Author Archives: admin

Phillip Brown: Big Biz Declares Holy War With ‘Black Thanksgiving’ — Boycott Called

Ever since European Pilgrims began settling the American continent, they commemorated a day in November as a time of Thanksgiving… It’s a time where we put aside our mundane, everyday responsibilities, avert our eyes from our struggles for a better … Continue reading

Posted in Phillip Brtown | 5 Comments

Jack Goes Confidential: ‘Dallas Buyers Club’ — McConaughey Pulls Off Oscar Worthy Performance

When I mention DALLAS BUYERS CLUB to someone, the first thing out of their mouth usually involves Matthew McConaughey’s tremendous weight loss for his starring role… But after they’ve seen it they’ll most likely by praising his performance in the … Continue reading

Posted in Jack Poessiger | 2 Comments

Phillip Brown: Don’t Get Conned, Jackson County. Vote ‘No’ on Question 1

Jackson County, have I got a deal for you… Children’s Mercy, St. Luke’s and UMKC have gotten together to form the Jackson County Institute for Translational Medicine and it’s going to be great. (First off, notice how they put “Jackson … Continue reading

Posted in Phillip Brtown | 15 Comments

Phillip ‘Flip’ Brown: False Equivalency & The Kansas City Star

The Kansas City Star has done it again… In Sunday’s October 13 edition it ran a front page story (Debt Issue is holding Uncle Sam hostage by Dave Helling) saying that the debt limit showdown that, as of this writing, … Continue reading

Posted in Flip Brown | 12 Comments

Glazer: Scibe Puts the Pigskin to Chiefs, Tigers, Wildkitties

As I said earlier this week on KC Confidential, there’s a big concern by Chiefs fans that our quarterback Alex Smith isn’t good enough to take the team to the Super Bowl.  Obviously I disagree. First, I’ve said many times, … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 29 Comments

Paul Wilson: The ObamaPhone; Is it Really Obama’s Phone? Part 1

I’m going to keep this to bite size portions… Mainly because there are lots of regulations, programs and numbers to cover in order to properly explain what the mythological ObamaPhone is, how it came into being and the real story behind … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 12 Comments

Ground Chuck: Keeping It Short & Sweet With This Week’s NFL Picks”

Comments caliph Chuck Lowe rolls out this weeks sure bets, NFL style… Take Kansas City minus 4 over the New York Giants Take the Indianapolis Colts minus 7 1/2 over Jacksonville Take Baltimore minus 4 over Buffalo Take New Orleans minus 6 … Continue reading

Posted in Chuck Lowe | 30 Comments

Paul Wilson: Today AMC, Tomorrow Hollywood?

No, your well-coiffed Scribe said it was just the dipping of billionaire Wang Jianlin‘s big Chinese toe in the water to test the temperatures. I then predicted the ultimate move of AMC’s headquarters from their new, posh, Leawood digs to the Left … Continue reading

Posted in Paul Wilson | 4 Comments

Sutherland: Dear Doctor, Lawyers, Developer Stub Toes on Controversial Prairie Village Nursing Home – Huzzah!

Dr. Alexander Smith Senior Leverhulme Research Fellow Department of Sociology Coventry CV4 7AL United Kingdom   RE:       The Voices of Moderation (a.k.a. “The Vital Center”) Dear Alex: On Tuesday night, September 3rd, there was a vote taken by the Prairie … Continue reading

Posted in Dwight D. Sutherland, Jr. | 54 Comments

Hearne: The Eternal Question — Did Elvis Really Leave ‘The Building?’

About that celebration of the anniversary of  Elvis Presley‘s death this past weekend… For most folks 1977 was the year Elvis checked out. Something about too many painkillers, peanut butter and banana sandwiches and falling off the King of Rock … Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 13 Comments

Starbeams: Liberty Memorial Base Jump, New Royals Healthcare Plan & BBQ KC

A British man went BASE jumping from Liberty Memorial on Monday to raise awareness for veterans.  From a distance he looked a lot like….sperm. *******  Al Roker turns 59 today.  I was going to throw him a party, but I hear … Continue reading

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Hearne: Shrink Peels Back Veneer of Sports Suicide to Unveil Real Reason Martin Manley Killed Himself

There are always at least two ways of looking at things… In the case of former Kansas City Star sports statistics editor Martin Manley – who killed himself and left a blog full of reasons as to why – you can go … Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 29 Comments

Hearne: It’s Official; ‘Stanford’s on Broadway’ to Debut Next Month

This is huge… It’s been like for-ev-er since Kansas City has had a comedy club. A real comedy club. You know, like Stanford & Sons. No mas. As of right now, that’s about to change. Because Stanford’s on Broadway is slated … Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 75 Comments

Starbeams: Chiefs Get ‘Silent Treatment,’ Hot Chicks, New Popemobile & Take KCC to Work!

Guinness is giving Chiefs fans a chance to compete for Loudest Sports Facility.  The official record is 131.7 decibels at a soccer stadium in Turkey.  Arrowhead currently holds the world record for loudest GROANS. ******* Thirteen peregrine falcon chicks have … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Hearne: New Accuser Says Not Only Did Paula Deen Use N-Word, She Used Gay Slurs

Look, I know what some of you guys are thinking… You’re thinking Paula Deen didn’t do it. She got a raw deal on her alleged use of the “N Word.” I know because Paul Wilson as much as told me that last … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 37 Comments

Starbeams: Date Rape, IRS Trekies, MJ in Bed With a Woman?

A Florida man was beaten, robbed and stripped naked on a first date.  Or as Chris Brown calls it…a first date. ******* The IRS is about to hand out $70 million in bonuses.  Today is a great day to invest … Continue reading

Posted in Starbeams | Leave a comment

Lowe: Chuck Dials in Some Humility & Humanity for ‘F Day’

Just a short note to the KC Confidential commenting cognescenti and the many readers who depend on this site for news, humor and most importantly sarcasm… To all your fathers, may God bless them in their struggles, their familial relationships, … Continue reading

Posted in Chuck Lowe | 16 Comments

Hearne: Prius Therapy for Wayward NFL Stars Like Jovan Belcher?

Shades of Jovan Belcher… Think back to late last year and the chaotic end of the former Kansas City Chief‘s life. Belcher drove a $175,000 car, owned a small arsenal and was taking down $1.9 million a year. Not exactly … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 8 Comments

Paul Wilson: What’s Wrong With the Johnson County Money Machine

Let’s Play Johnson County Jeopardy… I’ll Take, “Why His Bails So Low,” for $1,500, Stephen! Talk about ending one day with a premise and beginning the next with a 180 degree turn. In my column yesterday about the Eric Kaplan … Continue reading

Posted in Paul Wilson | 33 Comments

Hearne: Who Killed the American Heartland Theatre?

Let’s get real for a minute… Understandably, theater critic Robert Trussell has been doing a bit of handwringing over the impending demise of the 26 year-old American Heartland Theatre in Crown Center. After all, losing a high profile, 400-plus capacity … Continue reading

Posted in Hearne_Christopher | 2 Comments