Author Archives: admin

Glazer: Humble Scribe Sizzles in the Summer Sun @ Woodside

"Summer lovin had me at last, summer lovin had me a blast"…

Truer words never spoken. I love the summer – even the 100 degree heat. It makes people go to the pools and that’s where the fun really starts. All those hotties!

Woodside has a smokin hot happy hour afternoon on Fridays. Bring a guest day starts at 3 and goes until 7 p.m. And it’s always sold out – like 300 plus adults, mostly 20s and 30s – and oh yeah, me.

Yesterday was no exception.

I ran into an old flame who asked that I not identify her – I think you can guess why. And

Black Barbie

was there and wanted to drive my Porsche. I let her but it turned out she didn’t know how to drive stick, so I had to jump in and put my foot on the brake before she ran into another car.

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Starbeams: KC Council OKs Backyard Chickens; Top 5 Cool Things

The Kansas City Council unanimously approved a measure that allows more people to have backyard chickens.  You can now own up to 15 chickens but you must keep them at least 100 feet from your neighbor’s property.


#5.  Makes it easy to call in sick with bird flu.

#4.  You can finally get to the bottom of why they cross the road.

#3.  In this weather, you’re just a short stroll away from EXTRA CRISPY.

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Glazer: SOS, Save Our Star; Hire Hearne & Jason Back

Enough is enough, sometimes we have to admit we made a mistake and fix it fast…

The Kansas City Star, which I do like overall, needs a shot in the arm bad. Really bad. The fix is not more big ads on page one or hiring more inexpensive young writers with limited talent. No.


Both should have one-off stories on Page One for a bit, then alternate that for a couple days a week.


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Glazer: Time to Erect a Statue of KC’s One & Only Superstar, Tom Watson

Got up early for radio to be at Johnny Dare’s at 6:50 AM…

Glad I turned on my TV at 4:40 AM. It was dialed into the British Open. And I looked up just in time to see Tom Watson take a 4 iron to tee off.

The ball was like a layup right into the hole – a hole in ONE.

I thought to myself, is this older tape? NO. It was live from THE BRITISH OPEN at 10:55 their time, 4:55 our time.


WATSON in his 60’s is without argument people: OUR ONLY CURRENT, WORLDWIDE SUPERSTAR.

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Hearne: Go Figure, KCFX’s Slacker Wins Men, Johnny Dare Women in June

Here’s a bit of a shocker…

Former KY102 and 99.7 KY personality Slacker has taken over as Numero Uno among men listeners, ages 25 to 54, in morning drive from 6 a.m to 10 a.m. weekdays.

Go ahead, squint, rub your eyes, stare in disbelief, Slacker nosed out The Rock 98.9 FM’s Johnny Dare for top ratings honors with a 12.5 audience share to Dare’s 12.3. Let the record show that PPM or metered ratings tend to skew more toward music format than personalities, but it’s a remarkable feat nonetheless.

Here are the rest of the Top 10 stations in morning drive in men for June

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Today: What’s in a Name? Jazz Club Owner Changes Name…Again!

Where to begin…

See, there’s this woman who worked her way up through hard charging, powerful partying and blind faith into becoming the most powerful and influential person on the Kansas City jazz scene. She’s from India, of all places and you probably know her as Beena.

For me it’s a bit more complicated…

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Hearne: And Now the Rest of the Radio Ratings; Top 10 Men & Women

Now it’s time to lay down the numbers most important to radio execs and advertisers…

The Top 10 highest rated stations in June for Men and Women, ages 25 to 54. In prime time –  6 a.m. to 7 p.m. – Monday through Friday. That’s where 85 to 90 percent of a station’s revenues are earned and its heaviest duty air personalities slug it out for the survival.

Let’s start with men…

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Donnelly: Blind Pilot at the Bottleneck, July 14, 2011

1977 Crown school bus. A very bad decision according to most tour managers we have met. A great adventure according to us.

I don’t think Blind Pilot lead singer Israel Nebeker ever stopped smiling throughout the whole show at the Bottleneck Wednesday night.

Hell, he’s probably still smiling, even though I hear, via Tweet, that the band is having some trouble out in western Kansas, probably due in part to their 1977 Crown school bus that is their home on the road.

According to the band, the old bus is "a very bad decision according to most tour managers we have met. But a great adventure according to us."

But sometimes, when something feels good you just go with it…

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Hearne: Read Her Lips; No More Ida McBeth @ Any Other KC Clubs but Jardine’s

Madonna, Shakira – entertainment giants like Live Nation have been signing artists to exclusive deals for years…

Now Jardine’s is getting in the game. The Plaza jazz club has inked an exclusive deal with the Queen of Kansas City Jazz, Ida McBeth. Meaning, no more club gigs at the Blue Room, Point or Phoenix downtown, if you wanna catch the Queen, you’ll have to go to Jardine’s.

"I signed an exclusive contract with her," says Jardine’s owner Beena Brandsgard. "Ida will only play at Jardine’s. No more Blue Room dates after her last gig there in September. And no other local clubs."

There’s more…

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Hearne: The Radio ratings That Actually Matter Get ‘Em While They’re Hot!


There’s something to be said for the 6-plus, seven day, 6 a.m to midnight radio ratings…

Starting with, anybody can get me. But the numbers that truly matter to the station and advertisers – the numbers that determine the air talent’s fates – are the demographic breakdowns that are quite a bit harder to come by.

Here are a few of them for June, released this afternoon…

The Top 20 Radio Stations in Adults Ages 25 to 54, from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday:

1)   KQRC, The Rock with a 9.3 audience share

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Jack Goes Confidential: ‘HARRY POTTER 8’ Delivers Magical Finale w/ 3-D to Match

And so the most successful cinematic franchise in the history of movies comes to an ever so magical conclusion!

Eight Potter movies in 10 years producing in excess of $6 billion in worldwide ticket sales and actually outperforming the entire James Bond series which had a 39 year long head start

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Hearne: Stop the Complete Presses, Nick Wright Really Did Beat KK This Time!

They said it couldn’t be done…

Step aside senior citizens and middle age haters, Nick Wright has done the unthinkable. He really has beaten WHB superstar Kevin Kietzman. And not via the aid of fuzzy math or the Kansas City Royals. The lowly Kansas City Royals, I might add.

Nope, we’re talking the real deal this time out. Check it.

In men, ages 25 to 54, Monday through Friday from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Wright had the right stuff.

Wright’s show on 610 Sports squeaked past Kietzman’s by a tenth of a point with a 6.8 share to KK’s 6.7.

Wright’s take on his big win?

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Hearne: The Odds of Jason Whitlock Returning to KC Airwaves on Sept. 5th?

There are few things former Star columnist Jason Whitlock enjoys more than pimping people in KC….

So after putzing around with Nick Wright on 610 Sports a few weeks back, Whitlock let it be known he just might be returning to local airwaves September 5th. Coy Tweets to that effect aside, if Big Sexy’s living so large blogging for Rupert Murdoch in LA why is he entertaining the notion of returning to a gig he was fired from here that paid measily $100,000?

That’s chump change for a blogger of Whitlock’s stature, is it not?

Having spoken recently to both of Whitlock’s former radio bosses in KC – Kevin Kietzman and Bob Zuroweste – I can tell you neither see much more than a snowball’s chance of that happening.

The $64 million question:  How good was Whitlock when he was on the air here?

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Glazer: Naked Monkey Night? Royals, Chiefs Attendance in Freebie Freefall

It’s finally happened…

Fanbases for both the Royals and Chiefs have fallen dramatically the last few years. The Royals attendance numbers are misleading due to their many low dough promotions to get people to come to the games. The Chiefs have done far fewer  giveaways thus far, but those look to be coming as well.

The Royals have been near the bottom in  American League attendance – 12th of 14 teams. They’re in a freefall. And with the team record they deserve to be. 

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Star Search: The Truth & Nothing But the Truth Re Steve Penn’s Firing by The Star

I’m about to do the unthinkable…

I’m going to tell you exactly why and how Steve Penn was fired by the Star. In my humble opinion, of course. But trust me, I spent 16 years toiling in the belly of the beast and I know how things work at 18th and Grand.

Steve Penn wasn’t merely fired because he slipped up and got caught. He was fired because he wasn’t very good – which is being generous – and the paper stumbled on to an unimpeachable reason to rid itself of him.

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Sounds Good: Noise FM@Bottleneck, Old Crap@Sprint, Hidden Pictures & Howard Iceberg@Replay

Uh oh.

More non-air conditioned shows!!… Look ouuuuuuuut!

OK, actually I’m only recommending one outdoor show this weekend. And considering how hot it’s supposed to be and the fact that the show is an early one, you might want to show up, if for no other reason than one of the performers is kinda old, kinda a KC icon, and he might just drop on stage.

Now that’s a true artist….

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Today: Star Columnist Takes One for the Team Ahead of 2nd Quarter Cutbacks

No more shaking in his shoes every three months for newly axed Star columnist Steve Penn

While the rest of the newspaper’s staff stands braced for the next round of what have become almost inevitable quarterly cutbacks and/or layoffs, Penn got his walking papers over the weekend.

"For using material that wasn’t his and representing it as his own work," the paper explained to readers this morning.

A staggering loss? Not really.

Penn, along with fellow news columnist Mike Hendricks took a major hit two years ago and were converted to part timers in one quarterly cutback. Penn took it like a man, quietly suffering the hit while Hendricks brayed and whined on his Facebook page and inviting "friends" to help him find a better-paying job elsewhere.

But that was then; and now?

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Tracy: Thunder, Lightning and No Poncho Douse Guys & Dolls @ Starlight

So there I was, alive and kicking at Starlight Theatre last night… 

When the breeze kicked in, the temps dropped blessedly from 97 degree weenie roast weather to something approaching liveable. But by song #7 – the theme to “Guys & Dolls” – the constant lightning and thunder rolling in began to frighten the assembled masses.  (The true chickens in the audience walked out early, during Adelaide’s Lament, about psychosomatic illnesses. Figures.)

Management suspended the show and it was later declared a rain out. 

Too bad, because Guys and Dolls IS the undisputed best American musical ever. 

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Star Search: Ever Wonder What It’s Like to Live in Topeka?

I didn’t think so…

So I’ll skitter past the above headline’s premise. And then let you in on a couple things about the state of newspapering in the capital of Kansas that you’ll never in a million years hear from the moist, sincere lips of jimmycsays. You know, Fitzpatrick.

Mostly because he’s not dating anybody there (like I am). At least I don’t think he is.

I’ll begin by telling you that by KC standards there’s not a whole lot to do in Topeka or T Town as some of the hipper natives refer to it. I mean, they’ve got Olive Garden, Famous Fave’s, IHOP and most of the main food groups as defined by America’s top chain restaurants. There’s a buncha other stuff, too. Family stuff, church stuff, Fred Phelps stuff and that nutty new governor Sam Brownback.

I won’t bore you with the details…


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Hearne: The Katie Horner Dilemma; Weather Channel or Quietly into the Night?

The odds of storm siren Katie Horner leaving KCTV for the joys of motherhood? Slim to none…

Oh, that’s what the station said in its wondrous press release about Horner leaving all right. That Horner “feels she needs some additional time with her young daughters."

She may feel that way to some extent, but come on. Clearly, Horner likes cashing paychecks as well – who doesn’t?

If Horner had nothing to hide, nothing to fear, why isn’t she returning phone calls?

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