Author Archives: Hearne Christopher Jr.
Hearne: In Case You Haven’t Figured it Out Yet…
I’ve been on vacation this past week… Which isn’t to say, “Hurry up and burgle me before I get back.” That base is covered – life goes on at KC Confidential Central – even in my absence. Besides, I’ll be home … Continue reading
Hearne: The Case for Not Tearing Down Metcalf South
Full Disclosure: Wade Williams definitely has a dog in this fight… The writer-producer-director-exhibitor who owns the largest independent library of science-fiction film rights, distributes his product worldwide and also lives in Kansas City, is the checkbook behind the Fine Arts Theatre … Continue reading
Hearne: Police State Takes Care of Country Club Plaza’s ‘Urban’ Problem
So many urban teens, so few entertainment districts… With Westport engaged in a turf war to keep underage urban youth of a certain persuasion at bay, inquiring minds want to know how’s the situation on the Country Club Plaza progressing? “The … Continue reading
Hearne: Local Art House Cinemas Facing Stiff Comeptiton
It’s not easy being “the little guy” in the movie theater biz… Not only do they have to get by showing movies that a very small percentage of the movie going public care to see and hear or know much if … Continue reading
Hearne: The Gut Wrenching Fall of Radio Shack & Consumer Electronics Retailers
Readers of this site are no strangers to the fast fading fate of audio/video retailers… Kansas City – and probably soon Lawrence – are perfect examples. As recently as 10 years ago both still had at least a smattering of mid to … Continue reading
Hearne: Lefsetz Turns Snowballs into Handgrenades, Lobs Them at Brownback
Who else could possibly turn a seemingly commonplace movie review into an indictment of pretty much everyone and everything in this country besides eentertainment lawyer/scribe Bob Leftsetz? That’s a rhetorical question, btw. But take my word for it, Lefsetz “movie review” of Snowpiercer – … Continue reading
Hearne: Cleveland, The One That Got Away from KU Coach Bill Self.
We told you so… How many times, how many different ways, how many different reasons has KC Confidential laid out the past couple years to make the case that there really was a good chance KU basketball coach Bill Self would … Continue reading
Hearne: All Eyes on KSHB & Departure of Anchor Mark Clegg
Let me let you in on a little secret… Not many people in Kansas City television news circles were particularly surprised by word of the pending departure of KSHB TV news anchor Mark Clegg. Trust me on this. For starters, does anybody really think a … Continue reading
Hearne: Scribe Says, Chiefs, Royals Will Never Win ‘Big One’ in Our Lifetimes
Put it back in your pants, sports fans… The Kansas City Royals and Kansas City Chiefs will never again truly matter, says comedy club owner/sports scribe Craig Glazer. “From the looks of things – based on our history, the current … Continue reading
Hearne: KCFX Backs into First in June Radio Ratings
It’s not so much that KCFX dethroned longtime ratings leader KFKF… Nope, the trip to the top of the June radio ratings slag heap was based more on the decline of the local country station than the rise of KC’s classic … Continue reading
Hearne: Go Ask ‘Alice’ (About KCKC FM’s Disappointing Ratings)
Speaking of underperforming local AAA radio stations… When commercial adult album alternative station Alice 102.1 FM went bye-bye in February it was pulling down a 2.0 share (versus KTBG’s 0.4 today). That was down significantly from two years back when Alice enjoyed a 4.0 share of listeners 25-54. So it … Continue reading
Hearne: ‘The Bridge’ Raises It’s Head Above Water…Barely
It wasn’t exactly a thing of joy to behold, but… KCPT public television’s all-but-invisible radio love child KTBG, The Bridge finally made Nielsen’s monthly ratings chart. The “adult album alternative” station slid into first, second to last on the June chart with a 0.4 share … Continue reading
Hearne: The Ongoing Ratings Decline of News Talk Station KMBZ
Times are tough at Kansas City’s longtime news-talk leader KMBZ… The station sank to a 3.4 share of listeners, down from a 4.5 share as recently as last February. That’s nearly a 25 percent drop. ‘What jumped out of these ratings … Continue reading
Hearne: KCFX FM ‘The Fox’ Knocks Off KFKF for Top Spot in June Rankings
It’s that time of the month… Radio ratings time, that is, and there’s plenty to digest as we prepare to suffer the cruel temps of July and August that we love so dearly. So let’s take a look at the Nielsen … Continue reading
Hearne: There Ain’t No Cure for the Lowdown, Missing Newspaper, Driveway Blues
Remember my Kansas City Star story a couple days back? The one where a newspaper staffer talked about all the cancellations the Star has been getting from people upset with not just the quantity and quality of their newspapers but the difficulties they’ve … Continue reading
Hearne: Stanford’s to Swing for the Fences in Overland Park
What to expect late next month when Stanford & Sons returns to the big city? Quite a bit, actually, starting with real food! “Stanford’s will be a great lead in for what Shawn McClenny’s doing next-door at Fuel and Kanza Hall,” says Stanford’s … Continue reading
Hearne: Theater League Honcho Gets Rise Out of Olbermann on Letterman
Was a time, ESPN host Keith Olbermann was considered cutting edge hip… But times flies and you gotta keep up. That was hardly the case when Olbermann weighed in on the World Cup and Major League Soccer on the Dave Letterman Show Tuesday with … Continue reading
Hearne: Stanford & Sons Last Stand (KCK Style)
It was the end of an era – a short one – but nonetheless an era… After just shy of eight years, Stanford & Sons comedy club at The Legends in KCK is no more. To commemorate the occasion I … Continue reading
Hearne: The Sad State of the Union @ The Kansas City Star
Late last year, I took some personal innovatory… Having written numerous stories about the Kansas City Star since my departure in late 2008 as one of the hundreds and hundreds that have been laid off since the dramatic downturn in both the economy and the … Continue reading