Category Archives: Sports
OTC: Greinke Gone & Media Stabs At His Shadow

Sam Mellinger, after Zack Greinke was traded to the Milwaukee Brewers, Kansas City Star
GH: There is much emotion expelled after a fan base loses one of their franchise’s greatest all-time players. And make no mistake, Greinke was one of the best to ever wear Royals blue – no matter how some of the media haters want to paint the former Cy Young winner. Read on.
Kevin Kietzman, 810 AM
GH: Here is what’s real – the Royals franchise has been a loser for two decades. Why would an elite pitcher in his prime want to squander what’s left of his talents here in Mudville? Hey, I want the Royals to turn it around as much as the next fan but why rip Greinke for wanting out? Why diminish what he did as a Royals because you’re bitter he’s leaving? This kind of talk sounds juvenile to me but KK’s far from alone in this line of thinking. Read on.
OTC: Matt Now King Of KC’s Cassel

“Matt Cassel has endeared himself to Kansas City sports lore. For me today, I think he has a place in Kansas City sports history. I don’t anticipate (Cassel) being here five years from now. I don’t anticipate him winning even one Super Bowl with (the Chiefs). But he’s got a place in Kansas City sports history.”
Bill Maas, after Cassel led the Chiefs to a road win over the Rams after overcoming an appendectomy only 11 days before, 610 AM
GH: I didn’t think there was any way Cassel could perform at a level of efficiency that would allow for a Chiefs’ win. I was as wrong as Gloria Funkhouser (pick your topic where Gloria is concerned). Cassel might just have made Kansas City his town with his dominant and gutty play in St. Louis.
Jason Lamb, sports anchor, Fox 4
GH: Okay, that’s not a Santa-like list in length but you get the idea.
OTC: Bubba Leaves KU In A Grump / Mario Shows Little Sense

Bob Fescoe, on the stunned staff at KU once it was made know that Bubba (Cunningham) had turned down the Kansas AD job, 610 AM
GH: This was a bombshell for the Kansas City market. Media everywhere had reported this as a “done deal.” Some in the media, like the Kansas City Star and AP, were more cautious. Radio and television talking heads though dived in as if Bubba was signed, sealed and delivered – despite repeated comments from Bubba stating he was still the AD at Tulsa and that nothing had changed. Read on.
Kevin Kietzman, 810 AM
GH: This quote should be etched into every journalism classroom from Honolulu to Miami as an example of what professional journalism is NOT. Truth is truth. It doesn’t have an expiration date like sour cream. Those who reported that Bubba was signed and would be KU’s next AD were incorrect because they jumped the gun. Jumping the gun is not good journalism. It’s fun. It creates buzz. It is also tempting as hell. But it ain’t truth no matter how you spin it once proven false.
OTC: Is Rams Game A Must Win For Chiefs?

Mitch Holthus, on the Chiefs trip to St. Louis on Sunday, 810 AM
GH: Kind of tells you how drab the past seven years have been like here in Kansas City for Chiefs fans.
“Every game at this point is a must win. You only have so many opportunities. It’s not like the middle of the season where you have an opportunity to change things.”
Will Shields, 610 AM
GH: I keep hearing how this game against the Rams is a must win but I don’t think the Chiefs are in a must-win division. A “must win” to me is you win or you’re dead. That Raiders game at home on January 2nd? Now that will be a must win.
OTC: KSU’s Wally Judge Mystery Still Murky

Kevin Kietzman, on his Monday afternoon show, 810 AM
GH: When I heard Kietzman declare that the K-State sophomore had been suspended, I took notice. KK is very well-tuned into the happenings at his alma mater – or so I thought. Turns out KK sometimes says things that just aren’t true. Imagine that. Read on.
Frank Martin, while being interviewed by Steven St. John and Nate Bukaty, 810 AM
GH: Martin never revealed who reported that Judge was suspended so we cannot be certain his ire was directed solely at Kietzman. But as 810 likes to spout, they are the biggest sports talk radio voice going so I don’t think it’s a stretch to conclude Martin’s aggravation was KK related.
OTC: Big 10 Goes Leaderless With Non-Legendary Names

Jim Delany, Big 10 Commissioner, on the conference’s decision to name the two divisions, Leaders and Legends, Chicago Tribune
GH: Here are the members of the two new Big 10 Divisions;
Legends: Iowa, Michigan, Michigan State, Minnesota, Nebraska, Northwestern
Leaders: Illinois, Indiana, Ohio State, Penn State, Purdue, Wisconsin
Most are not as sure as Delany that he knows “us.” Read on.
“93 percent of those responding to a poll voted for either ‘terrible’ or ‘it makes me want to gouge my eyes out with a spoon.’ ”
Teddy Greenstein, columnist, Chicago Tribune
OTC: Chiefs Get Shamu-Slapped In San Diego
Headline in Monday’s San Diego Union-Tribune
Nick Canepa, columnist, San Diego Union-Tribune
GH: The one recurring thought I had as I watched what Sam Mellinger referred to as a “curbstomping” was that the Chiefs pretty much never expected or to win this game so they never tried. Read on.
Take 5: DA Responds To Press Box-gate
Damon Amendolara (DA) emailed me his response to my post earlier this week regarding the controversial appearance of his alleged girlfriend in the Chiefs press box. I am happy to post it below.
OTC: Cassel’s Surgery Story Broken

Jack Harry, to Kevin Kietzman as they came to the close of discussing Matt Cassel’s emergency surgery, just before 4:00 PM on Wednesday, 810 AM
GH: Kietzman neither verbally accepted Mad Jack’s congrats nor did he correct him. Harry’s words simply floated in the air like a soap bubble. A bubble that KK could have either popped or allowed to fly. He chose the latter. Read on.
OTC: Bowls Bids Serving Mostly Cold Oatmeal

Mike DeArmond, Twitter
GH: The only reason there are most of these nondescript who-care bowls is because ESPN/ABC is willing to pay billions to televise college football. If ESPN wants 90 minutes, they can have their 90. It ain’t 1974 anymore, Mike. Cool your jets and enjoy the trip to Tempe and the paycheck.
Kevin Kietzman, to a Mizzou caller complaining about the bowl matchups, 810 AM
GH: True, kind of, but we sure do spend a lot of time discussing these meaningless exhibition games. Read on.
OTC: Is Haley A Gambler Or A Gunther?
Rich Gannon, after Matt Cassel was sacked following Haley’s decision to go for it on fourth and goal instead of attempting a short field goal against Denver, CBS
GH: The Chiefs won and that is all that matters in the NFL. Just ask San Diego. But Haley continues to gamble with the Chiefs’ fortunes at times that look to be not only poor decisions but plain old dumb. Read on.
Shan Shariff, on Haley’s decision to ignore the field goal on fourth down, 610 AM
GH: If the BKnowshon Moreno busts one of his long second-half runs to the end zone and the Chiefs lose 13-10, Haley gets lit up brighter than the mayor’s Christmas tree this week on local radio.
Jayice Pearson, on Haley’s decision to ignore the field goal on fourth down, 610 AM
GH: Haley has to be smarter than he looks, sounds and coaches, doesn’t he? Or is this as good as it gets with him? He seems to be bent on reinventing the game to his image and I don’t think that has worked real well for anybody not named Lombardi, Walsh or Belichick. So maybe Haley joins that elite group some day as a football genius? Or is he the next Gunther?
OTC: Many Already Counting Denver As Dead Against Chiefs
Jack Harry, making the point to Kietzman on Wednesday that a Chiefs’ win over Denver is a foregone conclusion and there was no reason to discuss it, 810 AM
GH: Despite the flogging the Chiefs took in Denver, many members of the media and the Chiefs fan base think the Chiefs can just chuck their helmets on the field Sunday afternoon and get a W. Read on.

Kevin Kietzman, 810 AM
Danny Clinkscale, 810 AM
OTC: If You Don’t Hate NU Yet, Read This OTC And Get Lathered

Jack Harry,
GH: I know a handful of “good and decent” Nebraska “savages” myself. Nothing like a savage or two and a pile of corn to get a helluva meal going.
Sam Mellinger, columnist, Kansas City Star
GH: Those uppity Huskers! Thumping their corn-fed chests over past successes. Just disgusting. Who in the hell do they think they are? They need to be taught to brag about their future successes like Mizzou fans!
OTC: Are Mizzou Fans Bowl Blas

Jeff Gordon, writer, St. Louis Post-Dispatch
GH: The college bowls are an absolute mess and have been for two decades or more. They are a joke that tugs at the heartstrings of loyal fans each holiday season, pretending to be a test of these fans’ and alums’ dedication to their school. In my mind it is complete bullshit. Read on.
“We just need our Missouri fans there (at the bowl game). It’s real critical that we show well as we build our program. We’ve got the fan base to do it. They’ve just got to get onboard. Mike Anderson uses that, ‘You go to root on the Tigers.’ That’s what they do at Nebraska, at Oklahoma, Texas and Texas A&M. They don’t care where they’re going. They don’t care who they’re playing.”
Gary Pinkel, urging Tiger fans to buy tickets to Mizzou’s yet-to-be-announced bowl game, 610 AM
Take 5: Why OU/NU Still Matters (At Least To Me)

OTC: TCU Heads To Big East While B12 Coasts
“Texas didn’t want TCU in the Big 12 so Dan Beebe didn’t invite them. It’s that simple, right?”
Nick Wright, 610 AM
“TCU was never an option for the Big 12.”
Bob Fescoe, after TCU accepted an invitation to join the Big East, 810 AM
GH: Fescoe and Josh Klingler echoed the familiar refrain that the Big 12 doesn’t need more schools in the Dallas/Texas market. I would argue that quality football programs no matter what their zip code add power, prestige and money to your conference. I think TCU would have been an exciting addition to the Big 12 on the heels of losing two of its original members. As it is, the Big 12 again resembles a Yugo on the NCAA Autobahn.
OTC: Bowe Show Makes Emerald City Look Like Munchkins

Sam Mellinger, columnist, Kansas City Star
GH: Bowe was another washout underachieving top-draft-pick LSU bust King Carl and Herm Edwards. He made little progress on that resume with his “importing” quotes this summer. But the past three weeks Bowe’s production has gone fantasy football fanatical. The question Sam Mel is asking is the same one we all want answered. Where does the Bowe Show go now that it’s a hit? Read on.
Mitch Holthus, when asked how he thinks Bowe will handle his recent success, 810 AM
OTC: Beebe Says Nebraska Too Scary For Him
Blair Kerkhoff, Twitter
GH: Rumors that Big 12 officials were issued death threats from Nebraska fans appear to have been scary enough to keep Dan Beebe and his bunch from attending the final regular season game in Lincoln on Friday – the last one of its kind in the history of the short-lived original Big 12 conference. Read on.
“The amount of (fans dressed as) refs I saw in the stadium (and flags in the student section) was excellent. Saw some dude at the tunnel walk as a ref with a sign that said ‘Beebe’s army.’ Bahah.”
GH: The most creative fans in Lincoln Friday may have been the group of students who donned shirts of the other Big 12 teams and went to extremes to make themselves look like the walking dead. The photo above is from the Denver Post.
OTC: Is Just Making Playoffs Enough For Chiefs?

Herm Edwards, 810 AM
GH: Herm is pouring what all Chiefs fans are drinking – a syrupy mix and NFL playoff elixir. It’s Turkey Day and the Chiefs are atop the AFC West but much works still needs to be done. Read on.
Jeff Chadhia, ESPN NFL reporter, 810 AM
GH: Each week it seems the Chiefs find themselves in must-win mode. While this week’s game cannot be considered in that category, a road win in the Emerald City would go a long way in securing playoff play for "The Clarks" squad.
Mike Goldberg, while analyzing the NFC and AFC West divisions, ESPN Radio
“Who cares if they just make the playoffs? I think Chiefs fans want to see a team that can do some damage in the playoffs. And to me that would be a team that can show they can win on the road in the regular season.”
Danan Hughes, 610 AM
Take 5: Day One At The CBE At Sprint
Bond Bridge: Being a KC Northlander (since moving from the Kansas side of town 20 years ago) we took the new Bond Bridge south into Downtown on Monday night to attend the CBE Classic. Wow! KC’s new welcome mat from the north is gorgeous at night. You first spot the lit top of the Bond Bridge as you approach from the north as it sits off to the left. My first drive south across the impressive and beautiful addition to our city’s landscape made me feel damn proud to be a part of this city that continues to improve its culture, ambiance and head-turning attractions.