Category Archives: Hearne_Christopher
Hearne: Westport Lobbies KC for Festival License to Compete w/ P&L District
It’s time to level the party playing field…
For four long years the Power & Light District downtown has held a huge advantage in festival licensing over other Westport and other Kansas City entertainment districts. All while costing Kansas City taxpayers millions of dollars in subsidies with deficets projected as high as $15 million a year.
Unfamiliar with festival licensing?
It’s the practice of allowing patrons to carry drinks outside of bars and restaurants onto streets and sidewalks. Kinda like Bourbon Street in New Orleans.
It’s a competitive advantage the Power & Light District has had for far too long, says Westporter Bill Nigro.
Star Search: Shock & Awe Hits 18th & Grand, New Publisher Announces Layoffs, Furloughs
I have to admit, this one caught even me by surprise…
New Kansas City Star publisher Mi-Al Parrish stunned the newsroom today when she unleashed her first ever round of layoffs at the newspaper.
"It was a shock, because people weren’t expecting it," says one source.
In addition to eliminating "seven staff positions," Parrish’s memo outlined that a one week unpaid furlough would be implemented for "most employees" to be taken in the first half of the year. That on the heels of a week’s furlough late last year.
"That’s two weeks with no salary," says another surprised Star staffer.
Star Search: Star Readers Rep Derek Donovan the Gatekeeper for Fewer Errors?
Another day, another handful of watered down news items….
Make no mistake, the Star dishes out more than its fair share of quality local news. When it wants to. Too often though it’s easier for all concerned – editors and reporters – to kinda let stuff slide and stay on the sunny-side-up plan.
Too often there’s little incentive to probe deeper – in part because of limited competition – and partly because keeping sources happy means you’ll likely be first in line when the next "scoop" surfaces.
I can think of dozens of examples, but let’s take a look at just one before moving on to today’s.
Hearne: Whitney Houston Death Hardly the Surprise Characterized by Most Media
Enough already…
From CNN and MSNBC on down, media pundits have expressed shock and dismay at singer Whitney Houston‘s death at the young age of 48.
As a reluctant follower of Houston’s fall from grace in the pages of the National Enquirer though, my take is just the opposite.
I can’t believe she lasted this long!
Hearne: The Little Known Fall From Grace of MSNBC’s ‘Morning Joe’
I watch a lot of politics on television…
Including nearly all of the many Republican Presidential Debates. So it’s not like I’m completely clued out (although some might disagree). I can practically recite every one of Michele Bachmann‘s many gaffes. Hey, I even spelled her name correctly – no small feat – without having to look it up. And I spotted her brother, KCTV weather wonk Gary Amble, looking somber and standing next to her on stage as she announced she was dropping out of the race.
I digress.
In recent months I’ve gradually become a fan of MSNBC’s "Morning Joe" show. It’s headed by a cocky, former Florida congressman I previously knew little to nothing about named Joe Scarborough.
Hearne: Frosty Who? KC Faces First Ever Snowman-less Winter, Lezak Says
Fetch the sunglasses and the cocoa butter, it’s Ground Hog Day…
Not just any Ground Hog Day, mind you, this one’s likely to go into the record books in the most benign winter in KC ever.
So says KSHB weather wonk Gary Lezak.
"Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow, so that means he goes back inside and we have six more weeks of winter," Lezak says. "So what we’ve been doing already for six more weeks."
What "we’ve been doing already" is scampering about in sweaters and light jackets and celebrating astonishingly low heating bills. What we’ve not been doing is buying driveway melt, winter coats, snowblowers and so forth.
And while that could change, don’t hold your breath, Lezak says.
Hearne: What You Don’t See (On Television) is What You Get at Live WWE Matches
Now it can be told…
After years of dodging the pro wrestling bullet, I broke down Monday and bought tickets to the WWE Gangbang at Sprint. And I can now report, plenty has changed even since the not-too-distant days of the WWF, before to the name change from Federation to Entertainment.
Here’s what I saw and learned, starting with my suggestion that if you really like watching over-the-top, wrestling soaps and steroid-buffed out dudes, by all means have at it. However, save your ticket money and stick to the TV action – the live shows are way too long, with way too much between match silliness and way too little wrestling action.
It’s really that simple.
Hearne: Fear & Loathing in Joplin, Missouri with Anderson Cooper / Tornado Map
Whole lotta shaking going on Joplin way as the tornado ravaged town preps for the first anniversary of last May’s disaster…
Recent news has centered on the demolition of the stricken Saint John’s Mercy hospital. And naturally, the Star has milked its fair share of tear jerker survivor tales from the tragedy.
But it’s the news that’s not been covered…
Hearne: The State of WWE Wrestling & Monday’s Matches @ Sprint
Was a time being a seven-time World Heavy Wrestling Champion like Handsome Harley Race was a big deal…
Less so these days since the WWE wiped out the NWA and other regional wrestling circuits around the country. For example, the current WWE world champ is a 210 pound dude named Daniel Bryan who rather unceremoniously won the belt minutes after Wichita refugee Big Show took it from fellow behemoth Mark Henry.
These days, wrestling is about two things; ridiculously improbable storylines and high risk acrobatics.
"Actually the belts aren’t that important today," says retired promoter Jon Lunkwicz. "If you look at one of the most important wrestlers today, it’s John Cena, and he hasn’t been a champion for awhile."
Cena wrestles "The Big Red Monster" Kane in one of two headline matches Monday at the Sprint Center.
Hearne: Don’t Look Now But Jardine’s Saga May Be Nearing End
That’s right…
Two months into one of the longest – at times silliest – and frankly saddest chapters in modern Kansas City jazz, the dudes who jumped the gun last month by telling the Pitch and Fox 4 they’d bought Jardine’s are poised at to do just that – buy Jardine’s.
Today partners Robert McCain and Joseph Fulgenzi met a drop-dead deadline for a payment owed by Jardine’s owner Beena Raja to the jazz club’s founder Greg Halstead.
"We have, that is correct," Fulgenzi says. "We still have a couple more hoops to jump through, but it’s getting closer."
McCain and Fulgenzi must now finalize a deal on the lease with American Century, settle whatever taxes and outstanding debts may be owed and complete the aquisition of a new liquor license.
ETA on reopening Jardine’s?
Hearne: ‘Big Show’ Big Bro Flashes Back, Looks to Monday’s WWE Match at Sprint
To borrow a vintage local expression, Helloooooooo, wrestling fans!
Longtime wrestling afficionados may recognize announcer Bill Kersten‘s pre match incantation. Which brings us to the state of pro wrestling today and this Monday’s big WWE Raw Supershow at the Sprint Center.
The match features two main events – a first for Sprint – including a battle between John Cena and Kane, along with a host of WWE stars ranging from Chris Jericho, Mark Henry, The Divas and Big Show.
Speaking of Big Show, it was former Beaumont Club main man Jon Lunkwicz who helped him during his formative years in Wichita.
"He lived with me for a couple of years," Lunkwicz says. "And I helped him get through the brief years he was at Wichita State and helped him get into wrestling."
Hearne: Former Club Concert Kingpin Looks at Life From an 8 by 8 Room
Hank Williams III, Jane’s Addiction, Big & Rich, B.B. King…
Former Beaumont Club main man Jon Lunkwicz has partied with the best. For year’s he was the force behind hundreds of Kansas City’s top club level shows in the popular Westport live music emporium.
No mas.
Three short years ago the 60 year-old Lunkwicz awakened to find himself paralyzed. He’s since retired and now lives in a long term care facility just outside Kansas City.
"My world’s very uncomplicated," Lunkwicz muses. "It’s about an eight by eight space and I suspect the food’s about as good as prison food. And I get to shower about twice a week, that’s pretty exciting."
There’s more.
Hearne: Jardine’s Sudden Death Sale Coming Down to the Wire Wednesday
There have surely been dicier business propositions than the sale of Jardine’s...
Then again, I’ve yet to be privy to one. Let’s review, shall we?
Following a series of flareups with her manager / chef, Jardine’s owner Beena Raja and a hairstylist pal returned to the club by cab in the wee hours Thanksgiving morning to retrieve the stylist’s car. Only to discover a passel of servers drinking and smoking illegally after hours at the club. On Jardine’s dime, no less, Raja says.
Here’s where it gets a little dicey.
Hearne: Nelson-Atkins Museum to Party Arty Patrons; Lay Down Your Arms!
It’s not often patrons at an upscale society shindig have to be warned to unarmed…
But that’s exactly what happened in the case of Saturday’s Party Arty at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art. This year’s theme, "All the World’s a Fair," advised attendees to a) "come dressed" and b) "Steampunk flair preferred."
Here’s where it gets a little odd.
"No prop weapons or real weapons will be allowed in the Museum," the invite cautioned. "Security reserves the right to deny entry to guests whose attire and/or behavior compromises the safety of guests."
A high society event that urges partygoers to engage in themed costumary, and in the next breath warns them not to come packing?
You got it.
Today: Record Breaking Winter Weather Continues, But for How Long?
Will the Winter of 2011 / 2012 be a record breaker?
It’s looking that way so far, says KSHB TV waether wonk Gary Lezak.
"To date, we’ve had .4 of an inch of snow," Lezak says. "And the lowest snowfall ever was 4.5 inches in the winter of 1922-1923. So we’ve got 4.1 inches just to get to the lowest season ever, but there’s no sign of that now."
Hearne: Broadway Stars Pay Tribute to KU, Pull Tiger Tails at Kauffman Center
Who would have thunk it?
That a packed house at the opening night show of Broadway stars Patti LuPone and Mandy Patinkin would devolve into a KU Schmaltz Fest.
That’s right, schmaltz fest.
"Mandy went to KU," explains promoter Mark Edelman. "So in the middle of the show he started talking about KU and everybody in the audience started yelling that he should do the cheer, so he started doing the KU cheer."
As in the famous Rock Chalk Chant that evolved from a cheer former KU chemistry professor, E.H.S. Bailey created for the KU Science Club in 1886. An incantation that former president Teddy Roosevelt reportedly called the greatest college chant he’d ever heard.
You know the drill; "Rock Chalk…Jay-Hawk…KU"
Hearne: The Sorry State of Affairs in Lawrence & Fond Adieu to MU
Think things are bad in Kansas City, it’s no cakewalk in Lawrence these days either…
That according to businessman John Kiefer, the owner of Kiefs Audio / Video and numerous shopping center and real estate properties around the city.
"Look at the last few months in Lawrence," Kiefer says. "Sears is going to close – that’s an 80,000 square foot store. Old Navy is going to close – that’s a 20,000 square foot store. Borders is gone and nobody’s leased that space. Blockbuster had a pretty good size store on 23rd Street and they’re gone. And downtown people are going in and out like crazy."
Hearne: The Somewhat Difficult Straits of Jazz in Kansas City
There’s good news and bad news concerning the state of jazz in Kansas City today….
Mostly bad, actually, but let’s start with what passes for the good. Asked on KCUR FM this week to characterize the state of "modern jazz" here, piano man Mark Lowrey was upbeat…if measured.
"It’s kind of like if a tree falls in a forest kind of deal," the former pizza delivery dude said. "There’s a lot of output but not a lot of support."
As evidenced by the recent closings of both Jardine’s and 1911 Main and the financial woes at the Mutual Musicians Foundation.
In Jardine’s case there’s obviously more to the story, but clearly times have been tough on local jazz. For example Jardine’s owner says she had instituted an across-the-board pay cut last fall for the musicians that performed there – with the lone exception of Stan Kessler‘s band the Sons of Brasil.
Ironically, Kesssler was the one who reportedly called the band boycott of Jardine’s after the owner called the police on his stepson.
Hey, at least things have been colorful.
Hearne: America’s Pub Takes a Bullet – Last Black Club in Westport is No More
It was bound to happen…
The track record’s clear; Westport does not look favorably on black nightclubs or large assemblages of black people.
Then again, what mainstream shopping and/or entertainment district in KC does?
Certainly not the Power & Light District, infamous for its exclusionary admittance policies. And not the Plaza, that made its intentions known long before KC mayor Sly James did a faceplant last summer to avoid whizzing bullets.
And now America’s Pub, the midtown entertainment district’s last black dance club, is no more.
Hearne: Local Buyers Circle Plaza Jazz Club in Hopes of bringing Back Jardine’s
So many rumors, so few facts….
With Kansas City’s top jazz club stuck in limbo, it’s time again to saddle up and see where – if anywhere – things have progressed. As the world turns.
For two long jazzless months Jardine’s has remained mostly closed, following a fallout between owner Beena Raja and a pair of senior staffers that snowballed into a musician boycott and local tabloid TV beatdown.
Net result; Raja got trapped off base and the club’s been mostly dark since Thanksgiving.
From the get-go a number of suitors emerged to buy the club. However the longer it remained closed, the tighter buyer’s wallets grew, and to date a final sale remains up in the air with three or more groups vying to make a deal.