Author Archives: Hearne Christopher Jr.
Hearne: Dreadful Football Program Starting to Take Toll on KU Basketball
The poor play of the University of Kansas football team is starting to cause difficulties for the school’s vaunted basketball program. Take the smackdown of KU’s so-called Fieldhouse Apartments. The outlandishly expensive, $17.5 million dollar apartment complex represents a failed … Continue reading
Hearne: How Embarrassing to Live in Kansas
Few Kansans embrace the word “flyover” when referencing our corner of the earth… And rightly so; it’s a pejorative term used by east and west coasters to describe the vast wasteland we losers are stuck living in. A wasteland that … Continue reading
Hearne: Reading the Radio Ratings – Life After Xmas, Bridge Out, Christians as Lions & KMBZ Rises
Were there any surprises in the newly released radio ratings? Not exactly, but a few observations are in order. Starting with the fact that while country music station KFKF FM remained Numero Uno in listeners 6 and older in January, … Continue reading
Hearne: Christmas Music-less KFKF-FM Tops January Radio Ratings
Let’s get something straight right up front… The following January radio ratings are for listeners 6 and older, Monday through Sunday from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. These are the broadest measures – and because of that – the most accurate ratings. … Continue reading
Hearne: Much Ado About Nothing on the Country Club Plaza
Let’s talk about the rioting on the Plaza… More to the point, the young black kids and teens who – like their mostly white counterparts – find the upscale shopping and dining Mecca to their liking as a safe, fun … Continue reading
Hearne: The Rise, Fall & Unexplained Exit of Randy Miller @ 98.5 The Bar in Warrensburg
It’s not easy being Randy Miller these days… Was a time Miller ruled Kansas City’s radio roost. And to this day he remains a legend. He was what Erich “Mancow” Muller and Johnny Dare aspired to become…within reason. He cashed … Continue reading
Hearne: Monumental KC Jewelry & Drug Scandal Poised to Erupt
I’m playing these cards ultra close to the vest, but you heard it here first… Sources say that the DEA is poised to drop the hammer on the scion of a highly regarded Kansas City jewelry family. The details are … Continue reading
Hearne: Mancow Wishes Randy Miller Well. You Know, Sort Of
Word that Randy Miller was mounting a comeback came as news to Mancow… After all, the syndicated shock jock out of Chicago cut his teeth interning for Miller in the late 1980s. It was a time the Cow will never forget…would that … Continue reading
Hearne: Can Radio Disc Jockey Randy Miller Rise from the Dead?
Is there life after death for legendary Kansas City radio disc jockey Randy Miller? For more than a decade the former ZZ99 and Q104 radio bad boy has been on ice – as in off-the-air – after a two decade … Continue reading
Hearne: The (Near) End of an Era for Legendary Audio / Video Dealer Kief’s in Lawrence
It’s like this… Damn few living legends that still matter walk the earth once their prime has passed. Time and market conditions change. One minute they’re Blockbuster Video – king of kings – the next, obsolete, gone. Such is life. Take … Continue reading
Hearne: Editor Calls Out Lawrence Journal World for ‘Big Mistake’ in Murder Story
Ever read something so ridiculous you had to rub your eyes, reread it and it still made no sense? You know, besides here on KC Confidential. We all have, but I have to tell you, I literally could not believe … Continue reading
Hearne: Scribe Says Gay Mizzou Footballer No Big Deal
The media feeding frenzy on University of Missouri defensive end Michael Sam? “Is it much ado about nothing?” muses sports scribe Craig Glazer. “The answer is pretty much yes, it is. I don’t think anybody who follows sports doesn’t believe that there … Continue reading
Hearne: Did 19 Year-Old Sarah McLinn Murder CiCi’s Pizza Owner Harold Sasko Over Sex?
There’s an elephant in the room but nobody seems to be able to see it… That in regard to pending murder charges against 19 year-old Sarah Gonzales McLinn in the brutal slaying of her former boss and live-in roommate, 52 year-0ld Lawrence … Continue reading
Hearne: KU Confidential Meets KC Confidential
Some of you may have noticed a tweak to the KC Confidential masthead… A year or so ago, after moving to Lawrence, I kind of half-assed launched a companion website called Lawrence Confidential. The objective; take advantage of my being stationed … Continue reading
Hearne: Why So Many People Who Know Jay Leno Despise Him
No way is Jay Leno going quietly in the night… I may be wrong, but that’s my take having worked with Leno and kept an eye on him through the years. Because of that relationship, I got a call from … Continue reading
Hearne: KC Gets Short End of WWE Stick on Super Sunday
Who goes to a WWE wrestling match on Super Sunday anyway? Who goes to a WWE match period, you might counter. Uh, me. I actually paid for tickets and took my stepsons – ages 11 and 15 and a comments … Continue reading
Hearne: A Snowstorm Worthy of a Proud Mother
Don’t take this the wrong way but… I’d like to dedicate this nightmarish snowstorm to…KSHB TV weather wonk Gary Lezak‘s mother Kay Rubell, who passsed away last Sunday. A little background… To get your head around this concept, you need to … Continue reading
Hearne: The Countdown’s On – ‘Alice’ is Dead – Long Live ???
All bets are off at Alice 102.1 FM… Or perhaps on, depending upon how you look at it. Because as predicted here last week, the low-rated Adult Album Alternative (AAA) station is doornail dead and a robotic on-air countdown is on – … Continue reading
Hearne: Can Channel 19’s ‘The Bridge’ Lure ‘Alice’ FM’s Listeners & $$$?
Going, going… Triple A radio station Alice 102.1 FM isn’t gone yet, but the future of the Adult Album Alternative format on airwaves is soon to rest solely on the untested shoulders of a public radio station owned by public television station … Continue reading
Hearne: Holiday Radio Ratings & The Death of ‘Alice”
There’s nothing quite like quarreling over radio station ratings… On the surface, radio ratings may appear to be a zero sum game, but after the slicing and dicing of the all-important demographics go down – you know, men, women, age groups, … Continue reading