Hearne: Newsroom @ KC Star Braces for First Layoffs Since ‘Hunger Games’

1325382746361The imaginary sirens have sounded and news roomers at the Kansas City Star are hunkering down…

That in the expectation that another round of layoffs is about to unfold, sources say.

“We’re hearing it everywhere,” says one staffer who asked not to be named. “There have been meetings between editors and human resources and everyone is expecting the worst.”

That’s the bad news. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 15 Comments

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Buy oxsoralen and Generic Methoxsalen tablets online for skin care. Available without prior prescription. Continue reading

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Starbeams: Jonas Brothers Break Up, Candy Corn Milk, The Pope & Octoberfest

Nick Jonas

Nick Jonas

Locally based Shatto Milk is offering Candy Corn Milk for a limited time….or at least until they’re bought out be a Belgian milk company.


It has been a tough week for me emotionally.  Boulevard Brewery sold to a company in Belgium AND The Jonas Brothers broke up.  I’m spending the weekend with my life coach.

******* Continue reading

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Buy vepesid and Generic Etoposide tablets online for cancer. Available without prior prescription. Continue reading

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Sutherland: Review — ‘If I Had A Son — Race, Guns, and the Railroading of George Zimmerman’ by Jack Cashill


“IF I HAD A SON,” BY Jack Cashill

(Race, Guns, and the Railroading of George Zimmerman)


Local author Jack Cashill has done a yeoman service in setting the record straight on what actually happened in the Trayvon Martin case tried in Florida earlier this year. 

The acquittal of the defendant George Zimmerman would have been a foregone conclusion but for the power of what Cashill has called the Black Grievance Industry.  By this he means the unholy alliance between black and white “civil rights” activists, unscrupulous lawyers, and demagogic politicians to create racial hate crimes out of nothing.

The best examples in real life are the 1987 Tawana Brawley incident and the 2006 Duke Lacrosse team controversy.  The best fictional example is Tom Wolfe’s “Bonfire of the Vanities,” which of course set the template twenty-six plus years ago for all that was to follow. Continue reading

Posted in Dwight D. Sutherland, Jr. | 45 Comments

Glazer: Hail to the Chiefs — This Week’s College & Pro Picks

nfl_g_bflowts_576Look at it this way…

If someone would have come up to you – say a Chiefs player or coach Andy Reid – the day before the season started and said, “Hey, after the first six games, I’ll let you be 4 and 2, or do you want to play out the six games?” I think everyone, including Andy, would have taken the 4 and 2.

However, the Chiefs are now six and 0. 

I’ll go you one better, had someone said to you, “Tell you what, put up $25,000 and I’ll put up a million and if the Chiefs gets to six and 0, I’ll give you the million. Otherwise, I’ll take your money.”

I don’t think anyone, including Andy Reid, would have taken that bet.  Continue reading

Posted in Craig_Glazer | 28 Comments

Whinery: Portrait of a Rotting Empire

scary-clownsEverything is so blurry now…

Look at what the “Mainstream Media” is trumpeting as great successes these days. Somehow it’s a good thing that our rulers in Washington have agreed on another TRILLION  dollars in debt. That a health care law where premiums are rising in 45 states, and only going down by negligible amounts in the other five, is just what the doctor ordered!

While at the same time, ignoring how much the military-industrial complex is the root cause of this Country’s fiscal crisis. And pays no heed that the middle class is disappearing and that the gap between rich and poor is at an all time high.

Who cares about anything of substance amongst the ruling elites? Continue reading

Posted in David Scott Whinery | 9 Comments

Leftridge: A World Series of Suck

is_this_cardinals_fan_racist_or_just_stupidUntil I sat down to write this piece, I honestly didn’t know that the ALCS between the Detroit Tigers and the Boston Red Sox was tied 2-2. It’s not that I haven’t been watching—I have—but something about the way things have unfolded made it feel like the Tigers were up three games to one. Or maybe that the series was already over—in Detroit’s favor, or course.

Same goes for the NLCS. The St. Louis Cardinals hold a 3-2 series lead against the Los Angeles Dodgers, but it felt like the Cardinals took that one a while back, too.

There’s still baseball to be played, but the pessimist in me has already written a World Series between Detroit and St. Louis, a World Series that I, for one, will care nothing about.

If what seems to be an inevitable conclusion actually comes to fruition, I’m going to have a really hard time giving a shit, in other words. Continue reading

Posted in Brandon Leftridge, Sports | Tagged , , | 5 Comments

Paul Wilson: Josh Groban & Judith Hill at Sprint Center

Screen shot 2013-10-17 at 4.34.27 PMI’ve only gone to six or eight concerts where I went for reasons other than my own choosing…

Either I was taking someone who wanted to see something I didn’t particularly care for, or in the case of Garth Brooks, just wanted to attend the opening of the Sprint Center because it was an “event.”

In my preview story for the Josh Groban, Judith Hill concert, I made it clear Groban wasn’t my cup of tea. That I was going to see Hill and Hill alone. Well, I’m ready to eat those words now for all the women who viciously attacked me in the comments section. Continue reading

Posted in Paul Wilson | 24 Comments

Jack Goes Confidential: ‘The Fifth Estate’—Welcome to the WikiLeaks Information War

054092-wikileaks-movie-fifth-estateHow does one describe THE FIFTH ESTATE?

How about as an information war.

WikiLeaks triggered our age of high stakes secrecy and explosive news leaks. Now director Bill (‘The Twilight Saga’ and ‘Dreamgirls’) Condon’s new docudrama reveals the deceptions and corruptions of power which turned an internet upstart into the 21st century’s most debated dispenser of classified corporate and U.S. Government information.

Here Benedict Cumberbatch – as creepy WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange – along with Daniel Bruehl as Daniel Domscheit-Berg team to become the world’s classified underground watchdogs. A high stakes relationship of intelligence providers. Whistle blowers on a shoestring.

“Two freaks with a single server…” Continue reading

Posted in Jack_Poessiger | 4 Comments

Hearne: Star Subs Steve Paul for Conservative Tom McClanahan on Editorial Board


Steve Paul

From the ultra conservative Thomas McClanahan, who retired without fanfare earlier this year, to the ultra liberal Steve Paul of the FYI section, who the newspaper announced today would join the board.

“They replaced Mr. Dodge Ram, Tom McClanahan, with Mr. Toyota Prius, Steve Paul,” said one wag at 18th and Grand.

Funny thing, Paul drives a gold Prius.

As for replacing McClanahan with Paul, “That’s too bad,” says local writer/producer/politico Jack Cashill. “At least with McClanahan the Star had a token conservative. You had to look hard to find him, but at least he was there. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 6 Comments

Hearne: Boulevard Brewing Bought Out by Belgium Brewer

BOULEVARDThis just in…

You saw the headline, so whip out those black armbands. Beloved local brewer Boulevard Brewing is taking the money and running.

Hey, it’s the way of the world.

“As European interest in American craft beers begins to mirror the mania for them stateside, the Duvel Moortgat Brewery of Belgium on Thursday announced a deal to buy the Boulevard Brewing Company, a craft brewery in Kansas City, Mo.” the New York Times is reporting. “The acquisition of Boulevard will give Duvel, pronounced DOO-vel, ownership of a large United States craft brewer that is well known in the Midwest and produces a wide variety of beers under its own name and others. Boulevard’s brands range from 80-Acre Hoppy Wheat Beer, described as citrusy with a slightly sweet flavor and light bitterness, to Dark Truth Stout, an “inky” beer with hints of chocolate, coffee and fruits.” Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 12 Comments

Hearne: The Curious Closings of the Velvet Dog & Empire Room

IMG_2888The rumors began to fly two weeks back…

The Velvet Dog and Empire Room had closed unexpectedly – allegedly “for remodeling” – leaving only 81/2 by 11 notes on the front doors explaining what supposedly had happened.

There followed unconfirmed reports of “boxes getting carted out” on October 7th and employees showing up for their shifts unaware of the closings only to find locked doors.

With no outward evidence of remodeling work going down, the obvious question was, had something had gone wrong? Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 13 Comments

Hearne: Lady’s Choice; Rod Anderson’s Wife Rides to the Rescue @ Hereford House

soccer-momsThe days of housewives and soccer moms have long been on the endangered species list…

That said, it seems rare and unusual for a slammer bound businessman’s wife to – not just rise to the occasion – but take the helm of a major restaurant chain such as the Hereford House. Enter convicted arsonist Rod Anderson‘s wife Camellia. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 5 Comments

Hearne: KC Ministers, Liquor Control Stick It to ‘Little Guys’

Blue-LawsHow blue can you get?

It’s Chiefs season and small local bars and taverns are seeing red. But not because the home team is 6-0 and may be Super Bowl bound.

Not even close.

Nope, it’s because Regulated Industries aka Liquor Control has allowed a small group of civic volunteers to enforce discriminatory Sunday Blue Laws that in most halfway enlightened communities have long since gone the way of the dinosaur. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 6 Comments

Sounds Good: Grant Hart @ Taproom, Built to Spill @ Bottleneck, Billy Joe Shaver @ Granada, Desaparecidos @ Liberty Hall

One of the buzziest local albums of the year just dropped.The City Under The City cover art

It’s the latest effort from Topeka-based rapper Stik Figa, and it’s called The City Under the City.  Stik’s always been a smart rapper with smooth rhymes and cool beats, and he’s been at it for awhile now, even winning the annual Farmer’s Ball in 2007.

You can check out the album – with collaborator L’Orange – on Spotify, or on Bandcamp here.  And there’s also vinyl available at Love Garden in Lawrence.  If you like what you hear, check him and some other local hip-hop out at the Bottleneck next week on Wednesday, October 23rd when the latest edition of lowercase KANSAS rears its head.

Check it… Continue reading

Posted in Matthew_Donnelly | 2 Comments

Phillip ‘Flip’ Brown: False Equivalency & The Kansas City Star

Dave-Helling-courtesy-archive1.candesnonline.com_The Kansas City Star has done it again…

In Sunday’s October 13 edition it ran a front page story (Debt Issue is holding Uncle Sam hostage by Dave Helling) saying that the debt limit showdown that, as of this writing, is holding the entire world’s economy hostage to Republican demands. That it’s just another Washington battle in a long line of tit-for-tat politics.

That’s a lie.  Continue reading

Posted in Flip Brown | 12 Comments

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Paul Wilson: We’ve Got Ink, Paper – Let’s Print Some MONEY!

Screen shot 2013-10-15 at 9.53.15 PMCrude oil and the US dollar…

They’ve always gone hand in hand, worldwide. Oil is bought with greenbacks and the dollar rules the world’s economy.

That could soon change…

A year ago, almost to the day, China announced that any nation in the world could buy, sell or trade crude oil using the gold-backed Chinese Yuan. China also struck deals with Russia and the United Arab Emirates to trade with those countries in their currencies.

Unheard of – until now. Continue reading

Posted in Paul Wilson | 29 Comments

Starbeams: Almost a Kiss Concert, Al Gore, Cerner & Saudia Arabia

5061773_origArrowhead Stadium set the Guinness World Record for most decibels at a stadium.  Raiders fans set the record for most makeup in a stadium not hosting a KISS concert.


Cerner will bring 15,000 jobs to the area as the company commits to a $4.3 billion project at the old Bannister Mall site.  If they really want to impress me, they can bring back the Wal-Mart Super Center. I miss 150 aisles of muffin tops.

******* Continue reading

Posted in Starbeams | 2 Comments