Category Archives: Uncategorized
Jack Goes Confidential: Disney Soars With ‘DUMBO’ Reboot
‘DUMBO’—what can I tell you? It’s a beautifully staged and photographed (i.e. filmed) LIVE-Action, family fantasy movie that should please audiences of ALL ages. Parents and/or grandparents taking the kids to see it will enjoy it as well. Imagine that. … Continue reading
Sutherland: The Best of Times, Worst of Times: A Tale of Two Hollywoods
Time flies when you’re having fun… Reading the novels of Anthony Trollope, an English writer of the 19th century, one is struck by how different society is nowadays from his era. It’s actually not that remote in time from our … Continue reading
Hearne: Beginning of the End for Wild Bill Self, KU?
This one’s been a long time coming… The way overdue departure of Kansas mens basketball coach Bill Self. Self’s already squeezed big bucks – many millions – from the tiny midwestern burg of Lawrence and University of Kansas. Along the … Continue reading
Hearne: Speaking of Sports and Tyreek Hill
Sports media types can be so superficial and pretentious… Especially those of the print persuasion. The Sam Mellinger‘s of the sportswriting world don’t write fawning tributes and dole out miniscule wrist slaps to their sports heroes because they grew up dreaming of … Continue reading
Lefsetz: The College Admission Scam
Guess they never read “The Tell-Tale Heart” Someone with no guilt is a sociopath. They may be nice to others face to face, but they’ll do whatever it takes to get what they want, casualties be damned. We live in … Continue reading
New Jack City: Brewmaster Jack Foments Ferments
A bier is just a beer, right? Stay with me here… Say you’ve just returned from a great European vacation and you loved the beers overseas. And now you’ve luckily found the very same brew in the import section of your … Continue reading
Lefsetz: Guy With the Funny Name for President!
John Hickenlooper‘s following the Jimmy Carter playbook… And Carter may (not) be the best ex-President – as opposed to one in office – but one thing’s for sure, he won. We underestimate winning. It’s a long road to the top … Continue reading
Chuck: Much Ado About Nothing Over Ilhan Omar
About Ilhan Omar’s anti-semitic comments that’ve been stirring bi-partisan outrage … The two most egregious: Her Tweet, “It’s all about the Benjamins baby,” in reference to U.S. support for Israel. And again last week, “I want to talk about the political influence … Continue reading
Hearne: Training Wheels Journalism?
Far be it from me to school anybody on journalism… And yet… For 16 long years I turned out thousands of stories – week after week – in the most edited column in the Kansas City Star. Trust me on … Continue reading
Lefsetz: What…a Movie About Real Life?
They never make a movie about the way guys really are… You can see beefcake, men who love ’em and leave ’em, men who abuse women, but they don’t make a flick about the people I know. They do in … Continue reading
New Jack City: Un-Edgy Oscar Night Revisited
When did the Academy Awards show lose its edge? On Sunday night, that’s when. The opening number by Queen followed by Tina Fey, Amy Pohler and Maya Rudolph was alright…I guess. But it felt more like the Grammys meets the … Continue reading
Chuck: ’60 Minutes” Host Laura Logan Nails Mainstream Media
It takers guts and brains to do what Lara Logan has done… Many conservative news outlets are reporting that the former 60 Minutes correspondent is coming into the light for the first time on the liberal bias of the 4th … Continue reading
Hearne: Mass Star Exodus No Biggie
Enough with the overwrought hyperbole… That’s basically my take on the voluntary, paid departures recently announced at the Kansas City Star. No need for handwringing here. The fact that a handful of writers – mostly at or near retirement age … Continue reading
New Jack City: Jack Flips Off the Oscars
Think the Academy Awards has lost its luster? I DO! There’s very little buzz surrounding it these days. Seems like the only times we hear anything about the awards is when there’s a negative spin to them. And there’s been … Continue reading
Hearne: Star Launches Laughable ‘Free Speech’ Argument
Close but no cigar… The Kansas City Star’s feeble attempt to characterize Kansas Senate Majority Leader Jim Denning’s lawsuit against the newspaper in regard to its monumental fuck up of editing and running Steve Rose‘s bogus hit piece against Denning is laughable. … Continue reading
Hearne: The Sad, Cruel Coverage of Frank White
Suffice it to say, Royals legend Frank White is up the proverbial creek… The youth who basked in the glow of the old Municipal Stadium and went on to become an eight-time Gold Glove winner over 18 star studded years playing for … Continue reading
Lefsetz: Death of Amazon by AOC
Corporations are the enemy… I would have expected this message to come from the arts first, but the arts have been infiltrated like PBS. Whether it be corporations supporting that which the public does not, or musicians sucking up to … Continue reading
Hearne: Kareem Hunt to Cleveland a Perfect Fit
Think sour grapes… No two ways about it, Star sports scribe Sam Mellinger‘s bagging on Kareem Hunt for signing with the Cleveland Browns rings more than a tad hollow. Almost as much as his columns kissing up to the athletic departments … Continue reading
Hearne: The Story Behind Nancy Pelosi’s ‘Teeth Sucking”
Anybody else out there following the three ring circus in Washington of late? One of the odder aspects of it all was accentuated during the State of the Union was watching Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi‘s protracted, animated lip … Continue reading
Lefsetz: Jeff Bezos vs. The National Enquirer
Don’t put anything in writing… Because then you have plausible deniability. One thing about Donald Trump, he’s proven to be surrounded by third-rate attorneys who are really henchmen – lawyers that would be disbarred if their activities ever came to … Continue reading