Author Archives: admin

Car: Honk If You Love Jesus; Top 12 Gay Cars (Don’t Even Ask How Many I’ve Owned)

Don’t take this the wrong way, but…

Between the rancor over Craig Glazer‘s new, sizzling hot Lotus Evora – and the thumping I’ve taken over trading my earth-saving Toyota Prius for an ever-so-humble Fiat 500 – it got me to thinking. Because ever since Fiat’s J Lo TV spots began running during Chiefs games, all I’ve heard is how unmanly the little bugger is.

And clearly, the dudes who like to knock the Fiat most are Mini Cooper worshippers.

That despite the fact that the Mini lists for $5,000 more, has several inches less rear legroom and has 50 percent less trunk space. Yeah, the Fiat’s a bit slower, but it rides better, handles about the same and gets better mileage.

But back to the "manly man" stuff…

If the Mini’s so damn macho, why is it that nearly half its drivers are chicks?

And who exactly is buying all those Union Jack decals atop the Mini’s roof? Could it be women and gay car buyers? Which got me to thinking; am I driving a chick magnet – as some have implied – or a gay-mobile?

Exactly which cars are considered "gay" and are most popular with gay car buyers?

As Greg Hall likes to say, read on…

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Donnelly: JMU Head Soccer Coach Talks About What Makes MLS ROY CJ Sapong So Special

Last week it was announced that Sporting KC’s CJ Sapong was named the MLS Rookie of the Year...

  The recognition wasn’t all that much of a surprise given the season that CJ put together for KC. But remember when Sporting drafted the youngster with the 10th overall pick in the MLS SuperDraft last winter? Almost universally, the pick was criticized by soccer people as a severe reach. 

Most other teams didn’t even have Sapong on their boards, let alone in the top ten.

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Car: Move Over J Lo, ‘Wicked’ Fiat Abarth Debuts at Los Angeles Auto Show

Stand down Mini Cooper chauvinists, your Fiat 500 bashing days are numbered….

Make fun of the J Lo ad spots if you want, even though there’s no arguing that the Mini has been a total chick car as well from the get-go. However, as of now the Fiat’s "manhood" can no longer be questioned. Not after the "small-but-wicked" Fiat 500 Abarth is announced at the Los Angeles Auto Show.

So read it and weep:

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Sounds Good II: Tech N9ne @ The Midland & Demetri Martin @ The Uptown

Too much of a good thing? Nah…

Here’s a second installment of what to do this weekend, just to make things a little more interesting.

Saturday, November 19th
Tech N9ne at the Midland in KC
After releasing All 6’s and 7’s in June of this year, Tech N9ne’s album quickly shot up the charts, selling over 55,000 copies in its first week, and landing at #1 on the Billboard Rap Albums chart.  It featured a bunch of guest performers including Snoop Dogg, Lil’ Wayne, Busta Rhymes, T-Pain, and others. 

But he didn’t stop there.

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Hearne: Unreported Truth; MU Coach Pinkel Backed Paterno, Blew Penn State Call

The mindless minions who rely on the print edition of the Kansas City Star for news were treated to this headline yesterday:

"Penn State News Disgusts Pinkel"

Unfortunately, what those readers are unaware of is, the Star‘s story was little more than a mulligan for the Mizzou football coach Gary Pinkel. That after Pinkel blew it badly last week on St. Louis radio, where he was not only not disgusted by the Penn State nightmare, he effectively came down on the side of its fired and disgraced football coach Joe Paterno.

Where was this reported? On former Riverfront Times alt weekly main man Ray Hartman‘s blog, that’s where.

Hartman’s headline: "Gary Pinkel Cuts A Little Slack For Joe Paterno"

No tap-dancing there.

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Glazer: Scribe Rips Off Shirt, Comes Clean on Rug, Puffs Out His Lotus, Commands Respect

OK sports fans and Glazer haters here we go…

Let me start by saying these are things I did as Father Time moved in on my ass. YOU DON’T HAVE TO FOLLOW MY ADVICE. It’s simply advice – take it or leave it.

This is not a ME story but a YOU story.

If you are a younger reader, these are things to consider down the road. If you are over 40 these are issues facing you right now. One thing to keep in mind, with modern medicine many of these options will change and become better.

Some of you are happy with the way you are, and that’s fine.

However if you have some vanity and want to battle the clock, HAVE AT IT!

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Hearne: How the FFA Screwed KC & We Got Stuck w/ R. Crosby Kemper Jr.’s AFA

It’s like this; once upon a time the annual National FFA gangbang was one of KC’;s most prized possessions…

From it’s inception, each October for 70 years, thousands of blue-jacketed farm kids clod-hopped their way here, dropping tons of dough while behaving well. They were colorful, plentiful, magical even. That is, until 1998 when Louisville stole ’em – walked off with our tourism crown jewel – and they’ve been gone ever since.

KC politicos vowed to get ’em back, but nearly a generation has passed since the 37,000-strong blue-jacketed farm kids last roamed the Plaza and Downtown.

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Leftridge: Tales From the Tweet: Penn State Perspectives, Ultimate Fighting & Javier’s Pee-Wee Love

So the big news over the past couple of weeks—obviously—has been the unfolding of events at Penn State. There have been hundreds of stories blogged, Tweeted and shared since the news first broke, and the fact of the matter is, I have nothing to add. I have no personal experiences to relate (and for this, I am grateful) and every thought that I’ve had regarding the situation has already been emoted by a plethora of others.

Twitter, unsurprisingly, played a large role in the dissemination of the story and allowed people around the world to share their thoughts, both well-articulated and ridiculous. Here were a handful of Tweets, both interesting and stupid.

@jcharles25 (Jamaal Charles, Chiefs RB)

“Took long enough for Paterno to get fired. Now he should be sent to jail along with his child molesting assistant coach!!!”

It’s always refreshing to hear an athlete with balls say what they think, whether you agree with them or not. I don’t know anyone who’s a fan of the whole, “man, whut a tuff situation for all them peoples.” If you’re going to take the time to tap our your 140 characters, make them count. 

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Sounds Good: Chris Isaak@Uptown Theater, The Royal Bangs@Jackpot Saloon

Things are slowing down a little bit around here…

After last weekend’s barrage of quality shows, we now are slipping a little bit into the doldrums of the live music season, which seems to run from about Thanksgiving to February or so.

It’s cold out (normally), so girls don’t want to go out. And if girls aren’t going out, then dudes don’t go out either.

That shouldn’t really be the case this weekend, though, because one, Chris Isaak is in town. And he brings his own tropical climate with him.

Don’t say I didn’t give you a heads up guys…

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Starbeams: Top 5 Demands of Occupy Springfield Protestors

Police arrested eight Occupy Springfield protesters last weekend.

Now Here Are The Top 5 Demands of Occupy Springfield Protestors:

#5. Build a giant electric fence around the Stock Market.

#4. Poor people should get just as many "throwed rolls" as wealthy people.

#3. Graduating Kickapoo students need more poo to kick.

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Glazer: Wave Goodbye to the Chiefs Matt Cassel & Todd Haley

MATT ”THE FRANCHISE” Cassel, was benched yesterday…

Chiefs coach Todd Haley came up with the hurt hand story. Matt might need an operation. Right. Matt has a sore hand, maybe a broken finger. Remember when Steve Deberg played with a stick in his finger with two of them busted?

It’s the beginning of the end for Todd and Matt.

Unfortunately for the Chiefs, it took too long in coming. I like Todd, it just didn’t work out. This team has been awful the entire time. They stunk last year too, if you’re being really honest. It’s time to say goodbye.

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Mermaid: The Summer of Love; Out With the Geezers, In With the Boy Toys

I had a glorious summer- one of inner peace, reckless fun, and lotsa dating experiences…

The age group of the dudes ran the gamut from 33 to 60 (and no, it wasn’t Craig). Through my long, hard journey of men, I found that the strangest myth I knew did not hold truth. The myth that older men were wiser, more refined, and stronger emotionally than the younger crowd.

I have believed this my entire life. Even in high school I never went out with boys my own age.

I went out with college boys. So when the rest of my friends were going to Winstead’s on the weekend I was going to Steak and Ale. Back then, I think I had it right. Now I am not so sure…..

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Glazer: This Just In…Chiefs Are a Clown Act; My Bet Is Safe!

It finally happened…

Tim Tebow and the Denver Broncos put the Chiefs out of their misery. It’s over folks. The Chiefs who in – get this – 25 regular season games HAVE PLAYED AND BEATEN NO GOOD TEAMS…WOW. Only the Baltimore Ravens and the Colts, who both beat our CLOWN SHOW, were playoff teams.

The Colts were seeing their window close and Baltimore crushed one of the NFL’s worst teams in the pretend play-off post season last year. Only the failing Chargers took a loss to the lowly Chiefs. This year we lost badly too two rising teams the Bills and the Lions. And neither of those teams are gonna smell a Super Bowl this year.

So yeah, we are a CLOWN SHOW.

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Hearne: The Baby Lisa Story Nobody Else in KC (Including KCTV) is Reporting

As I’ve said before, some of the biggest scoops in recent years have been broken by the National Enquirer...

They may play a bit fast and loose with the celebrity fluff at times, but when it comes to nailing down news like the John Edwards love triangle or our own Missing Baby Lisa story, they play it pretty straight down the line.

Which brings us to the Enquirer’s "Twisted Secret Life Of Baby Lisa’s Mom" story.

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Leftridge: Weekend Recap, Winners, Loser and More Than a Few Happy Trails

This HAS to spell the end for Boxcar Haley’s reign of terror., right….

Please tell me he’ll be shown the door tomorrow, lest I vomit blood down the front of my vintage Marc Boerigter jersey.

And before people start freaking out, and shouting that this was a team loss, let me stop you: you’re right. It was ABSOLUTEY a team loss.

Matt Cassel was his usual, terrible self. Jonathan Baldwin—who had one of the top catches of the year negated by a penalty (not his fault)—dropped balls like he was playing with hooks for hands. The offensive line was disgusting, getting soundly beat on a majority of their plays. The defensive line, which has been a continual weakness throughout this season, let some jerk named Lance Ball run over them.


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Donnelly: The Jayhawks @ The Beaumont Club, November 12, 2011

Nothing fancy here.

At least it didn’t seem fancy.  It seemed simple and just right.

Watching The Jayhawks’ lead electric guitarist Gary Louris softly slide around the fretboard of his Gibson SG all night made me think, "Hey, I could do that."

Yeah, right.

He just made everything look so damn easy. Couple that with his soaring tenor vocals that are so naturally un-strained.

But it’s not easy. The fact of the matter is that Louris was just born to do this.

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Glazer: Penn State Scandal Nothing More Than a Media Circus

It’s the worst scandal in college football history…

Sex with children, he’s being called a monster and football coach Joe Paterno and eventually the entire staff around him has already or likely will be fired – all of them. Remember the KU ticket scandal and Lew Perkins?

Some will be convicted of crimes.

YET JERRY SANDUSKY is free on $100,000 dollar bond.

What? Bonds are given to low level drug dealers, maybe an unarmed bank robber. So why is all of this more about being a media circus than something of genuine public concern? Because that’s all it’s been thus far, a media circus.

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Donnelly: Lucinda Williams@Liberty Hall, November 11, 2011

Some critics think marriage has softened the jagged edges that defined Lucinda Williams’ songwriting and performing.

They say that Williams’ trademark angst, anger, and pain gave way to the boring happiness of a healthy and stable relationship when she married her longtime manager Tom Overby in 2006. They panned her latest release, Blessed, as sappy and lacking in grit, and wondered if her newfound happiness had stripped away her ability to find that tortured inner compartment she had used for so long to harvest material from.

It’s kind of the same argument that some have applied to Jeff Tweedy and his band, Wilco. After years of battling his demons, including a long stint addicted to painkillers, Tweedy finally got clean and proceeded to release several albums that simply didn’t match Wilco’s releases during the drug years. During a performance in the summer of 2003, a pale and sweaty Jeff Tweedy asked the audience, "Is everyone high out there?"

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Starbeams: Thanksgiving Costs on the Rise, KCPD Uses its Noggin & Cain to KCSD?

It will cost 13% more to serve Thanksgiving dinner this year according to the American Farm Bureau Federation. Based on their projections, it will cost an average of $49.20 to serve Thanksgiving dinner for 10 versus $43.47 last year. This includes turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes, rolls with butter, peas, cranberries, carrots and celery, pumpkin pie with whipped cream, coffee and milk.  The turkey is the most expensive part AND had the biggest price increase – up $3.91 to $21.57 this year for a 16-pound bird. 

The most expensive part of my family’s Thanksgiving dinner: the bail bondsman. 

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Glazer: Scribe Saddles Up For A Rough Ride On Weekend Football Picks

Some weeks it’s best to not put much out there…

There really are no real clear picks this weekend, the matchups are too close. This is just one of those tricky weeks in both college and the pros. Last week I went down hard in college 2-3, but made a huge comeback in the pros 4-0. So as the nation’s top guy in this area, and the numbers show, I’m here to make some very tough calls. So don’t go crazy.

Yes, I am just under 90% on picks now on well over 100 games for the season. It’s a number that likely will never be reduplicated. I notice by how few haters comment on these pics, that they are left with nothing to say but: AWESOME.  Most of you appreciate this top advice from Kansas City’s most accurate football preview man. There’s no argument.

So I hope you have made a buck or two or won some pools. Maybe it’s just for fun, but here we go for this week’s hopefuls.

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