Author Archives: Hearne Christopher Jr.
Hearne: The Pitch Somehow Managing to Overcome Steep Odds
Wait for it… From the get go the chances of new Pitch owners stumbling onto a pot-of-gold at the end of the alternative publishing rainbow were slim to none. That said, with the Kansas City Star on the ropes, and little … Continue reading
Hearne: Struggling Editorial Columnist Unleashes Chiefs Hail Mary
Once upon a time, he was a hellraiser… Former Channel 5 political operative Dave Helling made his bones busting local pols for bogus ad claims. WDAF and later KCTV called Helling’s segments, “Truth Watch.” So edgy was Helling that The Pitch gave … Continue reading
Hearne: Does Mob Flick Mark End of Movie Plexes?
Something bitter this way comes… For Kansas City based movie exhibitor AMC Theaters, that is. That’s because no industry is exempt for the advancement of technology – not horses, shopping malls, CDs and DVDs, daily newspapers – none of the … Continue reading
Hearne: Paseo Vote Wake Up Call for The Woke
Time to turn the page on political correctness… We’ve been headed down this road for a long time, but the election of Donald Trump really kicked political correctness into high gear – seriously high gear. When a Japanese-American baseball player … Continue reading
Hearne: Editorial Slams ‘Arrowhead Chop,’ Whatever That Is
It’s not easy keeping up with Native American political correctness… Not for the Kansas City Star editorial board, anyway. How else to explain conflating a tomahawk with an arrowhead? No kidding, Check out the headline: “Stop the offensive ‘Arrowhead Chop.’ … Continue reading
Hearne: KCC Reader Rides to Star Honcho Mike Fannin’s Defense
Remember when “all” used to be fair in love and war? Less so today, suggests reader Rick McCullough, who says the editor of the Kansas City Star, Mike Fannin deserves a pass based on his checkered resume, because of – wait for … Continue reading
Hearne: Time to Give the ‘Downtown Ballpark’ Concept a Rest
Would the so-called journalists – past and present – at the KC Star please get a grip… If memory serves, this “downtown ballpark” really got started around 15 years back when a business reporter at the newspaper from Buffalo, Kevin Collison, … Continue reading
Hearne: Last One Out Turn Out the Lights@ KC Star
Things are starting to look pretty ugly at Kansas City’s newspaper of record… Uglier than usual…so what else is new, right? Yet amidst further layoffs and a barrage of gloom and doom reports about the Kansas City Star, the newspaper choked out … Continue reading
Hearne: Chiefs Super Bowl Dreams Fading Fast
There, I said it… Was talking to Wild Bill Nigro the other day and we agreed that if Craig Glazer was alive today, he would have long since fired up his chainsaw and written at least a half dozen columns … Continue reading
Hearne: Dumb & Dumber – KCK, Star Sing T-Bones Blues
For the record, I’ve been bagging on the T-Bones since Day One… And I’ve gotta tell you, the Kansas City Star is complicit in the team’s latest financial fiasco by pretending that the games the T-Bones played halfway matter. Because … Continue reading
Hearne: Jimmy C Lays the Pipe to Former Star Copy Editor
I’m not sure I buy into that axiom about nice guys… On that note, one of the nicest Kansas City Star guys I’ve ever known – Jim Fitzpatrick – fired both barrels of his sawed-off journalistic shotgun into the second … Continue reading
Hearne: Tomahawk Chop Blues 4.0
As sports cheers go, the tomahawk chop’s always been kinda lame… Not as lame arguably as drunken Chiefs fans who slather on war paint and don indian headdresses, but still lame nonetheless. Speaking of which, has it occurred to anybody that … Continue reading
Hearne: Life After Waddell & Reed for TWA’s Breech Academy
Talk about a Breech of etiquette… Word that Waddell & Reed is axing more than 150 employees and crossing the state line from Kansas to Missouri with the remaining thousand or so, raises an interesting question: What’s to become of the … Continue reading
Hearne: Jason Whitlock for President
Sibling rivalries can make for strained bedfellows… In the case of former Kansas City Star sports scribe Jason Whitlock, circumstances cast us as adversaries. Because when “Big Sexy” came to KC in the early ’90s, I’d been there for a year … Continue reading
Hearne: Time for Bill Self’s Rug to Hit the Bricks?
Even false gods and profits come with expiration dates… Such may well be the case with beloved KU basketball coach Bill Self. Self’s been living on borrowed time ever since his high profile sex scandal rocked Lawrence a handful of … Continue reading
Hearne: KCC’s Demise Greatly Exaggerated by…Wait For It…The Pitch
Here’s the deal… When it comes to lame excuses – like not calling to verify what amounts to a news story-m its, well, kinda lame. Because you run the risk of ending up with egg on your face. Take Pitch … Continue reading
Hearne: Life After Death for WHB’s Kevin Kietzman
How quickly we forget… Just a few months back, WHB sports yakker Kevin Kietzman was a force to be reckoned with here in the Cowtown. By many accounts, Kietzman wasn’t exactly the world’s nicest guy. Quite the opposite some would say. The … Continue reading
Hearne: Kevin Kietzman’s Next Job
There’s gotta be a way for Kevin Kietzman to make an honest buck… Washing dishes at the 810 Zone? Doing play-by-play for the T-Bones? Selling German luxo cars in Topeka? Something, right…but what? Former Entercom honcho Bob Zuroweste has an idea. “He … Continue reading
Hearne: Will Chiefs Will Do Anything to Win?
It’s like clockwork… Every time the Kansas City Chiefs snag an experienced, star the town goes crazy. I probably don’t need to remind many of you of what went down years ago when the Chiefs got what was left of … Continue reading
Hearne: First Vacation in Four Years!
That’s right, I’m just back from my 1st actual vacation in more than four years… I know, I know – by the standards of mainstream blogging, column writing and things such as that, I’ve been on vacation following my divorce in 2015. … Continue reading