September 11th was the last time I wrote about our Boy George…
In that story I asked, “Has George Zimmerman been so scarred by the Trayvon Martin incident that he will be forever marked in society and so psychologically damaged as a person that he may never find his center or any version of normality? Is this the course of his life from here on; living under the microscope of the media?”
The reason for my 9/11 story was his soon to be ex-wife had called 911 over a domestic incident. At that point he was accused of pulling a gun on both her and his father in law.
As of Monday this week, Zimmerman’s graced the news again, and why? He allegedly found his gun yet again and allegedly pointed it at his girlfriend after allegedly choking her. That’s a lot of “allegedlies,” but this is George Zimmerman we’re talking about.
So what’s the real news story here? Continue reading