Author Archives: Hearne Christopher Jr.
Hearne: Star Wars Movie War Between AMC, Cinetopia Goes Galactic
Mystery solved… What movie theater in its right mind would pass on showing the new Star Wars: The Force Awakens? That’s a rhetorical question, btw. No theater would be dumb enough to not show Star Wars, let alone cede the … Continue reading
Hearne: Paul Walker’s Heirs Blame High Speed, Illegal Crash Death on Porsche
To blame or not to blame, that is the question… Whether tis nobler to admit wrongdoing or seek out another to take the fall. Which is exactly what actor Paul Walker‘s father and daughter are trying to do. Ridiculous as it may … Continue reading
Hearne: 800,000 Royals Fans, Seriously?
Kansas City crowd estimates used to be great sport… Especially since nobody did any actual counting, so pretty much anybody and everybody could play – and play they did! The owners of the Country Club Plaza were the most prolific. Year after year they upped … Continue reading
Hearne: The Clear & Present Danger of Meaningless ‘Surveys’
Oh, for shame… In an era where social responsibility – you know – kinda matters, Kansas City pulls up way short in the recently released, “2015 Greenest Cities in America.” The good news: At least the Cowtown cracked the Top 100. … Continue reading
Hearne: Karen Dillon / USA Today Transform Lawrence Journal World
It’s not easy being a newspaper… While any number of them such as the Kansas City Star remain “profitable” – arguably anyway – they’re no longer insanely profitable like many had been for well over half a century. Noop, it’s an altogether … Continue reading
Hearne: Time to Deliver Last Rites to American Royal?
In the wide world of universal truths, death more often than not is an ugly affair… Seems like it seldom comes quickly and cleanly. Such appears to be the case with one of Kansas City’s most vaunted annual events, the American Royal. Was a … Continue reading
Hearne: Star Whiffs on KU Frats Carting Unconscious Coeds to the Frat House Story
Remember when cutting edge Kansas City Star columnist Mary Sanchez swacked that two bagger a couple weeks back? Where in a single column she exonerated K-State’s band for its marching penis formation, then served up a non sequitur chastising everybody for not focussing instead on … Continue reading
Hearne: The Story Behind the Story on Mike Kennedy & Nyki
About the mysterious disappearance of both Q104 morning show main man Mike Kennedy and The Point 99.9 FM morning personality Nyki Pace… The $64 million questionL Why, why both and why both at the exact same time? The possibilities are endless. … Continue reading
Hearne: KCMO AM Tops 980 KMBZ & KCUR FM Soars Past 98.1 FM KMBZ
KMBZ’s News, talk stations are in the crosshairs… As evidenced by the continuing decline of both KMBZ AM and KMBZ FM in the July radio ratings. Starting with UMKC’s not-for-profit NPR station KCUR FM smoking of 98.1 FM KMBZ. KCUR slotted in at 10th place in the standings with a 4.5 share to KMBZ’s … Continue reading
Hearne: Star Breaks its Word, Backtracks on Tax Pledge, Looks to Uncertain Future
The Kansas City Star couldn’t pat itself on the back enough… The year was 2003 and editorial page editor Miriam Pepper was ecstatic about the prospects of the newspaper building a new $200 million press facility in the heart of downtown. “I’m … Continue reading
Hearne: Is the KC Star Business Section About to Become Road Kill?
Heard on the street: that the Kansas City Star will soon eliminate its business section… Could happen. Since ace business reporter Kevin Collison bailed a year ago – and was not replaced – and what was left of the Business Tuesday insert went … Continue reading
Hearne: The American Royal’s Coming Unglued
What’s next, waving a white flag and shouting uncle? Seems like only yesterday the heavy handed civic leader backers of the American Royal couldn’t wait to pull a fast one on taxpayers by tearing down Kemper Arena for a $50 to $70 million into an overpriced … Continue reading
Hearne: 610 Sports Blows Everybody Away, Soars to No. 1
Ho-lee-shit… Pardon my French, but I’m scrambling to try and put my eyeballs back in my eye sockets. Because about two minutes ago they flew out like meteorites when I saw that 610 Sports had taken complete command of the … Continue reading
Hearne: What Goes Around Comes Around for Hallmark
It’s hard not to feel sorry for Hallmark Cards… I mean, it’s a hometown institution. A company that generations of locals were raised to be proud of. And what Hallmark did with Crown Center and the surrounding area with hotels has … Continue reading
Hearne: KC Based Hallmark Cards Downward Spiral Continues
About those Hallmark Cards layoffs… Unlike former Star publisher Mark Zieman who preferred to blame the newspaper’s massive layoffs on the economy, Hallmark head David Hall correctly blamed the card company’s flagging fortunes on “changes in consumer” spending. That’s calling a spade a spade. Because people weren’t running … Continue reading
Hearne: How to $urvive Universal $tudios Orlando
Travel column, anyone? Years ago, prior to my daughters arrival on the planet, I had the occasion to visit Universal Studios Orlando. I did the Disney thing too, but that experience paled by comparison to Universal, given there were no rug rats in … Continue reading
Hearne: Will a Glazer Be KC’s Next Tom Watson?
So I’m gathering my thoughts after a week on the road when Craig calls… “Are you into tennis and the French Open?” the Scribe queried. Before I could even fathom the motivation for the question – let alone come up with something clever or coherent to … Continue reading
Hearne: Star Editor Defends Realm on KCUR FM
Tap dance, anyone? Talk about interesting timing, three days after my column calling out Kansas City Star editor Mike Fannin for failing to deliver a quality newspaper, up popped the devil in the form of a kid gloves interview with KCUR … Continue reading
Hearne: Jock Sniffing Tom Brady & The ‘Border War”
Is there anything jock sniffers love more than hyperbole? Especially the sports media. If they can rile up the faithful by pissing them off or exaggerating to the tenth power, 9 times out of 10 they’ll rock with it. Even normally clear … Continue reading
Hearne: The Poker Game’s Over, Time for the American Royal to Fold
Poker, anyone? Just last fall the hot shots at the American Royal laid a huge bluff on Kansas City, threatening to move the Royal and its vaunted barbecue contest somewhere else. Unless of course, KC would rubber stamp a deal to cough up $50 million in public … Continue reading