Hearne: Craig Glazer On Contemplating Suicide & What Awaits Rod Anderson in the Slammer

Hereford_House_owner_if7fd0817-7b76-4ef1-a33c-25bb9836506f0000_20100622221517_320_240For starters, former Hereford House main man Rod Anderson‘s legal eagles blew it…

So says convicted KC businessman Craig Glazer of Stanford & Sons fame.

“I think what the public doesn’t understand is how incredibly unfair the criminal justice system is,” Glazer says. “It should not be punishment to take your case to trial, but it is, because they say, ‘Take these five years or we’re going to hammer you.’ ”

Speaking of which, Anderson reportedly turned down a pair of 5-year plea deals before dumping a fortune in legal bills and zeroing in on a 15 year sentence.

“Nothing against Rod, but from the evidence, it looks like he’s guilty,” Glazer says. “In my case I was innocent, but my lawyer warned me that I was risking my life – did I want to risk 10 years in Leavenworth even though I was innocent. You know, a lot of innocent people get convicted. He also warned me that my legal fees, if it went to trial, would be about $250,000.”

And that’s where Anderson’s lawyers failed him, Glazer says. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 56 Comments

Donnelly: Jim James at Liberty Hall, 9/11/13

No one can accuse Jim James of lacking showmanship, that’s for sure.

Throughout his half-full Wednesday night gig at Lawrence’s Liberty Hall, the shaggy shaman slid and pranced around the stage with the bravado of a drunk lounge singer; he winked at members of the front row and extended an E.T.-like finger to touch theirs; he proudly displayed and then bowed down to a golden teddy bear statue; and he randomly threw a towel over his head for several songs.

Confidence is not lacking with this one, to say the least.   Continue reading

Posted in Matthew_Donnelly, Uncategorized | 5 Comments

Paul Wilson: More Than Meets the Eye to ‘Google Street View’

hc-goog1Ever use Google’s Street View feature?

I do all the time, most recently when a friend heading to the Rockies in her Jeep asked me for trail ideas. Having hiked and  camped Rollins Pass many times, I Googled it. I followed the trail from the Moffet Railroad tunnel all the way up to Yankee Doodle Lake. I’ve used it to check future project access and – always being interested in what’s going on down at the beach – I’ve looked at new condos and proximity to the beach; it’s pretty handy.

You can literally walk down the street, anywhere, and never leave the office.

Do you wonder how they get all those pictures in such a seamless manner? They drive down each and every street in one of their funky little robot looking cars with the tripod on top and cameras on every fender. They take the shots; we get a handy little feature on our desk top.

No problem, right?

Well, the Court says big problem. Continue reading

Posted in Paul Wilson | 18 Comments

Leftridge: Holy Fu**ing Sh*t, Royals Still in Playoff Hunt

1985coverI remember bits and pieces about being four years old, odd things that make me question just what kind of bizarre childhood I truly had.

I remember that I had two Hot Wheels that I unimaginatively named “Refrigerator” and “High Chair.” I had a pet cockroach named George (we weren’t dirt poor, but we weren’t exactly the Rockefellers, clearly) who my cousin killed by decapitation. (That bastard is in prison now, though for something far more serious than roachacide.) I remember pilfering crabapples from a neighbor’s tree and my grandfather threatening to “cut a switch” because of the theft. My uncle lived in our basement for a spell, and I thought there was a monster down there, mostly because I never saw him on account of the weird hours he kept.

I remember all of this peculiar, trivial stuff, but I’d be an absolute liar if I told you that I remember the Royals playing in the World Series that autumn. I don’t remember the jubilation, or staying up past my bedtime to sneak a peek at history. I don’t recall how this city must have felt, the aura of excitement that must surely accompany a winner. In short, I was around, but I understood it about as well as a housecat might. Continue reading

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Starbeams: Miss Kansas Tattoo, Kelly to Urine Spot & New iPhones

misskansasjpg-9917532f0570e810-jpgMiss Kansas, Theresa Vail, says she will show her tattoos in the 2014 Miss America Pageant as a way to “empower women.”

I’ll be the guy in the audience with the sign that reads: SHOW US YOUR TATS!


Cordish will build four high-rise apartments at the Power and Light District.  Cordish says it’s not too early for hipsters to ask mom and dad for that security deposit.

A new study finds 46 percent of women experience urine leakage at the gym.  That’s why I’m extremely careful when I’m asked to be a “SPOTTER!”

******* Continue reading

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How To Buy Cheap Generic Famvir Without Prescription

Buy famvir and Generic Famciclovir tablets online for antivirals. Available without prior prescription. Continue reading

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Edelman: SMOKING HOT THEATER On Stage in KC This Fall

is this you 2KC stages heat up with summer fading…

Check out these must sees here in the Fall season :

VENUS IN FUR now thru Sep 29 at the Unicorn. This Broadway menage a deux put actress Nina Arianda on the map (and got her a Woody Allen movie). Rusty Sneary dons the role of director-playwright (not a particular stretch for this multi-hyphenate) of a piece based on Austrian author Sacher-Masoch‘s (as in you know what) steamy novella. When Vanessa Severo shows up late to audition for the dominatrix, the line between director and actor begins to blur. The bustier and garter belt don’t make it any easier. Continue reading

Posted in Mark Edelman | 1 Comment

Paul Wilson: That Crazy George Zimmerman & His Gun

la-na-nn-zimmerman-investigation-20130911-001Your well-coiffed scribe has been busy the last 2 weeks hiring 23 new employees and starting the largest relocation currently going on in the nation…

So I apologize for the recent lack of stories, but not having the patience to sit through one more Tommy tome without jumping out my own window, I told my editor if I had to quit my job, I’d write something this week just to give myself something to read.

And then, what comes along but our old pal, George Zimmerman. Since being found not guilty in the Trayvon Martin trial, George has been getting more press than Lindsay Lohan and for equally bizarre reasons.

Monday, in an effort to prove he’s not a racist, he threatened his wife and father in law with a gun.

Or did he? Continue reading

Posted in Paul Wilson | 45 Comments

Edelman: ‘Miss Saigon’ Shines @ Starlight as Denton Yockey’s Last Stand

Bob Compton Photography

Bob Compton Photography

War and its tragic, unintended consequences get a compelling appraisal at MISS SAIGON, the finale of Starlight Theatre’s 2013 Broadway musical season (now thru Friday at the outdoor venue in Swope Park)…

I hope our President and the “let’s get Syria” Beltway Boys give it a listen.

In a fine production– the last from Starlight Executive Producer Denton Yockey, I’m afraid– the lessons of Vietnam come back to haunt us in this SAIGON. It’s not your granny’s summer musical, but– like all great theater– it’s got some important meat on its entertaining bones.

The Schonberg-Boublil (the guys who wrote LES MIZ)  Tony Award winning Best Musical caused a stir when it first played Broadway, racking up impressive sales and sparking controversy when original producer Cameron Mackintosh cast English actor Jonathan Pryce in the role of the Asian Engineer. That kurfluffle seems like ancient history now. What still works is the trenchant tale of a young Vietnamese girl who falls in love with an American soldier amidst the chaos of the 1975 fall of Saigon. Continue reading

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Hearne: Widow Determined to Mount Tommy Morrison ‘Necklace’ Tour, Family Plans October Service

Tommy-Morrison-560x330This just in from sources close to “the Morrison family”…

Boxer Tommy Morrison’s parents and family will reportedly hold a service for the former Kansas City pugilist and Rocky V star on October 12th in Sulfur Springs, Arkansas.

The $64 million question being, will Morrison’s fam be allotted any of his ashes for their more traditional sendoff.

Here’s the deal. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 98 Comments

Hearne: Potholes in Rod Anderson Sentencing Story

IScreen-Shot-2012-11-19-at-10.47.38-AM‘ve got more coming your way on the Rod Anderson case but first…

Here are a few thoughts on the comprehensive reporting concerning the Hereford House owner’s sentencing in today’s Kansas City Star.

For starters, I fully understand the way reporters try to breath life into news stories. Still I think describing Anderson in the opening sentence of the story as the “man who fought to save a landmark restaurant” after he’s been convicted of torching that very landmark is beyond a stretch.

Anderson’s hiring thugs to burn the place down for the insurance money was hardly an effort to save a local landmark. It was an effort to save his financial bacon – landmark be damned – and come up with enough dough to build a new restaurant from the ground up. The landmark was the last thing Anderson was trying to save. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 6 Comments

Hearne: Tommy Morrison Boxing Gloves Necklace & Farewell Tour Back On Track

rocky-v-1990-10-gWell, here we go again…

Word last week that Tommy Morrison‘s widow Trisha had announced a plan to cremate the former Kansas City boxer and have his ashes put in commemorative boxing glove necklaces for close friends and family to wear and carry was reportedly nixed by his mother and family.

Along with a planned farewell tour with the rest of Tommy’s ashes to Kansas City, Las Vegas and other proud points where Morrison’s career was to be celebrated.

But the family would have none of that, came the word. Morrison’s mother reportedly just wanted a quiet service with her son’s ashes in a small cemetery in Arkansas near Jay, Oklahoma where other Morrison family members are interred.

Simple, right?

Uh, not so fast…

Shortly after speaking briefly with Morrison’s wife Trisha and an email exchange late last week, I was contacted by a gentleman named Darren Barcomb.

Continue reading

Posted in Paul Wilson | 7 Comments

Hearne: The Sentencing of Hereford House Owner Rod Anderson

1351716034-fat_city_rod_anderson_thumb_220x219Let me begin by telling you that this was a very humbling experience…

Anyone who’s ever faced hard times – like Anderson’s Hereford House did – can maybe relate to the feeling of despair this otherwise model Kansas City citizen was experiencing and the temptation to opt for a seemingly easy out in the form of an insurance fire.

There’s no doubt arson was the wrong way to go, of course.

Yet despite continuing to proclaim his innocence, as Anderson has, it was clear at yesterday’s sentencing that both he and lawyer J.R. Hobbs were quite shamed and apologetic for what Anderson had done.

Yet five years after the fact, there we all sat in a courtroom packed with friends, family and former associates and civic leader Anderson braced for the worst. A 15 year sentence was awarded with restitution to be determined.

And there was Anderson, the always impeccably dressed, well coiffed businessman / restaurateur, beat down and forlorn in a faded orange jumpsuit with the word “Inmate” stenciled across the back. Adorned in chains that ran from his ankles to his wrists, then around his waist. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 38 Comments

Hearne: Live Country Music Club Replaces Dark Horse, Torres in Westport


Rachel Ammons of Tyrannosaurus Chicken

Suppose they held an entertainment district and somebody forgot to open a country music club…

Unimaginable, right? Wrong.

It’s been years now since the Beaumont Club – and Guitars & Cadillacs before – graced the Westport nightlife scene. And hey, this is Kansas City. No matter hip hip and erudite we believe ourselves to be, for better and for worse, country music is king around these here parts.

When was the last time somebody held a rock concert at Arrowhead?

Excuse me, Camarohead.

Well, the guy who masterminded country at the Beaumont in the early 1990s – Wild Bill Nigro – is back in the saddle again at the nightclub formerly known as The Dark Horse Tavern.

The name of Nigro’s new game: The Westport Saloon. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 6 Comments

New Jack City: What’s Next, Weight Controlled Boarding?

obese-airplanesLooking ahead to that big vacation next year?

Or maybe a big trip overseas? Better set aside some extra coin as travel pricing for 2014 is definitely on the rise—with some exceptions.

Those increases coming up. But first something that bugs me. Continue reading

Posted in Jack_Poessiger | 7 Comments

Donnelly: Don’t Miss Jim James at Liberty Hall on Wednesday

As the lead singer and songwriter for My Morning Jacket – one of the most entertaining and consistently quality live bands of the last decade or so – Jim James has kind of seen and done it all.

His band has opened for Pearl Jam, played Coachella and Bonnaroo (their 2008 set lasted four hours), supported Neil Young on an international tour, and packed just about every big room and amphitheater in the US. Continue reading

Posted in Matthew_Donnelly | 2 Comments

Hearne: Scribe Wonders Aloud If Jason ‘Big Sexy’ Whitlock Ever Matter Again?

NDIzNjQ3MzYxMjQ_o_jason-whitlock-on-ncaa-systemWord that former Kansas City Star lightning rod Jason Whitlock had escaped the low-paying gravitational pull of Fox Sports raises a few questions…

Will his return to ESPN to blog and head up a site that aims to discover and develop young, African American sports bloggers – in essence, future Jason Whitlocks – bring JW the fat paycheck and fame he enjoyed here in the Cowtown?

“I’m going to guess Jason may be finally making over $100,000,” says Whitlock pal and sports / media observer Craig Glazer. “Because ESPN is such a monster now and they want Whitlock to be to be a scout now. And they think that five or ten years down the road online blogging will be a big deal. I don’t think it is right now – I think it’s just like you and Tony right now.” Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 33 Comments

Hearne: Royals Running Out of Time Playing ‘Beat the Clock’

crop_AP100604120806_t640Speaking of possible wild card teams from the heartland…

This year’s Kansas City Royals remain in the running for a wild card berth, the deck is stacked against them, says comedy impresario Craig Glazer.

“The problem with the Royals is there are just too many teams in front of them and you have to have losses by the teams ahead of you,” Glazer says. “There are like three our four teams ahead of them and they have to pick up losses by all of them to advance. But hey, they’re getting it done right now, they’re just running out of time.”

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 5 Comments

Hearne: Scribe Says Chiefs Team ‘Best’ in 10 Years

chiefs-jenna_display_image“Don’t get your hopes up too high just yet, but…

The Kansas City Chiefs team that beat Jacksonville yesterday was the first truly legit team the club has fielded in a decade, says sports scribe Craig Glazer.

“Well, you know if you looked at my picks, I picked Kansas City to beat Jacksonville so I wasn’t surprised,” Glazer says.  “But I was surprised by the quality of the game. This clearly – from every aspect of the game – was their best win in several years. Even with all the wins in the Western Division title season I don’t remember them playing this well on the road. They dominated, even though it was a bad team. If you look at the entire NFL schedule yesterday, Kansas City was the only team with a lopsided score like this.”

Next up? Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 9 Comments

Donnelly: Sporting KC Crush Columbus With Their B Team

Now that was a beatdown.

The Columbus Crew came to Sporting Park on Saturday night, and left with their tail between their legs, losing 3-0 and in the process being thoroughly outclassed.

Thankfully for the visitors, it might have been the lowest attended game of the season.  It makes sense I suppose – KU played their opener in Lawrence about an hour beforehand. The Royals were at home in a big series with the Tigers. And it was a sweltering 98 degrees at kickoff.

But earlier in the week, Columbus interim coach Brian Bliss was talking some smack, saying, “It will be nice to go in there and punch the bully in the nose.”

Might want to re-think that one.   Continue reading

Posted in Matthew_Donnelly | 3 Comments