Hearne: Editorial Slams ‘Arrowhead Chop,’ Whatever That Is

Patrick Mahomes hops while riding mechanical bull

It’s not easy keeping up with Native American political correctness…

Not for the Kansas City Star editorial board, anyway. How else to explain conflating a tomahawk with an arrowhead?

No kidding,

Check out the headline:

“Stop the offensive ‘Arrowhead Chop.’ It’s time for a new Chiefs tradition.”

I know this is beyond elementary, but when football fans do a one-arm, downward movement during games, they’re wielding imaginary tomahawks, not arrowheads.

Tomahawk like the ones the “injuns” used in the old time cowboy movies with actors like John Wayne.

And given that since arrowheads are routinely attached to arrows, which are traditionally launched by what’s known as a bow, the Chiefs fan’s chopping motion makes no sense.

That’s not how one shoots an arrow with a bow…not  even close!

Which isn’t to say Chiefs fans couldn’t feign an imaginary arrow shooting, if somebody could come up with appropriate music bed.  You know, and maybe get the cheerleaders to demo the move for fans.

Maybe call it, the “Arrowhead Zinger,” or something cute.

I digress…

In short, the editorial is yet another example of a few newspaper know-it-alls running out of stuff to bitch about. Continue reading

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Hearne: KCC Reader Rides to Star Honcho Mike Fannin’s Defense

Remember when “all” used to be fair in love and war?

Less so today, suggests reader Rick McCullough, who says the editor of the Kansas City Star, Mike Fannin deserves a pass based on his checkered resume, because of – wait for itErnest Hemingway!

That’s right, in response to my column noting that Fannin – had recently been promoted to president (the current equivalent of publisher) at KC’s newspaper 0f record.

To be fair, perhaps it is a bit prudish of me to hold Fannin accountable for indiscretions ranging from assault, multiple DUIs and what passes for sexual harassment…as in having an affair with a married subordinate who worked directly under him (don’t take that the wrong way, unless you want to) in the Star’s sports department and left, divorce bound, under a cloud

So here’s Rick’s take  on Fannin, as offered up for KCC’s comments section:

“Unless someone was killed or seriously hurt, two DUI’s should not be a disqualifier. He’s a newspaper man, not a school bus driver or airline pilot. Think Hemmingway (sic) was a tee-totaler when he briefly worked at the paper? Or is that just another historical footnote.

The affair is fair game.”

Interesting take, Rick…

Maybe it’s me, but anybody else out there think of Fannin as the Ernest Hemingway type?

And yes, Hemingway’s brief, six month turn at the Star at age 17 was little more than a “historical footnote.”

Still, I’m gonna inch out on a limb here and play devil’s advocate. Continue reading

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Hearne: Time to Give the ‘Downtown Ballpark’ Concept a Rest

Would the so-called journalists – past and present – at the KC Star please get a grip…

If memory serves, this “downtown ballpark” really got started around 15 years back when a business reporter at the newspaper from Buffalo, Kevin Collison, got a wild hair and embarked upon a campaign to convince locals Kansas City needed a downtown baseball stadium.

Excuse me, did I say, “stadium?”

I meant, “ballpark.”

Because “stadium” is too sterile – definitely not sexy enough to spend an entire writing career using any excuse imaginable to campaign for it. Which is why you seldom see my pal Collison using the dreaded “S” word.

Ballpark on the other hand, now that’s wistful – romantic even.

Because a lowly stadium is merely “a sports arena, usually oval or horseshoe-shaped, with tiers of seats for spectators.”

Versus a ballpark –  “a tract of land where ball games, especially baseball, are played.”

Field of dreams, anybody?

Example: According to one self-described baseball fan and player, “Baseball teams play in a ballpark – not a stadium. You won’t hear any player or staff of a baseball team say they work/play in a stadium.”

Now let’s talk shop… Continue reading

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Jack Goes Confidential: ‘JOJO RABBIT’ No ‘Hogan’s Heroes’

Frankly, I didn’t know WHAT to expect…
But knowing that JOJO RABBIT won this year’s People’s Choice award at the Toronto International Film Festival certainly roused my curiosity. So I attended the screening, while keeping an open mind.
The film’s opening sequence certainly hints of quirky things ahead.
Here we are in a small German burg near the end of WWII where the locals are still Heil-Hitlering.
And while that’s all pretty comically portrayed, the soundtrack blares out the Beatles GERMAN-language version of ‘I Want To Hold Your Hand.’
Is this Springtime For Hitler, meets Anne Frank, or what? Not really, but permit me to explain.
Young 10 year old JJ is a proud member of the Hitler youth program. He’s lost his father and misses him terribly, and now creates an IMAGINARY friend. A replacement father figure—namely Adolf Hitler.
JJ has a loving mother played by Scarlett Johansson. But things get testy when our junior Nazi discovers that she is hiding a Jewish girl in the attic!
What’s JOJO to do, and what if Adolf finds out?

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Jack Goes Confidential: ‘Current War’— Battle of AC vs. DC

Into AC/DC?

Well, don’t expect ‘Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap’ on the soundtrack to this movie.

This is “THE CURRENT WAR” and who would eventually would end up winning it.

The cutthroat race between electricity titans Thomas Edison and George Westinghouse to determine whose newly developed power systems would eventually encompass and electrify all of America—and the world.

Set in the late 1880’s, the competing protagonists were racing against the clock as the winner would end up with the grand prize of illuminating 1893’s Chicago World’s Fair.

And the race was on!

Edison’s direct current with the financial backing of J.P. Morgan and Westinghouse going at it full steam ahead—but alternating powered.And sparks DID fly. Even a model version electric chair came into demonstrative play.

If all this sounds of interest to you, this movie IS for you.

Personally, while I found some elements fascinating, I kept asking myself ‘WHY was this movie made in the first place?’

I guess I just don’t think there’s much of an audience for it. PBS or one of the science, discovery or history cable channels would probably have served as a better platform for this story and movie.

But what do I know, right?

That is not to suggest that “THE CURRENT WAR” isn’t a well made film – far from it.

Its set design and cinematography are all first class. Continue reading

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Hearne: Last One Out Turn Out the Lights@ KC Star

Things are starting to look pretty ugly at Kansas City’s newspaper of record…

Uglier than usual…so what else is new, right?

Yet amidst further layoffs and a barrage of gloom and doom reports about the Kansas City Star, the newspaper choked out a puff piece of sorts recently announcing that editor Mike Fannin had been promoted to its top spot as president.

Something about Fannin being “among the most talented editors in America today,” leading one of the nation’s “greatest newsrooms” and now “able to expand his influence both at The Star and also with the community that he loves.”

Talk about double talk…the community that he loves? Try the paycheck that he loves

Missing in action on pretty much any of the reporting about Fannin outside of KC Confidential is the fact that he’s a two-time convicted felon with twin DUI convictions and an unseemly affair with a married subordinate in the sports department when he was sports editor. Much of that, immediately prior to his climbing the corporate ladder in the wake of the high profile departures  of – shall we say – far more qualified Star honchos Art Brisbane and Mark Zieman (less so the latter).

Speaking of which…

On October 14th the Star’s parent company McClatchy released a filing with the New York Stock Exchange stating that Zieman, its vice president of operations had recently, informed the company that he will leave at the end of 2019.

“Mr. Zieman’s role will not be replaced,” it concluded. Continue reading

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Hearne: Chiefs Super Bowl Dreams Fading Fast

There, I said it…

Was talking to Wild Bill Nigro the other day and we agreed that if Craig Glazer was alive today, he would have long since fired up his chainsaw and written at least a half dozen columns predicting the doom and gloom for the Kansas City Chiefs’ Super Bowl chances.

Long as we’re on the subject, as an aside, he’d undoubtedly have suffered some major gambling losses betting on the team. He’d be reminding us dismissively of how bad KU football still is (and Bill Self will soon be gone), how K-State is a “nice little team” that nobody outside the area gives a second thought to, and he’d be on the MU Tigers bandwagon, especially given their reasonably winnable remaining games.

Ah, but all that college ball would pale in comparison to the dashing of his Chiefs hopes.

Cuz Craig would have been riding that bandwagon from the get-go…just like about everybody else in this town with a hankering for pigskin, beer and politically incorrect football cheers.

I told Nigro the other day that the Chiefs were risking quarterback Patrick Mahomes suffering an even greater injury by playing him his with that bad ankle.

For which they got basically nothing but back-to-back losses at Arrowhead.

Speaking of Nigro…

After texting me a half dozen or so images of animated ghosts with captions like, “I see dead people” and saying the Scribe  was “trying to make a comeback thru” me – he posed the question: “Who do you think Craig’s hitting on in the after life?”

Don’t have an answer for that one, but the lesson to be learned for anguished Chiefs fans is something like, “Don’t count your chickens until the eggs are hatched.”

Because at this stage of the game, the entire Kansas City is in peril.

As Craig liked to say, “Think about it.” Continue reading

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Lefsetz: Bernie’s Back, But Trump Trumps on Debate Night

What kind of crazy, fucked-up world do we live in where Bernie Sanders has a heart attack and comes back stronger than ever?

One in which Elizabeth Warren is busy snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

The best line of the night?

When Bernie said what the people want – that 71% – want Medicare For All.

It is about the voters, right? That Trumps all the triangulation, right?

And speaking of Trump, Warren was so busy worrying about future Republican attacks that she wouldn’t admit Medicare For All would raise people’s taxes. Yes, it would be a net win, but when you can’t answer a direct question over and over again…

You lose your credibility.

And that was Warren’s key.

Does she think we can’t do math? Have Republicans toxified the word “tax” to the point where no one can utter it? Our country runs on taxes, taxes are good.

As for government waste…every business has waste, Amazon built distribution infrastructure and then tore it down when it was clear there was a better solution. The government can’t even throw out food. As for the private sector always doing better, how about those for-profit prisons, incentivized to house offenders, with less oversight than publicly-owned prisons with no profit motive?

Some things just should not be in the private sector.

So Tulsi was labeled a favorite of the right in the NYT and she can’t get over it.

Then she immediately starts talking about the downsides of impeachment and I think the NYT is right. She’s toast, she’s got to go.

As for Amy Klobuchar… I can’t put my finger exactly on why she bugs me. She’s a self-satisfied nerd. It’s like Lil Nas X saying he’s the great hope for saving music. Huh?

Beto’s got to go. He has no chance of winning.

Castro barely talked, kick him off the stage.

Kamala… She tried to attack Warren, as she did Biden in that previous debate -but it turned out Warren was on her side – made Kamala look bad.

Buttigieg. He lifted himself up to the top, surviving tier. He’s young, he’s educated, he’s smart…it’s just that he can’t run the police department of his own damn town, he can’t run on his experience.


Too late, sorry.

And no charisma to boot. So you made your money in banking, why should we listen to you? Why don’t you add something to society, build something, create something other than wealth? Continue reading

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Hearne: Dumb & Dumber – KCK, Star Sing T-Bones Blues

For the record, I’ve been bagging on the T-Bones since Day One…

And I’ve gotta tell you, the Kansas City Star is complicit in the team’s latest financial fiasco by pretending that the games the T-Bones played halfway matter.

Because they really don’t.

Other than, like movies, they can provide a light-hearted distraction from our daily grinds.

That said, there are good movies and bad movies, as Jack will tell you.

Movies of a certain calibre that are produced by folks who theoretically at least know what they’re doing, have big enough budgets to assemble reasonably talented actors and a quality storyline or script.

Absent the above, we’re left with what some refer to as a Grade B (or worse) movie, that’s usually a waste of both our time and money.

And that’s exactly what the lowly T-Bones represent, only worse.

Because most actual “sports fans” knew better from the get-go and didn’t waste their time or money going to T-Bones games or even following the team’s win-loss record…which calls to mind why the newspaper bothered pretending that somebody did.

Instead of the Star giving the T-Bones minor cred, they should have documented how lame they were in not paying their rent, etc – and how ridiculous the Unified Government was to continue to throw good money after bad.

And talk about locking the barn door after the cow’s already gone – now that their season is done and the T-Bones ownership and management could care less, they lock them out after giving them a one month notice.

Which, of course, makes zero sense. Continue reading

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Lefsetz: Today’s Trump

You can’t fight your battles alone…

The Donald is making a major mistake by making news every day.And by refusing to cooperate with Congress, he’s hanging it out for everybody to see. In other words, the press can work for or against you.

In this case it’s against.

Who is on Trump’s team?

His base.

Fox News.

And Republican Representatives and Senators.

His base does best when it lives in a bubble. But the more Trump drags his issues to the forefront, the more his base is aware of them.

As for Fox News… Shepard Smith resigning did more to cement the viewpoint that the channel is biased than any rantings and ravings by the left.

As for those in Congress… Trump is so busy saving himself, that he’s forgotten about them.

Now most people don’t pay attention to the nitty-gritty of politics.

They’d rather live their lives. Ask them who their Representative is, ask them who represents them in state politics and many people will draw a blank. They count on elected officials to do their bidding for them, they’re getting paid, why should they pay attention?

But Trump has made politics the story of the day.

He’s trumped not only movies, TV and music, but even tech.

No, the story today is all Trump all the time.

To his detriment.

Take this Kurds/Turkey/Syria/Iran/Russia story. Not only is there no way he looks good, acting on impulse without preparation, his own party was against removing U.S. troops. These same Congresspeople who were afraid of Trump.

How long until they flip?

It’s going to happen instantly. Continue reading

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New Jack City: Could ‘DIRECT’ Service To Europe Be The Ticket?

So I won my bet even though I didn’t want to win it…

The bet?

That Icelandair non-stop service from KCI to Reykjavik—despite guarantees, incentives and marketing dollars granted—wouldn’t last.

I thought that with Iceland being more or less a leisure destination, Kansas City’s critical mass (area population) wasn’t large enough to support such service several times a week.

A transatlantic non-stop would require more support from business travelers. That’s probably why Denver has British Airways non-stop service to London as well as Lufthansa to Frankfurt.

(Lufthansa’s new service from Austin to Frankfurt will be an interesting one to watch. I’ll wager international tech giant Dell based in Austin figured positively into the German airline’s decision.)

Sure KC vacation flyers could spend a few days in Iceland at no additional cost before connecting to the continent.

But—and it’s a BIG but…

Most business flyers belong to airline loyalty programs. And they’ll choose carriers aligned to their particular frequent flyer rewards program.

Like that British Airlines flight from Denver could transfer points to other alliance members like American Airlines.

And the Lufthansa flight from Austin could count towards the travelers United or Air Canada program.

(Flying Air France or KLM? Points for using those carriers can be redeemed on Delta.)

Bottom line, it’s important to have your international airline aligned to other carriers whose rewards program YOU are a member of. Continue reading

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Hearne: Jimmy C Lays the Pipe to Former Star Copy Editor

Pistol Pete

I’m not sure I buy into that axiom about nice guys…

On that note, one of the nicest Kansas City Star guys I’ve ever known – Jim Fitzpatrick – fired both barrels of his sawed-off journalistic shotgun into the second nicest Star guy I ever worked with Pete Grathoff.

So yeah, even nice guys can be a bit cranky.

Still, I was more than a little surprised, given that both these guys are shoe-ins to land the poster child gig alongside the definition of the word “milquetoast.”

Not in a bad way, mind you. Cuz while  neither of them would ever be described as “macho,” there’s nothing wrong with that.

And to my knowledge they probably had little more than incidental contact at the newspaper, given that most sports dudes come in far later in the day and were quarenteened in a part of the old headquarters far removed from the main newsroom where “Jimmy C” used to hang.

That said, who doesn’t like looking at a grisly car wreck…or a nerd pillow fight?

So it is that in a recent column, Fitzpatrick wondered aloud about who the dozen rich dudes were that choked out 100 grand each to play golf at the Kansas City Country Club with Tom Watson, Jack Nicklaus and Lee Trevino. That Grathoff had reported on in the Star.

Fitzpatrick managed to flesh out three of ’em – Don Wagner, Alan Atterbury and Tom Devlin, but fell short of the mark in fingering the other nine.

Which didn’t stop Jimmy C from calling out Pistol Pete for being lazy and not serving up the nine names even thought Fitzpatrick couldn’t find ’em either.

“I said Pete Grathoff – who writes under the ‘For Pete’s Sake’ handle – is one of the laziest reporters I’ve ever seen,” Fitzpatrick wrote, adding, “Let me explain: Continue reading

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Jack Goes Confidential: ‘Gemini Man’—High-Def Double Trouble!

Directed by Ang Lee.

Produced by Jerry Bruckheimer.

Starring Will Smith—in DUAL roles no less!

With all that talent going for it….frankly, I expected more than what turns out to be a pretty routine sci-fi action thriller.

“GEMINI MAN” has Will Smith playing the DIA’s (Defense Intelligence Agency) most valued hit man. A pro-assassin who has terminated more than 70 targets during his proud sniper career with the agency.

But age and especially CONSCIENCE is getting the better of him as he calls it quits and…

Takes up fishing!

Circumstances now have another assassin coming after Smith. A younger type who looks very much like Smith!

A clone of HIMSELF! How can that be?

For the answers you’ll just have to watch the film. No spoilers here. Continue reading

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Hearne: Tomahawk Chop Blues 4.0

As sports cheers go, the tomahawk chop’s always been kinda lame…

Not as lame arguably as drunken Chiefs fans who slather on war paint and don indian headdresses, but still lame nonetheless. Speaking of which, has it occurred to anybody that playing dress up to try and like Sitting Bull might be the equivalent of wearing blackface?

I digress.

At this point in time, we pretty much all know political correctness is out of control.

So rather than getting overly caught up in a guilt trip, maybe we can just agree that if it makes people who’s great, great grand pappy had a hand in giving George Armstrong Custer a really bad haircut – and it ticks them off to see inebriated football fans in American indian drag – why not just let it go?

Ditto for the the chop. I mean, what’s the point?

A few years back one Chiefs season ticket holder put it this way:

“(The Chiefs) should stop playing the music that encourages the chop, they shouldn’t encourage that,” he said. “The inescapable mistake they make every week is when they play that music – the old Hollywood music from when the indians were about to attack and kill all the white people – the movies played it when the indians were coming to take the white women away.”

The between the lines messaging on KC’s hokey Native American getups, war chants and chops, a) our football thugs are gonna scalp yours; b) and they may take the white women.

The reason for the current spate of tomahawk chop bashing; Native American St. Louis Cardinals pitcher Ryan Helsley; asked the Atlanta Braves not to distribute foam tomahawks in Game 5 of the playoffs. Atlanta then put the kibosh on the tomahawks and agreed to not play the chop music when Helsley was playing.

Their reward for doing away with the bad juju: St. Louis obliterated them. Continue reading

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Hearne: Life After Waddell & Reed for TWA’s Breech Academy

Talk about a Breech of etiquette…

Word that Waddell & Reed is axing more than 150 employees and crossing the state line from Kansas to Missouri with the remaining thousand or so, raises an interesting question:

What’s to become of the world famous Trans World Airlines’ Breech Academy?

Once upon a time, Kansas City had more going for it than what’s left of Hallmark, Kansas City Southern, Sprint, AMC and Cerner.

From 1930 until 1988 (and finally 2001) was one of the “big four” majors airlines that was based in Kansas City. At one point it was controlled by legendary zillionaire Howard Hughes. It was eventually acquired by financier Carl Icahn, who took the company private in 1988 and underwent bankruptcy restructuring in the early mid 1990s.

As local writer Jack Cashill will attest to, the explosion of TWA Flight 800 in 1996 set in motion the end of an era, when what remained of TWA was acquired by American Airlines in 2001.

Time flies, huh?

But return with me now to the golden years of TWA and the founding of the Breech Training Academy in 1969.

To a time when smoking hot airline hostesses ruled the airways, prior to the addition of young men and the change in terminology to flight attendants in 1972. In the days when smoking on airlines was still acceptable prior to 1989.

Back in those now repulsive days, if you were a dude and landed a date with a TWA hostess, it was practically tantamount to going out with a super model.

Thus rendering the 25 acres Breech Academy a local landmark. Continue reading

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Hearne: Jason Whitlock for President

Sibling rivalries can make for strained bedfellows…

In the case of former Kansas City Star sports scribe Jason Whitlock, circumstances cast us as adversaries. Because when “Big Sexy” came to KC in the early ’90s, I’d been there for a year or so before and was mopping up the floor in readership surveys, kicking butts and taking names in a way no other mainstream, local media personality had done before.

And truth be known, though some labeled what I did as a “gossip column” – little did they know I was being edited beyond belief by no fewer than six, buttoned down editor types, whose main goal in life was to keep me (and the newspaper) out of trouble by verifying pretty much each and everything I wrote.

Columnist insert: That’s a far cry from the way things are being done these days with what’s left of the so-called journalists at 16th and McGee.

The editors and publisher of the Star as recently as 10 years back would be horrified to see “editorials” butchering mainstream pols like Kris Kobach by suggesting the Trump administration would like to see the former Kansas secretary of state and father of five  “kneecapped” and left along a road nobody drives down.

Trust me, Jason and I had more than our fair share of wrist slaps for far less egregious journalistic transgressions.

So I was riding high when Whitlock sauntered in and left me in his dust by butchering sports icons like general manager Carl Peterson of the Chiefs and other local sports heroes who were more accustomed to jock-sniffing journalism.

Don’t get me wrong, for the better part of the 15 years or so we “competed” at 18th and Grand, I was either the highest read or close, with the odd exception of Jason – or more occasionally – a long-winded, bleeding heart sports suck up named Joe Posnanski.

Subsequent to Whitlock and my departures – including his throwing of new Star editor at the time Mike Fannin under the bus for fooling around with a married subordinate – Jason bounced around back-and-forth between ESPN, AOL and Fox Sports before landing again in 2018 on Fox.

Whitlock’s trademark skill of pimping white folks garnered him high profile appearances on former Fox News superstar Bill O’Reilly, and later Tucker Carlson’s shows.

All long the way, deceased KCC scribe Craig Glazer celebrated Whitlock’s every firing and job change, guesstimating how huge his paychecks might be. Which of course, I was always skeptical of.

Now forget about all that…

Cuz when I saw Whitlock on Tucker last night – looking way older and dressed in his usual  pimp with really bad taste duds – poised to talk about the NBA coach who recently got reprimanded by the league for sticking up for Hong Kong against China.

Little did I know what was about to unfold… Continue reading

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Lefsetz: R.I.P. Ginger Baker

Ginger Baker was the first guy we saw with two bass drums and the first guy to do an extended drum solo on record…

The band Cream straddled the transition from AM to FM. When the band’s first album came out, the only underground FM radio station that existed was WOR-FM in New York. We were still California dreamin’ on the last train to Clarksville. The Beatles were huge, but we all lived in one big homogeneous musical society.

Of course there were hipsters – as there have always been – like the folkies and blues lovers of the late fifties and early sixties.  There were always people ahead of the scene – but it was much harder then, there was no internet, only true word of mouth – nothing went from zero to hero overnight unless it was played on AM radio, and Cream was not.

The Disraeli Gears album was released in November ’67, the year underground FM radio began to burgeon, with KMPX in San Francisco joining the aforementioned WOR.

Yup, the scene was that small. So most people were unaware of Fresh Cream. And “Disraeli Gears” too.

Then, during the summer of ’68, Sunshine Of Your Love crossed over to AM and the band and the scene exploded.

There were a few renegade radio years back then, before Lee Abrams came along and codified the rock format on FM in the seventies. It was kinda like the internet back in the mid-nineties. There were people who had modems from the eighties, and others who got the word in ’96 and instantly bought computers to play on AOL.

There was no hate, only exploration.

Never forget the influence of public radio back then, especially WBAI in New York. That’s where I first heard Phil Ochs‘s “Outside Of A Small Circle Of Friends.” We twisted the dial, we looked for excitement, we found it, it drove record purchases, but most people were out of the loop.

Of course some people knew Eric Clapton, being blueshounds, knowing his work with John Mayall, but that “Bluesbreakers” album didn’t really blow up until after Cream broke through.

So, you heard “Sunshine Of Your Love” on FM.                             .

Now “Fresh Cream”‘s production was credited to Robert Stigwood, it’s unclear who really twisted the dials, who was really responsible for the sound – but it didn’t have the edge of what came after – it was almost like a blanket was thrown over the speakers.

But Felix Pappalardi produced “Disraeli Gears,” and it was a much better representation of the band’s sound. This was back when stereo was stereo, when instruments were in different channels, when we sat in front of the speakers, put on headphones to get the full effect. This was also when there was so much less on the records, you could hear all the instruments. You could hear Jack Bruce’s voice on “Sunshine Of You Love,” but the key to the track’s success, it’s infectiousness, was that guitar. Continue reading

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Lefstez: Dems Too Wimpy Against Republican Playbook

They’re all on the same page:..

1. The Bidens are guilty of something and it needs to be investigated.

2. Trump committed no crime.

3. The Democrats are out to get Trump, and they’ve been on this path from day one.

Yes, Trump is positively off his rocker, but one thing is for sure;  he’s an UNSTABLE genius. Come on, admitting that he did it in Ukraine, and then imploring the Chinese to do the same thing publicly? This is not playing by the rules, this is jujitsu.

Meanwhile, the Democrats are afraid of public opinion.

Polling ad infinitum to make sure they don’t step on anybody’s toes and prevent people from voting Democratic in 2020.

That’s “Democratic,” I said. The right wing code is the DEMOCRAT party. Listen closely, all the Republicans say that, including Trump. They want to take the imprimatur, the meaning of “democratic,” away from the Democratic party, and they’re doing a good job of it.

Now one thing the left wing media does not understand is, it’s been vilified to irrelevance by the right. Listen to Fox News, seemingly every night Tucker Carlson excoriates the New York Times and the Washington Post. He nitpicks, says they’re duplicitous and need to apologize. And if you had this message hammered into you every night, you’d believe it.

That’s right, the right has neutralized facts.

Everything’s up for grabs, even that which has been proven. Global warming? Anything involving science? It’s undecided. As for Biden’s activity with Ukraine re his son…every newspaper has debunked it. Everybody wanted that prosecutor gone, not only the Americans, but once again facts don’t matter. You can twist them anyway you want to, because there’s no one true source.

The battle for hearts and minds is fought in only two places…Fox News and online.

That’s it, done. As for the radio talk shows like Rush…that’s so last century.

And online, you can pretty much say whatever you want, as long as you don’t threaten someone or break the law.

So what we’re fighting for here – and the Democrats don’t understand this – is hearts and minds. The Democrats think it’s the 1950s, as long as their position is right, that’s all that matters.

They don’t advocate, they don’t fight for it. Continue reading

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Jack Goes Confidential: ‘JOKER’—More Than You Think It is!

There have been memorable portrayals of the Joker through the years…

Certainly Jack Nicholson in 1989 comes to mind. And Heath Ledger’s Oscar winning portrayal in 2008.

This weekend Joaquin Phoenix as ‘Arthur Fleck’ is deeply disturbing on many levels.

And make no mistake, “Joker” is NOT your typical superhero movie—FAR FROM IT!

Director Todd (“Hangover”) Phillips takes the ‘Joker’ to a deeply dark level as a small-time party clown with ambitions of becoming a stand-up comedian. But that’s not to be.

At this point, let me insert the R-rated warning from the MPAA:

The ‘Joker’ is….”rated R for strong bloody violence, disturbing behavior, language and brief sexual imagines.”

So what exactly do we have here?

To my way of thinking, “JOKER” is a deranged trip into mental illness leading to human disorder and outright madness.

Joaquin Phoenix is in the title role giving the performance of his career. Not that it’s a pretty one, but strong enough that it will not only earn him a Best Actor nomination—but he will most likely win it!

His uncontrollable high-pitch laugh alone is enough to creep you out. Continue reading

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Lefsetz: End is Near for Trump

How do you lose a Presidency?

Very slowly, then all at once.

This is not a new story. Donald Trump has been flirting with disaster from before his inauguration. Sure, his base loves him, but as the Donald so famously said, if he shot a person on Fifth Avenue, they wouldn’t convict him. Blind devotion.

But that’s not the entire country.

And that’s not the United States Congress.

Now if you’re a student of the game, you know that public figures do their best to never go on the record, to never commit. Even Elizabeth Warren in the last debate…they wanted to know if her health plan would raise taxes…she avoided the question. Once you own something, you’re subject to the slings and arrows. And this works in both directions.

Sure, you’re afraid of your constituency, but also you’re afraid of your record.

Despite a President who verges on being a king, who has eviscerated the concept of checks and balances in government, the conventional wisdom is you can’t piss off the public. Not only the Republicans believe this, but the Democrats too.

The Republicans are afraid they’re going to be “primaried.” This is the downside of gerrymandering. It’s clear a Republican is going to be elected, it’s just a matter of which one, and if you move to the center, if you’re reasonable, there’s a good chance someone further right of you will challenge you and emerge victorious. So you don’t say anything that will piss off your base…until you have to go on record.

I’m not talking about going on TV.

TV has lost all credibility. Trump has been the greatest thing to happen to print, now app, journalism by the usual suspects. In other words, the NYT and the WaPo have triumphed, have increased their footprint. If they thought like techies as opposed to the old wavers they are, they’d forget about profits and think about mindshare. Hell, you cannot turn on cable news without a talking head, left and right, quoting what writers in these papers said. Continue reading

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