Author Archives: admin

Glazer: Ned Yost, Best Royals Manager Ever?

Ned Yost is now the Royals all-time winningest manger… With 411 wins Yost passed legendary Royals manager Whitey Herzog. Does that make Yost the Royals all time best manager? He took five seasons to pass Whitey and Dick Howser. Whitey won … Continue reading

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Lefsetz: NBC Should Bring Back Brian Williams

Robert Downey Jr. paid his debt to society and came back as Iron Man… NBC News anchor Brian Williams didn’t do drugs – he just lied. And he’s been off the air for months. Bring him back into his old chair because … Continue reading

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Hearne: Darlings No More – Cinderella Time History for Royals

You can’t play the role of an underdog forever… At some point in time, success not only breeds success, it breeds things like jealousy, distrust even. Such seems to rapidly be becoming the case with the darlings of last October, the … Continue reading

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Star beams: Royals for President? Hot Dawg! Trump Towers

This Royals voting thing is getting out of hand.  They just won the New Hampshire primary.                                                ******* The … Continue reading

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Hearne: Once Bitten (by ‘Once’) Twice Shy

It’s like this… If you consider yourself to be a man’s man – or anything remotely close – there’s really only one reason you should go see the musical “Once,” now though Sunday at the Kauffman Center. And that’s that if you can … Continue reading

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Hearne: Party on Stage with Stars of ‘Once’ @ Kauffman Center

It’s not often the audience get to party with the cast on stage… Unless you’ve got friends in very high places that rarely happens, and even then, not with an actual, drink-serving bar right before a Tony winning Broadway musical. I’s going down all week at … Continue reading

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Hearne: The ‘Wheres & Why Fors’ of 610 Sports’ Beat Down of WHB

Just how ugly was 610 Sports slaughtering of longtime sports radio rival WHB? Really, really ugly – beyond imagination bad – so ugly and so bad that practically out of nowhere, without warning, it well may have turned the sports talk radio tables in … Continue reading

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Paul Wilson: One Man + One Horse = True Love?

It was just another day for a Hidalgo County, Texas woman as she went to the barn to feed her horses… But in Nadia’s stall, she found a man lying in the hay with a broken leg. The man, Cirilo … Continue reading

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Paul Wilson: Everything’s RACIST, Including You, You RACIST!

The words racist and bigot have replaced the F-bomb as today’s top slurs… Oh, there are real live racists living among us, no doubt. One only has to look to Frazier Glenn Miller, the anti-Semite, white supremacist who killed three Christians while tracking down … Continue reading

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Glazer: ‘King of Sting’ Producer Stricken

Upon my arrival in Los Angels I was told some horrible tragic news… That Gordon Gray‘s two young daughters, ages 2 and 4, had contracted Batten, an extremely rare brain disease. Batten is a neurodegenerative disease that attacks the body destroying your … Continue reading

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Paul Wilson: My Wild, Whacky, Weird & Wondrous Wichita Wedding Weekend

I left Friday for a drive 178 miles south of where I actually wanted to go… So I mentally adjust my attitude to, “Hey, it’ll be time away with the girl” and that’s always nice given the rush of life. But why … Continue reading

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Lefsetz: Why the Apple Watch Sucks, Won’t Survive

I’m thinking about returning it… 1. IT’S A LOUSY WATCH I’m addicted to time, I want to know what it is, and the Apple Watch performs this function very poorly, in that its face is not always on. I could … Continue reading

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Hearne: The Decadence & Bizarreness of Online Dating

Lemme let you guys in on a secret… If you’ve noticed I’ve been indisposed lately, the reasons are multifold. Starting with I filed for divorce two months ago, listed and sold my five bedroom house in Lawrence, bought and moved … Continue reading

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Glazer: Rain, Rain, Go Away — KC in Grips of Tanning Drought

We’re in like month No. 3 of rain… Almost daily – if it’s not raining it’s cloudy and ugly. Woodside opened its pool early this year because they thought it might be a hot spring. They opened all four pools in early … Continue reading

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Hearne: How to Take a Driving Vacation to Orlando…

Who drives anywhere anymore besides me? On one hand, I remember being in the back of station wagons and cars while my parents shuttled my sisters and me to places like Michigan and the Ozarks. On the other, my dad … Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 9 Comments

Lefsetz: Then & Now

This “then” and “now” column from Bob Lefsetz totally channels former Squire publisher Tom Leathers. Check it: THEN Privacy NOW Everybody knows everything and despite protestations, (people) provide this information willingly, on Facebook, Instagram… We all want to be known, until … Continue reading

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Hearne: Memphis is Kicking The American Royal’s Butt

No two ways about it, the American Royal is on the ropes… Not only are its bread and butter horse and livestock shows drawing infinitesimally small crowds, the vaunted World Series of Barbecue is getting its ass handed to it but … Continue reading

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Glazer: Reality TV Show Shoot Goes Down May 22, 23 @ Stanford’s

It sure would be nice to have a national television show at Stanford & Sons… A reality crew from LA will shoot 10 hours a day May 22nd and 23rd at our new club at Rosana Square. So how’d it happen? The … Continue reading

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Glazer: Baltimore Riots Torpedo Stanford’s Comic

Freddie Gray was just hanging out when cops made eye contact with him…  Gray has a lengthy criminal record with over 20 arrests since 2007 for selling drugs, burglary,making drugs, assaults, the list goes on. Clearly he’s a low level … Continue reading

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Hearne: Unanswered Questions Linger in ‘Duke’s on Broadway’ Rape Story

Don’t expect the Duke’s on Grand rape story to go away anytime soon… There are just too many crazy twists and turns and unanswered questions. Starting with the gaggle of employees who hung out illegally drinking after closing hours to party … Continue reading

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