Author Archives: Hearne Christopher Jr.
Hearne: What’s in a Word? ‘Bay Toe’ vs. ‘Tad’
This has been bothering me for awhile… At first because I wasn’t sure which pronunciation of Beto O’Rourke‘s first name was correct. Because pretty much everybody in the news media was calling him “Bay Toe.” But then I head one … Continue reading
Hearne: Training Wheels Journalism?
Far be it from me to school anybody on journalism… And yet… For 16 long years I turned out thousands of stories – week after week – in the most edited column in the Kansas City Star. Trust me on … Continue reading
Hearne: Bombshell Star Hawley Hit Sputters
A moment of silence, please… For the reporters and editorial writers at the Kansas City Star for the rebuke they suffered when Missouri secretary of state Jay Ashcroft shot down the newspaper’s failed attempt at derailing Josh Hawley. The newspaper’s been badgering … Continue reading
Hearne: Mass Star Exodus No Biggie
Enough with the overwrought hyperbole… That’s basically my take on the voluntary, paid departures recently announced at the Kansas City Star. No need for handwringing here. The fact that a handful of writers – mostly at or near retirement age … Continue reading
Hearne: Why The Oscars No Longer Matter
Sometimes I feel like I’m trapped on some sort of death watch… So many things are going south these days it’s hard to keep track. Sears, the Kansas City Star and Pitch, network television, shopping malls – civility in politics – the list … Continue reading
Hearne: Star Launches Laughable ‘Free Speech’ Argument
Close but no cigar… The Kansas City Star’s feeble attempt to characterize Kansas Senate Majority Leader Jim Denning’s lawsuit against the newspaper in regard to its monumental fuck up of editing and running Steve Rose‘s bogus hit piece against Denning is laughable. … Continue reading
Hearne: The Sad, Cruel Coverage of Frank White
Suffice it to say, Royals legend Frank White is up the proverbial creek… The youth who basked in the glow of the old Municipal Stadium and went on to become an eight-time Gold Glove winner over 18 star studded years playing for … Continue reading
Hearne: Hot VW News Your Can Use
Since as most of you know, I’m hot and heavy in the VW / BMW biz these days… Why not share? Especially since we’re in a pretty heavy duty transition now in terms of our automotive futures. And of course, … Continue reading
Hearne: Star Business Main Man Mark Davis Headed for the Hills
Last one out… With Kansas City Star parent McClatchy struggling to keep its head above water, another round of ostensibly voluntary buyouts / layoffs is now under way at the newspaper. The most notable journalist preparing to walk the plank: … Continue reading
Hearne: Kareem Hunt to Cleveland a Perfect Fit
Think sour grapes… No two ways about it, Star sports scribe Sam Mellinger‘s bagging on Kareem Hunt for signing with the Cleveland Browns rings more than a tad hollow. Almost as much as his columns kissing up to the athletic departments … Continue reading
Hearne: Shocker—Boulevard ‘Chocolate Ale’ Finally Delivers
They finally got it right… Four years back I broke down and took the bait on Boulevard Brewing’s much ballyhooed Chocolate Ale. It had been out long enough for me to have soaked up the hype. Valentine’s Day was fast approaching, and … Continue reading
Hearne: The Story Behind Nancy Pelosi’s ‘Teeth Sucking”
Anybody else out there following the three ring circus in Washington of late? One of the odder aspects of it all was accentuated during the State of the Union was watching Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi‘s protracted, animated lip … Continue reading
Hearne: Reader Request – Timeline for Star Print Edition
Ask and you shall receive… Inquiring comments section minds want to know: “Quick question and asking for an opinion…I take a subscription to the Star and have for 19 years. Perhaps for different reasons than you think. I take it … Continue reading
Hearne: End of Days for Steve Rose?
Sometimes you gotta know when to pack it in… And this may just be that time for longtime Johnson County scribe Steve Rose. For years Rose lorded over a twice weekly, front page column in his family-founded, freebie The Sun. Which continued … Continue reading
Hearne: The First Amendment vs. Steve Rose
Can we talk? Let’s start by clarifying a misconception that came up earlier this week re the Steve Rose / Kansas City Star brouhaha. And that’s that “free speech” has nothing to do with careless reporting and the defamation of a … Continue reading
Hearne: Inside Newsroom Baseball With Steve Rose
I’ll let you in on a secret, Steve Rose was never a journalist… He was the publisher of an inherited neighborhood weekly his parents started that he successfully helped oversee as it prospered alongside the growth of Johnson County Kansas as it exploded … Continue reading
Hearne: Lawrence Journal World Hanging On
Going, going? It’s not gone, but let’s just say the ongoing cutbacks and exoduses by and from the Lawrence Journal World don’t bode well for the small town daily. Case in point, longtime sports editor Tom Keegan slipped quietly out … Continue reading
Hearne: Will the Real Dave Helling Please Stand Up?
This guy used to matter… But former KCTV reporter, turned Kansas City Star writer Dave Helling has morphed into a something approaching a disappearing act since joining the newspaper’s editorial board. As Channel 5’s “truthwatcher” Helling was a cutting edge, keep-the-pols honest kinda … Continue reading
Hearne: The Price is Right When it Comes to Local News
The price of tea in China? Dunno, but I can tell you that I pay about $120 a year for a seven days a week print subscription to the Kansas City Star. Which as it turns out – I just … Continue reading
Hearne: ‘Google Fiber’ News Shocker?
Anybody out there got the recipe for stone soup? The Star’s Mark Davis seemed to have found it with his front page story and the headline, “Google Fiber left customers in dark on why their service was out.” Which might have … Continue reading