When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary to dissolve the bands which have connected and assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them…
In other words, sports scribe Craig Glazer admits he was wrong about this year’s Kansas City Royals baseball team. He made a mistake and, you know, truth is they’re not doing too shabby here lately.
So does the Glaze take back every awful thing he said about the team?
Uh, no.
“I think rather than saying, I take it back – it’s still early in the season – but I gotta eat a little crow. Hey, the bottom line is the Royals are virtually tied for 1st and look like they’re gonna make a run,” Glazer says. “The pitching is so good – the bullpen’s the best in baseball – but the core group of hitters – Eric Hosmer, Billy Butler, Alex Gordon and Salvatore Perez are still disappointing at this point. Continue reading