Author Archives: Hearne Christopher Jr.
Hearne: Reading between the Lines @ 18th & Grand
“Running a newspaper can be a rough business.” So begins a story last week by Eric Adler in the Kansas City Star. Understatements aside, it’s a tale of another area newspaper, not the newspaper of record in Kansas City. Hey, it’s a lot easier to pin the tail … Continue reading
Hearne: The Great Disappointment of the Great Plains
Hold the kind words… Few if any tears will be shed for the soon-to-close Great Mall of the Great Plains. It wasn’t that it was too old, like Metcalf South and some of the other failing or failed area malls that the … Continue reading
Hearne: The Rich Get Sleazier at KU
Henceforth and forevermore let the record show that college sports is about one thing – and one thing only – the almighty buck… And it’s about folks like us, trapped in flyover state cities, with nothing much better to do than feeding the … Continue reading
Hearne: Star ‘Slashes’ Business News Coverage
Maybe I’ve been reading too much Rich Steele… Which undoubtedly accounts for my use of the word “slash” in reference to the Kansas City Star’s after-the-fact announcement today that its Kansas City Star Business Weekly is no more. Just like that … Continue reading
Hearne: Dean Smith Death News Coverage Reveals ‘Tale of Two Cities’
So much for home court advantage… One would think living large in the Cradle of College Basketball that the Lawrence Journal World would have a huge reporting leg up on what’s left of the Kansas City Star. At least when it came … Continue reading
Hearne: The Star is Right, Sumner Piano Controversy a Non Issue
All of you who think I’ve got an undying hate of the Kansas City Star take notice… I’m just as capable of praising them at times as I am of bagging on them. Yeah, it’s far easier to criticize and … Continue reading
Hearne: The Anatomy of a Sports Rivalry, Hating on KU-MU
It’s funny how small town mindsets can compare to big city thinking… Case in point, the manner in which the Lawrence Journal World treats the subject of the historic Kansas versus Missouri sports rivalry – you know, KU-MU – the so-called … Continue reading
Hearne: Heads Roll @ KC Star @ 18th & Grand
Been a while since the Grim Reaper laid waste to the Kansas City Star… Mercifully. But make no mistake, with the steady drip of print circulation attrition, nobody at 18th and Grand has harbored any illusions about the direction the industry’s heading. … Continue reading
Hearne: Pitch Publisher Bites the Dust Sans Explanation
Were the publisher of the Kansas City Star to mysteriously step down, you can bet your bottom dollar The Pitch would be all over covering the story-behind-the story… So while it’s understandable, it’s still a little odd that the alternative … Continue reading
Hearne: Legendary KC Radio Host Now An Internet Cabbie
How about a quick game of, “Where are they now?” Today’s subject is none other than longtime WDAF 61 Country morning host David Lawrence. Lawrence parted company with Entercom Kansas City in 2006 following a ceremony honoring him by naming WDAF FM‘s new … Continue reading
Hearne: Westport to Unleash “Gangsta Cam’ on Bad Guys
Coming soon to an entertainment district near you… It may be the Age of the Drone, but Kansas City’s premier entertainment district is going to stick with the tried and the true in its ongoing battle to keep bad guys out … Continue reading
Hearne: The 4 C’s of Kansas City Radio & Ratings
When it comes to the local radio, there are Four C’s… Classic Rock, Chiefs, Country Music & Christmas Everything else comes in second – or last, depending upon how you want to look at it. And nowhere is that point … Continue reading
Hearne: Details Emerge on Needless Shawnee Shootout That Cost Owner His Life
In the immortal words of the great Jimmy C: “A lifetime of having been advised not to resist people pointing weapons at me would have told me to come out slowly, with my hands up and palms facing forward. I … Continue reading
Hearne: Posnanski was Right; NCAA Sells Out on Paterno Deal
Turns out Joe Posnanski was a prophet… Three years ago the former Kansas City Star sports columnist took a ton of heat for his puff piece biography of disgraced Penn State football coach Joe Paterno. You know, the dude who turned the … Continue reading
Hearne: Is Winter 2015 History?
Heard on the street; that Winter 2015 is o-v-e-r… Retailers are fire selling off winter coats, Paul Wilson’s primping his new above ground pool in Olathe, Harley’s waxing his surfboard and Jack Frost is nowhere to be found. Time to mothball the … Continue reading
Hearne: $6 Million Walnuts ‘Mausoleum’ to be Auctioned
Think of it as wretched excess… Remember the Beverly Hillbillies television show? Where an unassuming family of hillbillies discovers oil, then drives their run down jalopy to a spiffy, new mansion in Beverly Hills, California. Dream come true, huh? Well, right now Kansas City’s … Continue reading
Hearne: Englewood Theatre Tangles with Arrow, Glenwood Sign to Indy, Not Ranch Mart
This just in… Today we “learned” in the Kansas City Star that movie mogul Wade Williams‘ gigundo, historic Glenwood Arts sign would be moving to 95th and Mission Road after the theater complex at Metcalf South shopping center bites the dust later … Continue reading
Hearne: ‘She’s a Pistol’ No Ordinary Gun Store
Most of the guns stores I’ve been to were daunting, foreboding places… Walls with semi automatic weapons of war mounted upon them and stacked along shelves; arrays of handguns in glass display cases; ammo everywhere; legions of gritty looking dudes and tough types circulating … Continue reading
Hearne: ‘She’s a Pistol’ Owner Should Not Have Engaged Robbers
Shawnee Police and the district attorney are in no hurry to deliver the goods… At this stage of the game, they’re not releasing virtually any details from last week’s gun battle at She’s a Pistol in downtown Shawnee. Something about not giving … Continue reading