Category Archives: Uncategorized
Lefsetz: The Awful Truth About Saturday Night Live
I’m sick of reading how funny and great Saturday Night Live is… Chevy Chase must have a new publicist because suddenly he’s everywhere. Most notably in the Washington Post where he laments that no one will hire him – that … Continue reading
Dwight: Will the Real Boom Boom Please Stand?
For the five years I’ve been writing for KC Confidential I’ve been subjected to an incredible amount of personal abuse… Abuse from a troll by the name of first Harley and then Boom Boom. I was in good company though. Because … Continue reading
Hearne: Time for Kavanaugh to Toss in the Towel
Let me be perfectly clear… From the get go Democrats have done Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh dirty. No two ways about it, regardless of whether the claims against him are true or not. Lost in this unseemly process has … Continue reading
Lefsetz: Brett Kavanaugh & How Preppies Behave
Everybody knows the prep school kids are the worst offenders… You think we live in an homogeneous society, all starting from the same line, with the same information, with melting pot backgrounds and various pluses and minuses that balance out … Continue reading
Hearne: HC Channels Scribe for Chiefs Win & Big 12 Face Plants
As many of you know, there are two things I like to remind readers of…. That I voted for Obama twice and I’m really not much of a sports fan these days. So go ahead, call me a fair weather … Continue reading
Lefsetz: A Star (Beto O’Rourke) Is Born
He pointed… That’s one of the first things you learn in media training, not to. You remember Bill Clinton with his arm outstretched, thumb tucked into his fist – they called him “Slick Willie.” One thing’s for sure, Beto O’Rourke is … Continue reading
Lefsetz: Amazon Eats Apple’s Lunch
It’s 2003 all over again… When hardware was king and just as you got used to your latest iPod they improved it. Only this time Cupertino is behind the curve selling niche items for mucho dinero and Amazon is going … Continue reading
Lefsetz: Why the Emmys Don’t Matter
Goin’ down…down, down, down, down, DOWN! As Don Nix so famously sang. What did they used to say, tweeting would save event television? That live was everything? Utter hogwash. You’ve got to read the pundits’ comments on why the Emmy … Continue reading
Jack Goes Confidential: ‘The House With A Clock In Its Walls” — A Magic Pumpkin Ride
Imagine a kid/family-friendly fantasy thriller that doesn’t bore parents to death…. (Come to think of it, I saw adults jumping several in their seats during our screening.) That’s what we get from THE HOUSE WITH A CLOCK IN ITS WALLS, … Continue reading
Hearne: Claire McCaskill Tries to Pull a Fast One
Never let it be said Claire McCaskill isn’t conniving… After all, Claire cut her political teeth right here in KCMO, tap dancing with adiabolical dudes like the late Steve Glorioso. And nobody knew how to lay the pipe to political foe … Continue reading
Hearne: Will More KU Football Wins Bring More DUIs?
Think tale of two cities… Here in the Cowtown, Chiefs fans are besides themselves (and the ghost of Craig Glazer is sure to make a return appearance this Halloween). Local football freaks are running around like somebody at Arrowhead went back in … Continue reading
Hearne: Is The American Royal BBQ On Its Last Legs?
It’s not easy being an icon, let alone a fast fading one… Unfortunately that appears to be the case with both the American Royal and now its fabled World Series of Barbecue. Once upon a time – you know the … Continue reading
Hearne: ‘Ducks’ Lawsuits About Money Not ‘Closure’
Forget touchy-feely words like “closure,” it’s always been about the money… The object of the game in mainstream journalism is to milk controversial stories like Ride the Ducks and Schlitterbahn’s Verrückt, because those are the stories that keep the lights on. And if you … Continue reading
Jack Goes Confidential: ‘The Predator’; Killer Aliens Unleashed!
I was pretty stoked… On Monday I was to screen the new PREDATOR movie. It had been 31 years since Arnold Schwarzenegger took on a faceless, ferocious fiend in South America. The original was a solid action thriller that picked you up … Continue reading
Hearne: ‘Craig Glazer’ — Back From The Dead?
Dark humor, anyone? Then settle back and listen to a tale about a man named…Harley. That’s right, that curmudgeonly, caustic coward we’ve known and loved as – once upon a time – JoJo and more recently Boom Boom. At the risk … Continue reading
Lefsetz: Nike Sets Example, Does Colin Kaepernick Right
No one in America likes to sacrifice… Their idea of risk is creating a new business. Just as long as they stay out of the mainstream, never move back on the game board, present a bland face so as not … Continue reading
Paul Wilson: Small Town Missouri Institution Bites Dust
I just returned from an event in my hometown of Carthage, a “going away” party for my friend and the now former editor of the 134 year old Carthage Press… It was shut down last Wednesday. How, you ask? The … Continue reading
Hearne: Death of an Icon – Former Pitch Owner Village Voice Taps Out
How would you like to be the proud new owner of The Pitch right now? Allow me to answer that question for you, you wouldn’t. Because when you’re choking out a monthly print magazine in a world where even hourly information can … Continue reading
Lefsetz: The War on Perps & Louis C.K.
This is kind of hysterical… The pussy-grabber in chief rapes and pillages our nation and its relationships, yet a comedian is unable to pursue his career. Have we lost perspective? And isn’t it interesting that not a single male has … Continue reading
Hearne: What Do George Brett, Bob Dole, Huckleberry Hound & Mike Fannin Have in Common?
It ain’t easy being a daily newspaper… Not around these parts. Editor Mike Fannin’s recent column pleading with locals to subscribe to the Kansas City Star got me thinking. With paid readership fading fast, online advertising producing a fraction of the dough … Continue reading