Author Archives: admin

Donnelly: David Bazan@The Bottleneck, November 5, 2011


The road is hard…

On the way to Lawrence to play a gig at the Bottleneck with local indie rockers, Cowboy Indian Bear, David Bazan and his band mates ran into some trouble with their transportation. Something about a messed up wheel, "but they will definitely be here eventually" the Bottleneck staffer assured me.

There’s nothing worse than breaking down in the middle of nowhere, especially when you have some place to be. You feel helpless, you’re not sure if you can get the right parts in time, and you’re resigned to just hanging in the local truck stop drinking coffee and perusing the Dr. Hook Greatest hits cd rack for hours.

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Hearne: Don’t Blame Mizzou for Bailing, Take a Look in the Mirror

When it comes to double standards, we’ve all got em…

So while there’s been no shortage of bellyaching about Missouri leaving the Big 12, why the vilification? All that hocus pocus about it being shameful for Mizzou to turn its back on family and friends in the Midwest. How dare they perform such a tasteless act of conjugal sports infidelity.

Is nothing sacred?

In a word, no. It’s been a lifetime since sports fans shed what few illusions remain as to professional sports teams true loyalties. Not since Babe Ruth left Boston to play for dreaded rival the New York Yankees. Who doesn’t recognize that today’s Green Bay Packers and Kansas City Chiefs are merely mercenaries. We root for them with a suspension of disbelief, just like when we pretend what we see at the movies is real.

Rarely do members of pro sports teams have much more than fleeting affiliations with the cities and fans that root for them.

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Glazer: Scribe Calls Upon Clark Hunt to Step It Up For Otis Taylor

Few would argue that without No. 89, Otis Taylor, the Chiefs would have won ZERO Super Bowls.

"I can tell you this, Taylor scared the hell out of every team we played against," former Chiefs quarterback Len Dawson. said at a rally for Taylor a few years back. "More than anyone on this football team’s offense, he deserves to be in the Hall Of Fame."

Taylor and Dawson with a great defense sent Kansas City to Super Bowls One and Four. It was Taylor’s dramatic sideline catch, memorialized forever on NFL films, that broke open Super Bowl Four and sent KC home as World Champions in 1970.

Now it’s time Clark Hunt and the Chiefs organization put the pedal to the metal for Otis Taylor.

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Sounds Good: HUM, Gift of Gab @ Record Bar; David Bazan @ Bottleneck, WWIII Tour @ Uptown

This weekend has a little something for everyone. Yes, everyone…

The sportos, the motorheads, the geeks, sluts, bloods, wasteoids, dweebies and dickheads. That pretty much covers all the readers here at KCC, doesn’t it?

So the question isn’t, "What are we going to do?" The question is, "What aren’t we going to do"?

Friday, November 4th

Hum at the RecordBar in KC

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Glazer: Scribe Still a Bit Goosey but Looks Ahead to ‘Game of Century’ & Prays for Chiefs Loss

Well, last week was my worst…

Just over 50%, it was bound to happen.That drags my season down to just under 90%. So I need a comeback week. Lke I said, I never really expected to be picking at this high level in the first place. Over 65% is very good.

However, we made this far and now that the second half of the season is well under way, let’s roll, baby!

There’s game of the century – big – but not the biggest; LSU at Alabama.There’ve been plenty of Oklahoma/Nebraska, Ohio State/Michigan,USC/Notre Dame games, but this is still one of the top games in the past 25 years. Both teams are undefeated, have great defenses and great coaches.

But this game falls short for one big reason, NO BIG NAMES.

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Hearne: The Truth, The Whole Truth & Nothing But The Truth About Holly Starr

Did Holly Starr get fired by 38 The Spot? Is she pregnant? Did she sleep with Jason Grill?

The answer to all of the above questions is a resounding No.

As in, none of the above. Now let’s get down to the business at hand; finding out the latest on Kansas City’s missing-in-action, smoking hottest star. The grrrrl who ceded her post as spokesmodel for local television station 38 The Spot last summer to stay home with two-month old daughter Brinklee.

That’s right, Brinklee. That a family name?

"No, it’s just something I thought of," Starr says. "I couldn’t think of a name and I was researching names and I thought, I’ve always respected Christie Brinkley. So she’s not named after Christie Brinkley, but that’s where I got the name. And then I changed the spelling."

Starr kept her TV gig through the majority of her pregnancy, calling it quits only last July as she morphed from the two year-old pic of herself in the red bikini shown here, to queen-sized mother-to-be.

"Thank goodness you didn’t say, king-sized, but I’ll be wearing that red bikini again very soon," Starr quips.

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Leftridge: Weekend Watch: Filet o’ Fin, K-State’s Slide Continues & National Champ is Crowned

The weather has gotten decidedly crappier. The leaves are all mostly dead, the winds have turned bitter and hateful, and everywhere around the city, heaters are clicking on left and right, making that weird, burning smell they get the first time you use them for the year. Wait… your heater does that, right?

Oh shit. Am I going to die?

Well, if I am, I certainly hope God finds it in His compassionate heart to wait until after this weekend. There’s a lot of good football to be watched, and couches to be lounged upon. It may even be time for the first pot of chili. You heard me, chili. 

And though one could be driven nuts trying to pare down what to watch, here are but a few ideas. 

Miami Dolphins (0-7) at Kansas City Chiefs (4-3), 12pm CT, Sunday

Miami is really, really, really… really bad, right? I mean, 0-7. A rotating cast of Keystone quarterbacks (well, two, but you’ve gotta imagine that the recently signed JP Losman will make it into a game sooner or later, after Matt Moore throws three or four picks in a half, right?). A mostly terrible running game. This should be a cakewalk for the Chiefs, right?

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Starbeams: Time-Warner to the Rescue, Smoked Money & Hot Intern Fundraiser

Kansas residents are fed up with people crossing over the median and causing head-on collisions on K-10, so the state will finally install cable where crashes have occurred.  The cable will be installed by Time Warner so it should be done by Tuesday between noon and four.


Bank of America at College and Antioch closed Wednesday because of a small fire in the computer room that filled the bank with smoke.  Now the bank is charging five dollars for the withdrawal of fresh-smoked money.

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Jack Goes Confidential: Stiller & Murphy Muddle Through ‘TOWER HEIST’ Script

Ben Stiller and Eddie Murphy team with an all-star ensemble cast to serve up the new action comedy TOWER HEIST...

Stiller, plays the second in command at The Tower–filmed at Trump Tower—a luxury high rise in Manhattan where New York’s super rich reside and expect nothing short of excellence in every department.

Also residing in The Tower’s penthouse is wildly successful Wall Street trader and billionaire Alan Alda. He’s nice enough a guy. Very approachable by the staff, but as we soon learn, a Bernie Madoff kinda crook who swindled billions from investors.

Making matters even worse, Stiller had recently entrusted The Tower employees’ pension fund to Alda for management.

And it’s all gone!

But Stiller’s got a hunch that a fair reserve sum of money may still be hidden in the penthouse where Alda is being held under house arrest.

Time for Stiller to organize his troops to raid the place and hopefully get their money back.

Think of it as Robin Hood And His Merry Doormen.

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Hearne: 38 The Spot Wants YOU To Be The Next Holly Starr

Who will be KC’s next "It Girl"?

For more than three years Holly Starr was Kansas City’s poster child for smoking hot babes. She ruled the nightlife and the media roosts, via her TV hottie gigs on 38 the Spot and was squired at one time by Chiefs quarterback Tyler Thigpen.

In short, Starr was the cure for the common Watson’s Girl.

Then last year Starr did the unthinkable and got married.

The 30-something hottie’s biological clock was ticking hard and she wanted children. To that end, Starr has a two month old daughter and is passing the Channel 38 baton to a playa-to-be-named-later. 

But not much later.

38 the Spot is hard at it, searching for Starr’s replacement with it’s officlal "Drive Now Auto Credit Talent Search"

That’s right, ladies and gentlemen, the search for Holly Starr’s replacement is sponsored by a used car dealer.

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Hearne: America’s Pub to Leave Manor Square in Westport, Looking for New Digs

It’s all over but the shouting…

The end is near for America’s Pub as far as Westport’s Manor Square is concerned. Its lease is up at year’s end and will not br renewed, itsattorney says.

"It’s inconcievable to me as to why manor Square wouldn’t want to have a tenant paying a large amount of rent for space that’s third generation," says America’s Pub attorney Harris Wilder. "I mean, you’ve been to America’s Pub – that place needs a complete makeover."

Once-upon-a-time, America’s Pub was a white dude magnet that fit right in with Westport nightclubs like Kelly’s. Like its sister America’s Pub in St. Louis, which Guide to St. Louis describes as an "elegant pub (that’s) been rocking in the heart of St. Louis entertainment district at Westport plaza since 1996… (It’s) basically a sports bar with…a great sound system to play your favorite dance songs every night."

However America’s Pub here, like Stanford’s Club 504 before, morphed into a largely urban dance club, becoming the scape goat for Westport’s media hyped African American issues. Such as the Brian Euston killing last year that went down just outside America’s Pub at closing time.


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Donnelly: Sporting Slaps Colorado Around (Again), Kansas City Celebrates

Hey Kansas City, your team just advanced to the conference finals. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think KC has had a winner like this in, what, 10-plus years?

Bask in it. It’s been a while since we’ve had a true contender.

But last night, in the miserable cold and rain, KC soccer fans showed why they’re among the best in the MLS.

They braved the elements and filled sold-out LIVESTRONG Sporting Park with the song and energy to help propel Sporting Kansas City‘s boys in blue into the Eastern Conference finals. The design of the stadium – in which every seat is covered – provided some shelter from the storm, and the gutty performance of the team did the rest.

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Hearne: Will Best Buy Be The Next Major Big Box Store To Bite The Dust?

The mission; break down the impending demise of Best Buy...

A month ago, I interviewed Lawrence audio/video icon John Kiefer of Kief’s about the sorry state of the area electronics biz and it’s uncertain future in the digital age. As a more-or-less regular guy type dude, it hasn’t been that long since stopping by a Best Buy to pick up a new Green Day or Arcade Fire CD was a normal occurence.

And holiday shopping trips were practically a must.

No mas.

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Hearne: Plaza Academy Makes Bold Move into Heart of Westport Party Zone

One of Kansas City’s most jinxed joints is about to get a new lease on life…

The Plaza Academy, a school for troubled teens is relocating in the heart of Kansas City’s most historic party zone at 610 Westport Road. The move will place the grades 9 through 12 school smack between Kelly’s and the Beaumont Club.

Along a sidewalk that smells like vomit on any given Sunday.

Westport’s Bill Nigro sees it as as a welcome addition to the hood.

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Starbeams: Chargers Out Suck Netflix, Dexter’s Oil Slick & KCPD at Arrowhead


The San Diego Chargers released an official statement about playing at Arrowhead. It said that thanks to the 76,000 fans, the Chargers had a worse fourth quarter than Netflix


Remember the BP oil spill in the Gulf?  All the remaining oil has finally been contained in Dexter McCluster’s hair. 

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Glazer: Hide the Children, The ‘Cat’ is Back, This Weekend @ Stanford’s

Bobcat Goldthwait‘s starred in everything from "Happily Ever After" (with ex Nikki Cox)" to his memorable role in "BLOW" ("I can’t feel my face")…

He directs Jimmy Kimmel Live (has for years), was on the Chappelle show a ton, set the couch on fire on the Tonight Show (and was arrested) and even did Hollywood Squares and SCROGGED. But Goldthwait will always be best remembered for his four Police Academy films with Michael Winslow and crew.

And now the Bobcat at Stanford’s this Friday and Saturday Night.

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Glazer: Scribe Salutes Chiefs & Eats Some Hat

In one of the biggest turn arounds in modern NFL history, the Kansas City Chiefs saved their season, their coach, their quarterback and gave their fans total joy…

From 0-3 to 4-3 and first place WOW.

Yes, my SURE bet looks to be in big trouble. This team may win more than 8 now. They believe in themselves. When nobody believed, nobody.

Yes, we’re in a weak division. Yes, Phillip Rivers gave the game to KC. What a moron. On the 15 yard line with one minute and change to play, hef umbles! What? Kick it dummy.

This team has more heart then maybe any Chiefs team in years.

They now have two great receivers and a very good one on this squad. This team now has more weapons than any team in our division. Its one issue is still the quarterback.

Matt THE FRANCHISE Cassel is still is below average.

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Hearne: Gusto Lounge Turns Over Not-So-Seedy New Leaf In New Westport Home

Leave us not mince words….

The Gusto Lounge and its forbear, the Lava Room at 3810 Broadway in Midtown, were joints of highly questionable repute. Without a doubt the hood on Broadway – especially at night – can get a little seedy.  A lot seedy at times.

Some of the online customer accolades over the years helped to tell the tale. Describing the Lava Room as "creeptastic," a place that "looks like the last stop before hitting rock bottom or a prep room for convicts."

After Gusto grabbed the Lava Room’s soiled baton two years back and reopened with a knock off Schlitz Beer logo, area hoodsters crossed their fingers, eyes and toes and hoped it might attract something approaching a kinder, gentler crowd.

Fat chance.

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Leftridge: Chiefs Take First, as Told Through Tweets

I’m not gonna lie. I can’t lie. I turned this game off. With the score tied, and the Chargers within chip-shot range, with two minutes or so left, I turned the channel to Palladium, where they were showing “Lemmy”, a documentary about Motorhead’s mole-faced front man. I watched a few different people discuss their favorite Motorhead song—Dave Grohl cited the Ace of Spades, I believe, as did Ice-T—and turned it back, fully expecting to catch some sort of potentially newsworthy, icy handshake between Todd Haley and Norv Turner.

Instead, I saw Matt Cassel dropping back with the ball.

What the fuck? I

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Glazer: King of Sting Movie Still on the Drawing Board

Many of you have asked for an update on the King of Sting movie..

I’ve been working towards the making of a film on my life since 1981. And if you’ve read my book, KING OF STING, you know the story. However, since most of you haven’t, I’ll fill you in on what’s going on today.

A quick history: In 1981 I wrote a treatment and query letter about my life and sent it to about 20 agents and book companies that I found in library. Good luck, right?

But I got lucky and had about four agents interested, including one from Hollywood. I also managed to get several articles written about me and my partner in crime Don Woodbeck. CBS had a movie division, and they bought our pitch in1982 for several hundred thousand dollars. We were on cloud nine. And Don and I lived on that money until his death in 1983.

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