Author Archives: Hearne Christopher Jr.
Hearne: Was Craig Glazer JoJo, Harley & Boom Boom?
Ready for a conspiracy theory of Larry Sells-like, epic proportion… Fasten your seatbelts cuz this one’s a lulu. You may recall in yesterday’s column about my memories of Craig Glazer that it ended on an odd note. I was writing about how … Continue reading
Hearne: The Craig Glazer Story I Didn’t Want to Write
Lucky me… I started my, “I remember Craig” story Thursday before my computer crashed and left me high and dry with an hour’s worth of missing-in-action, unrequited Craig Glazer love. My only alternative: start completely over. Ugh. Needless to say, … Continue reading
Hearne: Hankie Alert; Hurt Feelings at the KC Star
They can dish it out, but they can’t take it… The funny thing about power – besides absolute power corrupting absolutely – is the people who possess it tend think of themselves as inarguably correct most of the time. It … Continue reading
Hearne: Craig Glazer is Dead
Brace yourselves, here it comes… “Craig passed away last night,” says longtime friend and former Chiefs star Ted McKnight. “He had a heart attack and passed. I don’t think his heart could handle everything that was going on.” “Everything” ranged … Continue reading
Hearne: Quarantining Bill Nigro?
Being a good friend isn’t always what it’s cracked up to be… Such seems to be the case with Westport businessman Bill Nigro. From the get-go – for the past several months – Nigro has been Johnny-on-the-spot there for his … Continue reading
Hearne: Fair & Balanced? Dream On
Whatever happened to halfway unbiased journalism? When it comes to politics it’s long gone. As evidenced by the local newspaper of record’s relentless, blatant efforts to diminish Kansas gubernatorial candidate Kris Kobach. Right down to running an unflattering, sinister pic … Continue reading
Hearne: Scribe Clings to Life, says Chiefs Star Ted McKnight
This just in… KCC scribe and comedy club czar Craig Glazer underwent surgery earlier today and lived to tell the story…in a manner of speaking. That according to longtime Glazer pal (and former roommate) legendary Chiefs running back Ted McKnight. “I was just … Continue reading
Hearne: Time to Unleash the ‘Elephant’ in the Room
Can we talk? For weeks one of the Cowtown’s most colorful characters has been missing in action. I think you know who I’m talking about. That’s because Stanford & Sons point man Craig Glazer‘s health has taken a dramatic turn … Continue reading
Hearne: Stan Glazer’s Last (Money Grab) Stand
A moment of silence, please… Because the dude who started Stanford & Sons, ran for Kansas City mayor and went toes up in just about every biz he ever owned, “has left the building.” So says an online ad for … Continue reading
Hearne: Where Have All The Flowers Gone?
And then there were none… The long, sad exodus of beleaguered, beat down journalists from the Kansas City Star‘s proud home at 18th and Grand is in the books. The last of the last checked out on July 19th for … Continue reading
Hearne: The Pitch Fire Sells Longtime Web Address
This is just weird… I’ll make some calls and see what I can learn, but there’s something rotten in Denmark. In a manner of speaking. Because since the dawn of time, the alt weekly (turned monthly) known as the Pitch … Continue reading
Hearne: Spinning the Trump News @ 18th & Grand
Know what gets tedious? Wading through nonstop Donald Trump bashing day in and day out. Hey, I get it. When people hate their jobs, the nasty neighbor who disagrees with them, traffic snarls on the drive to work or the … Continue reading
Hearne: Will The Hallowed KU-MU Football Rivalry Return?
It’s about time… Ever since KU got its panties in a bunch over Mizzou bailing on the Big 12, leaving the Jayhawks high and dry, the oldest rivalry in Division One college sports “west of the Mississippi” has been missing in action. Missouri … Continue reading
Hearne: Beat Goes On @ 18th & Grand (e.g. 16th & McGee)
Took a while, but… With Lawrence and Topeka in the rearview mirror, at long last I’m back in the Cowtown. And with a little luck, the folks in the Philippines who work for the local newspaper will have my delivery rectified by Monday … Continue reading
Hearne: Could Today’s Newsroom Shootout Be First of Many?
Forget right and wrong… It’s always wrong to take the law into one’s own hands and kill people. What’s more, there are always going to be nut cases – regardless of their affiliation – who will perpetuate this kind … Continue reading
Hearne: Radio Ratings Return
Radio ratings, anyone? Why do I get the same feeling writing about terrestrial radio that I get when I go to a Post Office or when I write a check or read the print edition of the Kansas City Star? Because … Continue reading
Hearne: Brace Yourselves, I’m Heading Home
Enough with the promises and threats… The die is cast, I’ll be moving back to the Cowtown on July 6th. That’s right, mark your calendars because I’ve been saving up. It’s hard writing about KC while living in Lawrence and … Continue reading
Hearne: Fare Thee Well Jeneé, We Hardly Knew Ye
This was way overdue… Kansas City Star columnist Jeneé Osterheldt has been living on borrowed time. Don’t get me wrong, she’s a very nice person, but some seriously top notch journalists have bitten the dust during her 16 year tenure at … Continue reading
Hearne: Anthony Bourdain Was No Kate Spade
Think tale of two cities… Media know-it-alls are falling over themselves connecting the suicide deaths of KC designer Kate Spade and “foodie” Anthony Bourdain. Which to me says more about today’s celebrity worshipping culture than it does the hidden demons that … Continue reading
Hearne: New York Times, Andy Spade Shoot Down Star’s ‘Big Scoop’
Talk about having egg on your face… One headline from yesterday you won’t be reading in your Kansas City Star: “Kate Spade’s Death: ‘There Was No Indication And No Warning,’ Says Her Husband.” Contrast that with the Star’s front page … Continue reading