Hearne: The Bottom Line on Bottom Line Communications

groundhog-day-movie-bill-murray-drivingGroundhog Day, anyone?

For the second time in three or so years, Bottom Line Communications honcho John Landsberg has announced that he will cease to exist. As a blogger.

The first time out, Landsberg said writing about local media was hurting his PR biz, but then had a practically immediate change of heart, relented and decided to stay in the game.

Until now. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 15 Comments

Hearne: Did The Kansas Speedway Kill Kanrocksas?

Kanrocksas-02_t960Nothing against NASCAR fans but…

Not all venues are created equal and sometimes a given location just doesn’t match up with a given event. Take the Kansas City Wizards and Arrowhead Stadium.

For the Kansas City Chiefs Arrowhead is a perfect fit. However for Major League Soccer it was a bust.

Even on the rare occasions when Wizards’ crowds approached 20,000 – out of more than 80,000 available seats – the place looked like a ghost town.

Which is exactly what promoters don’t want. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 11 Comments

Hearne: KC Wins Dubious Tourism Award & The Star Sucks Up

danny-edwards-blvd-barbequeI know, I know…

After being gone a week, I’ve got bigger fish to fry, but a quick time out while I administer a little nausea medicine to myself over how predictable and lame local media can be when it comes to those bogus “best of” awards national publications dole out to garner publicity and magazine sales.

The latest?

Kansas Citys No. 1 showing in Travel & Leisure magazine’s most affordable getaway “survey.”

I use the word survey quite lightly, given that the magazine offers no evidence whatsoever how it was conducted or what the specific results of the survey were. Rendering the “findings” in the neighborhood of zero in terms of credibility. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 4 Comments

Hearne: They’re Out of Here, Kanrocksas & Bottom Line Communications

good-clean-fun-01Geez, I try and get away for a few days and…

The last time I left town, JJ’s blew up. This time out, Kanrocksas and Bottom Line Communications take a bullet. And there’s more.

Having just driven for like 18 hours, I’m going to take a few off to regroup and hammer these topics the way they need to be in the morning (it’s nearly 2 a.m. as we speak).

Meanwhile, let me say this about that… Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 40 Comments

New Jack City: Network Morning Shows–It’s Later Than You Think

anchors-natalie-matt-savannah-al.grid-6x2In times of fast breaking news, the traditional television network news and talk shows are not the place to be…

You’re better choice is CNN, Fox News and MSNBC.

Am I anti CBS‘s This Morning, GMA or the Today Show?

Not at all, but remember those shows are not broadcast live—unless you live on the East coast. The networks time-delay their cash cows to fit the all important 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. revenue periods throughout the country.

That’s why the actual times displayed on your screen during those broadcasts always are accurate in ALL time zones. Continue reading

Posted in Jack Poessiger | 8 Comments

Donnelly: Though Unfortunate and Not Too Surprising, Kanrocksas is Canceled

About a half hour ago, Kanrocksas‘ website went blank.  The following is all that remains there:

“Due to insufficient ticket sales, Midwest Music Festivals and Kansas Speedway have decided to cancel the 2013 Kanrocksas Music Festival scheduled for June 28th and 29th.

There are no plans to reschedule the event at this time. Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 15 Comments

Donnelly: Sporting Disappointed With Draw Against Houston at Home

Early afternoon game on Sunday, perfect weather – a little overcast with a nice breeze – and a standing room only crowd of 20,000+.

To make things even more electric, Roger Espinoza was on hand as a special guest for the coin flip.  He just finished up his first EPL season at Wigan, which made a late, improbable rush to win the FA Cup.

From the get-go this game was a cracker. Continue reading

Posted in Sporting_Kansas_City | 4 Comments

Hearne: Down & Out in Santa Fe & The Great Crosby Kemper Art Hoax

220px-O'Keeffe-(hands)It’s back to the desert southwest, this time to Santa Fe, New Mexico

One hour north of the Breaking Badlands of Albuquerque, it’s amazing how many refugees of Kansas City (even Lawrence and Topeka) one can run into in this sleepy tourist and artist enclave.

With a population of only 60,000 and change – around 100,000 for the county, I’m told – it’s a land of intriguing restaurants, modest desert climes and more junk Native American art and jewelry than you can shake a stick at. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 4 Comments

Leftridge: Free Crap on Craigslist, the Graduation Edition

graduationGraduation time. When today’s youth begin their birth-assured death march toward tomorrow’s uncertain life. They walk across the stage, diploma in hand, head held high, a smile on their face, ready to tackle the future.

If they’re graduating from high school, their life is just beginning; they’re nervous about leaving home, about the strange “adult” nature of college. Almost everything that they thought was important isn’t any longer. (And never really was.)

If they’re leaving college, they’re likely thinking about crippling debt, a perpetually awful job market, and what story they can invent for their friends that doesn’t end with them living in their parents’ basement, waiting tables and self-medicating at night with discounted wine.

If they’re graduating anything below high school, fuck that. That’s not a real graduation. Continue reading

Posted in Brandon Leftridge | Tagged , , | 7 Comments

Hearne: KC Confidential Looking for a Few…

481807_252849418175167_1617017355_nBeen awhile…

Seems like forever since KC Confidential last put out a casting call. So like, we’re due, right?

I won’t bore you with the particulars, other than to say, if you have an interest and a hankering to write about food, music, theater, the arts, local news, politics, media – you name it. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 55 Comments

Hearne: Moving Day @ The Westboro Baptist Church


Lauren Drain

It wasn’t pretty, but it prepped me for a move to the Kansas City suburb known as Lawrence. Wanting to make the most of my exile I contemplated going undercover at the Westboro Baptist Church.

You know, that bastion of fear and loathing, known to most primarily for its endearing slogan, “God Hates Fags.”

Never happened. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 4 Comments

Whinery: Three Strikes, They’re Out!

Obama-Teleprompter-malfunction“It’s not looking good for Obama, today his teleprompter took the Fifth” — Jay Leno

Of all the scandals plaguing Obama the one that really ticks me off most is his war on the press.

I expect the IRS to do the kind of stuff they’re doing against Tea Party groups. Why not? Every President in the “Modern Era” has used the tax collectors as their own personal “Stasi.”

And the lies about Benghazi, I don’t even know that the Administration is lying. They may just be that incompetent where National Security matters are concerned. So I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt on that one.

However, Obama and his cronies criminalization of investigative journalism is an affront to everything this country stands for. Continue reading

Posted in David Scott Whinery | 23 Comments

Sutherland: When Smart Critics Say Dumb Things


Once more I’m in the unhappy position of writing harsh things about someone whose work otherwise has my unqualified admiration…

Readers may recall my earlier piece on Whitney Terrell’s ‘The King of Kings County,’ a brilliant novel of manners set in Kansas City’s upper crust.

This time I’m squaring off against a critic named William Deresiewicz who wrote an essay a year ago in The Nation on Kurt Vonnegut.  (The essays he penned on Joseph Conrad for The New Republic and on elite colleges for The American Scholar are so good I have shared them with many friends and acquaintances.) Continue reading

Posted in Dwight D. Sutherland, Jr. | 11 Comments

Jack Goes Confidential: ‘Fast & Furious 6’—Hot Cars, Hot Chicks, Hot Damn!

images-1I can’t believe they’re up to No. 6 already…

Who would’ve thought it possible when THE FAST AND FURIOUS kicked in some 12 years ago? If there’s ever been a film series that’s stuck to its formula of fast cars, leggy women and emotionless dialogue, then this is it. Continue reading

Posted in Jack Poessiger | 5 Comments

Sounds Good: Drive By Truckers & Old 97s @ Crossroads KC, Ashes to immortality @ Jazzhaus

With less than two weeks until Wakarusa kicks off down on scenic Mulberry Mountain in Arkansas, tickets are getting scarce.

Will they actually sell out?  No, I doubt it.  But many of the more desirable camping areas are at capacity, and the way it works at Waka is that you purchase your camping spot separately from your ticket.

My point is, get your tickets now!  Here are the bands I’m most excited to see:

Snoop Lion, Son Volt, Karl Denson’s Tiny Universe, Allen Stone, Calexico, Dispatch, Bombino, Moon Taxi, Yonder Mountain String Band, to name but a few.

This is going to be a festival where I get to see lots of bands I’ve never seen before, which is always fun.  And I’ll be sending in tales from the road, so stay tuned.

Until then, here’s a couple things to keep you occupied… Continue reading

Posted in Matthew_Donnelly | 2 Comments

Leftridge: TV Time: Arrested Development Returns, Monopolizes 3-Day-Weekend’s Plans

ADcoverSeven years ago, I was delivering pizzas in the evening, driving a forklift after midnight, and spending my days sending emails to my editors at The Pitch Weekly politely inquiring about the status of my most recent check. (They weren’t BIG checks, mind you—I was but a humble calendar contributor for the most part—but it was MY money, damn it, and they were terrible about paying on time.) I was dating a patient girl who later became my wife and we lived in a crumby apartment in Lee’s Summit. Most of my television consisted of late night Quantum Leap marathons, aided by the interminable haze that can only come from a gigantic jug of Carlo Rossi Chablis.

Arrested Development wasn’t on my radar.

A friend turned me on though, after the original run ended. DVDs were procured, and I watched the full series in a very short period of time because I just couldn’t stop watching it. It was simply that good.

Unfortunately, my tale wasn’t an uncommon one (well, except for the whole journalist/heavy equipment operator drinking cheap wine and watching Quantum Leap at 3am). The multiple Emmy winning show—always lauded by critics and “those in the know,”—didn’t have the ratings necessary to carry it past a third season. The show was cancelled and smart TV fans everywhere were devastated. Continue reading

Posted in Brandon Leftridge, Entertainment | Tagged , , , | 8 Comments

Hearne: Kiefs to Close CD Biz, Sell or Lease Shopping Center

Kiefs_Neon_Sign_2_t670The handwriting’s been on the wall for years…

After decades as a pioneer and force to be reckoned with in what’s now referred to as the “music software” biz, Kief’s Music is bowing out.

“I’m getting out of the CD business,” says owner John Kiefer. “I’ve kept the place open for the last two years losing money, but I can’t keep doing this.”

Frankly, who would?

Next up: “We are closing out our CDs and record albums,” Kiefer says. “We’re lowering all the prices and we have a large selection of 99 cents and up CDs and 51 cents and up LPs. We have thousands of both and they’re all used. We started changing the prices last week.”

Mr. K’s game plan: Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher, Uncategorized | 5 Comments

Hearne: Best Buy Death March Continues

23bits-bestbuy-articleInlineThe days when how things sounded mattered appear numbered…

What’s left of what once was once the “audio industry” is quaking in its boots and living on borrowed time. That in the wake of retailer Best Buy‘s latest financials. The country’s last surviving, large scale consumer electronics retailer reported a first quarter net loss of $81 million compared with a year-earlier profit of $158 million.

Can the company survive? Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 7 Comments

Jack Goes Confidential: ‘The Hangover Part 3’ What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

The_Hangover_Part_3It seems like only yesterday…

In the spring of 2009 director Todd Phillips unleashed extended scenes of his upcoming summer comedy to an unsuspecting ShoWest (movie) convention audience. The film was called THE HANGOVER dealing with a wild bachelor party in Las Vegas that went terribly wrong. The footage became the buzz of the convention and probably the most anticipated comedy of the entire summer.

Its eventual opening didn’t disappoint.

THE HANGOVER with a total North American box office gross of $ 277.3 million would become the biggest R-rated domestic comedy of all time. Yes, it even outgrossed TED‘s $218.5 million in ticket sales.

Two years later Phillips followed up his blockbuster with the uh, cleverly titled THE HANGOVER PART 2.

Yet while the sequel was a commercial success, many moviegoers felt betrayed. Why? Continue reading

Posted in Jack Poessiger | 8 Comments

Hearne: Star Comes Clean to News Staff That Features Head is O-U-T

Save_The_Last_Dance_mainHonesty’s the best policy, right?

So it is that shortly after KC Confidential broke the news about yearling features head honcho Laurie Mansfield being SoCal bound, Star editors decided to level with the newsroom.

“They rushed out an announcement after you posted your story,” says one newsie. “Guess you made it ‘sadly official.’ ”

For what it’s worth, here’s the company line: Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 8 Comments