Category Archives: Hearne_Christopher
Hearne: Sebelius, Funk Plagued by Populace at Knuckleheads
Remember that old car commercial? Please be kind to Frank Ancona?
How about trying that on former Kansas governor Continue reading
Hearne: Granny Sick, Dutch & Funk Agree to Bust Beer Bottles
An ailing grandmother’s illness has sparked in a dramatic turn of events where the KC Strip party trolley launch tomorrow is concerned…
“My 103 year-old grandmother Margaret Giblin was going to christen the busses but she has a cold and can’t make it,” says co-organizer Bill Nigro. “So I got Dutch Newman to do it.”
Name ring any bells?
“Westport Road was renamed Dutch Newman Drive a couple years ago,” Nigro says. “She was a waitress at Kelly’s during World War II. That’s when it was called the Rustlers Inn and her father owned it. She’s 82 now and her great grandfather was a marshall in Westport and was gunned down in Westport during the Civil War era.”
Hold it, they had shootings in Westport that far back?
Let me get this straight. They named a street in Westport after a cocktail waitresses whose grandpappy got murdered there? Continue reading
Hearne: Line Dance Not Spoken at City in Motion. This Weekend at Gem
One thing you most definitely will not bear witness to at this weekend’s Continue reading
Hearne on the Street: Banana Republic to Peel Off Concept Store on Plaza
This just in…. Sources say Banana Republic is poised to unleash one of its new concept stores on the Country Club Plaza. “Word on the street is that Banana Republic is doing a concept store in the space formerly operated … Continue reading
Star Search: Freight House Goes Vietnamese, er Viennese, KU Ticket Inve$tigation & JoPo
Was there anything much, wildly compelling in yesterday or today’s newspapers? Eh…
Hey, strawberry prices are falling, we learn. Anybody out there tracking that?
Joyce Smith tells us that the City Tavern in the so-called Freight House District – a tepid disappointment from the get-go – will finally close April 17th and reopen as a….
Would you believe, Vinennese restaurant? Believe.
That’s a pretty humongous space for a specialty cuisine, by my measure, but what do I know?
Word on the street two years back was that Rod Anderson may have been thinking of rescuing the City Tavern by moving the Hereford House . Shortly before the fire, that is. Continue reading
Star Search: Mystery of Life, Grisly Death Unfold in Seven Measly Pages
The seemingly inconsequential killing of a woman by Prairie Village Police took a bizarre turn in Fridays Star…
In just seven pages the “In Brief” news tidbit offered up by the newspaper informed readers that a Prairie Village woman by the name Continue reading
Hearne on the Street: Missing in Action – Puscifer Review, 12 O’Clock Jump, Johnny Dare & Axed City Hall Spokeswoman
Still searching for a Puscifer review?
The Continue reading
Hearne: Dear Mark Zieman, I’m leaving You!
This just in from a now former Kansas City Star subscriber who emailed the following to the newspaper’s publisher, got a polite, friendly response but asked that her name not be used…
“Dear Mr. Zieman,
This morning after 29 years, I have finally cancelled my subscription
to the Kansas City Star . Receiving a daily newspaper was always
something to which I looked forward. As your rates increased and the
content reduced, financially I had to subscribe to only week-ends.
Those rates have risen as well. I can’t afford you anymore as there is
no cost benefit.
I’ve disagreed with the editorial content for years. As I did want to
know all opinions, I understood that. The columnist selection was
fairly good, but that selection has diminished as well.
As a newspaper that proclaims to be a regional newspaper you have
failed. The reporting for Kansas readers is pathetic at best. The
editorials that advise the Kansas Legislature to raise taxes with
minimal reporting on the subject is arrogant and biased. I found
myself going on line to read the Topeka Capital Journal for
information about the Kansas Legislature. Continue reading
Hearne: KC Strip to Launch This Weekend Free of Charge, Bugs
That’s right, starting at 7 p.m. and shuttling on until 3 a.m. the KC Strip party trolleys will ferry for free…
All weekend long – as in both Friday and Saturday nights.
Courtesy of the Neighborhood Tourist and Development Fund, says organizer Bill George.
“And if you have a wristband on, no line waits and no cover charges at any of the Power & Light District owned clubs. Like Mosaic, Angels Rock Bar, PBR and McFadden’s,” George says. Continue reading
Hearne: K.C. Downtowner & Joe Miller Out of There! The Internet Giveth, Taketh Away?
Just like that, has fallen off the radar…
The local news Web site fostered a lot of hard hitting stories and opinions in the marketplace. But from all appearances, the site was ultra infrequently visited. What’s more, Continue reading
Hearne: KC Downtowner to Rise from Dead, Writer Says
Was the sudden death and disappearance of the KC Downtowner greatly exaggerated?
I hope so; if only to keep jolting Joe Miller on the journalistic field of combat. Tony says Joe told him the site is dialing back to a blog format and will magically reappear sometime today. Meaning in all likelihood KC Downtowner wasn’t making much if any money, and whoever was funding is/was having second thoughts.
Turns out that’s kinda the case…
Miller says the Web site was plagued by inferior technology – making it difficult to subscribe to – resulting in fewer visitors than it otherwise might have attracted. A new blog format should correct that, he says.
However you cut the cake, the evidence points to KC Downtowner’s readership as being extremely low. Continue reading
Hearne: Start Dancing, Joe Miller / KC Downtowner Back as Blog
“Hey, I’m back up,” Miller says….
Turns out KC Downtowner’s day and a-half disappearing act was something of a fluke.
“I can write real good and I can design pretty good,” Miller says. “But I can code just good enough to save my life.”
Miller says the Downtowner’s former Web site was subscriber-unfriendly, and thinks the new blog format will cure that ill.
‘It’s a clean look and easier to subscribe to with more content variety,” Miller says of the new blog.
Part of the problem heretofore: “We didn’t have the content through the week,” Miller says. “There’s still stuff going on through the week but it’s mostly been just my (one) column.” Continue reading
Hearne: April Fools Joke Spooks KC Strippers!
Who was it that said more people read the comments than the stories on KC Confidential?
That wasn’t the case with yesterday’s April Fools Day item about the KC Strip party trolleys delaying the launch of its weekend party trolleys from next Friday to Oct. 1st to coincide with the American Royal BBQ contest.
“I’ve had all these people calling me all today saying, ‘Hey, I hear your deal’s off – your bussing deal is off,’ ” says co-organizer Bill Nigro. “And Joe Hodgin, the head of Missouri state liquor control told me he’d read your article that said we were delayed. I guess he didn’t read the comments.”
Bingo! Continue reading
Hearne: Wanna Strip? Here’s How
Wanna be first on your block to actually know where to catch one those new KC Strip weekend party trolleys when they launch next Friday? You
Star Lays Down Uncorrected Errors, Others Follow
Funny how the electronic media works Continue reading
Star Search: Phony Photo on Front Page, Preview Rocks & McClatchy Honcho Honors Pee Wee Reporter
It’s barely spring – not two weeks since significant snowfall – but Continue reading
Hearne: K.C. Strip to Delay Launch, Debut at American Royal BBQ Oct. 1st
This just in from Wild Bill Nigro of Westport and KC Strip fame…
Owing to a tight economy and logistical concerns – not the least of which are technical difficulties with the party trolley’s much ballyhooed Confession Cams – the April 9th launch (April 10th if you’re a Star subscriber) has been delayed.
“We absolutely, positively have to have the Confession Cams working,” Nigro says. “No confessions, no stripping.” Continue reading
Star Search: Slow Muse Day, Court Covers & Error Watch
Wow, not a lot to comment on today… No glaring flaws, no high-fives. For me anyway. Today’s Star is mostly a headline skimmer and then on to the must-do things in life. That said, a half million bucks to cover … Continue reading
Star Search: Incredible Shrinking Kansas, Ice Fishing, Stroud’s Chokes
Day Two of Kansas Small Towns getting smaller…
An austere Associated Press item in Continue reading