Author Archives: admin

Donnelly: Bunbury Too Physical & Fast For Colorado, KC Beats Defending Champs 2-0

Was it pretty?  No.

In fact, at times last night’s Sporting Kansas City playoff game against the Colorado Rapids was downright u-g-l-y. But that was all part of the plan for Sporting Sunday when they took on the defending MLS Cup champs.

“The first half was very tentative on both parts,” said KC coach Peter Vermes after the game.  “I don’t think we gave much away and neither did they. In the second half, we talked about getting after it a little bit more because we thought they would push the game, being at home.”

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Star Search: Does The Sunday Star Pack Enough Punch?

In the achy breaky world of newspaper publishing Sunday is payday…

That’s the day that pays the bills. And in Kansas City, the Sunday Star is far and away the most important day of the week. Which explains why susbscribers have been inundated in recent months with pleadings and discount deals to buy extra copies. Get one for the wife and maybe one for the kids. That’s also why both Star Groupon deals have zeroed-in on discount deals to bump the Sunday circulation.

That’s also why the Star cut a deal a few years back with local rival the Indpendence Examiner.

"Receive a Sunday Kansas City Star with your Examiner home delivery subscription," reads the come-on at the Examiner‘s Web site. Subscribers to both the Olathe News and Lee’s Summit Journal get free Sunday Star’s as well.

How important is the Sunday Star?

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Leftridge: Just in Time for Tonight’s 1st Place Arrowhead Showdown, a Chiefs Drinking Game

This is huge.

This is monumental.

It’s been almost a year since the Chiefs have hosted such an important game at Arrowhead. Can you believe it? One whole year? It feels like eons ago. Take yourself back … where were you? What were you doing? Were you wearing something totally unfashionable? Were you drunk? Yeah, you were probably drunk.

Let’s set the mood. It was a frigid January day. The murderously stabby Baltimore Ravens were in town. Kansas City was a 4-seed, hosting their first playoff game since failing to punt in 2003’s debacle against the Indianapolis Colts.  The surprise AFC West Champions were riding the wave of an efficient Matt Cassel and an epic running game. Expectations were astronomical.

And then, like an octogenarian who indulges in too much delicious Christmas goose, Todd Haley’s squad shat all over themselves. I needn’t remind you of what happened, but I will: Cassel sucked, the defense bended AND broke, and when all was said and done, the Ravens walked out of Kansas City victorious.

But this time, it’s different.

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Leftridge: The Gruesome Tragedy of Marty Bergen

“…Mrs. Bergen was lying on the bed, with her hands raised as if in supplication or trying to ward off a blow. The little boy was lying on the floor with a large wound in the head. Mrs. Bergen’s skull was terribly crushed, having evidently been struck more than one blow by the infuriated husband. The appearance of the little girl also showed that a number of savage blows had been rained upon the top and side of her head. Bergen’s throat…”

From the New York Times, Saturday, Jan. 20th, 1900.

Superstition and sports are like peas and carrots, and nowhere is that more prevalent than in baseball. From the starting pitcher leaping over the baseline to the designated hitter not changing his socks after busting a slump. Wade Boggs ate chicken before every game.  Jason Giambi wore a gold thong.

Superstition also breeds ghosts—or perhaps it’s the other way around? Therefore, it’s understandable that ghosts and baseball make terrific bedfellows. Tales have been told about the haunted Detroit row house of America’s Original Asshole, Ty Cobb. Additionally, Cobb is said to haunt Comerica Park, a rather puzzling occurrence since he died some 38 years before it was built. Babe Ruth’s portly ghost can be found at old Yankees Stadium, new Yankees Stadium, Fenway Park and a former bordello in Marlborough, MA. Busy apparition.

But this isn’t a story about ghosts, per se, but about the violence that breeds them. Murder and madness are more frightening than any campfire tale because they’re real, tangible acts of desperation, not some unseen terror peeking out from a closet door left slightly ajar.

This is the tale of Marty Bergen, one of the craziest, scariest, most unpredictable men to ever play professional baseball.

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Hearne: Happy Halloween, Kansas City’s Drought May Be About To End

For most Kansas Citians, it’s been a storybook fall….

Beautiful weather, blue skies, bone dry outdoor festivals, flawless fall football foilage and no dashing in and out of rainstorms. It would have been the perfect year for public television station KCPT to ressurect its drenched-to-death, black tie TV Dinner fundraiser at Liberty Memorial. Oh well, too late now.

For locals without yards to water and outdoor plants to try and keep alive, it was the best of the best.

That said, in real life, it’s been one of the worst falls in Kansas City ever.

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That’s right, all caps, all of the time…

It’s that time again. When the call goes out across the heartland for writers. People with a penchant for being a part of something – arguably – kinda special.

Look, I don’t have to waste anybody’s time belaboring the many flaws here at KC Confidential. That’s why we have a comments section. So what if we can’t spell, type or proofread, etc. You know, at time. Hey, we try. And remember, our motley crew isn’t exactly in it for the big bucks.

To a man (and that includes women), pretty much everybody here is first and foremost out to inform and/or entertain. Sure, they could just blog away on their own. But with more than a quarter million unique visitors each month – and growing – it’s more fun locking horns with a larger audience.

In spite of the heat we take.

Which I don’t mind telling you, has cost us a few writers. So thanks for that.

Now on to who and what we’re looking for as we approach our third anniversary this February…

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New Jack City: Paul McCartney; ‘Got to Get Jew Into My Mind’—Oy Vey!

It’s not often that I find Jay Leno‘s tired schtick on THE TONIGHT SHOW funny.

But the other night, he had an infomercial like perody commercial that cracked me up. Here’s the premise.

Paul McCartney‘s recent marriage to Nancy Shevell is causing all kinds of speculation that he may soon be converting to Judaism. And as a token of his love for Nancy—and the faith— may soon release a special tribute re-mix album of past hits.

Here’s what to look for on the new ‘RABBI ROAD’ CD!

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Glazer: Time to Give Credit to the Greatest President in Our Lifetimes

It’s happened…

We’ve lived to see one of the greatest presidents in United States history and his name is Barack Obama. There’s no longer any doubt. Warm up Mount Rushmore.

Why, you ask?

Well, he ended the war in Iraq. On his watch, we killed a monster named Bin Laden and another one named Qaddafi as well. The nation was on the brink of a true depression and this president – under heavy fire – stopped that nightmare and reversed the direction of the economy. We’re still not all of the way back, but as of yesterday the stock market was stable and up over 12,000 again. Yes, and climbing.

This president is brilliant.

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Leftridge: Cardinals Win Much Less Exciting, Much More Important Game

Much like the recently crowned 11-time World Champion St. Louis Cardinals, I just can’t lose folks. What’s that old Jerry Reed song? When You’re Hot, You’re Hot? That’s right. That song’s about me, and my mad game-prediction skills.

See, from the beginning, I’ve been calling this a Cardinals’ championship in 7. If you don’t believe me—and frankly, I’m a little insulted—go back and check yesterday’s piece. It’s all right there, laid out cleanly (and honestly). I even called how the shit would go down, you see? Allen Craig starting in leftfield? Yeah, I knew he’d get Berkman and The Bombers started early with a blast off of Texas starter Matt Harrison. That set the table for a persistent offensive attack that didn’t let up.

So, congratulations to Tony LaRussa and his Cardinals, and in fact, the whole goddamned city of St. Louis. Man, I love that place. The Arch. The Professional Bowling Hall of Fame. That runny fucking Provel cheese they insist on putting on all of their pizzas. What a fine little town.

Ok… you got me. I can’t go on living this charade.

Maybe I didn’t pick the Cardinals. Maybe I was completely wrong. I guess the pressure of picking at such a high rate of success just overcame me. It ain’t easy keeping up with the Glazers.

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Hearne: Glazer’s Funeral Rip Off, Lezak on MU, Chiefs, Local Sports Media Cheer for SEC & Lotus Hits Fairway

Wild week – funerals, apple orchard odysseys, corn maze deliverances – time to catch up…

If the shoe fits, be glad you’re not Jewish. And dead. Stanford’s Craig Glazer found out the hard way that when it comes to Jewish funerals in KC, money is no object. That is, if you use to go to Jewish funeral home, which he did. To the tune of just under $16,000 all in. And dad Stan already ponied the plot.

For the record, that’s nearly double what the Glaze would have been banged for had he gone to Charter Funerals.

The flip side of that deathmare: the rabbi Glaze was required to use laid down a kickass acapella rendition of R Kelly’s "I Believe I Can Fly."

"I thought he did a great job," Glazer says. "And he only had one day to learn the song."


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Glazer: Forget The NFL, College Football is Where the Action’s At This Weekend


College football is a different tale than the pros….

It’s a far safer play. The good get better, while the semi strong fall. It’s clear that LSU and Alabama are BY FAR the best two teams in college football. No argument.

The real National Championship Game is November 5th between these two great, great college football teams.

Stanford is likely 3rd best. Oklahoma got exposed as good, not great. Same with Wisconsin. K-State can get legit with a win over OU this Saturday. And Oklahoma State is likely the 4th best team in the country and the overall champion of the Big 12.

So with all this in mind, college is the money play this week – not pro – pro football is too tough, too even.

Now the pics…

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Glazer: The State of the NFL & This Week’s Pro Picks

The football season’s half over…

We see teams – as always in the NFL – that have weakened. And some that have gotten decent. For three reasons; Injuries, defenses getting better and no real dominant teams.

Only Green Bay is a monster because of Aaron Rodgers. Green Bay’s D is still below average and needs to improve if they want to win it all. The Steelers are tough, but beatable by average or above average teams. The Saints have the offense but little defense thus far. New England is all Tom Brady and has no defense either.

Detroit‘s "lucky charms" have given out. They’re good, not great – a 10-6 team. The Eagles are getting better, but are still shaky. Dallas is better but still losing too much. The Giants are a potential wild card.The Chargers can lock up the west with a win at KC Monday, Oakland is too wounded. Denver is better than you think but not good enough.

The Chiefs have come back, but against horrible teams so we still don’t know if they are decent or poor.

In other words, it’s the up for grabs league.

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Starbeams: Twine Time, Medical Marijuana to the Rescue & China Top Kansas in Ripping Off Missouri

The National Endowment for the Arts has denied the state of Kansas any federal money to replace funds slashed by the state for arts programs earlier this year.  We need that guy who made the giant ball of twine to cut off his ear in protest.


Welcome to fall!  The city of Lawrence reports six cases of the whooping cough.  Patients are experiencing rapid, violent coughing, runny noses, congestion and sneezing.  Strange side note…all six patients in Lawrence have requested medical marijuana. 


It’s colder than a hand shake with Todd Haley.

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Leftridge: Game 7! Game 7! Game 7! and Other Things to Watch This Weekend

Oh, my.

In case you missed it, Game 6 was one hell of a… something. Debacle? At times. Barrel of monkeys? Perhaps.

If you’re waking up as a Rangers fan, you’re thoroughly disgusted. Your team squandered leads in the 8th and 9th innings, managed to regain the lead in the 10th, give it right back in the bottom half of the inning, and ultimately lose it in the 11th. Cardinals’ postseason sensation David Freese pissed all over your Toaster Strudel, ripped your heart out, did a Texas two-step on it, and told you to like it.

If you’re a Cardinals’ fan, you couldn’t have penned a better ending to a game that was marred early and often by sloppy, Little League caliber play.

Steven St. John said it best on Twitter:

“Is there a keg in each dugout? I think both teams are drunk.”

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Jack Goes Confidential: ‘Puss’ Goes At It Alone. Unveils New Family Franchise

Look what the cat dragged in…

Ooops, that IS the cat. PUSS IN BOOTS, one of the most popular characters from the SHREK franchise, gets the spotlight here alongside an equally loveable cast of characters. While taking us back to Puss’ origins—his orphanage upbringing and early days of mischief with running buddy Humpty Alexander Dumpty – today still chasing his childhood dreams. Going for the magic beans. Climbing the bean stalk. Jack and Jill. The Golden Popper (a.k.a. The Golden Goose)…and so much more.

Antonio Banderes leads a strutting, star-stutted voice tracks cast of Salma Hayek, Zach Galifianakis, Billy Bob Thornton and Amy Sedaris.

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JACK GOES CONFIDENTIAL: Johnny Depp’s Hunter S. Thompson Adventure Underwhelms

Honest to God, I was really looking forward to this one…

After all, having Johnny Depp tied to a autobiographical Hunter S. Thompson project as both its star and producer should make for an extraordinary night out at the movies.

In THE RUM DIARY Depp dumps the madness of 1960 New York, escaping to tropical Puerto Rico and a rum soaked lifestyle as an island reporter for The San Juan Star—shady dealings and all.

Industry rumors that this movie’s been sitting on the shelf for almost 2 years now should’ve been my first clue that I’d be in for disappointment. This thing is incoherent, unfocused and its editing leaves a lot to be desired.

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Jack Goes Confidential: ‘MARGIN CALL’; Greed Is Good—Until It Implodes

Fans of American business classics like GLENGARRY GLEN ROSS and WALL STREET are in for a treat!

MARGIN CALL is an excellent thriller set in one 24 hour cycle during the 2008 Wall Street meltdown. It revolves around a number of key players at a major investment bank on the brink of imminent chaos and collapse.

It’s a real Wall Street nailbiter delving into the actions and reactions of the people who choreographed those complex financial schemes and whose after effects continue to blight the lives of tens of millions of their fellow citizens.

What makes it so compelling is it’s told through their eyes. From their point of view and almost makes you feel for them and root for these flim-flam artists as they dump huge chuncks of worthless assets on unsuspecting customers—many of whom will go bust so that the firm can survive.

It’s convincing, complelling—-and scary as hell!

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Glazer: Scribe Does a Little Nail Biting While Handicapping Remainder of Chiefs’ Season

It was your humble scribe who first noticed just how horrible the Kansas City Chiefs looked to end up…

With the close of last season, it was clear to me that this was a very bad team. They had no quarterback, true running game (one that could drive the field and score, sorry), the defense was poor, the coaching lame and the general manager seemed to be a bust as well.

All bad, very bad.

I watched the preseason unfold and it was even worse. The Chiefs were a team trying to win just one game and they couldn’t. I had no doubt that they were one of the two or three worst teams in football.

Unfortunately, now it looks like I should have made that bet on the under when it was 8 1/2 instead of 7 games.

Now what looked like a sure thing – and nothing is these days – might become a nightmare for your poor scribe. A team that everyone else figured out way after me, that looked to be the NFL’S WORST, is now playing for FIRST PLACE MONDAY NIGHT AT HOME.

Lordy, lordy, lordy – shocker!

OK, now let’s get a little more real.

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Hearne: It’s Time for News Radio KMBZ to Bring Back Tom Becka


In the spirit of not missing your water til the well runs dry, it’s time to bring back one of KC’s best talk show hosts…

Former KMBZ personality Tom Becka never turned in Rush Limbaugh-like ratings during his tenure here, and his raspy voice was a known irritant to former Entercom boss Bob Zuroweste. That said, the 50-something yakker looks like Prince Charming in the rearview mirror compared to most of the hosts that have followed in his footsteps.

And until radio giant Clear Channel pulled the plug on its stations across the country yesterday, Becka was kicking butt and taking names at KFAB in Omaha. He was let go as part of the sweeping cutbacks reported by Chicago media columnist Robert Feder.

"When the largest radio company in America assembles its major market general managers in Chicago today. it won’t be to tell them what a swell job they’re doing," Feder wrote yesterday. "Instead, if knowledgeable industry reports are correct, Clear Channel Radio will set in motion massive cutbacks that could lead to what one analyst called ‘a new form of local radio.’ ”

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Sounds Good: Social Distortion@Midland, Quiet Corral@Granada, The War On Drugs@Jackpot


This weekend is the real KC slut-walk…

You know, slutty witches, slutty nurses, slutty pirates, even slutty zombies.

Halloween just has a way of turning everything into a bikini contest. That’s the real trick.

Or is it the treat?

Either way, here’s where to go and what to listen to while you’re getting your slut on…

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