New Jack City: And the Winners Are…

The 92nd annual Academy Awards goes down this Sunday…

This year’s (again) hostless event kicks off at 7:00 p.m. on ABC.

And while my picks are generally 80% to 97% accurate, take this year’s top six category winners with a proverbial grain of salt.

Here then, is who I believe will walk away with the Oscars this weekend:


Laura Dern (“Marriage Story”)


Brad Pitt (“Once Upon A Time…In Hollywood”)

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –


Renee Zellweger (“Judy”) Continue reading

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Hearne: Kevin Kietzman Says, Mahomes Will Be Hated By Sports Fans

One man’s treasure is another’s trash…

Hang with me here for a few minutes to explain.

“I don’t think we will ever see anything this amazing again,” says exiled WHB sports talker Kevin Kietzman, referring to this year’s Kansas City Chiefs team. “I mean, the Chiefs were down double digits in all three playoff games and they won each of them by double digits. I don’t think that will ever happen again. And I don’t remember it happening before.

“All I know is they were down in every game and that kid (Mahomes) just took over like magic. I wanna be his coach. How did he ever lose all those games at Texas Tech?”

There’s more… Continue reading

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Hearne: 49ers Jokester Smiling, Smarting after Loss to Chiefs

What’s that old axiom…what goes around comes around?

In the case of San Francisco Chronicle sports jokester Scott Ostler – even after a Super Bowl beatdown of his beloved 49ers by the Chiefs – at least his sense of humor is intact.

You may recall that Ostler laid down a tongue-in-cheek lampooning of all things Kansas City – as in barbecue – cuz to Ostler barbecue was pretty much all KC had to hang its hat on.

Until yesterday.

His sad refrain today:

“If you take a great book and slap a sloppy ending onto it, you’re going to drop off the best-seller list like someone clipped your elevator cable,” Ostler begins.

“If the final chapter of Moby Dick had the big white whale splashing the tourists at Sea World for laughs and sardines, you’re headed for Clunker City, Herman Melville.

“And so it was in Super Bowl LIV on Sunday for the 49ers, and for the author of San Francisco’s miracle season, coach Kyle Shanahan.”

What did I tell you?

Unlike Star sports editor Jeff Rosen who made an embarrassing factual error by incorrectly reporting that Mark Twain was born in Hannibal, Missouri (he was born in Florida, Missouri), and then failed to publish a correction after being notified of the error, Ostler was more than happy to eat his serving of part crow, part humble pie.

“The 49ers’ dreams, and Shanahan’s coronation as king of football masterminds, came crashing down in nine lightning-fast minutes that seemed to take forever, as the Kansas Chiefs turned a 20-10 deficit into a 31-20 win,” Ostler continues. Continue reading

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Hearne: Shhhhh…Kevin Harlan to Call Super Bowl on 810 WHB

I don’t get it…

Keep this under your hat, but Kevin Harlan, one of the Cowtown’s most popular sportscasters ever, is poised to call today’s Super Bowl on 810 WHB.

Yet for some reason, WHB seems to be keeping that fact a secret.

Not that the local radio station hasn’t been hawking Kansas City Star sports section ads that it will broadcast the big game. And not just any big game, mind you, the biggest Kansas City Chiefs game in half a century.

Missing-in-action in those promotional ads and WHB’s website promotions: Any mention whatsoever that hometown fave Harlan will be doing the play-by-play honors.

Makes perfect sense, right?

Wrong. Continue reading

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Hearne: 49ers Scribe Envisions Anti Trump Super Bowl

Who doesn’t like a heaping helping of politics with their football?

You know besides, like, everybody.

The $64 million question: Will Sunday’s crowd embrace President Trump?

They did at the recent national college football championship game in Baton Rouge. Not so much at the World Series.

That said, demographically, southern or midwestern parts of the country seem more – how do you say? – Trump friendly.

On top of which, the prez has done pretty good overall in Florida and he more-or-less lives there now.

However, the prospects of a friendly welcome could change given the influx of Left Coast 49ers fans.

As evidenced by this headline in the San Francisco Chronicle:

“Trump vs. SF, Trump with Hannity: Get ready for a very political Super Bowl”

“It will start with President Trump’s pregame interview with his Fox News confidant, Sean Hannity — which is likely to be about as interrogative as a foot massage — and continue through the booze-soaked postgame chaos,” Joe Garofoli begins.

“Some of Sunday’s politics will be obvious, starting with two billionaires’ presidential campaigns — Trump and former New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg — torching $10 million apiece to secure 60 seconds worth of airtime before the largest TV audience of the year, an estimated 100 million people. A few will even be sober,” Garofoli continues.

Garofoli goes on to cite the NFL’s new “social justice-themed public service announcements” that could focus on topics such as “police brutality” and that at one point the NFL “banned players from calling attention to the topic by kneeling during the national anthem.”

“One person who won’t show up in the ads is Colin Kaepernick, the former 49ers quarterback who started the protests.,” Garofoli says. Continue reading

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Hearne: Haters Guide to 49ers Quirks, Porn Star Dating

49ers QB on 2018 date with porn star Kiara Mia

Amazing what a newspaper can do with a penchant for creativity and decent size staff…

Take the newspaper-of-record for the San Francisco 49ers, the Chiefs Super Bowl opponent Sunday and its “Hater’s guide to loving the 49ers.”

“You probably hate football,” it begins. “We get it. Brain injuries and machismo and fans who act like their lives depend on the number of touchdowns their teams score. Yeah, it’s the downfall of western civilization and all that. But you probably also love parties. And there are going to be scores of them Sunday, Feb. 2, when the San Francisco 49ers battle the Kansas City Chiefs in the Super Bowl — so you can’t just show up at a Super Bowl party and pour haterade on the mood.”

Fair enough…

My personal fave: “The new Superstars”

“The 49ers have a history of unique personalities on the roster. Dwight Clark’s fashion sense. Steve Young’s hyper-intellectual ramblings. Deion Sanders’ unrivaled ego. Charles Haley’s, uh, bizarre proclivities.

“But this team, the one playing in Super Bowl LIV, the one that wasn’t supposed to be this good, this soon, has a fascinating bunch of players. Superstar tight end George Kittle got a tattoo of the Joker, the day before his wedding. GQ quarterback Jimmy Garoppolo was spotted on a date with a porn star, holding her hand like a gentleman. Nobody wanted Raheem Mostert before he became our star running back. Cornerback Richard Sherman talks like he’s three steps ahead of everyone, during every conversation. Pass rusher Nick Bosa might be a Trumper. And receiver Marquise Goodwin is an actual Olympian.”

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Hearne: Emanuel Cleaver’s Bad Bet

When it comes to Nancy Pelosi, be careful what you wish for…

President Trump learned that the hard way, after campaigning for Pelosi to be appointed Speaker of the House.

Now it’s KC congressman Emanuel Cleaver’s turn.

Cleaver – or as his relatives like to call him, Ralph – initiated a Super Bowl bet on the Chiefs with Pelosi, who represents San Francisco.

So if the Chiefs lose Sunday – and USA Today is forecasting just that – Cleaver will have to choke out “a selection” of Gates Bar-B-Q and Russell Stover Chocolates.

Not counting the fact that if Cleaver loses, he’ll probably deliver the goods free-of-charge courtesy of his longtime schmooze with Ollie Gates and Russell Stover. Continue reading

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Hearne: Kevin Kietzman Weighs In, Super Bowl, Future

Ask and you shall receive…

Having raised the issue of what Kevin Kietzman thinks about the Chiefs in the upcoming Super Bowl, what he’s been up to since leaving WHB – the station he put on the map more than 20 years ago – and his future career plans, the controversial sports talker agreed to carefully answer a few questions.

Does he miss covering the Chiefs historic bid for the team’s first Super Bowl in 50 years?

“The answer is yes,” he says. “I’m disappointed I’m not covering the Super Bowl, but I’m not retired. I’m going to do something and I hope to be covering the Chiefs again soon.”

What Kietzman appears to be doing, sources say, is biding his time and sitting out a 12 month noncompete with WHB, while awaiting a deal for the station to buy out the its reportedly second largest shareholder.

Not that he hasn’t been keeping up with the Chiefs, somewhat obviously… Continue reading

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Lefsetz: Bernie Sanders Poised to Win It All

And you wonder why Bernie Sanders is rising in the polls…

Now let me get this straight, up is down. If I’m doing it in pursuit of the general happiness, it’s all right, I can skate. Does this mean if I’m doing it for my team, my corporation, my household, it’s cool too?

Now law school teaches you that everybody is entitled to a defense.

And the attorney must be an advocate for the defendant. But by claiming a President can do whatever he wants if he believes it benefits the country, because he believes he’s the best person to be in charge and no action he partakes is illegal?

Alan Dershowitz not only tarnished his reputation, but that of Donald Trump too, as if it could get any lower.

Check the late night shows, check the media, they’re laughing hysterically, making fun of this defense. Did it behoove Trump’s case? Of course not, just the opposite!

Welcome to 2020, where money rules and if you don’t have it you don’t matter.

That’s another reason Bernie is surging. He’s not taking the usual suspect money, from the banks, from the corporations, and when he’s attacked, his donations go up!

You see Bernie Sanders is our last best hope.

Oh, I know, you’ve triangulated – you’re an expert in the field – so you know better.

Then how come your business was disrupted by the Internet? How come you didn’t see Trump’s election coming?

So, you can cheat and get away with it.

Bill Clinton.

Tom Brady and the Patriots.

Lori Loughlin.

The Houston Astros.

Furthermore, you lie in court.

The oath? It means nothing!

What kind of bizarre world do we live in where the flag gets more respect than the duty to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

I get it, I get it. You’re a Trumper.

You want takers to be cut off, and you want manufacturing to come back to America, and you’re no different from the cheaters above. If it’s good for the team, you’re all for it.

Where’s morality?

Which, ironically, is what the Trumpers and Christian Right keep telling lefties they lack!

So Bernie Sanders is our only hope. Continue reading

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Chuck: Kevin Kietzman Should Have Stood His Ground

Andy Reid’s son Britt, now a coach with the Chiefs

Dr. Samuel Johnson – circa 1784 -once said, the world is like a grand staircase, some are going up and some are going down…

WHB radio personality Kevin Keitzman‘s precipitous fall from grace came by way of what seems to me an innocent observation, that in fact, was based in truth.

Here’s the rhetorical, Andy Reid IED that blew him off of the air:

“”Discipline is not his thing. It did not work out particularly well in his family life, and that needs to be added to this as we’re talking about the Chiefs. He wasn’t real great at that either. He’s had a lot of things go bad on him, family and players.”

The twitter universe exploded and the pent up animus KK had garnered through the years via his frequent, acerbic commentary on sports, left enough blood in the water to attract the usual predators. Losers whose raison d’etre is the destruction of public figures during paroxysms of sanctimony.

He didn’t say anything that wasn’t true.

And his subsequent, three day, cringe worthy “Apology Tour” did nothing to salve the wounds of a perpetually wounded public. People who, with metaphorical pitchforks and torches, cast KK into an anonymous void.

His protestations that he was NOT referring to the son of Andy Reid that died, fell on deaf ears – and Kietzman remains unemployed – another victim of a ravenous mob whose collective IQ rarely approaches room temperature. Continue reading

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Hearne: Whatever Happened To…Kevin Kietzman?

Missing in action as Super Sunday approaches, the one and only  Kevin Kietzman

That’s right.

With the Chiefs about to take the main stage at country’s largest sporting event, KC’s premier sports talker of the past 20 years is nowhere to be found.

Frankly, it’s unthinkable.

And something no local sports fan might have imagined prior to the you-know-what hitting Kietzman’s fan last summer. Because love him or hate him, that Kietzman would be both out-of-sight and out-of-mind as the biggest moment in modern day Kansas City Sports is about to go down, is difficult to get one’s head around – even after seven months.

So where’s he hiding out?

Not on any Facebook page I could find… including one dedicated to his, uh, legacy, Kevin Kietzman = Terrible Radio. The site’s mission: “Dedicated to communicating how bad Kietz is at creating non-sensationalized radio.”

Fair enough.

Still with KK in something approaching deep cover – aside from a few innocuous tweets – it’s mostly crickets. Continue reading

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Hearne: San Francisco Chronicle Writer ‘Player Shames’ Chiefs

It was bound to happen…

That somebody on the politically correct California coast would call out the 49ers Super Bowl opponent for bad behavior. And truth be told, we probably deserve it.

Enter sportswriter Ann Killion and he  piece dissing the Chiefs for putting up with serial domestic abusers like Tyreek Hill, Frank Clark, Kareem Hunt and Jovan Belcher.

“Super Bowl doesn’t hide how 49ers, Chiefs differ on a disturbing NFL issue,” the headline reads.

“The Super Bowl is a time when teams celebrate all that is good and special. Not the elements that are dark and disturbing,” Killion begins. “But both the 49ers and the Chiefs have had plenty of challenging times in their past. Both teams have faced, in multiple instances, issues of domestic violence.

“Teams have to weigh talent versus tolerance. What behavior will they tolerate? Where is the line drawn? The teams — at least the current regimes — have taken different approaches in grappling with one of the NFL’s darkest issues.”

Long story short, unlike the Chiefs, the 49ers have taken the high road and distanced themselves from things like Hill’s nefarious, bad behavior last year.  Continue reading

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Hearne: Is KC’s ‘Worst” BBQ Better Than San Fran’s Best?

KC’s Bar-B-Que, San Francisco

Talk about the $64 million question…

In a recent city-to-city showdown between San Francisco Chronicle columnist Scott Ostler and Kansas City Star sports editor Jeff Rosen, the Left Coasters clearly won the day with a hilarious tongue-in-cheek beat down of Kansas City barbecue.

And let’s face it, when it comes to bragging rights – sports teams and livability aside – what does KC have to crow about besides our smoked meat?

Which is kinda why we’re famous for that – and little else – and why Ostler zeroed in on the subject.

Here’s another awful truth: Setting aside the fact that former San Fran refugee, former Chiefs quarterback Steve Bono made an ass of himself by saying San Francisco’s worst restaurant was better than KC’s best – from what I can tell, he was telling the truth.

That’s not to say we don’t have some excellent restaurants, but by most accounts, Frisco – as Rosen called it – is in a league of its own.

So let’s zero in on what KC’s famous for and try somehow to compare ours – sans tasting – to theirs. 

Guess what? Turns out San Francisco has a barbecue fetish of its own.

As evidenced by this story last summer on sf Continue reading

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Hearne: Where’s the (Super Bowl) Beef?

All quiet along the midwestern front…

Missing in action here in KC: pretty much any evidence that the Chiefs are Super Bowl bound…favored, not less.

I spent Sunday canvassing the Cowtown – Brookside to Overland Park, Lenexa to downtown KC. Yet, aside from Union Station, the Downtown Marriott and a smattering of minimal other examples, there was virtually zero evidence that the Chiefs are poised to play in the biggest single sporting event in the world.

For example, outside of sports shops, Crown Center was a Chiefs-free zone.

No banners, no red fountains – even the decorative outdoor lighting is boring plain white.

Liberty Memorial? Didn’t see any red there. Ditto for the streets downtown, midtown and the Power & Light District.

Pretty much the only red I saw in five hours were the traffic signals and tail lights on cars. Continue reading

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Hearne: Sports Ed Defends KC With Snarky Defense

It’s come to this…

So depleted are the writing ranks at the Kansas City Star that a lowly sports editor – they don’t even have a news columnist – took it upon himself to pen a retort to San Francisco Chronicle columnist Scott Ostler‘s hilarious spoof of the Cowtown.

Instead of responding in kind though – via clever, upbeat humor –  Jeff Rosen penned a thin-skinned hit job, putting down San Francisco and the 49ers via shop worn jokes and tired trivia, such as making fun of the so-called “San Francisco treat,” Rice-A-Roni.

Uh, Jeff, pardon me – but the 1960s called and wants their black and white TV ads back – unless you somehow stumbled onto the new Jerry Rice spots.

In any case, nobody anywhere, besides Rosen, ever labeled Rice-A-Roni as a “signature gourmet treat.”

So needless to say, unlike KC barbecue, Rice-A-Roni is hardly a San  Fran bragging point.

“Hang on to your self-driving Prius, bucko,” Rosen’s counter column begins…

Unfortunately one of Rosen’s first critiques backfires on countering Ostler’s claiming of Mark Twain as a famous local writer.

“Let’s start with Mark Twain, who was born in Hannibal, Missouri — our state, not yours — and maybe had a cup of coffee in the Bay Area – only upon asking your boss did we learn he once worked for a second at The San Francisco Chronicle,” Rosen writes.

“(Ernest Hemingway) developed his writing chops as a young reporter for none other than The Kansas City Star, in case you didn’t know. He had more than a cup of coffee here, too…So, Twain’s ours, not yours.”

Uh, really?

An 18 year-old Hemingway sharpened pencils at 18th and Grand for six months in 1917, and the newspaper hasn’t stopped braying about it since. And long as we’re using birth states to claim bragging rights, Hemingway was from Illinois, not Mizzou. Continue reading

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Hearne: Local Newspaper Struts Poor Sense of Humor

Talk about lame…

Instead of stepping up and participating or responding in kind, the Kansas City Star meekly reprinted Scott Ostler‘s tongue-in-cheek column in the San Francisco Chronicle poking fun at the Cowtown with a weak-wristed intro.

Now that truly is lame.

Get in the game guys – it’s time to play ball.

Not to curl up in a fetal position and meekly half apologize to what’s left of your readership with an unimaginative, lame headline: “San Francisco writer trashes Kansas City”

That headline doesn’t come close to describing Ostler’s hilarious depiction of Kansas Citians spending their days panning for gold by mixing ketchup and sugar, smoking and eating animals, then washing off their hands clean of it all in the city’s picturesque fountains.

That’s not trashing KC, that’s a USDA choice, funny-as-hell, good natured roast.

The fact that the Star didn’t a) participate in the fun or B) have anybody on board clever enough return fire in kind or c) felt it needed to garnish the reprint of Ostler’s column with  an inaccurate, “safe” headline, then warn readers it was written with a “Northern California sense of humor” and that they needed to bear that in mind while reading it.

Why? So they won’t blow a complete fuse and throw their television sets through the living room window once they realized the level of disrespect people in San Franciso have for we-the-people in flyover land?

Get real. Continue reading

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Hearne: Fun Facts: 49ers Tourism Guide to KC

One down, one to go…

Nashville’s Tennessean pitted “Music City” against the Cowtown on fun things to do. It was fun, user-friendly and a big time jinx on the Titans.
Moving right along, comes the San Francisco Chronicle’s tongue-in-cheek diss of Kansas City masquerading as a “49ers fan’s guide to Kansas City, the Soccer Capital of America.

Read on…

“The Super Bowl, 49ers vs. Chiefs will be an epic and titanic tussle involving many sports cliches, begins columnist Scott Ostler.

“But, more important, it will feature a historic civic rivalry between two of America’s greatest cities: San Francisco and Santa Clara.”

Columnist insert: uh-ho, what have we here, another San Franciso’s worst restaurant’s better than KC’s best?

Noop, Ostler’s clever column reminds of when KC’s newspaper of record could afford similar talent.

“This column was going to be one of those dueling columnist things, where I would go against a Kansas City writer, each of us making fun of the other’s city,”Ostler continues. “That didn’t work out, Kansas City’s columnist was too busy on a cattle drive. Besides, he or she would not have known which 49ers’ home city to mock and belittle. Most people outside the Bay Area are unaware that the 49ers play in Santa Clara, known as the City With No Nickname, although its friends sometimes call kit Chip or Lefty.”

“So, today’s column will be simply a beginner’s introduction to Kansas City, a public service to help 49ers fans learn about the city and the people they will spend the next  10 days hating.”

Fair enough, on with the show…

“The two cities – KC and SF – have interesting connections. Kansas City is owned by former San Francisco Giants pitcher Madison Bumgarner.

Walt Disney was born and began his cartooning career in Kansas City. San Francisco has a rodent problem.

“One of  Kansas City’s nicknames is the Paris of the Plains. One of the nicknames of Paris is the San Francisco of Europe.

“Kansas City also calls itself the Soccer Capital of America. Apparently the Yo-Yo Capital of America was already taken.

“San Francisco was named for St. Francis of Assisi, who loved animals. Kansas City is famed for its love of animals. Yum!

“You can’t swing a dead cow in Kansas City without hitting a famous barbecue joint. Note: Swinging dead cows is illegal within city limits. The three most famous barbecue joints are Gates Bar-B-Q, Arthur Bryant’s and Jack Stack. Or as they call those three in Kansas City: breakfast, lunch and dinner. Continue reading

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Hearne: Who’s No. 1 – Nashville vs. Kansas City?

So the Titans lost to the Chiefs, no biggie…

More importantly, how does KC and Nashville stack up, sports teams not withstanding.

“Did you know Kansas City has a 19-foot-high badminton birdie in front of its art museum?” asks Tennessean writer Brad Schmitt. “We compare public art and more in the two cities squaring off.

“You’ve seen comparisons between quarterbacks Ryan Tannehill and Patrick Mahomes. Then there’s Derrick Henry and, uh, well, I don’t know who’s running the ball for the Chiefs. But after Sunday’s game, which puts the winner in the Super Bowl, life goes on for people living in Nashville and Kansas City. So let’s see how the cities stack up, shall we?”

Schmitt makes no pretense at objectivity.

“I mean, I’m writing for a Nashville-based news outlet, so there’s little doubt about how this is going to play out, right? But hey, there are some former KC residents in our newsroom, and I did get their input. So I pledge to do as unbiased a comparison as possible (sort of).”

Fair enough…I guess.

Speaking of fairness, Schmitt’s first totally fair comparo pits Nashville country music versus Kansas City and World War I.

“Yes, Nashville neighbors, there is something called the National WWI Museum and its home is Kansas City. And the museum is legit — really interesting and well done exhibits, many of them interactive, and I left knowing much more about the Great War than when I walked in.

“But c’mon, the Country Music Hall of Fame & Museum? Stars, sequins, songs and Elvis Presley‘s 1960 solid gold Cadillac limo. A draw for people from around the world.”

Winner: Nashville

On a far more level playing field, next up is KC barbecue versus Nashville BBQ.

“Nashville has taken great strides with the smoked meats, even, dare I say (Dare! Dare!), surpassing Memphis. But, uh, the Kansas City Barbeque Society pretty much runs the BBQ world. And there really are some tasty, tangy treats slathered in hearty sauce coming out of those pits.”

Winner: Kansas City Continue reading

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Hearne: Nashville Newspaper Kicking KC’s (You-Know-What)

I’m running out of clicks…

On Nashville newspaper The Tennessean’s website that is, where I’ve been following its coverage of today’s Chiefs-Titans matchup.

I used to run out of gas in my lost youth on account of low funds.

And putting off stopping to refuel grew into a way of life…which brings us to today.

See now, I’m down to my last four free story clicks on the Tennessean website.

They’ve had some great stories and columns – far better than the beleaguered,  far more predictable Kansas City Star. So while I hate to miss out on the Tennesseans’ journalistic foreplay, I need to save a few clicks for the sure-to-be-killer post game story afterglow.

Which win or lose, is bound to be entertaining.

Because Nashville’s newspaper of record is doing far better than KC’s.

In no-small-part because they’re not jamming over-the-top, liberal point-of-view news and opinions down reader’s throats. And not just via the Star’s tiresome “new” editorial board. Because even the supposed straight-down-the-line news coverage is often patently biased.

Check out Nashville’s Opinion Page…notice the lack of busy body, I-told-you editorials?

Didn’t used to be that way.

These days all bets are off at the Star in terms of editors trying to uphold anything approaching unbiased reporting.

For those of us who travel and are exposed to newspapers outside of the New York Times and Washington Post, it’s pretty obvious. The bottom line being legit news organizations don’t have to go out of their way to stick it to Donald Trump and Republicans like Josh Hawley to report local and national news.

For more than 16 years I bore witness to the liberal leanings and biases of most of the reporters and editors at the Star. So in general, this is nothing new.

What’s changed dramatically is that there is pretty much zero “parental oversight” by editors to try and keep those biases out of the Star’s news coverage. Continue reading

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Hearne: Tennessee Columnist Warns Titans, Chiefs Were Better

Sure the Tennessee Titans  beat the Chiefs this past November…

But only where the final score is concerned.

Because in virtually every key measurable way, the Chiefs mopped up the floor with Nashville’s beloved Titans,Tennessean columnist Gentry Estes writes.

“They know they can beat these Kansas City Chiefs because they’ve done it before…(but) The Titans got lucky that day…” Gentry says. “The Chiefs largely controlled the game. They sacked Tannehill four times. They outgained the Titans 530 yards to 371. They had nearly 38 minutes of possession time, went 7-for-14 on third downs and totaled 28 first downs to the Titans’ 19…

“It was a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants kind of game that fell in the Titans’ favor when the statistics suggest that it shouldn’t have. Continue reading

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