Author Archives: Hearne Christopher Jr.
Hearne: The Never Ending Love Story of Tommy Morrison
I’m baaaaack… And just in time to share a Tommy Morrison tale or two while I dig myself out from a short vacation and prepare to unleash shocking new revelations about former Kansas City boxer Tommy Morrsion. Morrison was practically … Continue reading
Hearne: Jason Whitlock Looms LARGE on Keith Olbermann’s New ESPN Show
This could be his big break… Word that former Kansas City Star sports scribe Jason Whitlock will be riding herd over his own ESPN sports blog with the stated mission of developing and bringing along new, younger voices (writers) poses … Continue reading
Hearne: There’s More to Tommy Morrison Than the ESPN Story
And now, the rest of the story… Make no mistake, former Kansas City Star reporter Elizabeth Merrill scored a huge coup in tracking down Tommy Morrison‘s mom Diana and getting her on the record for ESPN that Tommy is dying of the … Continue reading
Hearne: Talking Tommy Morrison on the Santa Fe Trail
Time flies when you’re on vacation and I’m writing this live in Santa Fe New Mexico… I’m going to keep it short because, after all, it is a vacation but I’ve got some important news updates to share that I’ll be … Continue reading
Hearne: Dear Jesse (Elvis), Don’t Take This the Wrong Way but…Love Maria
Speaking of Elvis aka Jesse… At the height of the Elvis is Still Alive saga in 2002, former longtime Channel 9 news anchor Maria Antonia got caught up in the excitement. Way caught up. In a Christmas Day column in … Continue reading
Hearne: Source Says America’s Pub to Morph into Party Rooms & Beer Deli
About those twin bars slated to open in the former America’s Pub in Westport… Mum’s the word on what the partners concept will be, but Westport sources say the owners have been scouting a space for the twin concepts for the … Continue reading
Hearne: Mum’s the Word, but Elvis is Still Alive — Honest
It should have been a no-brainer… That there’d be a stiff price to pay for revealing to the world that King of Rock n Roll Elvis Presley was still alive. But it didn’t seem quite that evident a dozen years ago and a … Continue reading
Hearne: Star Politcal Writer Steve Kraske Heading for the Exit Door
Here we go again… Last one out the door, turn out the lights. Kansas City Star lead political writer Steve Kraske is outward bound. As in, bailing from the rocky realm of print journalism for the far calmer seas of UMKC. … Continue reading
Hearne: Study Fingers BMW & Prius Drivers as “Biggest Jerks”
It was bound to surface… After years of being on the receiving end of snide stares and regular guy slights, BMW and Toyota Prius drivers alike have been fingered as being jerks in a recent study linking bad driving habits to … Continue reading
Hearne: The Kansas City Star Suicide & Walter Mitty
Suicide may not be pretty but it seems like everybody wants a piece of it… Including former Kansas City Star sports statistician Martin Manley, a dude who lived his life largely anonymously – in the shadows – all while obviously … Continue reading
Hearne: JJ’s Eyes New Plaza Digs, to Hold ‘Anniversary’ Bash Sunday
Think of it as a match made in restaurant heaven… Word on the street is that JJ’s Restaurant is poised to initiate a second coming at 616 Ward Parkway in the space currently occupied by the wine and pizza bar Coal … Continue reading
Hearne: The Third Coming of ‘Big Sexy’ & Why He Hasn’t Made It Yet in Big Time Sports
There are reasons why former Star sports scribe Jason Whitlock hasn’t made it yet… Why he doesn’t appear to yet have cashed his once-rumored $2 million, three year paycheck. And why after blogging in the shadows the past three years … Continue reading
Hearne: Scribe Says, Royals Are Done — Wait Til Next Year
Go ahead and uncross those fingers and toes, the party’s over… It’s time for this year’s Kansas City Royals team to start making plans for next year – like they usually do, says sportaholic Craig Glazer of Stanford’s. “The Royals … Continue reading
Hearne: Will Jason Whitlock Finally Get the Paycheck He So Richly Deserves @ ESPN?
What goes around comes around… Three years back when former Kansas City Star sports scribe Jason Whitlock imploded and left town amidst a flurry of acrimony and accusations (ranging from editor Mike Fannin having an affair with a married subordinate to … Continue reading
Hearne: Star Shows Political Hand, Closes Ranks on Rodeo Clown Story
Uptown Theater main man Larry Sells isn’t the only conspiracy on the loose… When it comes to what passes for the “mainstream press,” there are plenty of people convinced that the deck is stacked against Republicans and conservatives with liberal … Continue reading
Hearne: Scribe Bullish on Royals Despite Ups & Downs
Roller coaster ride, anyone? It’s not easy being “The Scribe.” There are hotties to bed, football teaser bets to be sorted out, nasty comments section dudes to be dealt with and – oh yeah – Royals and Chiefs teams to be … Continue reading
Hearne: The Z Man – Bob Zuroweste – Returns to Kansas City
One of the wildest guys in Kansas City radio history is back in the saddle again… Former Entercom chieftain Bob Zuroweste – the honcho who killed off KXTR FM and Smooth Jazz and launched 610 Sports – has returned to Kansas … Continue reading
Hearne: Cleaning Up the Cowtown — One (Off Duty) Cop At A Time
About the Kansas City Board of Police Commissioners decision to allow off duty police to moonlight a security for local bars and taverns… Win, win is the way police and bar owners view the move. Stationing cops outside some of … Continue reading
Hearne: The Top 25 Teen Idols of All Time & Faded KC Heartthrob Ryan Cabrera
Word in GQ magazine that rapper Jay-Z wears “Best New Mensware Designer” Matt Baldwin of Standard Style’s pants calls to mind one of Baldwin’s earlier celebrity devotees, Ryan Cabrera. Remember him? No? Maybe when you see the hair.
Hearne: Police Board Greenlights Off Duty KC Officers to Work @ Taverns
This just in… In a historic move hailed by bar owners and police alike, Kansas City’s Board of Police Commissioners have begun allowing off duty police officers to work at taverns and bars. “It’s a huge win for Kansas City,” says Westport … Continue reading