Category Archives: Sports
All-Big 12 Hair Team
Cookie Miller, Nebraska (Captain):
Chiefs’ Get Cassel/Vrabek For 2nd Rounder
As I watched the OU/TT basketball game Saturday afternoon the I saw the words “Cassel” and “Chiefs” on the crawl at the bottom of my TV screen. What?? Matt Cassel and the Chiefs? I grabbed the remote and reversed the … Continue reading
Whitlock/Star Torch Chiefs Coach/GM and Journalism Degrees
Jason Whitlock broke a huge story in Thursday Continue reading
Take Five / Lew Perkins’ Headset
What is Lew Perkins listening to while sitting near the KU bench and wearing that aviator-sized headset? 5. How-to tapes on speaking wicked Kansan w/o a Baaahston accent. 4. Hooked up to Mangino
KU/OU Big Monday Recap
Greetings from the battered cushions of a well-worn couch. It has been more than a while since we last spoke. Here Continue reading
Jack Harry Houdini Now Seeing Things That Aren’t There
You know the drill. If you need assistance understanding what the OTC is all about, in the immortal words of Jack Bauer, ask around. Look for my weekly columns here on a regular basis until the money runs dry or Continue reading
OTC Throwback: A classic collection of Neilbonics
This compilation of Neilbonics quotes and comments was originally written for The Platte County Landmark in December Continue reading