It’s not like this is something new…
For a couple decades fans of the Kansas City Chiefs football team have desecrated the national anthem. To the extent that one views matters that way. We all pretty much know the drill.
You’re at a sporting event or concert, or whatever and they play the National Anthem – then whammo! – at the end where everybody’s supposed sing “home of the brave,” the crowd shouts “Chiefs!”
Who among us hasn’t heard that one however many times?
And yes, it is tacky; and yes it is pretty brainless, a bunch of – dare I suggest – mostly testosterone fueled dudes doing the honors. And yes, I suppose it’s a little disrespectful to the Tea Party and Fox News types among us who take these sort of things a little too seriously.
That said, who knew it was an affront to the City of Lawrence, Kansas and the KU basketball team? Continue reading