Category Archives: Hearne_Christopher
Hearne: July Movie Theater Openings in Doubt
Things are looking pretty shaky again in the movie biz… How shaky? “I still don’t think the movie theaters are going to open up at the end of this month as planned the way the virus is going now,” says … Continue reading
Hearne: Star Subscribers ‘Horrified’ By Bogus Police Chief ‘Hit Piece’
How much longer will the powers that be at what’s left of the once vaunted Kansas City Star put up with lame, over-the-top editorials and biased reporting? If that sounds like a mouthful, trust me it is. The once-thoughtful, local news … Continue reading
Hearne: Kansas City Star Braces for New Owner Tribulations
Hard to imagine things getting much worse at the Kansas City Star… Then again, between coronavirus, bankruptcy, declining readership and revenue, an over-the-hill readership, and finally, a new hedge fund owner almost certain to lay waste to what’s left of … Continue reading
Hearne: Is Lawrence Journal World On Its Last Legs?
The jury’s out… Can so-called newspapers survive on internet advertising alone? That’s question is looming larger by the day, especially as organizations like the Lawrence Journal World and Kansas City Star approach the point of no return as paid print … Continue reading
Hearne: Ex Journal World Sports Editor Takes Bullet in Boston
It’s not easy being a print journalist…. Not these days and not that anybody much is grieving for them, given the quality of what passes for reporting in the current idiom. So it comes as little surprise that not two … Continue reading
Hearne: ‘Notorious Madame Red’ On Canceling 2020 Ren Fest
Skin tight corsets and bodices aside, it ain’t easy being a sexy wench these days… Take Denise Groason – aka Renaissance Festival’s Notorious Madame Red – who is sitting out this year’s, whether it goes down or not. “If the … Continue reading
Hearne: Speaking of Sports…KU, T-Bones Make ‘Fake News’
A pair of riveting announcements, certain to thrill sports-mined types… First, the Kansas City T-Bones “baseball team” will not be playing the 2020 season. Shocker. Frankly, it would have been a bigger surprise if they announced they would play. Indeed, … Continue reading
Hearne: Westport Entertainment Legend Bites The Dust
How could I not write about the passing of Dave McQuitty? For well over 20 years the controversial local entertainment honcho loomed large – for better and for worse – beginning in Westport’s early entertainment infancy. McQuitty’s United Entertainment managed a … Continue reading
Hearne: Kansas City-Lawrence Concert Scene on Death Row?
Where to begin… The Kansas City concert scene has so many loose ends at this point, it’s all but impossible to stitch them together. In short, things are a mess, on top of which there are plenty of nasty, behind … Continue reading
Hearne: Amazon Buying AMC Rumor an Embarrassing Bust
Everybody in the journalism game loves a good yarn… By the opposite token, everyone in the journalism racket hates swallowing embarrassing corrections. So it is that you have to search really hard to find that a widely reported story that … Continue reading
Hearne: Mission Improbable, KC’s Newspaper of Record’s Tax Scam Falls Flat
Ready for some head scratching? It wasn’t all that long ago that big shots at the Kansas City Star – like former editor / publisher Mark Zieman – would light their cigars with the kind of chump change it took … Continue reading
Hearne: Public Health Honcho Puppet Masters Restaurants, KC Mayor
The man behind KC’s ridiculous 10-10-10 plan… Quinton Lucas, you say? Noop, not according to Westport businessman and coronavirus survivor Bill Nigro. That distinction goes to Kansas City public health director Rex Archer, Nigro says. “Rex Archer is a total … Continue reading
Hearne: Alms for the KC Star Update
The beat goes on… A curious attempt by the Kansas City Star to try and raise $200,000 by beseeching readers to contribute moneys so they can afford to pay their writers, is up and running. In one week’s time, … Continue reading
Hearne: KC Based AMC Theatres Picks a Dangerous Fight
One of Kansas City’s last remaining corporate titans is fighting for its life… The venerable AMC Theatres – founded by local movie visionary Stan Durwood – is going toe-to-toe with Universal Studios, one of Hollywood’s most distinguished moviemakers. “The movie … Continue reading
Hearne: Newspaper Launches Questionable Covid-19 ‘Tax Dodge’ to Raise Money
Tax dodge, anyone? Seems like anything goes at the Kansas City Star these days. And as the saying goes, a drowning man will clutch at a straw. Or as the Cambridge Dictionary defines it, ‘someone who is in a very … Continue reading
Hearne: Fair + Balanced at KC’s Newspaper of Record?
Watching the Star pretend to be vital is an exercise the suspension of disbelief… We do it all the time watching movies. Pretend that the creepy dude on screen the is the real deal, in order to enjoy the movie … Continue reading
Hearne: Westport Icon Bill Nigro Gets Corona, Lives to Tell Story
Anybody out there who doesn’t have the coronavirus blues? And frankly, I’m not sure which is worse; worrying if you get it that it may be last hurrah time; watching the mainstream media and Kansas City Star turn everything into a politicized … Continue reading
Hearne: I Interrupt This Pandemic to Bring You…
The $64 billion question… “Do you have the Virus?,” asks longtime reader Roger Shelton. “You had a few good articles, but then you just stopped.” Answer: True, but no. That said, laying low and catching up on personal stuff has … Continue reading
Hearne: So Many Multiplexes, So Few Future Movies
The $64 million question: Is Universal Studios decision to make first-run movies available on pay-per-view the beginning of the end for mainstream movieplexes like of KC’s AMC Theaters? “I agree, it could be a game changer of the way they release … Continue reading
Hearne: Life After Death…On Facebook
You got it, you give it up, you still got it… To the realms of heaven, hell and purgatory, add Facebook. Because anymore, the fine line between life and death keeps getting finer, as larger than life local personalities such … Continue reading