Category Archives: Uncategorized
Hearne: End of Days for Steve Rose?
Sometimes you gotta know when to pack it in… And this may just be that time for longtime Johnson County scribe Steve Rose. For years Rose lorded over a twice weekly, front page column in his family-founded, freebie The Sun. Which continued … Continue reading
Lefsetz: Maroon 5 & The Super Bowl
Is all publicity good publicity? Yesterday’s Super Bowl was a strange game, since the NFL’s ratings were resuscitated by the Kansas City Chiefs and their passing attack, and this contest was fought on the ground, until the Rams realized that … Continue reading
New Jack City: Local TV Hits Football Fork In The Road
Who is taking the biggest hit due to the Chiefs missing out on the Super Bowl? It’s got to be Kansas City’s local television stations. You just know that every local outlet would have aired its own Chiefs specials prior … Continue reading
Hearne: The First Amendment vs. Steve Rose
Can we talk? Let’s start by clarifying a misconception that came up earlier this week re the Steve Rose / Kansas City Star brouhaha. And that’s that “free speech” has nothing to do with careless reporting and the defamation of a … Continue reading
Hearne: Star Awakens from Steve Rose Nightmare to Steve Rose Nightmare
They say good news travels fast but bad news faster… Such is the case with former Johnson County Sun main man-turned Kansas City Star scribe Steve Rose. To wit, Rose’s largely forgettable column in last Saturday’s Star morphed into no less … Continue reading
Hearne: Lawrence Journal World Hanging On
Going, going? It’s not gone, but let’s just say the ongoing cutbacks and exoduses by and from the Lawrence Journal World don’t bode well for the small town daily. Case in point, longtime sports editor Tom Keegan slipped quietly out … Continue reading
Hearne: Will the Real Dave Helling Please Stand Up?
This guy used to matter… But former KCTV reporter, turned Kansas City Star writer Dave Helling has morphed into a something approaching a disappearing act since joining the newspaper’s editorial board. As Channel 5’s “truthwatcher” Helling was a cutting edge, keep-the-pols honest kinda … Continue reading
Hearne: The Price is Right When it Comes to Local News
The price of tea in China? Dunno, but I can tell you that I pay about $120 a year for a seven days a week print subscription to the Kansas City Star. Which as it turns out – I just … Continue reading
Hearne: ‘Google Fiber’ News Shocker?
Anybody out there got the recipe for stone soup? The Star’s Mark Davis seemed to have found it with his front page story and the headline, “Google Fiber left customers in dark on why their service was out.” Which might have … Continue reading
Hearne: KC Star Looking for a Few Good ‘Thrill Seekers’
Talk about head scratchers… Describing the past 10 years of working at the Kansas City Star as daunting and disheartening for its news staff would be a massive understatement. Death row denizens have lead less stressful lives. Hey, the average … Continue reading
Lefsetz: Netflix Toppling Movie Theater Biz
Generational change happens while you’re busy arguing about disruption… Happened in the music business. For over a decade, we heard about piracy. After the advent of Spotify, we heard about streaming payouts. Meanwhile the bitchers got older, the users younger … Continue reading
Hearne: How Bad Do Chiefs Fans Suck?
The above headline is what you would call a leading question… Right up there with, “When did you stop beating your wife?” Then again, if you’ve been to a Chiefs game – with the possible exception of in the top … Continue reading
Hearne: Star Scooped on KC Skating Star Suspension, Suicide
Curses, foiled again… It’s not easy trying to stay on top of local news when you’re hemorrhaging red ink. Take the Kansas City Star‘s story Sunday about Kansas CVity figure skating champion John Coughlin. The two time U.S. pairs figure skating … Continue reading
Hearne: Biggest Losers in Chiefs Loss
I hate to admit it, but… I’ll go ahead and take credit for jinxing the Chiefs by hitching their fortunes to the ghost of Craig Glazer. And for the record, the Scribe would have had plenty to say about the team’s … Continue reading
Hearne: Renaissance, Anybody?
Brace yourselves… The way things are going the Cowtown may be poised to rise from the dead. Don’t take that the wrong way. Not since the heady days of Joe Montana and Marcus Allen living here has Kansas City appeared on … Continue reading
Hearne: Is Patrick Mahomes Moving to KC for Keeps?
In X-Files speak, the truth is out there somewhere… Let’s see if I can inch a little closer to it via a tip from a KCC reader claiming that budding Chiefs superstar Patrick Mahomes was indeed moving to the Cowtown … Continue reading
Jack Goes Confidential: Shyamalan’s ‘GLASS’—Deranged Mind-Bender
Stephen King, Wes Craven, John Carpenter—and yes, M. Night Shyamalan… They’re all shock-meisters in their own right. Whenever a new film is released with their names attached, fan curiosity peaks. And so it is with the latest entry from M. … Continue reading
Hearne: This One’s for the Scribe…
There’s been no shortage of overwrought Chiefs hoopla of late… Don’t get me wrong… I’ve had as much fun watching Chiefs games this season as anyone, but the over-the-top handwringing, jubilation and faux deep analysis has been absurd. What are … Continue reading
Lefsetz: Amazon’s Jeff Bezos..The Rich Get Sleezier (and Dumber)
The rich are just like the rest of us… Only with a lot more money But maybe they’re believe they’re entitled to what they want, that the rules of law and morality don’t apply to them.. First and foremost Amazon’s … Continue reading
Hearne: Nasty Star Pics Worth 1,000 Words?
When it comes to hiding in plain sight, the Kansas City Star’s in a league of its own… Let’s be clear about one thing: these days the local newspaper of record doesn’t go out of its way to appear even … Continue reading