Author Archives: Hearne Christopher Jr.
Hearne: Biased Political Coverage by Star Taking a Toll
I get it… When skating on ice as thin as the Kansas City Star is the last thing one can afford to do is sit back and mail it in. So it’s not surprising that the know-it-all editorial board folks at … Continue reading
Hearne: KC Councilman Quinton Lucas Coverup, Anyone?
Talk about getting the run around… Between Lawrence police and the city prosecutor, I’m going to venture a guess that drowsy drunken city KC councilman Quinton Lucas has a decent shot at dodging a pretty nasty public relations bullet. One where the embattled … Continue reading
Hearne: Whatever Happened to Baby Jack?
Another one bites the dust… Wondering where last week and this week’s movie review went? I’ve got news. As in that movie guy Jack Poessiger has been under the weather – a viagra overdose, perhaps? Nah… Probably not, but fear … Continue reading
Hearne: KU Coach Bill Self’s Recipe for Success: Just Cheat, Baby!
Who said cheaters never win? I doubt Bill Self’s parents ever gave him that advice. If they did, he didn’t listen. Self’s more of the Al Davis “just win baby” school of thought. Good thing, too, I guess. Think of … Continue reading
Hearne: Scribe’s Spirit Reaches Out, Picks My Pocket
This may come as a shock to those of you who knew me back in my lost youth, but I don’t make sports bets… I know, shocker. But during a friendly phone call earlier this evening from Uptown Theater main … Continue reading
Hearne: Recipe for Star Survival
These are desperate times for big city newspapers… In no small part because the days of them charging usurious subscription and ad rates are a thing of the past, thanks to Al Gore‘s worldwide web. Net result: Newspapers like the Kansas … Continue reading
Hearne: Kavanaugh is Cooked Unless…
Like I said the other day… Despite the grotesque exaggerations and distortions of what appear to mostly be sophomoric, youthful indiscretions, in today’s political world it doesn’t take much to cook public figures like Brett Kavanaugh‘s goose. Or anybodies, for … Continue reading
Hearne: Is Bill Snyder Driving K-State Football Into a Ditch?
Tell it like it is time… A certain KC Confidential sports sage liked to remind readers that Kansas State football was little more than “a nice little team.” A football program being piloted by a soon-to-be octogenarian named Bill Snyder. Which … Continue reading
Lefsetz: Amazon Eats Apple’s Lunch
It’s 2003 all over again… When hardware was king and just as you got used to your latest iPod they improved it. Only this time Cupertino is behind the curve selling niche items for mucho dinero and Amazon is going … Continue reading
Hearne: Claire McCaskill Tries to Pull a Fast One
Never let it be said Claire McCaskill isn’t conniving… After all, Claire cut her political teeth right here in KCMO, tap dancing with adiabolical dudes like the late Steve Glorioso. And nobody knew how to lay the pipe to political foe … Continue reading
Hearne: Will More KU Football Wins Bring More DUIs?
Think tale of two cities… Here in the Cowtown, Chiefs fans are besides themselves (and the ghost of Craig Glazer is sure to make a return appearance this Halloween). Local football freaks are running around like somebody at Arrowhead went back in … Continue reading
Hearne: Is The American Royal BBQ On Its Last Legs?
It’s not easy being an icon, let alone a fast fading one… Unfortunately that appears to be the case with both the American Royal and now its fabled World Series of Barbecue. Once upon a time – you know the … Continue reading
Hearne: ‘Ducks’ Lawsuits About Money Not ‘Closure’
Forget touchy-feely words like “closure,” it’s always been about the money… The object of the game in mainstream journalism is to milk controversial stories like Ride the Ducks and Schlitterbahn’s Verrückt, because those are the stories that keep the lights on. And if you … Continue reading
Hearne: ‘Craig Glazer’ — Back From The Dead?
Dark humor, anyone? Then settle back and listen to a tale about a man named…Harley. That’s right, that curmudgeonly, caustic coward we’ve known and loved as – once upon a time – JoJo and more recently Boom Boom. At the risk … Continue reading
Hearne: Death of an Icon – Former Pitch Owner Village Voice Taps Out
How would you like to be the proud new owner of The Pitch right now? Allow me to answer that question for you, you wouldn’t. Because when you’re choking out a monthly print magazine in a world where even hourly information can … Continue reading
Hearne: What Do George Brett, Bob Dole, Huckleberry Hound & Mike Fannin Have in Common?
It ain’t easy being a daily newspaper… Not around these parts. Editor Mike Fannin’s recent column pleading with locals to subscribe to the Kansas City Star got me thinking. With paid readership fading fast, online advertising producing a fraction of the dough … Continue reading
Hearne: Star Sports Columnist Endorses Public Drunkeness
C’mon Sam, you gotta focus brother… Are things so desperate at the Kansas City Star that they are proffering illogical arguments to try and pander to drunken Chiefs fans? If not, why is columnist Sam Mellinger arguing against a policy … Continue reading
Hearne: Kicking Out The Drunks @ Arrowhead Stadium
Drunken expedition, anyone? The Chiefs have coined a new term for drunken idiots: “core fans.” That’s how Chiefs prez Mark Donovan characterized the team’s infamous, hardcore tailgaters in referencing a new parking area being set aside for younger, cleaner-cut football fans. … Continue reading
Hearne: Ain’t Too Proud To Beg
Just when you thought things couldn’t get any worse… Hey, when you go from more than 2,000 employees to fewer than 200, you know times are tough. And frankly, when you’re Kansas City’s 800 pound media gorilla, there’s nowhere to … Continue reading
Hearne: Won’t Be @ Craig’s Funeral
I think he’ll understand… But I’ll conducting my mourning in private – outside of my sharing with you here. Some people need to go to church to harvest their religion. Some don’t. I think it’s fair to say that over … Continue reading