Author Archives: admin

Glazer: Craig’s List, My Plan for KC Confidential World Domination

OK, here it is and this could really happen…

KCCONFIDENTIAL IS NOW MORE READ THAN THE KANSAS CITY STAR. That’s going to take a minute or a few years, but stranger things have happened!

The Star, as we all know and agree, along with all print media, is falling hard and fast. Web sites like this one are growing and there are millions of them. With a quarter million unique visitors a month, is fast becoming the most popular outside the Star and closing in on the Pitch.

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Joe Miller: Star Gazing @ 18th and Grand

A little more than 10 years ago, when I still bought into the notion of the honorable American newspaper, and there wasn’t yet a lot of talk about its eminent death, I traveled to Omaha for a journalism conference where I heard a reporter from the Kansas City Star named Mike McGraw say, “I love documents,” and my career instantly came into focus.

 “I love studying them, skimming them, sifting through them,” he said, leaning comfortably against a podium in a hotel ballroom, in a voice of sincerity and wonder and ease. And I understood, finally. 

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Starbeams: How Hot Was It, The Second Coming


It was so hot, my car over-heated shortly before I started the engine.

It was so hot, the Watson’s Girl called and asked for her pool back.

It was so hot Gatorade changed their slogan from IS IT IN YOU? To –

It’s so hot, Tiger Woods has changed his slogan from IS IT IN YOU? –

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Today: The Awful Truth About Trader Joe’s; It’s a Poor Man’s Whole Foods

First White Castle, then Starbucks, now Trader Joe’s...

Allow me to let you in on a little secret about the business reporting in the Kansas City Star. If they can find a way to make things larger-than-life, they will. I remember the newspaper’s mid-’80s hype about Kansas Citians flying in White Castle burgers from St. Louis the demand was so great.

Fifteen lackluster years later, White Castle beat it out of town, its tail between its legs.

In 1998 Starbucks came to KC. Much to the chagrin of next-door neighbor, Westport’s locally-owned Broadway Cafe. Broadway didn’t stand a chance. Ten years later, Starbucks moved on while Broadway is stronger than ever.

Which brings us to the much-ballyhooed grocer Trader Joe’s…

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Starbeams: It Was So Hot in Kansas City That…



HEAT is the number one weather related killer.  If you’re outside experts recommend you drink at least two bottles of water per hour.  The excessive heat warning has been extended through the weekend.


It was so hot Rupert Murdoch’s reporters were hacking phone lines to Sheridan’s.

It was so hot, Mike Shanin was seen wearing a 3 – piece swimsuit.

It was so hot, Nikita, the polar bear, called 1-800-BE-IDEAL for Laser Hair Removal.

It was so hot, people want to bring back Mayor Funkhouser for the shade.

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Joe Miller: Hell Hath No Fury Like Christine Brennan, Exec Managing Editor of Village Voice Media

OK, so this is some serious inside-baseball shit that will only appeal to current and former New Times / Village Voice Media Gossip Whores.

But it must be told. 

Christine Brennan is VVM’s editorial second in command, the person who oversees thew chain’s flagship paper, the Village Voice, and it’s a mystery how she got there. As far as I know, she’s only written and published one story in her career and it was unequivocally libelous.

Seriously. Just read it.

Anyone with even the most rudimentary knowledge of libel law should be able to see the burning red flags that wave all through it.

Anyway, the story is about Brennan’s ex-husband, a former Westword staff writer, with whom I once worked at an alt weekly in Boulder.

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Glazer: Legends / Village West on Fast Track w/ Retail, Livestrong, Farm Aid, KanRocksas

We all know the economy is awful…

Everyone’s looking for deals or shopping at places with big discounts and strong value. Even major concerts are on Groupon at 2 for 1 prices. Shopping malls and entertainment districts ONLY see crowds on weekends.

If then.

Well. The Legends at Village West has made its move and it’s working.

"We have a strong increase in almost every area of sales right now, the changes and additions are working well," says Amy Craft, marketing director for the area.

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Joe Miller: Confessions of a Corporate Journalism Hit Man, Part II

Long before I had any idea that Mark Funkhouser would become mayor, much less that I would work in the Mayor’s Office, he pulled me aside at a City Council meeting and said that a recent story I’d written was “wretched, absolute drivel.”

He was right.

The story in question was a fictional piece about Kansas City set in the far future, a total slam on then-Mayor Kay Barnes. The upshot was that the city had become a living hell, with pot holes the size of Midtown and sidewalks in such disrepair that people needed dune buggies just to get around.

And it was horribly mean. What I remember most is its reference to the factoid that Barnes had been a sex therapist in the 1970s.

I wrote: “It must’ve been aversion therapy.” 

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Photo Essay: Rob Zombie at Sandstone Amphitheater, July 16, 2011

We sent KCC photog, Katie Grogan, out this past weekend to see what was going on at Sandstone Amphitheater

Her report?

Lots of sweat, some hard hitting bands, and of course, zombies

Enjoy the pics…

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Glazer: Take Off the Training Wheels, It’s Time for The Star’s Sam Mellinger to Grow a Pair!

When Sam Mellinger took Jason Whitlock‘s place on the sports page of the Kansas City Star I  really thought he was going to be outstanding…

Now that he’s had the post for about a year, uh, I don’t see much excitement there.

Maybe the Star has put the brakes on Sam’s ink, but he’s become a total "homer" and kinda boring. Of course our sports world in KC is horrible. We have no good teams, but hey Sam could have gone out of the box.

For example, which Chiefs are using roids? Investigate it, Sam, it’s all out there. Or how about a story about the Royals having No Future? That would be a good one. Or, will this be Matt’s last year here?

Something, anything!

Instead Sam tows the party line way too much.

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Glazer: Rising Star T.J. Miller to Join Pal Nick Vatterott in Cameo @ Stanford’s

I’ve been in the entertainment biz long enough to know most people you help on the way up, forget you fast once they make it to the top…

They say nice things, but God help you if you need them for anything. Then there are the rare exceptions, like Lewis Black, who became a top three comedy star in the early 2000’s. Yet he came back to help open our club at the Legends in 2007. Lewis was getting around $100,000 per show, but since we were pals, and he gave us credit for helping jump start his stand up career he came in twice for much, much less money.

Great guy.

A few years back we gave another young comic a shot, T.J. Miller.

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Joe Miller: Confessions of a Corporate Journalism Hit Man, Part I

When I came to Kansas City to work for the Pitch in 2000, I was an enemy invader.

A few months before I arrived for my first day of work, the paper had been bought by a corporation, New Times, and there was a lot of tension between the new ownership and the old staff. For years, The Pitch (then Pitch Weekly) had been your classic alternative weekly staffed by underpaid, bleeding-heart, left wing writers who were free to write about whatever the hell they wanted to write, and who, truth be told, weren’t that good at it. New Times, on the other hand, owned a dozen or so papers around the country that all looked exactly the same, with formulaic stories that were beholden to no ideology, left-wing, right-wing or other-wing, and they’d won a shitload of journalism awards. 

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Caitlin: Rumors of Fall 2011 Womenswear Collection from Kanye West


Rumors of a Fall 2011 Collection from Kanye West have been circulating since last spring, and after reading recent interviews with Kanye’s mentor, Louise Wilson, I think it is safe to say that a fashion collection from Yeezy himself is about to drop.

Wilson, Professor at London’s Central Saint Martin’s College of Art and Design speaks highly of Kanye’s potential in the realm of fashion: “I’ve known him for two years now and he’s incredibly knowledgeable about fashion, he’s a global phenomenon.”

True, Kanye isn’t new to the realm of fashion or art. He has designed shoes for Louis Vuitton, attended fashion shows in Paris, and held internship positions at Fendi and the Gap.

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Joe Miller: City of Broken Dreams

Every once in a while, a stranger will tell me they appreciated the way I handled the whole Funkhouser situation, the way I went from being the former mayor’s top lackey to being all over the newspaper and TV news spilling all the secrets of the administration. The kind words bring little comfort, though, because I know from experience that in Kansas City no one ever criticizes anyone to their face, and that for every compliment I’ve received, there are likely dozens and hundreds of people who think I’m a schmuck, even people I’ve never met.

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Today: Arizona Getaway 2011; Lots More Joe, Lots Less Me

Everybody needs a vacation, whether they deserve it or not…

I obviously don’t, but I’m taking one anyway. And contrary to popular midwestern logic, that it makes no sense whatsoever to party in Tucson in July, I’m here vacationing without you.

A somewhat best kept secret; the monsoon season goes down in mid- July and August here, bringing clouds, rainfall and cooler temps. And Tucson’s temps are far cooler than Phoenix/Scottsdale – the totally yuppified areas most vacationers prefer. What heat there is, is dry and bearable, sans the merciless humidity of KC.

Here’s the really good part…

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Donnelly: Stoppage Time Goal Saves Sporting Again, Plus Brazilian Midfielder Signed


Sporting Kansas City refused to lose on Saturday night in Houston. Omar Bravo vs Houston Dynamo

No, they didn’t win either.

But they did extend their unbeaten streak to 11 games, the second best streak in all of MLS this season.

And they did it again with late game heroics – this time from central defender Aurelien Collin – snatching a point on the road after trailing for the entire game…

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Donnelly: Gin? Check. Juice? Check. Snoop Dogg Coming To Crossroads July 26th


Try this out: Ask your mom if she’s ever heard of Snoop Doggy Dogg.

I bet she has, and I bet she knows he’s a rapper.

And I bet she even knows that with so much drama in the LBC it’s kinda hard being Snoop D-O Double G.

Okay, maybe not that last part, but it just goes to show you what a ridiculously wide swath the Doggfather’s career has carved out…

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New Jack City: K.C. Worships At the Altar Of TRADER JOE’S!

Remember watching the opening of the Berlin Wall on TV in 1989?

Thousands of East Germans crushing their way through the newly opened border into West Berlin. But where were most of them really heading to on their first visit to freedom?

The supermarkets and department stores, that’s where!

That’s where everything they didn’t have in the East was available for the asking on fully-stocked shelves.

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Glazer: P&L District Implements Stern Measures to Fend Off Urban Hordes

The shooting of a 16-year-old there last month has propelled Power & Light District into high gear…

The game plan: Eliminate the urban/hip hop crowd from the downtown entertainment district.

The teenager was shot in a P&L parking garage at 1:40 a.m. after the R. Kelly concert. Obviously Kelly, a popular black singer, has had his own issues with the law.

And as we all know, most established concert venues try NOT to book black acts. Other than crossovers like Bill Cosby, Tina Turner and even Snoop Dog. There’s simply too much violence surrounding the younger urban shows. Surprised, huh? Uh, no.

Now P&L has added some new twists: A $10 COVER ON FRIDAYS AND SATURDAYS.

And get this…

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New Jack City: Harry Potter Breaks All Records, Massive Crowds Pack Plexes!


Friday’s opening of HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS-PART 2 raised the bar for Hollywood tentpoles by grossing a massive $92.1 million at North America’s boxoffices.

A good part of that huge number came courtesy of the blockbuster Friday 12:01 a.m. and 3:00 a.m. "midnight" shows which saw record-breaking ticket sales of $43.5 million.

HP8 is now on track to score a whopping $180 million-PLUS in its initial 3 day domestic opening weekend

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