Author Archives: Hearne Christopher Jr.
Hearne: The Pitch Moves Ahead, Fingers Tightly Crossed
Who among isn’t hoping that the Pitch makes it? It won’t be easy and it certainly hasn’t been pretty, but at least the alt weekly nobody really wanted much and that’s struggled to make a profit is still in the … Continue reading
Hearne: National Media Spanks, ESPN Scolds Jason Whitlock
There’s nothing quite like starting off with a bang… Such was the case last week when former Star sports scribe Jason Whitlock hammered a Sports Illustrated writer, accusing him of being a hack and churning out a bogus hit piece on … Continue reading
Hearne: The Irrational Exuberance of Facebook & Twitter
Luddites of the world arise… I refer, of course, to those “opposed to, or slow to adopt or incorporate into their lifestyle.” You know who they are. More often than not, they’re aging Baby Boomers pride themselves in things like … Continue reading
Hearne: Scribe Sings Chiefs Praises After Dallas Win…Cautiously
Hey, it’s about time… No way is this year’s Kansas City Chiefs team a first tier NFL squad, says betting-man-turned-scribe Craig Glazer. Still after beginning the season 2-0, he’ll take it. “What’s nice about it is the Chiefs are not a … Continue reading
Hearne: Craig Glazer On Contemplating Suicide & What Awaits Rod Anderson in the Slammer
For starters, former Hereford House main man Rod Anderson‘s legal eagles blew it… So says convicted KC businessman Craig Glazer of Stanford & Sons fame. “I think what the public doesn’t understand is how incredibly unfair the criminal justice system … Continue reading
Hearne: Widow Determined to Mount Tommy Morrison ‘Necklace’ Tour, Family Plans October Service
This just in from sources close to “the Morrison family”… Boxer Tommy Morrison’s parents and family will reportedly hold a service for the former Kansas City pugilist and Rocky V star on October 12th in Sulfur Springs, Arkansas. The $64 … Continue reading
Hearne: Potholes in Rod Anderson Sentencing Story
I‘ve got more coming your way on the Rod Anderson case but first… Here are a few thoughts on the comprehensive reporting concerning the Hereford House owner’s sentencing in today’s Kansas City Star. For starters, I fully understand the way … Continue reading
Hearne: The Sentencing of Hereford House Owner Rod Anderson
Let me begin by telling you that this was a very humbling experience… Anyone who’s ever faced hard times – like Anderson’s Hereford House did – can maybe relate to the feeling of despair this otherwise model Kansas City citizen was … Continue reading
Hearne: Live Country Music Club Replaces Dark Horse, Torres in Westport
Suppose they held an entertainment district and somebody forgot to open a country music club… Unimaginable, right? Wrong. It’s been years now since the Beaumont Club – and Guitars & Cadillacs before – graced the Westport nightlife scene. And hey, this … Continue reading
Hearne: Scribe Wonders Aloud If Jason ‘Big Sexy’ Whitlock Ever Matter Again?
Word that former Kansas City Star lightning rod Jason Whitlock had escaped the low-paying gravitational pull of Fox Sports raises a few questions… Will his return to ESPN to blog and head up a site that aims to discover and … Continue reading
Hearne: Royals Running Out of Time Playing ‘Beat the Clock’
Speaking of possible wild card teams from the heartland… This year’s Kansas City Royals remain in the running for a wild card berth, the deck is stacked against them, says comedy impresario Craig Glazer. “The problem with the Royals is … Continue reading
Hearne: Scribe Says Chiefs Team ‘Best’ in 10 Years
“Don’t get your hopes up too high just yet, but… The Kansas City Chiefs team that beat Jacksonville yesterday was the first truly legit team the club has fielded in a decade, says sports scribe Craig Glazer. “Well, you know if … Continue reading
Hearne: Will The Real Mrs. Tommy Morrison Please Stand Up?
Much has been said about the woman who calls herself Tommy Morrison‘s wife… Some of which has come in the form of her offbeat quotes backing Morrison’s claim of not having HIV or AIDS and boasts of unprotected sex. Not that … Continue reading
Hearne: Tommy Morrison Mom to Family & Friends: ‘We Got Him’
In death, as in life, the Tommy Morrison saga soldiers on, weird as ever… That said, what was to have been a Tommy Morrison locket wearing party and world funeral tour is no more. “I just got a text … Continue reading
Hearne: The Bizarre Tommy Morrison Funeral World Tour
This just in… In a shocking followup to word yesterday that a family feud might be brewing over the fate of former KC boxer Tommy Morrison‘s body came this startling text from his “widow” Trisha this morning: “Today Tommy will be … Continue reading
Hearne: Scribe Reveals How Tommy Morrison Got HIV
This just in… “I know how Tommy Morrison got AIDS,” says Stanford & Sons main man Craig Glazer. “He said he got the virus – or whatever he thought he had – from a stripper he was dating in Texas. … Continue reading
Hearne: Scribe Assigns Missouri & K-State to ‘Biggest Losers’ List
Are you ready for some football? Got the girlfriends and wives set up with clear, plastic baggies to haul their ganja, feminine hygiene products and iPads into the stadiums? Good for you. Now all you have to worry about – … Continue reading
Hearne: Mancow Remembers the Dark Side of Tommy Morrison
We media types tend to be such suckers… And we were all so very fascinated and easily won over by boxer Tommy Morrison and his many eccentricities… The serial bedding of women, the pet mountain lions and leopard, the tattoo of Elvis … Continue reading
Hearne: Source: Tommy Morrison Was ‘HIV Positive’ in 1989
Now it can be told… There’s a ton of Tommy Morrison stories yet to recount in the wake of his sad passing at age 44. For me, they started in the early days of my running the Pitch more than 20 … Continue reading
Hearne: Will ESPN Help Drive Final Nail into Star Coffin?
However when it comes to Kansas City Star sports reporter Adam Teicher bailing just as the all-important Kansas City Chiefs football season is about to begin, well, that’s no laughing matter. Not only was Teicher the beat reporter for the Chiefs … Continue reading