Category Archives: Hearne_Christopher
Season Three at the Crossroads: Forty Fandangos or Bust!
Not long ago Brett Mosiman’s dream of kicking concert butt in the Crossroads bordered on a nightmare…
Former KC Mayor Kay Barnes minions – for all of their tax giveaways and tendencies to look the other way for corporate big shots – Continue reading
Hearne on the Street: Shark Attack to go Down in Crossroads
Word that the band Great White will play Crossroads KC next month conjures visions of…
In 2003 the hard rock band out of Los Angeles infamously ignited the country’s fourth deadliest nightclub fire in U.S. history at a Rhode Island club called The Station. Continue reading
To Whom it May Concern: Have Bust Will Travel
This just in from Kansas City Regulated Industries AKA Liquor Control: use it or lose it…
Common sense or your liquor license…
Since January, Liquor Control has been trolling local businesses that sell booze to make ensure they are carding minors – persons under the age of 21 – prior to selling them alcohol.
Here’s how it works: 18 to 20 year-olds enter establishments with legal IDs and ask to buy booze. If they succeed, Liquor Control makes a bust – of the biz – and justice is meted out.
“We use cops kids or kids related to (our) office staff,” says Liquor Control head Gary Majors. “And we don’t allow the girls to wear makeup or provocative clothing, and we don’t allow the males to have facial hair or for either of them to wear sunglasses or ball caps – we want them to look young. They use their own ID – some of them have ‘minor’ stamped on it – and any place with a liquor license we take ’em in to make a purchase. It could be a gas station, a convenience store, a package store, a grocery store of some type, a Wal-Mart, a bar or a restaurant.”
So far so good – or bad actually… Continue reading
Hearne on the Street: Stephens does Britney; Hendricks does Dirty Harry and Jack, NYC & Cancun
The Cowtown’s vaunted jazz scene is about to go Hollywood…
Top jazz juker Dave Stephens will Continue reading
Game Over: Regulators Ax AMC Mainstreet’s 5 AM Booze Bash
Hey it was fun while it lasted…
The concept of AMC’s Mainstreet Theatre serving half-price burgers along with brewskies Friday and Saturday nights until something approaching 5 a.m. is O-V-E-R.
No can do, say officials at Continue reading
Joe-College versus KU Update: Judge Goes Down Periscope
The latest on KU Athletics smack down of tiny Lawrence T-shirt vendor
No news is no news – unless of course you consider that the dragging out of legal proceedings has cost Joe-College owner Larry Sinks an arm and a leg, cast his marriage into jeopardy. and eradicated anything vaguely resembling peace of mind over the past two years.
“I don’t have any news,” Sinks says. “All I want is a verdict; we’re just still waiting on the judge.”
What Sinks really wants is a fair verdict, not the cockamamie jury decision handed down last summer where Sinks’ “Our Coach Can Eat Your Coach” T-shirt was ruled a trademark infringement on KU, but “Our Coach Beat Anorexia” and “Our Football Coach is Phat” were not.
Read my lips: Huh?
And while we’re at it, how about a little First Amendment fair play?
While to these eyes it’s painfully obvious that a blue T that reads Muck Fizzou has ZERO to do with KU trademarks, check out KU Continue reading
Hearne on the Street: McTavish Plays With Fire, Slams Wasabi Boulder
A funny thing happened during my power lunch at Nara with KC Confidential entertainment enigma Continue reading
Eat, Drink, be Merry until 5 am: AMC’s New Mainstreet Theatre!
About that spanking new
They Said it Shouldn’t Be Done: Star Peddles Front Page Ads
As local signs of the Apocalypse go, this one ranks right up there – journalistically speaking…
For the first time – maybe ever – the Kansas City Star has festooned its front page with advertising. While it doesn’t identify the bright red Super Target schmooze as an ad – it spans the width of the newspaper and stands about three inches high – that’s what it is.
How big a deal is it?
Here’s the reaction of one former Star staffer I contacted- Continue reading
Hearne on the Street: Strip, Trip, Zip & Be Merry!
Messrs Bill George and Bill Nigro’s dream of launching a fleet of arts and entertainment shuttles to serve the party public is nearing reality…
“We don’t have it yet, but the Neighborhood Tourism Development Fund has granted us $100,000,” Nigro says. Our presentation to them was over the top, but the funny part was afterwards the first question was, ‘Did I hear you right? Did you guys offer to pay the money back?’ And I said, ‘Yes, it’s a new day in this town. Our city is broke and this is the way things should have been done years ago.'”
The plan: market free shuttles to and from area nightclubs and restaurants on weekends nights (the KC Strip) and circulate them between arts organizations during daylight hours (the KC Trip).
Next up? Continue reading
Buck Night Fiasco Redux: Royals Disaster Epic, Take 2
Will the Kansas City Royals baseball team’s Buck Night promotion ever have a happy ending?
Maybe next time…
The team’s first Buck Night last month was a disaster of epic proportion; endless long lines at concession stands the entire game, Continue reading
Hearne on the Street: Beer Pong for Babies? You Got it!
Inquiring minds want to know, exactly what is “Beer Pong” and is it remotely possible that a new sport involving infant mortals might involve the frothily refreshing substance commonly known as beer?
Read on…
The impetus for this item is, of course, the March of Dimes benefit Beer Pong for Babies that goes down at the new, improved Beaumont Club in Westport next month.
“If you don Continue reading
Johnny Dare – Holly Starr Love Connection
Ever since Rock 98.9 FM morning monster Johnny Dare broke up with his grrrl friend recently he’s hinted that 38 the Spot hottie Holly Starr might be next in line for she’s-so-fine… Reports that Dare hopes to showcase a thong-encased … Continue reading
Moo Cow vs WaterFire & 9 to 5ers Dont Do Newspapers
The latest on artist Peregrine Honig’s Moo Cow toy Continue reading
Hearne on the Street: Comic Executes Johnny Dare’s Dare
So many radio stations, so few 800 pound gorillas…
Once upon a time, long ago – legendary luminaries like former KCMO AM personality Mike Murphy, 61 Country superstar David Lawrence and WHB top jock Phil Jay roamed local airwaves. With incredibly huge (by today’s standards) followings, they loomed large on the local landscape.
No mas.
Today there is but one – 98.9 The Rock shock jock Johnny Dare.
That said, the template for on-air success has changed dramatically. Perhaps no better example of what to expect from Dare’s weekday morning show can be found in a blog posting yesterday by comedian Mo Mandel who is at Stanford & Sons in the Legends this weekend.
Columnist warning: we’re talking R-rated so read on on at your own risk! Continue reading
Who Wears Thong Swimsuits? Let Me Count the Ways
A recent item about the Continue reading
Hearne on the Street: After The Fox; Medlock Out, Slacker In
Takes a scorecard these daze to keep abreast of changes in the local media landscape… The recent axing of longtime KUDL FM program director Thom McGinty, for example. Add now to the growing slagheap of former broadcasters KCFX FM morning … Continue reading
This Just in: Something Wickedly Hot This Way Comes to Starlight!
At 2 p.m. today at Starlight Theatre promoter Jeff Fortier will blow the lid off the summer concert season with an annoucement of monumental…repeat, monumental…proportion. Or so the story goes. Fortier’s lips are sealed. Except to say that the performer … Continue reading
Hearne on the Street: Stevie Wonder’s Last (Local) Stand
The enthusiasm cup runneth over for the just-announced Stevie Wonder concert at Starlight Theatre June 26th…
But while promoters were careful to explain to local media that, based on their research, Wonder’s last show here was a 1972 opening gig for the Rolling Stones at Municipal Auditorium, they were not absolutely certain that was the case.
“It Continue reading
KSHB TV Star’s Sendoff to Dad: “My Father” by Gary Lezak
This essay was written by Gary Lezak and provided to KCC moments after the G Man learned that his father had died and just prior to him emceeeing Wayside Waifs annual Fur Ball charity auction in Overland Park.
Daniel Lezak (My Father)
My father by Gary Lezak
My dad just loved life and I am very fortunate to have had a special unique bond and relationship with my dad. My father was a very special man.
My dad was there every step of the way for me. He was certain I wouldn Continue reading