Author Archives: Hearne Christopher Jr.
Hearne: Star Hits Subscribers for Additional Subscription Fees, Special Editions
Well, the Kansas City Star finally came clean with subscribers… In a letter dated Wednesday November 7th, Chris Christian told with readers they will be automatically charged an additional 69 cents per week for the newspaper’s new E-Star online content. … Continue reading
Hearne: Armstrong Finally Quits Livestrong, Ball in Sporting’s Court
Like I told you last summer, Lance Armstrong had to go, now he finally has… There’s no way Sporting Kansas City – having foolishly embraced the seven time Tour de France winner in the middle of his high profile fall … Continue reading
Hearne: No Way Marty Schottenheimer Returns to ‘Scene of the Crime’
Hate to be a party pooper but… Here’s why – in my humble opinion – Marty Schottenheimer would have a very hard time returning to Kansas City. The rumor and fervent hope being that Schottenheimer might replace Kansas City Chiefs … Continue reading
Hearne: Will Prairie Village Go Dark This Holiday Season Along With Father Christmas?
It’s official, or all but official… For the first time in 48 years, longtime Prairie Village Christmas display maestro Mike Babick will not be decorating his home at 7611 Falmouth. Not unless he gets a last minute stay of execution … Continue reading
Hearne: Star Columnist Puts Sporting KC on Hot Seat Over Lance Armstrong Ties
What did I tell you two years back about Sam Mellinger? The then green in the gills Kansas City Star sports scribe was facing a daunting challenge. To fill the oversize shoes worn so long by ousted sports shit-stirrer Jason … Continue reading
Hearne: KC Confidential to Unleash New Look, Website
It takes a while to get it back together after moving three times in four months… More than I anticipated, frankly. In addition to the geography part of the equation – behind the scenes – KC Confidential has also moved … Continue reading
Hearne: Alamo Drafthouse Downtown Poised to Reopen November 15th
Remember the Alamo? Seems like only yesterday Kansas City was abuzz with talk of how this sexy new operator out of Austin would revolutionize the moviegoing experience here. That after an ugly divorce between locally based (and now Chinese owned) … Continue reading
Hearne: Lefsetz Fires Back at Critics of ‘Where Are They Now’ Column
Not to leave you guys hanging… Re the “Where are they now” column by entertainment lawyer and pop culture cop Bob Lefsetz, here are his retorts to the presumably many critiques of hiss disses on The Boss, Jim McMahon, Mellencamp … Continue reading
Do It: Marilyn Maye @ Quality Hill Playhouse, Il Trovatore @ Kauffman, Primus 3D @ Uptown & Colin Kane @ Stanford’s
Looking for an escape from the dreariness of superstorms cable coverage, really ball football and way too many sleazy political ads? Take a number. Let’s see what we can do about it. You know, entertainment-wise. The grains of Father Time … Continue reading
Hearne: Memories & The Unravelling of CPA Turned Restaurateur Rod Anderson
Looking back on it, the timing was a little funny… Six months before Hereford House main man Rod Anderson torched the iconic downtown steakhouse I bumped into him somewhere and dropped in an innocuous item about him combating the recession … Continue reading
Hearne: Star Movie Dude Jon Niccum Inks Deal for ‘Worst Gig’ Book
From worst to first… That’s movie and entertainment writer Jon Niccum‘s new found claim to fame. Niccum, as you may know, is the dude who essentially took Robert Butler‘s place reviewing movies for the Kansas City Star. He’s also the … Continue reading
Hearne: What ‘The Boss,’ Sarah Palin, Charlie Sheen, Macaulay Culkin & Paula Abdul Have in Common
Let’s have a little fun, shall we? Check out entertainment industry lawyer and blogger Bob Lefsetz sobering takes on some of your favorite music and entertainment industry icons: On Charlie Sheen If you’re on TV as an end unto itself, … Continue reading
Hearne: WaterFire Organizers Sucker Star into Reporting Inflated Crowd Count
Let’s talk about, oh, investigative journalism for a minute… Specifically WaterFire, of KC’s most over-hyped non-event, event. Think of it as an outdoor, New Age send-up featuring “55 floating braziers” in Brush Creek with a mix of performances by local … Continue reading
Star Search: Star Pulls Wool Over Subsciber’s Eyes with New ‘Paywall’ Policy
It certainly was an odd way to make a new product announcement… New Kansas City Star publisher Mi-Ai Parrish‘s explanation of how the newspaper will begin charging readers for digital content – access to the Star‘s website – was an … Continue reading
Glazer: Jason Who? Sam Mellinger Grows a Pair, Rocks Star Sports
I’ve written about Jason Whitlock‘s replacement at the Kansas City Star more than once… Now I really want to tell you it’s my belief that Sam “The Man” Mellinger is the real deal. When Nick Wright was on the scene … Continue reading
Do It: Bloody, Bloody Andrew Jackson, Ron Megee, David Sedaris & The English Beat
Time for this week’s recs – what to see, where and why… Starting with a doubleheader of live, local theater just in time for the scary (and political) season. Nobody does it camper than longtime Kansas City actor / producer … Continue reading
Hearne: Yep, Still Stuck in a Drought, Lezak Says
After getting a $400 water bill last month on a new house with a yard full of sod and plenty of plantings, inquiring minds want to know… Is this seemingly never ending drought coming to an end any time soon? … Continue reading
Hearne: Sporting Kansas City Needs to Pull Plug on Livestrong / Armstrong Connection
It’s time for Sporting Kansas City to face the music – past time, actually… It’s time to separate the organization from the in-denial sports homers who continue to stand by dishonored cyclist Lance Armstrong – hoping against hope, wanting to … Continue reading
Hearne: Why Cinemark Won’t Come Clean on its Bedbug Problem
Whatever happened to big corporations doing the right thing in the public interest? Or paying the price if they’re caught doing otherwise. Those were the days, huh? Which brings us to the very prickly situation at the 13 year-old Cinemark … Continue reading
Hearne: Columnist’s ‘Seeing Red Over Pink’ Points Finger at Star
Talk about the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing…. A prime example of that is evidenced in a recent column by Kansas City Star features columnist Jeneé Osterheldt about the bogus use of the color pink … Continue reading