The latest on Stanford & Sons honcho Craig Glazer: He’s head over heels.
“Well, about six months ago my manager at Stanford’s David – he’s a player, early 30s – told me that there was a girl at a strip club not far from here called Whispers that had asked about me a lot and was really cute and that I should meet her. And I said, ‘David, I really don’t want to date another dancer because the last one was Black Barbie and that didn’t end well.’
“I mean, strippers are good in bed and they’re exciting, but they’re trouble and can date anyone they want to, including Chiefs players. And you’re like a dog chasing a car, what do you do with them once you catch them? You’re not going to get married. It never ends well. And just because you’re sleeping with them doesn’t mean anything.”
So much for prudent thinking. Continue reading