Glazer: The Country Club Plaza is Doomed

Hall___s_closing_on_the_Plaza_641390000_20130604181926_640_480The Country Club Plaza is doomed…

Like most locals over 30 I grew up thinking of the Plaza as the Crown Jewel of entertainment, dining and shopping in Kansas City. And from the 1960’s through the 1990’s the Plaza had it all.

With innovative restaurants like Houlihan’s, unique, upscale stores like Hall’s, and nightclubs like Biba’s and Dirty Sally’s, the Plaza was the place to see and be seen.  All of those are gone, along with probably 50 more once familiar names.

The Plaza has redone itself twice since the 1990s.

And as we all know it’s gone almost completely corporate, eliminating almost all locally owned venues.  Late night entertainment has been all but eliminated.  The last true nightclub was Blonde which closed four years ago. Continue reading

Posted in Craig_Glazer | 114 Comments

Hearne: Star Columnist Stubs Toe on Chiefs-Redskins Comparison

chiefs-outdoor-arrowman-2_lightbox_detailSince when did it become a requirement for every liberal columnist in America to pen a hit piece on the Washington Redskins column?

Which is not to say that the name Redskins isn’t offensive, dated and dumb. It is.

However if all you’re going to do is rehash the same stuff everybody else has been bitching about for months – and with zero chance of having even the slightest effect – why bother?

Okay, it’s a Mary Sanchez column…

Let’s take a closer look.

For starters, when wading into a subject that’s been beaten half to death, it’s a good idea to try and bring something new to the table. Sanchez missed that boat by a country mile in yesterday’s column in the Star, “Washington NFL Team Should Follow KC Trend.”

Because clearly the facts don’t support Sanchez contention that the Kansas City Chiefs have cleaned up their act and are following a politically correct path. Continue reading

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Stomper: Flashing Back to the 1976 KC Republican Convention & Beyond


SNNNakeI’ve been pushing for one of the conservatives here on KCC to offer up another piece on the possibility of the GOP convention coming to Kansas City… 

Dwight Sutherland would be perfect and Paul Wilson could do a great job as well. Alas, nothing has been forthcoming so I’ll offer some of my memories of “working” at two of the most recent political conventions here – there’ve been 4 total – and add a Richard Nixon story to spice things up a bit.

My parents were committed  Democrats and I recall my mother talking about what a sharp guy Adlai Stevenson II was and how he should have been President (he lost twice to Dwight Eisenhower). 

In 1960, when I was at the ripe young age of 8, John Kennedy made a campaign stop here. 

His motorcade route was publicized so I picked the northeast corner of 63rd & Paseo – a short walking distance of my home – and went to get a look at him. As his convertible limo turned the corner and headed north on the Paseo, I swear we made eye contact.

My addiction to politics was sealed at that moment.  Continue reading

Posted in Stomper | 25 Comments

Hearne: Forbes Drops David Cook From 2013 “Top Earning Idols” List, New Album Coming Later This Summer

davidcook300a-1It’s not easy being famous…

And fame we all know can be fleeting, especially when it comes to television talent show winners. As noted by The Pitch‘s David Hudnall today when characterizing the success of American Idol season seven winner David Cook of Blue Springs as “brief.”

“What, you never heard of Caleb Johnson?” Hudnall asks. “Next you’re going to tell me you don’t know who Candice Glover is.”

As Cook’s springboard Idol approaches Season 14, tryouts will be held at UMKC next month on July 21st. And at this point, despite flagging ratings its cast of winners includes only two true, bonafide success stories, Kelly Clarkson from Season One and Carrie Underwood from Season Four.

Success has proved far more fleeting for Cook and most of the winners of the other 11 Idol seasons. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 38 Comments

Hearne: We Interupt This World Cup Coverage to Bring You an Update on…Lance Armstrong

uspsWouldn’t you know it…

The entire country is caught up in a mild case of soccer fever via the World Cup like never before. And better yet, a pair of Sporting Kansas City stars – Matt Besler of Overland Park and Graham Zusi – are smack in the thick of things as the teams appear poised to overcome an unfortunate pairing in the so-called Group of Death with Germany, Portugal and Ghana.

And of course then, almost out of nowhere comes word that Sporting’s old nemesis Lance Armstrong is about to take it up the you-know-what from – shudder – the United States Postal Service.

That’s right, the champions of Snail Mail are super pissed at Big Tex – to the tune of an $120 million triple-the-damages lawsuit for soaking the P.O. for mega sponsorship bucks based upon his assertions that he did not sleep with that woman – I mean, inhale – errr, take performance enhancing drugs when he won all those Golden Globes or whatever they were.

On top of that a recent ruling by a federal judge cleared the way for the $120 million whistle-blower lawsuit against Armstrong to proceed. 

Which makes the management and ownership of  the Sporting Knasas City soccer club look like geniuses for dumping Sir Lance-lies-alot and stripping his charity Livestrong’s name from the team stadium. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 17 Comments

Chuck: Captain Flashback Time Travels to Kelly’s in Westport

facebook_611215545I turned 21 in the service overseas so I didn’t get to any “21” bars until I was discharged in 1973…

My friends immediately took me down to Kelly’s in Westport where we scarfed (remember the word “scarfed”? Righteous!) 25 Cent beers all night. Many weekends later, deep in my cups as I staggered out into a summer night, I saw, what looked like a Confederate Soldier in the window on the second floor.

He’s still there.

Some years later, a Union Soldier must have been added. Elliot, who has worked the front bar at Kelly’s and been in Pat and Kyle Kelly‘s employ for 8 years, tells me it’s been there since he started. Bushwhackers in need of Red Leg dollars have seen the advantages of lasting peace – at least over drinks. And with Missouri in the SEC, we should expect a Pax Romana period in Westport for the foreseeable future, right? Continue reading

Posted in Chuck Lowe | 22 Comments

Today: Rich Get Richer, As Sloppy Local News & Sports Media Slumber

effIs it just me?

Or do the so-called gatekeepers of the Fourth Estate get it wrong again and again and again? Look, we live in a far more open world where bloggers of any stripe – however few their readers – can attempt to set things straight when the mainstream news media messes up.

Not long ago that wasn’t the case.

That said, even in its much depleted state, there’s no denying that what one local blogger describes as “the dead tree media” is more than merely alive and kicking, it continues to rule local news roosts.

Sure the Kansas City Star and Lawrence Journal World are facing incredibly tough times on the financial front. However their readership and web traffic continues to dwarf the sum total of the the Top 10 area independent websites and blogs combined. So while there have been hundreds, closer to thousands, of employee layoffs and the newspaper’s “dead tree” product has been downsized to a startling degree, but if it wasn’t for their basic reporting (and sometimes dopey opinion pieces) what would local bloggers even have to talk and complain about?

The odd murder, kidnapping, robbery or TV news investigative piece?

Unfortunately, even with all the downsizing and tidal waves of red ink, the mainstream print media has been so busy playing “Dutch boy” at their leaky advertising dikes that they’ve yet to come to terms with the obvious reality that they need to put out a more street smart product. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 26 Comments

Hearne: Lefsetz Trashes Amazon’s New Fire Phone

s-slate-01-lg-v3-1._V349266777_Checked out Amazon’s new Fire Phone yet?

It’s “The Everything Store’s” latest would be bombshell, a smartphone device that offers a bigger screen with 3D capabilities,  “Dynamic Perspective” – tilt or swivel to auto scroll or navigate menus – Firefly to quickly identify web or mail addresses and phone numbers or get “useful information” on movies, television and music, and Mayday, a free service that gives users “live, on-device video support with an Amazon expert.”

Oh yeah, and you get a complimentary year of Amazon Prime that comes with free two day shipping and a variety of other Amazon services.

Amazon’s next big thing a la The Kindle? Not so fast, says irascible entertainment guru Bob Lefstez.

Check out Lefsetz’ take on the subject: Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 5 Comments

Hearne: The Sad State of Affairs @ Talk Radio KCMO 710 AM

Chris-Stigall-is-leaving-KCYou can’t win if you don’t play…

And judging by how far the fortunes of Talk Radio KCMO (710 AM) have fallen in the last three years, the local powers that be at owner Cumulus aren’t even trying.

Three months after popular morning show host Chris Stigall bailed for a gig in Philly in January of 2011, KCMO replaced him with Greg Knapp, a journeyman talk show host who moonlights as a fill-in guy for talk stations in other markets. And it’s been a downhill slide ever since.

How bad is it?

In December 2010 with Stigall still leading the charge, KCMO had a 2.5 share.

And in the recent May ratings for listeners 12 and up it barely eked out a lowly 1 share. Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher, Uncategorized | 26 Comments

Jack Goes Confidential: Clint Eastwood Tips Hat To Gritty ‘Four Seasons’

1364900345_Jersey-BoysClint Eastwood is back in the director’s chair…

The “Man With No Name” has  overseen the stage to screen transformation of JERSEY BOYS which took Broadway by storm almost 10 years ago. And Eastwood produced the project with the assistance of falsetto voiced Frankie Valli who takes executive producer credits here.

And no, I have not seen the popular play, so I can’t really draw any comparisons between the two. However I will say the film has the distinct feel of a play and breaks the so-called “fourth wall” throughout its two hour and 14 minute running time.

Breaking the fourth wall has members of the cast turning towards the camera and directly addressing the audience periodically.

It’s done quite effectively here and I’m told that the approach was also used in the stage production. Continue reading

Posted in Jack_Poessiger | 3 Comments

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Leftridge: Royals Headed to World Series, Clearly

MLB: Kansas City Royals at Detroit TigersIt’s sad that it feels like the Kansas City Royals just won the World Series, but it is what it is.

When fans—and the organization as a whole—have been so beaten and battered with perpetual disappointment, sole possession of first place on June 18th feels like a major triumph.

I’m sure you’ve heard the scathingly depressing statistic by now, but in case you missed it, the last time the Royals were in first place at this exact point in the season, it was 1980. I was a year away from being born. The Blues Brothers, starring John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd, was a week away from its theatrical release. Ian Curtis of Joy Division had only killed himself the month prior. CNN, the first 24 hour news station, was launched. Richard Pryor set himself on fire trying to freebase cocaine. Jimmy Carter was doing Jimmy Carter Things.

And yes, the Royals have been in first place later in the season—obviously. They won their only World Series in 1985. They were in first through much of 2003.

But this feels… different. Continue reading

Posted in Brandon Leftridge, Sports | Tagged , , | 13 Comments

Paul Wilson: Race Baiter Alonzo Washington Sells Out for a ‘Happy Meal’


Alonzo Washinton

All local “activist” Alonzo Washington is missing is the “Reverend” title…

That would maybe make him a mini-me Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton. Because from appearances, it’s all Washinton dreams of but nothing he will ever truly be. He’s just another Judas for the cause that sold his son’s freedom from the slave master McDonald’s for a $20 gift card.

Everything in this gentleman’s world comes down to racism.

I’ve attempted to meet Washinton on five – count ’em – occasions and he wimped out each time. Then in a final act of cowardice, he blocked me on Twitter.


Because he doesn’t have the intellectual integrity to debate the issues with me and stay on topic. Continue reading

Posted in Paul Wilson | Tagged , , , | 71 Comments

Hearne: Lefsetz on Web Paola — What, You Thought the Internet was Free?

game-of-lifeThink the Game of Life is rigged?

Take a number. Now sit back and let edgy entertainment lawyer / scribe Bob Lefsetz explain it to you.

But first the news:

“Independent artists could disappear from YouTube ‘in a matter of days’ after the Google video service confirmed it was dropping content from independent labels that have not signed up for its upcoming subscription music service,” The Guardian reports today.

The headline reads: “YouTube to block indie labels who don’t sign up to new music service”

Lefsetz take: Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 2 Comments

Starbeams: Steaking Out the Plaza, Joe Montana & Prostitutes @ World Cup

24brazil_1842M & S Grill on the plaza will be replaced by a Morton’s Steakhouse Grill.  FINALLY!  A steakhouse in Kansas City!


The FBI tried to lure Joe Montana into a sting operation to expose political corruption in California.  Fortunately, Carl Peterson lured Joe away to a less successful operation.


The Royals just won 8 in a row:  Good Lorde. Continue reading

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New Jack City: What’s In A Name? Plenty When it’s Jürgen

Jürgen Klinsmann

Jürgen Klinsmann

OK, I’ve made my decision…

I’ve finally decided to come out…about my name, that is.

Why now?

Blame it on the World Cup’s Team America and its reportedly nearly $3 million dollar salaried, celebrity German coach Jürgen Klinsmann.

You see my REAL name too is Juergen.

I quit using it about half way through junior high school after coming to this country. The reason: kids can be cruel and I just got tired of being compared to Jergens Lotion.

Face it at that age—especially as an immigrant—you try desperately to fit in.

Hence Juergen Poessiger became Jack Poessiger.

Why Jack, you ask? Continue reading

Posted in Jack Poessiger | 11 Comments

Paul Wilson: Stale Yale Yaba Hacks One Up for Sprint-T-Mobile Merger

Master of the Obvious smallI’m glad to see, finally, folks are starting to pay attention to the “proposed” Sprint – T Mobile merger…

You heard it here first, before any media outlet latched on to it, that the merger would be fought to the death with the FCC but that the two partners would come out victorious and it would be approved.

That’s documented, Harley can go look up the dates of my stories before he starts his “Zzzzzzz old news” shuck and jive.

Finally, the media is catching up with your well-coiffed Scribe and voicing concerns over the “what ifs” and/or the “it’s about times.”

But what Yale served up today is weak sauce and I have to call him on it. Continue reading

Posted in Paul Wilson | 27 Comments

Hearne: Sprint May Be About to Get What it Deserves, New Name, New Boss

tmobileChiefs football, the Country Club Plaza, First Fridays

Popular as they are, the above activities pale by comparison to Kansas City‘s favorite pastime, fretting and worrying about anything and everything.

Worrying that people outside the area know we’re not a cow town, a flyover. That they know everything’s up to date here and we’re one of the most livable cities in America. Or that cities like Omaha even may be passing us by.

The list goes on.

And we in the media like to play up those many foibles. Give locals something to wring their hands over. Like this headline today on the Kansas City Star website:

Yael T. Abouhalkah: Ouch! KC could lose ‘Sprint Center’ and much more in T-Mobile merger

You heard the man, “ouch.” Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 1 Comment

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