Author Archives: Hearne Christopher Jr.
Hearne: Sucky Super Bowl Reminds Scribe How Bad Chiefs Are
How bad was it? Comedy club czar turned sports scribe Craig Glazer’s esteemed take on yesterday’s Super Bowl: “Well, unless you were a Seattle fan or bet a lot of money on Seattle, you’d probably call it the Super Dud,” Glazer … Continue reading
Hearne: Where’s Whitlock?
Was a time Kansas City Star columnist Jason Whitlock was a go to guy on significant matters of race and sports… Think about it. Like the time when long-in-the-tooth shock jock Don Imus uttered the words “nappy headed hos,” propelling Whitlock straight … Continue reading
Hearne: Alice 102.1 FM Pulls a Fast One on Listeners, Advertisers
Deny, deny, deny… That’s a strategy some folks employ for almost any situation – any prickly situation – that they don’t want to admit to or have to deal with. And face it, when it comes to pending music format … Continue reading
Hearne: How and Why Judge Reinhold Hung The New Theatre Restaurant Out to Dry
And now, the rest of the story… It’s not every day that Overland Park’s 22 year-old New Theatre Restaurant has to cancel its opening night performance. But that’s exactly what happened last Wednesday for the kickoff performance of the classic play … Continue reading
Hearne: Valentine Thumbs Nose @ Car & Driver Radar Detector Test
Why is it that we seldom seem get the entire story? My theory – and it’s an obvious one – m-o-n-e-y. Which brings me to the January issue of Car and Driver magazine and its first-in-a-long-time Radar Test. That’s right, fellow … Continue reading
Hearne: Star Intern Stubs Toe on KCPT ‘Bridge’ Puff Piece
There’s a reason fledgling journalists don’t get many front page story assignments… That being it takes time and experience to sharpen the skills and develop the critical thinking necessary to report hard news, not just write whatever somebody says and … Continue reading
Hearne: Can a Dude Named Sam Smith Rescue Our Land of the Lost?
A couple weeks back the Scribe pretty much nailed the Kansas City of today… Oh sure, he still loves it here – blah, blah, blah – but the excitement’s gone. The wide open, we can do anything – damn the torpedos – … Continue reading
Hearne: How Long is Too Long for Christmas Lights to Stay Up?
As rhetorical questions go, how long you should leave the Christmas lights up ranks fairly high… Given that Christmas, after all, comes and goes on December 25, wouldn’t the 26th seem as good a time as any to take them down? … Continue reading
Hearne: Lezak Looks Ahead; 10 More Inches & Arctic Blast
Weather, weather everywhere and not a drop to shovel… Think of the weather conditions here as the lull before the storms. So says KSHB TV weather wonk Gary Lezak about the area’s relatively mild climes as parts of the rest of … Continue reading
Hearne: This Week’s Comments Section Greatest Hits (Redux)
Longtime readers of may recall the early days of KC Confidential… Including the occasions I turned flipped the spotlight around and pointed it at the denizens of our fledgling comments section. It was an exercise in alternately saluting and grimacing at the … Continue reading
Hearne: The Unspoken Truth About ‘Weather Dude’ Joel Nichols
Think of it as the nice guys finish last syndrome… By most accounts former KMBC TV “weatherman” Joel Nichols truly is a really nice guy. Yet after a quarter century at Channel 9 doing the weather and oddball, odd hour celebrity … Continue reading
Hearne: The R. Crosby Kemper Jr. Story That (Almost) Got Away
Time flies whether you’re having fun or not… That said, I was definitely having fun in the summer of 1992 when Kansas City Star publisher Jim Hale and spanking new editor Art Brisbane sent me down to the minors for … Continue reading
Hearne: Anti Texting Crowd Takes Up Arms in Florida – KC Responds
What a way to go, death by text… That’s how a Florida father bit the dust – on “Senior Monday” at a Cobb movie-plex in Tampa. Retired cop Curtis Reeves shot and killed 43 year-old Chad Oulson after complaining to him about Oulson … Continue reading
Hearne: Tale of the Tape; David Cook vs Daughtry
How about we take a more objective look at David Cook? Between myself and local music industry veteran Mark Valentine, we’ve already pretty well covered the Blue Springs export’s more obvious entertainment career bases. You know, that Cook got cut … Continue reading
Hearne: The Verdict is in on Paul Walker Death Crash
Most mainstream media continue to tiptoe around the subject but… It’s now clear that a wildly-illegal, over-the-top joyride is to blame for the deaths of “Fast & Furious” star Paul Walker and his race car driving pal late last year. Put … Continue reading
Hearne: Raging Bull R. Crosby Kemper Jr. vs. The Kansas City Star
Banker / civic leader / force of nature R. Crosby Kemper Jr. hated the Kansas City Star… Seriously. Kemper despised the newspaper so that six days after his January 2nd death, his obituary has yet to run in the Star. That’s … Continue reading
Hearne: Banging a Gong for R. Crosby Kemper Jr. aka ‘The Big C’ aka Rufus
In another life R. Crosby Kemper, Jr. might have gone by his first name Rufus… Instead, he reduced that first name to a lowly initial, and called himself Crosby. Later Kemper was known by some as The Big C. It’s hard … Continue reading
Hearne: Scribe to Mudville; ‘I Warned You’
The Scribe’s take on yesterday’s Chiefs loss to Indy? “Well, I’m trying to think of a nice thing to say,” says comedy impresario and sports provocateur Craig Glazer. “On the plus side, quarterback Alex Smith played very well.” That’s the … Continue reading
Hearne: Vince & Associates Lighting Displays May Be Least Risky Thing It Does
“Inquiring minds want to know… Given the discussion and controversy surrounding Vince & Associates over-the-top holiday lights display on Metcalf near 103rd Street, the question is, who or what in the heck is Vince & Associates anyway? “They pay for people … Continue reading
Hearne: Craig Glazer Dissects What’s Wrong With Kansas City
Talk about reducing us to our essence… Forget all that City of Fountains bs. Nevermind how great we think the barbecue is. Or how “liveable” Kansas City is. Truth be known, for the past 50 years we’ve been saddled with a … Continue reading