Jack Goes Confidential: ‘The Way Back’—A Long And Winding Road

Ben Affleck has been struggling with the demons of alcoholism for some time and has been quite public about it…

Now he brings those deeply personal aspects of his life to the big screen in a story that in some ways seems to mirror his struggles.

In the new sports drama “THE WAY BACK” – originally titled “THE HAS-BEEN” – Affleck plays Jack Cunningham, a working-stiff construction dude with a major drinking addiction and family problems.

He’s pretty much always inebriated, and being carried home from after-work watering holes by buddies is a nightly occurrence.

There IS hope however!

The local Catholic high school, in which he was the all-star player years ago—and not forgotten—reaches out to Jack to fill its available position of basketball coach.

Sure his glory days are enshrined at the school today, but can he deal with the rag-tag Tigers’ team awaiting him? No discipline. Practically no wins. They’re a mess.

And what of Jack’s own sobriety issues? Can he handle them?

It will take more than a winning fever to turn Bishop Hayes High School’s team around—not to mention his personal demons. Continue reading

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Jack Goes Confidential: Re-Imagined ‘Invisible Man’—Looking Good

It is not always wise to overproduce a classic sci-fi/horror thriller…

Throwing millions of dollars into special effects doesn’t necessarily enhance the end product—sometimes doing just the opposite.

Which brings us to H.G. Wells’ iconic 1933 thriller “THE INVISIBLE MAN” with Claude Rains. Sure, it has often been imitated but never really successfully duplicated.

That may change this weekend as shock-meister and producer Jason Blum re-imagines the invisible legacy in a modern day setting!

The basics are similar, but the storyline differs as we find Elisabeth Moss trapped in a violent, controlling relationship with a wealthy, brilliant scientist. Bottom line; she escapes his ocean side villa in the dead of night, disappearing into hiding with the help of her sister and a childhood friend.

Meanwhile there’s news about her protagonist: he’s committed suicide.

But is it a hoax? Continue reading

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New Jack City: Game On, Deplorables vs. Elites Movie Released

Back in the year 2019 Universal Studios was poised to release a satirical thriller called THE HUNT…

It was scheduled to open on September 27—but DIDN’T!

The reason?

The release date fell during a compressed time period in which several mass shootings went down, the worst of which took place in El Paso, Texas.

The movie was originally to be called “RED STATE VS. BLUE STATE,” and allegedly follows 12 strangers – “conservative deplorables” – who mysteriously wake up in a clearing with no idea how they got there. Only to discover they’ve been chosen to be hunted in a game devised by a group of “liberal elites.”

It’s a violent, controversial satire that’s timing was…..well, unfortunate.

“THE HUNT” features Hilary Swank and Betty Gilpin on opposite sides of the political divide.

If that wasn’t enough, President Donald Trump got involved in the controversy by tweeting that “Hollywood is racist at the highest level and with great anger and hate……the movie coming out is made in order to inflame and cause chaos.”

So what was the distributor to do? Continue reading

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Lefsetz: Surviving the Horrors of Everyday Life

I used to eat a lot at McDonald’s

Right now I can taste a quarter pounder if I think about it. The fries became less satisfying over time, but the food was always consistent. And back before the chainification of America this was important.

I remember eating roast beef outside of Yellowstone back in 1974. Tasted like that shoe Charlie Chaplin consumed in “The Gold Rush.” And when you’re alone, in the middle of nowhere, in the pre-cellphone era, that’s pretty depressing.

Now the reason I bring this up is because I ate at Mickey D’s so much that I knew more about ordering than the people who worked there.

I always wanted to jump over the counter and key my own order in. Even when they went to pictures, the clerks couldn’t do it. Even more depressing were the should-be retireds not only taking your order, but sweeping up. You looked at them and wondered if that could be you. I know a number of people who are living on social security, still in their 60s.

What are they gonna make it on in their 90s?

Life is long, wait until you’re 70 to take social security. Because if you live past your mid-80s- the crossover point, and you probably will – the extra cash will make a difference.

So yesterday I had a flat tire.

Now in the old days, you’d have a full-sized spare. I changed the tire on my BMWs numerous times. But now you’ve got a donut if you’re lucky. Some new cars come without a spare at all, just an inflation kit, to get you to the next stop.

As for BMWs, they’ve got run-flats – which cost a ton to replace – but you can still drive on them. I no longer drive a BMW – I’ve got a donut – but I didn’t think I’d need it.

So Monday I parked on a hill.

You know, with the car leaning sideways. I saw the rear tire looked low. But today, tires are so low-profile that you’re not always sure they’re flat. And these low-profile tires give a worse ride, but they look cool!

Now I would have taken the dirt road into the trailhead, but there were potholes and I was worried because of these low-profile tires that I’d bend a rim, never mind puncture a tire.

But I have OCD, I’m always looking for problems.

So the next day, yesterday, I’m driving on the freeway and when I drive over the Botts Dots, I hear a thump, louder than usual, I chalk it up to my radio being turned down low.

I made a stop.

And then an hour later I went to my next appointment, parked, and the tire still looked flat. I realized I had to take action.

That’s another facet of the modern world, you’ve got no time – everything’s squeezed together – one problem screws up your whole day.

At least we have Uber and Lyft. Used to be you were stuck completely. Now I was worried whether I’d have to use one of these two ride-hailing apps to get to Hollywood for my Sirius XM show.

I had an hour, wherein I planned to read the papers. I wanted to go to lunch, but there wasn’t quite enough time. I had it all figured out.

I’d finish this appointment, drive to Hollywood to beat the traffic, eat lunch and then do my radio show. But the older you get, the more you realize plans are worthless. You can lay it out, but it rarely goes down that way.

Our smartphones are seamless, but the world they exist in is not.

The Weeknd

Continue reading

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Jack Goes Confidential: ‘The Call Of the Wild’ Goes To The Dogs

Say goodbye to 20th Century Fox  and hello to 20th Century Studios…

—a division of the Walt Disney Company.

Permit me to explain.

“THE CALL OF THE WILD” is probably the last major motion picture produced by 20th Century Fox, which had planned to release it this past Christmas.

Then came the sale of Fox to Disney—which already had “STAR WARS: THE RISE OF SKYWALKER” and “SPIES IN DISGUISE” set for the holidays. So Disney moved “THE CALL OF THE WILD” back to open on February 21st.

….as for the picture?

“THE CALL OF THE WILD” is the latest edition of Jack London’s 1903 literary classic which has enjoyed many updated screen versions. Some of them have included Hollywood greats such as Clark Gable, Loretta Young and Charlton Heston.

This weekend it’s Harrison Ford’s turn to join in the timeless dog-gone adventure—and he does it proud. Continue reading

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Hearne: McGonigle’s Controversial Sale, Zoning & Mega Expansion

You know the drill, where there’s smoke…

For years most of the white clouds billowing out of McGonigle’s Market at 79th and Ward Parkway had more to do with the old neighborhood grocer’s tasty ribs.

These days however, a controversial plan to tear down the current store, along with five family homes in the adjacent neighborhood is causing a stir,

That’s because an out-of-town buyer wants to convert the decades-old, quaint family biz into an 8,500 square foot store with a multitenant 4,500 square foot commercial building plus parking.

Which by most warm, fuzzy local neighborhood standards is a lot to love.

And that would appear to explain in part why after grudgingly granting McGonigle’s permission to expand recently – but only after city staff initially recommended denying the plan due to the required zoning changes and concerns of how the additional commercial footprint might affect residential properties and “character and fabric” of the surrounding neighborhood.

Not to mention KC’s strict boulevard and parkway standards.

The $64 million question:

Did McGonigle’s – which talked to the prospective buyers last year – sandbag the city by using its good will to schmooze the changes, in order to grease the sale of the biz?

Because right after getting permission to expand, McGonigle’s announced the sale.

Sound fishy?

Well, on word of the sale Mayor Pro Tem Kevin McManus introduced legislation to reconsider the move, and it was referred to committee for further discussion.

McManus is on record that he wants new owner, Fareway Stores, to “get buy-in from the community”  before it okays McGonicle’s expansion.

Owner Mike McGonigle conceded to the Star that Fareway talked to him last year about the sale, but said he did not believe he’d mislead the council by not telling them a sale was in the works.

That said, in the interest of lending a helping hand to an old-timey family biz, the city gave McGonigle’s an arguably questionable zoning pass for major commercial expansion along one of KC’s most esteemed boulevards, in a residential neighborhood. Continue reading

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Hearne: Michael Bloomberg’s (Somewhat) Untold Sex Scandals

It’s early, but presidential wannabe Mike Bloomberg‘s sex scandals are starting to surfacer…

Courtesy of GQ, for starters.

Here’s how writer Laura Bassett’s story begins…

“In December 2015, employees at Everytown for Gun Safety, the gun control organization funded by Mike Bloomberg, arrived at work to find a holiday gift on their desks from their employer: the former mayor’s 1997 autobiography, Bloomberg by Bloomberg. Flipping through the book, staffers found themselves uncomfortably reading their billionaire founder’s boasts about ‘keeping a girlfriend in every city’ and other womanizing exploits as a Wall Street up-and-comer.

“A few people started immediately going through it and sending the cringe-iest parts around on email chains,” one former Everytown employee told me. ‘Hardly the most controversial things he’s said, but it’s still a bad look.’ ”

Moving right along…

While Bloomberg’s self touted sexual exploits may be eyebrow raising, at least there’s no evidence of uninvited crouch grabbing,. a la The Donald.


“It takes a telling amount of gall and cluelessness to gift a book with anecdotes about your own womanizing to employees at your gun safety non-profit in the year 2015, especially for a politician with presidential ambitions who has been vigorously denying allegations of misogyny throughout his entire career—including nearly 40 sex discrimination and sexual harassment lawsuits brought against him and his organizations by 64 women over the past several decades.

“Bloomberg’s sexism, like that of fellow New York City billionaire Donald Trump has been prolific and well-documented, but for some reason, the stories about him don’t seem to have taken hold. He is still being embraced by the Democratic establishment as a viable option for its presidential nominee.”

GQ hones in on some of Bloomberg’s greatest, most scurrilous hits: Continue reading

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Hearne: Star Sics Fake ‘Watchdog’ on Ex Gov Greitens


This is why readers are abandoning the Kansas City Star

In yet another hit piece aimed at area Republicans, “reporter” Jason Hancock reached into his bag of dirty tricks to harness a “government watchdog” to bash former Missouri Governor Eric Greitens.

That after Greitens got off with what amounts to a wrist slap over ethics complaints over a pair of alleged campaign finance violations.

“The Missouri Ethics Commission said in a consent decree released Thursday that while there were reasonable grounds to believe Greitens’ campaign broke Missouri law, its investigation ‘found no evidence of any wrongdoing on part of Eric Greitens, individually, and no evidence Gov. Greitens knew’ about any violations,” Hancock writes.

Ah, but no way was Hancock about to let Greitens’ claim of being vindicated stand.

Citing a “liberal government watchdog Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington” that had filed a complaint against Greitens in 2018, Hancock allowed the group’s PR dude Jordan Libowitz to dismantle Greitens claims of exoneration.

“Beyond the legal matter itself,” Libowitz said of Greitens, “this should make a lot of people uncomfortable.”

Just one problem…

Using a so-called “watchdog” to bash Greitens, Hancock gave the impression that the critique came from an even-handed source.

Au contraire…

While Libowitz’ group describes itself as a “non partisan non-profit,” Wikipedia has another take.

“Since liberal Democratic operative David Brock became CREW’s chairman in 2014, CREW has almost exclusively pursued investigations and litigation against Republicans and conservatives.” Continue reading

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Hearne: KU Cure for Valentine’s Day Blues

I’m old enough to remember when not having a date on Valentine’s Day was…

You know, akin to going to bed at 10 pm on New Year’s Eve.

In other words, unthinkable.

I’m also old enough to recite that shopworn line homebodies like to utter about New Year’s Eve being for amateurs.

C’mon, like they expect us to believe were it not for all the DXUI patrols, they’d be out closing down bars and cavorting at parties ’till the break of dawn.

But speaking of me being old enough, I’m also old enough to wonder a bit how college kids handle mundane thing like not having a “date” on Valentine’s Day.

Enter the University Daily Kansan student newspaper of the University of Kansas.

And lo-and-behold, the UDK has served up just what I was looking for.

“Valentine’s Day: It’s either your most romantic night of the year or your worst nightmare. With all the cynicism surrounding V-day, it’s easy to forget this Friday is simply a day devoted to the oldest human feeling: love. Even if you’re single, you can still enjoy your day by doing it your way because there are plenty of ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day.”

Hmmm, some things never change.

If you’re home alone on the Day of Love, you’re up  Shit Creek, and in sore need of advice.

“If you are bored and don’t want to go out, consider taking your other single friend on a Target run. Buy out all of the half-priced confections and test out your bad pickup lines on the cute cashier because, hey, it’s Target.”

Perfect! Continue reading

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Hearne: ‘Bloomberg Think’ Is Ruining This Country

“Why Is Bloomberg’s Long History of Egregious Sexism Getting a Pass?-The surging Democratic presidential candidate has fielded some 40 sexual harassment and discrimination lawsuits”

GQ Magazine

The rich are different from you and me…THEY’RE ENTITLED!

Sure, Trump did it, but that’s a FALSE EQUIVALENCY!

Democrats are the big tent party, embracing women, people of color, the blue collar – they’re enlightened, at least until the last 25 years. Which is why Republicans are winning – they’ve got a more singular audience – white, and they’re speaking directly to them.

Meanwhile, the Democratic leaders keep telling us they’re offended, but they’re drinking from the same trough.

Ain’t that America, where you’re nobody until you’re somebody.

And when you’re somebody you skate, paying for your offenses like a road manager with a roll of hundys, until your ego becomes so self-inflated you believe you can run the government better than those with experience.

Because after all, YOU’RE RICH!

Forget whether Bernie Sanders loses or wins.

Now you can see why he has a constituency.

And just like despite the “booming economy,” there are those without jobs outside the unemployment statistics. Never mind the underemployed, there are dyed-in-the-wool lefties who aren’t bothering to vote because they believe it makes no difference. That the leaders of the Democratic and Republican parties are more similar than different.

My favorite take on this is from the film “Milk”…you cannot win unless you give the people HOPE!

It’s not only income inequality – there’s social inequality – which often goes with said wealth:

“Bloomberg Pursues Wealthy Donors, but Not Their Checkbooks-Michael Bloomberg has sworn off taking money from other people for his presidential campaign. But in private, he is courting rich Democrats, potentially posing a challenge for his moderate rivals.”

Yup, Michael Bloomberg wants to steal the nomination with his cash.

Come on, he carpet bombs us on TV and then Instagram. Sure, Trump is uncontrollable, but does it really come down to our billionaire versus their billionaire?

Which is why taking the corporate cash is such a downer.

It contributed to Hillary’s downfall and Mayor Pete…do you think he’s speaking for you? Then you must be RICH! Continue reading

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Jack Goes Confidential: ‘Downhill’ Misses Mark

If you’re expecting a rip-roaring Will Farrell comedy, “DOWNHILL” is not for you…

“DOWNHILL” instead is the Americanization of the 2014 Swedish thriller “FORCE MAJEURE” by Ruben Ostlund.

What we end up with is a (somewhat) biting, dark dramedy that desperately tries to inject goofy laughs into a marriage story that is skating on thin ice.

As the story goes, an American family—Will Ferrell, Julia Louis-Dreyfus and their two sons—are off on a ski vacation to the Austrian Alps.

The upscale resort seems perfect—at least upon arrival. Every luxury one could ask for. Except  the resort’s front-desker whose typecast welcome is somewhat over the top.

But everything is fine until the family is suddenly overwhelmed by a controlled avalanche which not only comes close to killing them, but sends shock waves through their relationship.

Why? Continue reading

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Hearne: Wakarusa Promoter Wins Huge Jackpot, Loses Crossroads

Brett Mosiman

Don’t look now, but the mainstream news outlets in Kansas City are asleep at the wheel…


For example, nobody even noticed that Crossroads KCWakarusa and Thunder On The Mountain founder/concert promoter Brett Mosiman has been going through a particularly dramatic state of good and bad times.

Like last fall, when Mosiman parted company at season’s end with the outdoor concert venue downtown known as Crossroads KC. A venue he cofounded and booked the lion’s share of the concerts at more than a dozen years back.

No word on what exactly happened, but rival promoter Jeff Fortier is now large and in charge. 

On top of which, a few months back, Mosiman sold his Lawrence live music club The Bottleneck , rendering him all but out of the concert biz after 30 years.

That’s the bad news…now the good. Continue reading

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Lefsetz: Oscar Ratings Tank For Obvious Reasons

The Irishman…Most Boring Pic of 2019?

I didn’t watch…

Who needs to see a throng of self-important lefties revel in their fabulousness while they promote their fatuous work?

Yes folks, movies have become baseball in the land of football, that’s being challenged by soccer.

In other words, the theatrical experience doesn’t hold a candle to the home/flat screen one and television series are much more appealing than two hour snoozefests and shoot-em-ups.

So it’s not only the paywall of theatres, it’s also the form. It doesn’t fit today’s world where if you’re into something, you want to go deep, if you stop and smell the coffee you don’t want a cup, you want the whole pot.

Used to be the Oscars were a religious experience, at least for me.

I’d gather with friends in front of the screen – which was much smaller back then – and there would be no talking as we watched the shapers of culture vie for victory. Even though Woody Allen refused to attend because he believes competition in the arts is pointless, which is true – but everything needs to be quantified in today’s society – no matter how fallacious the judging.

Movies drove the culture.

We wanted insight into those in front of the camera and behind. We learned the lingo. We knew the studio heads (quick, name one today!) and had to go to the theatre not only for the experience, but in order to participate in conversation at parties.

But then the producers went solely for the bucks and everybody we knew stopped going to movies and we did too. Talk to friends, either they go all the time or not at all. I’m in the latter category, it just takes too much time.

And I hate the audience and the timing…I want to watch when I want to watch – we live in an on-demand culture – that’s what streaming is all about!

As for rallying around the set with your brethren…

We call that the Super Bowl.

And it’s about the ads and the ability to discuss the halftime presentation more than the game. If the game is good, it’s a bonus.

The Super Bowl is now a national holiday.

If you’re not invited to a party you feel like a loser.

But the mainstream media did not get the memo that things have changed. Continue reading

Posted in Bob Lefsetz | 6 Comments

Hearne: Fox 4 & Fox News Fall for Cheesy Super Bowl Whiskey Tale

Never underestimate the ability of local television to cover trivial news….                                                                                                                                                                               

You know the drill.

A dude proposes to his girlfriend at the big game – or maybe at a drunken tailgate wilding – presto!- breaking news.

It doesn’t even have to be particularly heartwarming, just short and sweet enough for TV talking heads to get it on and off the air in 30 seconds or so, then smile and say something like, “Awwwww.”

The latest:

Local man inherits a limited edition Chiefs bottle of McCormick’s whiskey commemorating the 1974 Chiefs Super Bowl win.

McCormick’s is a distillery in nearby Weston, Missouri that – to me anyway – is best known for their cute little jugs of nasty tasting corn liquor.

Anyhoo as the story goes, said dude got the bottle right before his now-deceased father-in-law passed away, and told Fox 4 he was gonna open and consume it at Ameristar casino’s sports bar if the Chiefs beat the 49ers.

What TV newsie could pass up that story?

Just one problem… Continue reading

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Hearne: SF Chronicle – Not Star – Chronicles Funky Super Bowl Bites

A picture may be worth a thousand words but…

Not everybody has the time or inclination to kill 40 minutes sorting through online videos to get to a handful of fun highlights they can digest in a few seconds.

So, thanks to our pals on the Left coast, enjoy…

“In-mourning 49ers’ fans aren’t eager to relive Sunday’s devastating loss, but George Kittle provides a compelling reason to watch NFL Films’ behind-the-scenes look at Super Bowl LIV,” the Chronicle begins.

“The Chiefs won the game, but the All-Pro tight end stole this 40-minute show.

“Kittle, among a host of Mic’d Up players, competed with a blend of humor, heart and joy, often wisecracking as if he was speaking with reporters in the locker room on a Wednesday during Week 7.”

Now on to the show:

“On the 49ers’ first offensive drive, Kittle, just before going in motion, checked out defensive end Frank Clark.

“It was part of Kittle’s ongoing back-and-forth with the trash-talking Clark that provides some of the best moments.”

Frank Clark is a “trash talker?”

I did not know that

*** *** ***

“After Kittle blocked Clark at the end Raheem Mostert’s 11-yard run in the second quarter, Clark screamed at Kittle: ‘You ain’t good enough. See me? I’m the only D-end you can’t block.’

“Kittle calmly responded with deadpan confusion: ‘But you didn’t make the tackle. I blocked you … That was dumb.'”

*** *** ***

:In the fourth quarter, after Clark wasn’t near the play on a five-yard run by Mostert, Clark barked at Kittle: ‘You can’t block me!’

“Kittle, again, calmly: ‘Make a play.’ Continue reading

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Hearne: 49ers Legend Coach, Quarterback Need Work On ‘Dance Step’

Arthur Murray, anyone?

Legendary San Francisco quarterback Steve Young had some frank advice for 49ers coach Kyle Shanahan and QB Jimmy Garappolo: as in, get your act together.

“I think he and Kyle have to work on their dance step,” Young told The Chronicle on Thursday at Spyglass Hill, after he played alongside Phil Mickelson in the AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am. “The thing before halftime doesn’t make sense to me. If I was the quarterback, and you just let the clock drain away, what are you saying to me? Continue reading

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Lefsetz: The So-Called ‘Experts’ Are Ruining The Country

One thing’s for sure, Joe Biden‘s toast…

But how could this be? For months we’ve endured polls and talking heads, telling us he was the leader and the people’s choice – the man with experience shooting right up the middle.

Turns out that’s not what people wanted at all.

So, the pollsters got it wrong.

Oh, there was that Des Moines Register poll that was canceled that was supposedly more accurate. And I’m sure Nate Silver and the rest of the experts will weasel once again and tell us how they really got it right, but they didn’t. Turns out it’s not only government that is out of touch with the public, but the pollsters and the media too.

It all comes down to if you’re winning.

If the present environment is working for you, you want no change.

But it turns out the present environment isn’t working for most of America.

Let’s start with Donald Trump.

The same media outlets and pollsters failed to see the disharmony that led to the Donald’s election. They convinced us, even him, that his campaign was a sideshow, a way for Trump to burnish his brand, to start a TV network, to get richer. Little did we expect that he would use the Presidency to get richer.

And on the other side you’ve got Bernie Sanders.

According to Hillary Clinton, he’s an evil hate monger who refuses to play well with others. Meanwhile, Bernie almost deposed the anointed Hillary in 2016, and it appears he’s gonna run to the roses this year. Turns out most of the populace is not happy with business as usual.

Let’s talk about the Clintons.

Sure, they were eviscerated by the right, but they also used their position to get rich, even Chelsea has gotten rich.

She’s even wealthier than Hunter Biden!

But sucking up to Wall Street and the rest of the billionaires was de rigueur, because everybody else did it. You needed their money to win. But Bernie didn’t take a dime from the usual suspects and this time around he’s raised more money than anybody!

As for Mayor Pete

Where were the articles predicting this? The polls?

And then there’s the question of, why.

It appears that people want someone young and smart untainted by the usual b.s. Although if you look into Pete’s CV it’s not appealing; drinking at the trough of McKinsey and being unable to run his own damn city. As for being gay…no one cares about that anymore, if a black man can become President why not a gay man? As for those who couldn’t accept Obama…it didn’t keep him from winning.

Which brings us to the impeachment… Continue reading

Posted in Bob Lefsetz | 12 Comments

Hearne: Last Laughs, 49ers Fans, Media Turn the Page

Life goes on for the city by the bay…

San Francisco 49ers fans are turning the page on Sunday’s disappointing, blowout loss to the Chiefs. Gone are the expectant-turned- embittered headlines of recent days and weeks.

For the most part no more making fun of how badly the 49ers defense sucked. Or how pitiful quarterback Jimmy Garoffallo fourth quarter play was.

Noop, they pretty well got all that out of their system.

Now it’s back to headlines about California rent control being back on the ballot; former utility giant PG&E’s bankruptcy deal for bondholders; North Beaches’ shuttered stores crisis; Bloomberg having California “to himself as Dem field focuses on Iowa;” Shake Shack’s first foray into SF; will banning cars solve Market Street’s problems; and reader reaction to a plus size bridal wear story.

And what would any self-respecting left coast news org be with its fair share of woke?

Complete with editorials like, “Why would anybody bring a baby into the world that is SF?” and “SF’s big box retailers have no clue how to celebrate Black History Month.”

Ah, but they still have that clever sports rascal Scott Ostler who looks to have put the finishing touches on Sunday’s massacre for a handful of spontaneous quips:

*** Patrick Mahomes is legendary. Maybe you heard the story of how he and his girlfriend dined at a K.C. restaurant recently, and as he was leaving, Patrick stopped at the door and thanked everyone for letting him eat quietly. He said he loves Kansas City, and he and his girlfriend left without mentioning that they were picking up the tab for everyone in the restaurant.

***The halftime show seems to be trying too hard. I remember the good old simple days when it was just Michael Jackson moonwalking and groping for his car keys. Continue reading

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Hearne: KU Student Senate Wants Barf Bags, Tomahawk Chop Ban

Those krazy KU kids…

It’s understandable that KU students would flood Mass Street in downtown Lawrence after a Super Bowl win by the Chiefs. Not to mention tearing stop lights off light poles and standing on store awnings spraying beer on passersby. All of which actually happened.

Kid stuff, right?

“The city was mayhem — I’ve never seen anything like it,” KU junior Cayden Fairman of Overland Park told the Lawrence Journal World. “Being a part of this felt at home.”

Who doesn’t think of rioting when they think of Overland Park?

On top of all that, KU’s student senate was prepared for the worst.

“KU Student Senate wants vomit bags placed around campus if classes aren’t canceled days after Super Bowl,” read a Journal World headline prior to the big game.

“University of Kansas students are appealing to their chancellor’s ‘medical expertise’ in an attempt to get him to cancel classes on Monday, following Super Bowl LIV,” the story begins.

“The Student Senate calls upon the Chancellor, given his medical expertise, to consider the health implications of students attending classes and attempting course work less than 12 hours after the culmination of the Super Bowl and any celebrations that follow the game, should the Kansas City Chiefs emerge victorious, bill 2020-305 reads. Chancellor Douglas Girod is a head-and-neck surgeon.”

Well played, kiddos. Continue reading

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Hearne: 49ers Fans Unleash Torrent of Hate on Team

It hasn’t been pretty…

It’s hard to imagine Chiefs fans getting super down on the team had they lost.But the 49ers faithful sure are. It’s almost as if 49ers fans feel entitled and are angry that the team let the town down.

“If they made the mistake of opening up their social media apps or turning on the TV talking heads Monday morning, (the team) would learn that they had FAILED MISERABLY,” grouses SF Chronicle sportswriter Ann Killion. “They would see fingers pointed because SOMEONE IS AT FAULT.

“As 49ers assistant coach Katie Sowers tweeted Monday morning, as part of a bigger thought, ‘This loss has unfortunately reminded me of the hatred in this world.'”


Is it possible that Chiefs’ die hards would be hating on our the team had it lost?

“There is something about the NFL that brings out the ugliest sides of some people,” Killion continues. “Maybe it’s the booze. Maybe it’s the gambling. Maybe it’s the violence of the game. It’s not just enough that the game was entertaining, that both teams played well at times and not so well at others, that one of the transcendent athletic stars of our time shone in the brightest moment. There has to be anger and sometimes frightening hostility unleashed toward the losing team.”

Not flyover country-like disappointment, but “anger” and “frightening hostility.”

Worse yet… Continue reading

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