Author Archives: admin

Hearne: Rapscallions of the World Unite; KCC Wishes You a Happy Thanksgiving

In a universe where few holds go unbarred, it’s hard to come up with the words to express what passes for the gratitude of the KC Confidential family to our readers…

Especially given the vast majority of you have the decency, good sense and good taste to steer clear of the hardscrabble world that is the comments section.  You’re a silent majority of sorts, albeit a very important one.

Is it halfway safe to assume that the 99 percent-plus of you who never comment are ardent admirers and true  believers in the words set forth by the scribe-otherwise-known-as Craig Glazer? Or that your fondest desire would be to hug it out with me while professing that I can do no wrong?

Not likely.

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Leftridge: Facts About the Kyle Orton Pick-Up; Chiefs Subtract with Addition

Fact 1: The Chiefs picked Kyle Orton up on Wednesday, before more deserving teams (see: teams in actual playoff contention) could do so. If you’re the Chicago Bears, the Houston Texans, the Detroit Lions (come on—we all know it’s a matter of time before Matt Stafford separates his shoulder reaching for his soda at a Wendy’s drive-thru), the Philadelphia Eagles (Vick is more vulnerable than an emaciated pit-bull in a throat-tearing-contest… too soon? Nope) or the Dallas Cowboys (see: the Detroit Lions’ conundrum), you’ve gotta be super-pissed.

What business do the god-awful Chiefs have in making this move? Well, none, really.


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Donnelly: Karrin Allyson, One of Jazz’s Finest, Returns to KC at Jardine’s


What a dream it must be… Can you imagine it?

It goes like this:A little girl from Great Bend, Kansas, discovers the piano at a young age. She seems a natural, plinking and pounding away. Soon she starts singing as well, and her voice carries with it a weight not possessed by many others.

She moves to Omaha and formally studies the piano. She starts gigging at small clubs in the area, then moves on to Minneapolis, then KC, all the while honing her gift of a voice. She records her first record around her 30th birthday and it receives high praise from the jazz community.

Maybe this could be my thing. Maybe this IS my thing.

On to the Big Apple…

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Hearne: Thanksgiving Breakfast Dance Back & Bad w/ Mel Waiters, Denise LaSalle

One of the Cowtown’s most sacred pop culture artifacts has risen from the grave…

The Thanksgiving Day Breakfast Dance – a 30-plus year Kansas City tradition –  died an unseemly death two years ago when longtime area blues promoter Roger Naber ran out of the time and energy to keep the ship of state afloat.

Two years earlier Naber had described the event thusly:

“It’s the largest running music tradition in Kansas City to my knowledge. I’ve been going to breakfast dances for 31 years now. And we’re expecting nearly 1,000 people this year on Thanksgiving morning with the talent we have. Johnnie Taylor’s sons are opening the show for Millie Jackson.”

The event goes down on Thanksgiving from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the National Guard Armory in KCK.

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Glazer: Fire Todd Haley? No Way! The Alternatives Are Far Worse

Yep, I am reversing my position…

Chiefs coach Todd Haley should not be fired. He’s a rebel. He has the right idea. Todd is a tough sunnavabitch. Especially for a guy who once played too much golf. I think players respond to Todd.

The problem is Scot Piolli not Todd Haley.

I know I said Haley would be fired, and likely he will be mostly cause Scott hates his ass. Remember, I reported that before anyone else? Some comment folks even said I could be sued for saying that….right. Look, don’t question the scribe.

Now its common knowledge that the two boys are on opposite sides of the room. Todd is hip (or at least tries to be) Scott is withdrawn and Carl Peterson-ish. Whatever you do, don’t get on Scott’s hate list. But Todd is on it.

Maybe that’s why he and his wife quit Woodside together and the Piolli’s didn’t.

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Tales from the Tweet: a Jumbo Dose of Pinkel, Big Z to KC? & Canseco’s New Gig

At this point, you’ve already decided whether Mizzou head coach Gary Pinkel’s punishment was justified or horribly hypocritical. You’ve probably even seen the dash-cam video where he stumbles around, embarrassing himself and his university. If you’re a Mizzou alum, or fan, you’ve probably taken the attitude that, “Come on, who HASN’T had a drink at dinner with friends and driven home? The fact that everyone is making a big deal of it is the REAL issue.”

If you’re a KU fan, or a K-State fan, or even if your team is in the SEC (most SEC fans seem angry by their conference’s newest inclusion, in general), you’ve probably taken the attitude that, “He could have killed a school-bus of special needs children! He should be drawn and quartered like the uncivilized beast that he IS!

And maybe there is merit to be found in all opinions, both sympathetic and dissenting.

He did lose over $300,000 in the ordeal, has been publicly humiliated and one would assume that this makes a large mark on his permanent record. On the other hand, his players have been punished in a more severe manner for similar transgressions—in terms of suspension, that is—and he DOES make a dick-load of money to begin with.

But no matter what you’ve decided, the facts surrounding his arrest speak for themselves.

@sptwri (Mike DeArmond, Mizzou writer, KC Star)
“Cops asked gp to recite alphabet starting with letter E. He said E F G H R. LATER WENT A B C D E F G H R.”

“COPS ASKED GP TO count from 73 to 62. "Gary stated he could not do that normally."

“Cop asked how big were the servings of red wine he had consumed. Cop said Pinkel said "Jumbo."

The jumbo answer is priceless. Despite the seriousness of the situation—even I don’t think drinking and driving is a laughing matter, and I’m pretty hard to offend—“jumbo” will forever provide exquisite fodder for those wanting to take a quick jab at MU.

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Hearne: Karen Pletz Death Gives Appearance of Suicide

Here we go again…

With the seemingly obvious going unsaid. But the death of embattled former Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences head Karen Pletz would appear to be a suicide. The 64-year-old one-time civic leader was found dead in a Fort Lauderdale residence. Ft. Lauderdale police say no foul play was involved and that they are waiting to hear from the medical examiner.

Those full results, however, are not expected to be available for two to three months, says Broward County chief medical examiner Darin Trelka. Trelka declined to say whether Pletz left a note or address the issue of whether it appears to be a suicide.

However, one or both of the above would appear to be the case given that police say there was no apparent foul play and the medical examiner’s office is not making any efforts to expedite the examination.

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Today: Shia’s Drunken Brawls, Tot Mom Assassination Attempt, Tyson Does Cain

Holiday gossip break, anyone?

There are some interesting stories in this week’s National Enquirer  worth taking a gander at.

Like the "world exclusive" about – forgive me for borrowing the expression – Tot Mom Casey Anthony surviving an assassination attempt and being hastily moved to a new safe house in the middle of the night in a remote part of Florida after finding a scrawled threat taped to her front door.

Or how about director Steven Spielberg – whose long ago photo adorns a wall at Bryant’s BBQ – warning Transformers star Shia LaBeouf about getting hammered and getting into nasty barroom brawls as evidenced in photos of the 25-year-old actor getting his you-know-what handed to him in Vancouver, B.C.

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Donnelly: Sporting Releases List of Protected Players Which Includes a Few Surprises

For the second year in a row, Major League Soccer is adding a new team for the upcoming season…

Last year, two expansion teams entered the league, the Portland Timbers, and Vancouver Whitecaps. For 2012 the Montreal Impact will join MLS and populate their new squad with players from existing teams through an expansion draft. However they can take a maximum of one player off any given team.  Current MLS teams can protect 11 players. So Sporting Kansas City had some tough decisions to make, and there were a few surprises to say the least.

Here is who Sporting KC decided to protect, along with a justification from Sporting’s PR department:

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Glazer: Woe is Us, Bring Back Brodie or Let There be Ricky

The Kansas City Clown Show hit New England…

Quaterback Tyler Palko, just as he did in preseason, stunk. He can’t make the crossing throws 15 or 20 yards down field. Thus he got intercepted 400 times. As in the preseason he can move KC from the 20 to the other sides 40 or 30 but that’s about it. He has no pro ability.

Time to try Ricky baby…remember, "Oh Ricky your so fine, your so fine, Hey Ricky!"

And why not?

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Donnelly: KC Rapper Tech N9ne’s ‘Lost Cities Tour’ Rocks The Midland

Well, she’s done it again…
And she’s getting pretty good at it.
Not-so-new-anymore KCC photog Katie Grogan ventured out to be among the people – the Strange people to be exact – the ones that were blowing out the Midland over the weekend.
KC’s hip-hop high priest Tech N9ne was in charge as usual, and he was joined by many of the artists signed to his Strange Music label for a truly local affair.  The occasion?

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Hearne: Star Dodges Layoffs Bullet, Bags Readers Again for Turkey Day Issue

Happy holidays from the Kansas City Star

A rising economic tide (small but real) coupled with an optimistic outlook for retail sales this holiday season appears to have enabled new Star publisher Mi-Ai Parrish to dodge the layoffs bullet this quarter and make Christmas 2011 that much the merrier for the 700 or so remaining newspaper staffers.

Despite 3rd quarter earnings by parent McClatchy company down 21 percent and ad revenue off 10 percent.

That said, things are looking up on the home front.

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Leftridge: Weekend Recap; BCS Insanity, Sausage Scented Ladies and the Return of Thiggy

My father-in-law grew up in Oklahoma.

He went to both OU and OSU. Weird, huh?

Used to be, when I thought of Oklahoma, I though of SE Hinton novels. You know, the Outsiders, a violent teenage socioecomic drama where the Greasers fought the Soc’s, and Cherry Valance was forever conflicted.

Now I just think of my father-in-law, a proud Oklahoman who can root with candor for whichever of the two teams happens to be winning. Needless to say, this was a rough weekend for him.

Meanwhile, Justin Blackmon is dropping passes from his elderly quarterback and Landry Jones is gasping for air as his dwindling Heisman candidacy circles ‘round the porcelain poop-drop.

I knew the OU/Baylor game would be good. I called that. But I’m not stupid enough to pretend that I also pegged OU as the loser. Didn’t think there was any way in hell they’d lose to Baylor, despite RG3’s super-cyborg abilities.

But man… that Robert Griffin III kid is something else. He set records—500 yards through the air, Jesus H. Christ—and ultimately saved the last drive for his legs, beautiful redwoods of indisputable virtue.

I want the Chiefs to pick him in next year’s draft. It’s possible, by God, so make it happen Pioli.

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Glazer: Scribe Mellows, Promises No More Threatening Comments

Well I spoke to KC Confidential publisher, and editor Hearne…

And he’s asked me not to respond with threatening intentions to some of the crazy and over-the-top comments from nut cases anymore. My friend Johnny Dare told me the same thing months ago.

"They’re mad little nobodies attacking you because it makes them feel better, so just don’t respond," Dare said. 

I didn’t listen to Dare and others and tried to respond to each attack.

But there’s no winning.

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Glazer: Get Ready for the Witch Hunts; Guilty Until Proven Innocent?

Now we’re into the children and sex scandal witch hunts era…

Trust me, there’ll be more – this is a great news grabber. Yes, the Penn State story with Jerry Sandusky seems to be tragically real. And it makes all of us sick. However, beware of the "burn’em at the stake" mentality that usually accompanies from these horrible events.

Yesterday came part two. Not to be upstaged, Bobby Davis has accused Syracuse assistant basketball coach Bernie Fine of molesting him over a 15 year period beginning when he was 12 or 13  (he’s 39 now). This was backed up by his half brother who was abused years ago as well.

But unlike Penn State’s Joe Paterno, Syracuse head coach Jim Boeheim came out immediately and said it was bullshit.That Davis had lied before and was just in it for the money.

Know what, I tend to believe Boeheim.

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Today: Happy Holidays, KC Confidential Christmas Bash @ Jardine’s a Go!

I don’t want to rush the Holiday Spirit but…

This just in: the annual KC Confidential Christmas Wilding is slated for Monday December 12th at Jardine’s. That’s right from 5:30 p.m. until ? (alias 9:30 p.m), the staff, friends, foes and confused minions of KC Confidential are invited to kick out the jams – or not – at Kansas City’s top jazz club just off the Plaza. Recently remodeled and revamped, I might add.

Not that we’ll be pounding down jazz that night.

Think of it as Black Monday.

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Hearne: What Lies Ahead for Missouri Coach Gary Pinkel on His DUI Bust

Right now, the focus is on money and sports…

But the unasked and unanswered question facing Gary Pinkel on his DUI bust this week is very much about what lies ahead – not in the court of public opinion – but in the court of law. To that end, let’s take a look at what the Mizzou football coach is likely to be facing, according to "The Missouri DUI Guide" at

"ISSUE ONE:  The Missouri Implied Consent Proceeding:  Under Missouri’s implied consent law, any person who operates a motor vehicle is deemed to have given consent to a chemical test or tests of the person’s breath, blood, saliva or urine for the purpose of determining the alcohol or drug content of the person’s if the arresting officer has reasonable grounds to believe that they have committed a DWI.

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Leftridge: What to Watch This Weekend; Double-Dose of Bears & Retro Beat-Down

The year: 2007. The site: a cold and icy Arrowhead Stadium. The participants: Kansas, led by their diminutive gunslinger Todd Reesing, and Mizzou, led by their… well, diminutive gunslinger Chase Daniel.

Take yourself back, if you will, to a moment in time long since forgotten. Rihanna’s “Umbrella,” featuring Jay-Z was riding high on the music charts, and movie fans the world over were flocking to see “Pirates of the Caribbean: How Many of These Fucking Things Can There Be?”

Going into the game, the Jayhawks were 11-0 and ranked second in the polls behind LSU; Missouri had lost previously in the season to the Sooners and were 10-1, ranked third behind their border adversary.

If you were a Kansas fan, I’m sorry.

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Starbeams: Top 5 Excuse for Drunk Driving from MU Coach Gary Pinkel

MIZZOU coach Gary Pinkel was arrested on suspicion of drunk driving.  He loses his salary for a year and won’t coach this weekend’s game against Texas Tech.


#5.  Are you kidding me?  Everyone is drunk in Boone county!

#4.  I’ve never really had Thanksgiving off.

#3.  Thought SEC conference had something to do with Triple SEC.

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Glazer: Scribe Scratches His Hairy Mop & Hatches Another Slate of Gimmies


What now is clearly another wasted three years for the Chiefs now needs fixing…

The Chiefs haven’t really had anything since Marty Ball but let’s skip the crying towel actio and get on with this week’s. They look nice and juicy, so lets see…



WISCONSIN -8 (tease) over Illinois

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