Author Archives: Hearne Christopher Jr.
Hearne: Bombs Away as Developers Aim to Develop Olathe ‘Flyway’
Talk about flying low… The horsies are history but the airport is still alive and kicking. And therein lies the problem, says Olathe homeowner Bill Nigro. Let’s begin with a moment of silence for the fabled Hilltop Stables near the … Continue reading
Hearne: The Pillorying of George Zimmerman & The Judicial System
For reasons that include that I’m usually not in lock step with the more conservative opinion writers and commenters on KC Confidential I tend to avoid weighing in on topics like the George Zimmerman trial. That doesn’t mean I don’t … Continue reading
Hearne: Gigundo Fiat 500Ls Descend on Olathe
Now go drive a new Fiat 500L which have landed and are in stock at Fiat of Olathe near 119th and I-35. You’ll be shocked, I certainly was. I was expecting something akin to a Mini Cooper Clubman – the somewhat … Continue reading
Hearne: Star Columnists Flub Reviews of Prairie Village Dining & Movie Complex ‘Standees’
Allow me to assist you guys in your pursuits of near perfection… You’ll find it at the “entertaining eatery” that goes by the name Standees. It’s a super upscale/casual restaurant and intimate movie theater that opened recently in the Prairie Village … Continue reading
Hearne: Paradise Lost — The Crown Center Story
Once upon a time it was magical… It was Crown Center – the ultra upscale, urban shopping mall the mighty Hallmark Cards built. It was one of the Cowtown’s top tourist draws, ashopping Mecca. Forget about the miniature LEGOLAND Discovery Center … Continue reading
Hearne: Are Facebook & Twitter the New Snail Mail?
“Is there no semblance of permanence anymore? There was a time when somebody invented something like the wheel, the lightbulb, telephone, radio, you could count upon them remaining relevant for decades, generations even. No mas. I remember in the early … Continue reading
Hearne: Coming Soon; Beware of Twinkies Bearing Baggage
Et tu, Hostess? First Monsanto, now Twinkies…the ongoing death march of prepackaged, processed foods into day-to-day lives continues. Starting next week we’ll be getting new, improved, longer lasting Twinkies snack cakes, courtesy of a reconstituted Hostess Brands. The investors who … Continue reading
Hearne: Barnes & Noble Joins Best Buy on Endangered Species List
The jury is no longer out… Not George Zimmerman’s murder trial, I’m talking about the pending demise of bookstores (and down the road libraries). You don’t have to drive very far to pass the fossilized remains of once booming businesses like Blockbuster … Continue reading
Hearne: Birmingham Negro Leagues Museum Controversy More Complex Than Reported
About that Negro Leagues museum controversy Kansas City Star readers were treated to yesterday… For starters it’s a rehash of a story that ran on last fall. Minus, of course, some of the positive points the proposed Birmingham Negro … Continue reading
Star Struck: Peachy Sunday Star Front Page Takes Turn for Better
A tip of the hat to today’s Sunday Star… I’ve been bagging on the Sunday newspaper a lot, citing its lack of news content. Hey, if they want to keep up – in a small town way – with the … Continue reading
Hearne: Championing Hypocrisy Across State Lines @ MARS
Thou shall not steal… Whether tis nobler to win the hand of fair company by straightforward, above board bargaining, or merely to wheel out the local largess and leave the tab to taxpayers to be choked down a later point. … Continue reading
Hearne: R.I.P. Kansas City Board of Trade
In another life I’d have been at the KCBOT that last Friday for its sad send off… I earned my first paycheck there when I volunteered to help out over the Christmas holidays in the mailroom of my family’s firm, … Continue reading
Hearne: Glazer Reviews, Rates Pitch Cover Story on – Who Else? – Glazer
It ain’t easy being Craig Glazer… Truth be told, it’s a lot of work. There are hotties to bang (and put up with), wee hours radio and television shows to ferry comics to, movie deals to be made and exotic … Continue reading
Hearne: Scribe Debuts as ‘Pitch’ Cover Boy Tonight @ 10
Don’t look now but notorious KC bad boy Craig Glazer – a KC Confidential refugee – is this week’s Pitch cover boy… Courtesy of Pitch music and entertainment main man David Hudnall. The Scribe tells me the curtain will part sometime … Continue reading
Hearne: Imagine Dragons & Capital Cities Crush @ Starlight
A moment of silence please for the festival known as Kanrocksas… Someday in the distant future, pop culture historians will look back – in momentary lapses of trivial pursuits – and wonder at what was to have become Kansas City’s Bonnaroo … Continue reading
Hearne: Time for Bill Self & KU to Stop Acting Like Spoiled Children
What’s the matter with Kansas? If we’re talking about the city of Lawrence and the KU Jayhawks basketball team, plenty. I live in Lawrence now and even though I still spend a ton of time in Kansas City, this town … Continue reading
Hearne: Farewell Salute to the Kansas City Board of Trade
When a man makes an “Oklahoma Guarantee” it behooves him to live up to it… To that end, help yourself to this collection of letters from a group of school kids that I conducted a tour of the Kansas City Board of Trade for … Continue reading
Hearne: NFL’s Clueless Clutch Policy Continues to Aggravate
It’s a mad, mad, mad, mad world… Especially where female Chiefs fans are concerned, and it’s only going to get madder. That after savvy National Football League owners banded together to come up with a way to avert a Boston … Continue reading
Hearne: Whatever Happened to ‘Watson’s Girl’ Jennifer Eichler?
Ask and you shall… Hold it a sec, a reader request for an update on Jennifer Eichler aka Jennifer Foley aka The Watson’s Girl seemed reasonable enough. After all, it’s been two years since last we checked in on the grrrl … Continue reading
Hearne: NFL / Chiefs Declare War on Womens Handbags
It’s official… The divide between fighting terrorism and promoting high fashion has officially narrowed. Thanks to the National Football League and Kansas City Chiefs. You heard it right, no need to rub your eyes. Starting this season, the NFL will … Continue reading