @ Replay, Insane Clown Posse @ Granada

Ahhh, graduation.  That magical time when young adults get really drunk and walk down a hill.

Yep, Lawrence will be packed this weekend, so you know there will be some shenanigans on Mass. Street and in the student ghetto.  I put the over-under on couches burned at 6.  Any takers?

Meanwhile, there will be some kick ass tunes to jam to… Continue reading

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Sutherland: Deja Vu All Over Again


The American Dream

The scene was exactly the same for both events—the former bank lobby that is the first floor of the downtown Kansas City Public Library at 10th and Baltimore.

Somewhere between eight hundred and a thousand people were crowded into its space. The attendees were overwhelmingly of late middle age or older.  The concentration of grey ponytails, sandals, and back-packs reached danger levels.

The first of the two appearances (August 18, 2012) was by KC native James Steele, who was discussing his new book “The Betrayal of The American Dream.”  The second (March 12, 2013) was by Hedrick Smith, who was discussing his new book, “Who Stole The American Dream?”

Both authors have distinguished journalistic backgrounds (Steele with the Philadelphia Inquirer, Smith with the New York Times, with the latter entitled to the ultimate form of journalistic street cred., i.e. recipient of a Pulitzer Prize for his book “The Russians,” dating from his days as a foreign correspondent.).

As if the similarity of titles was not confusing enough, both speakers said exactly the same thing, making many of the same arguments.  Things get even more confusing when you consider other titles listed on Amazon currently, all with the same theme: Continue reading

Posted in Dwight D. Sutherland, Jr. | 12 Comments

Starbeams: Kelly Launches KCI Petition, Hipster Alert, Sex for Fun

Kat-Cole-3A local group is launching a petition drive to oppose upgrading KCI.  I’m personally starting a petition to have all TSA searches done by the girl who works at Cinnabon.


84% of Americans say they don’t like hipsters.  The other 16% can be found at First Fridays watching a Jesus look-a-like juggle bowling pins.

******* Continue reading

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Jack Goes Confidential: J.J. Abrams Boldly Does Gene Roddenberry Proud

hh-05311cIt’s been quite a start to Hollywood’s movie summer so far…

IRON MAN 3 delivered at the box office. THE GREAT GATSBY over performed. And this week director J.J. Abrams heats up the box office action by taking Star Trek….Into DARKNESS.

A $100 million opening weekend isn’t out of the question.

Upfront here are some pointers I’d like to pass along. Continue reading

Posted in Jack Poessiger | 3 Comments

Leftridge: TV Time: The Office Says Goodbye

officeactualfirstIt’s too easy to write a eulogy about a program’s death. In this age of a million online critics and critiques and retrospectives and look-backs, I’d almost guarantee the following lede (or a variation thereof) will be posted and printed in embarrassing abundance:

The Office died this past Thursday at the ripe old age of 9 after a long battle with Ratings Disease. The much beloved program—who’d seen steady declines in the past two years—leaves behind a lot of good memories, a failed pilot spin-off about a beet farm, and enough shrugs, smirks and befuddled facial expressions to last a lifetime. In lieu of flowers, please send donations to one of the older characters, as their future opportunities will likely be harder to come by.

So I won’t write that kind of thing. (Except, I guess, the part where I just did. But only as a goof, right?)

Nor will I celebrate the departure of a show that had been slowly dying a very visible, very prolonged death. That’s too easy, as well as too lazy. I—along with a lot of other fans from the beginning—haven’t really given a shit for a number of seasons, and for completely understandable reasons.   Continue reading

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Hearne: Chris Fritz to Establish Backstage Memorial to Rival Rock Legend Who Took His Own Life

barryfeytribute-300x292Maybe it’s me, but this seems a little lame…

The Kansas City Star goes out of its way every Sunday to tell readers which famous or infamous people died that week. Anybody can play, from Amy Winehouse to Methuselah, and without fail, it’s an interesting mix of people who invented crazy gizmos, wrote or played in a one hit wonder bands or even gave sex advice, like Dr. Joyce Brothers, who died earlier this week.

The Star messed up though when it missed the passing of concert promoter Barry Fey. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 3 Comments

Hearne: Former Royals Broadcaster Fred White Passes Away

fw1-285x300This just in from the Kansas City Royals

Former Royals broadcaster Fred White has passed away, reportedly from melanoma.

“They are keeping everything very private,” says a source familiar with White’s situation.

Kansas Association of Broadcasters president Ken Cornish issued the following statement at 3:35 pm this afternoon: Continue reading

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Hearne: ‘Cancer’ Ends Fred White’s Time with Royals

White-FredIt’s been a long, hard slog for beloved Royals broadcaster Fred White

According to sources, esophageal cancer is to blame for the surprise announcement by White that his days with the team are over. White, who is not expected to make it for long, wasn’t quoted in today’s newspaper account of his departure. An account which pointed only to “recent health issues.”

“I always thought Fred was a good guy,” says former Entercom chieftain Bob Zuroweste. “He was bitter about being fired, which I can understand, because the Royals were his life. But he was always a gentleman and was well respected.”

Speaking of which

It was on Zuroweste’s watch in 1998 that White was canned after 25 years in the broadcast booth. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 19 Comments

Hearne: Scribe Says New Liquor Limits Would End World as We Know It

drunk-driving-problemStop the madness…

Not since prohibition has the consumption of alcohol in this country drawn this much fire. That after word that the National Transportation Safety Board is recommending that all 50 states lower the legal limit for driver’s blood alcohol content to .05 percent, down from .08 percent.

“You’ve got to be kidding,” says Stanford’s main man Craig Glazer. “That would be devastating. I mean, it’s bad enough at .08.”

Here’s why.

“I did those tests where you take two drinks in a short period, then wait 20 minutes and they test your blood alcohol level,” Glazer says. “One time I came in at .04 and the second at .06. But here’s the thing, I could have gone out and flown an airplane – I wasn’t even mildly affected – but some of the girls who had the two drinks registered .07 and .08. This was when the limit was 0.1.”

The consequences of going to .05  would be epic, Glazer says. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 28 Comments