Author Archives: Hearne Christopher Jr.
Hearne: Westboro Baptists Display (Ironically) Ultra Thin Skin
I was in Memphis visiting The King when the devil died… Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka hate monger Fred Phelps, that is. So I didn’t get to “experience” much of the hoopla that went down in Phelps’ wake – or at … Continue reading
Hearne: Rainy Day Retro News Review; Babe Bartenders, Royals Nix Nuptials & Soggy Sections
“And USA Today – for the younger people – is some sort of website that’s printed out on large paper” —- Bill Maher I was talking to a senior Kansas City Star staffer yesterday about the uncertain future of newspapers when … Continue reading
Hearne: Richard Pryor’s Daughter Rain a Pain
At some point being the kid of somebody famous ceases to matter much… One would think, anyway. Because the kid’s career either takes off or it doesn’t. And I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that … Continue reading
Hearne: Starlight Theatre to Soar with Concerts in Wake of Last Year’s Coup
All eyes are on Starlight Theatre following a coup last year… A questionable coup that sent the capable Denton Yockey packing. Yockey was the successor to Bob Rohlf, the dude who teamed with former Kansas City Chiefs head guy Jack Steadman … Continue reading
Hearne: What Would Paul Wilson Say?
Pardon me while I stand in (ever briefly) for the missing in action Paul Wilson… Remember him? The writer dude who likes to mix it up with that Harley character in the comments section, and who fancies himself as some … Continue reading
Hearne: AMC Town Center / Cinetopia Showdown Fast Approaching
Wars can be a good thing… Not the ones where people die. I’m talking about the ones that pit one business against another. Sometimes it can be in the form of a price war, other times a battle to see … Continue reading
Hearne: The Fall & Rise of Jason Whitlock
Things are looking up for former Kansas City Star sports scribe Jason Whitlock… At long last. “I’m not saying he’s Bryant Gumbel, but at least he’s showing up,” says sports guru Craig Glazer. “There’s no point in my guessing his salary, … Continue reading
Hearne: Trouble on the Network
Ever had a hard drive go out? Apparently I’m one of an elite few that this has never happened to…until recently. Whereupon the excellent staffers at the Apple Store on the Plaza totally made things right in mere minutes, before my … Continue reading
Hearne: Star Columnist Suggests Plan to Discriminate Against Black Youth
Nanny state, anyone? It’s hard to imagine that a “minority” newspaper columnist would demand that an independent business discriminate against poor, young black kids, but that’s exactly what the Kansas City Star‘s Mary Sanchez did in her column, “Let’s Deal With … Continue reading
Hearne: Hedonism on KU Campus Revisted
You read it here first… A year ago KC Confidential cast its aspersions on the alcohol policies of The Cave, a four level nightclub buried in the bowels of the fancy-schmancy new Oread hotel on the KU campus in Lawrence. After staying … Continue reading
Hearne: The Downhill Slide of KU Basketball No One Wants to Talk About
Once upon a time there were such things as school spirit… Back when movies were often black and white and people went to colleges near where they were from or had ideological connections to. And they played sports for those … Continue reading
Hearne: Scribe Calls Out Bill Self, KU for Mailing it in
Despite the early returns, it was never to be for Bill Self and KU and he knew it… “I bet against them,” says sports handicapper Craig Glazer. “There was never a sense of urgency. They looked like a bunch of … Continue reading
Hearne: KFKF Tops February Radio Rankings…Again
Here we go again… The February 2014 Kansas City radio rankings are in for listeners age 6 and older. To be clear again up front, this is the broadest – and thus the most accurate – measure of radio listenership. … Continue reading
Hearne: The Worst Italian Restaurant in KC/LA Area Closes
Hey, it was good enough for former KU athletic director Lew Perkins… However when my wife and I sampled the Italian restaurant Intorno in Lawrence shortly after it opened a year and a half ago, it was beyond bad. It … Continue reading
Hearne: KC Madam Weighs in on Sex in the Cowtown
About that mostly information-less examination of sex in Kansas City… The Urban Institute’s recent eight city sex study was long on information and data on larger cities like Atlanta and Washington, D.C. but short on the specifics here in Kansas City. Comes … Continue reading
Hearne: Jeweler Bails From Fancy JOCO Digs for Far Lesser Quarters
A funny thing happened on a recent Friday after KCC’s Paul Wilson tried to make contact with a local jeweler embroiled in an ocean of controversial rumors… If you recall, the jeweler’s offices were closed that day with a posting on … Continue reading
Hearne: Chippendales Descecrate Legends, Local Women Come Unglued
Ever wonder what it might be like to take the measure of an all-girl assemblage of horny housewives, errant strippers and girls-next-door gone wild? Wonder no more because yours truly took one for the team last Thursday, when the Chippendales … Continue reading
Hearne: Forget Kansas, Iowa State Tops Big 12 Tourism Party Slag Heap
The secret to the Big 12 basketball tournament’s success in KC? Not KU’s 80,000-plus strong alumni base in Kansas City. Nor K-State’s, and not Mizzou’s paltry 26,000 alums. Nope, when it comes to propping up the Big 12 tourney (and fostering tourism) the undisputed champ … Continue reading
Hearne: Power & Light Beer Sales Take Nose Dive Thanks to Big 12, Mizzou
As if the Power & Light District doesn’t have enough problems… Lawsuits claiming racism, diminished business with ramped up competition from Westport, Waldo and South Johnson County. Comes now more bad news in the form of first time ever beer … Continue reading
Hearne: Pitch Website Goes Dark, Listed for Sale
You got it, you sell it, you still got it… And no, we’re not talking about sex, but rather The Pitch website, which earlier today – alarmingly – went dark and was replaced by a Go Daddy website for sale sign. That’s … Continue reading